Member Reviews

Love this author and everything she writes. I just listened to the entire audiobook in one sitting so I guess you can say I enjoyed it! She’s a master at twists and turns that are completely unexpected. I can’t wait to read more!

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K Mod you did it again, being one of my favorite thriller writers I knew it be amazing. Oh my this book delivers and then some.

Just jump into to this on the edge of your seat thriller. The main character Mari is who is grieving the loss of her husband and son. Mari is a thriller author who has become a recluse with a drinking problem. She revives an email from a big time movie producer that could potentially change her life. Mari is skeptical but researches the producer and his and wife and they’re legit.

Mari meets with the producer in his lavish home. Mari soon discovers something is off. The wife is “out of town” and this producer is a little off. The offers Mari a drink and the next thing she’s knows is wakes up in a strange place. Mari discovers the new location being held hostage by her number one fan.

Mari is fighting internal demons due from the loss of her husband and son, along with withdrawing from alcohol. At the same time she’s stuck with madman who makes Mari reenact portions of her thriller books with him.

Be ready for heart pounding fear to envelope you as Mari tries her hardest to survive. Mari has to use the strength of her own heroines to fight this villain. Readers will enjoy each twist and turn as you devour this fast paced book. About 70% in get treat for the biggest twist you didn’t see coming.

I rate this book ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 1/2 stars.
I highly recommend reading “Do Not Open.”

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media Audio for the ARC in audio. It was truly a please being able to enjoy and give feedback on this book.

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One email can literally change your life. This is what author Mari discovers after responding to an email from someone she believes is a producer looking to buy the rights to her work. This seems too good to be true for Mari who tragic losses have led her to the bottom of a bottle, and against her gut instinct she decides to meet Owen to discuss the opportunity.

Do Not Open is a tightly-woven story with great pacing. There were very few lulls in the book which made it quite a page turner. There are a lot of brutal and violent scenes that would put this more in the horror genre than mystery-thriller in my opinion and I think that will turn some readers off. However, I thought the concept of reenacting scenes from her book was a good choice. I do with Modglin had done more commentary on this and what it means to write what you've never experienced. Overall, the audio narration was solid and I would recommend for anyone looking for a quick, action-packed listening experience.

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This was another good one by Modglin but it wasn’t my favorite. There were some twists but I thought it was not like her normal ones. Still good though! If this was your first book by her you would love it!

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Do Not open
By : Kiersten Modglin

Book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5
Narration ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5

Talk about a nail biting roller coaster. Is that a thing? It should be! Because that’s what this book was. The twists and turns and holy crap at the ending!! I was shook, I never seen it coming! Literally floored, I even messaged the author on Instagram and was like WTF! LOL I love it when a book gets under my skin and I get attached to it. This one permeated me!

The audiobook was fantastic, Mara Wilson had me on the edge of my seat. She delivered a dramatic performance. I was unable to stop listening as the suspense unravels incessantly chapter after chapter. If you're wanting a book that’s on the shorter side about 5 hours, one you won’t be able to put down and have you guessing what’s going to happen next then select this one for your next read.

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I can round up my thoughts of Do Not Open saying this: It's like Misery but on crack! It has a gender reversal and is set up for our time now with social media complications. I have only ever seen the movie once many years ago and had to watch it again after finishing Do Not Open. Modglin may take the basics of King’s Misery, but definitely makes the story her own!

I guess this is every writer’s nightmare: Meeting your ‘number one fan’ according to said fan and end up fighting for your life. This novel may be troubling for some as the ‘#1 fan’ is a man and our author MC is a woman, and yes, we do have violence done against her.

This story takes off from the very beginning and just keeps going! There are issues dealing with grief, alcoholism, obsession, and survival. Mari made some decisions I just didn’t agree with. I didn’t know where Modglin was going to end this story, and it did go in an unexpected direction for me! When the big twist happened, I was confused and had to listen to the previous track again. But OMG! This unexpected direction deals with some serious emotions. This is the second audiobook I have listened to that was written by Modglin, but she is definitely on my radar now!

The audiobook is narrated my Mara Wilson. Yes, that Mara Wilson! The little girl who starred as Matilda is all grown up now. She did a good job with her narration.

Do Not Open has been out since October 30th in paperback and will be out in audio on December 26th. I was fortunate to receive an alc from the publisher Dreamscape Media. It is a shorter audio book, just over 5 hours, but intense the entire time!

Many thanks Dreamscape Media for the advanced listening copy! It was a pleasure to listen to this one! Just keep bringing on the thrills!

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Going in half-blind was AWESOME! I didn't quite know what to expect and it was a surprise with the first reveal. Don't read the blurb if you don't want to know.😉

Author Mari has gone through a life-changing tragedy and with it a struggle to write. Just before noon and a swig of vodka, Mari goes through emails on her phone.

An opportunity to get one of her novels adapted to screen by an award-winning producer. Surely, it has to be a spam? Mari's not buying it but is still curious, she did her due diligence making sure the company was legit and it was. The company even produces one of her favorite TV shows. What could go wrong if she replies to this Owen?

A lot? 😬

Do Not Open is hard to put down and Mara Wilson's narration is excellent. If you're a fan of a famous horror author you will immediately recognize the inspiration. There are plenty of twists and unexpected turns. I thought the last reveal was terrific and unexpected. Easy to finish this one in a sitting or two.

Thank you Dreamscape Media and Netgalley for the ALC.

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I loved this audiobook! All of Kiersten Modglin’s audiobooks that I’ve listened to are so good. I liked this one a lot because the twist really got me! And I couldn’t stop listening to this one. I was hooked from the very beginning. I like books that keep you in suspense and this one did. It also reminded me a little of Misery by Stephen King (which I love!). I definitely recommend this audiobook if you like fast paced thrillers!

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Mari Morgan has been struggling for the past year. A novelist with several semi successful books published, Mari is in a slump. She cannot seem to be able to write anymore, and is self medicating with alcohol. Her best friend is the only person keeping her from spiraling. When a producer emails claiming to be a big fan, Mari is hesitant to respond. Will this be another let down, or a big break?

What begins as a quick response to an email turns into Mari’s worst nightmare crafted by her “number one fan”. The “producer” inspired by her own dark novels, decides to make Mari the victim and see how well she plays along. His sinister behavior starts small but quickly escalates to downright evil as Mari fights to stay alive. Using her research from her previous novels, Mari must try to figure out how to escape the hell she has found herself in.

Do Not Open is fast-paced with plenty of twists and turns. Though initially it starts out as a psychological thriller, the kidnapping and subsequent events have a very Stephen King horror feel. This novel is not for the faint of heart and has a surprising twist at the end that even I didn’t see coming (and I am rarely shocked). My only complaint is that one of her escape methods with food felt very implausible, but it didn’t stop me from racing through this book in one sitting.

Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, and the author Kiersten Modglin for the advanced copy of the audiobook. Do Not Open is out on December 26th. All opinions are my own.

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This thriller brings the term “stalker” to a new level.

There are a lot of assumptions by the reader with the main character, Mary. She has suffered a tragedy involving her family that resulted in writer’s block and an overuse of alcohol. No husband, no child, we draw the obvious conclusions. A murder/mystery writer, she becomes a kidnapping victim to her #1 fan who wants to reenact scenes from her book with her because she has hit a wall writing and he seems to think this will help. These are the torture scenes that would make her readers squirm, and now she was living it. She often channels her book characters to give her the strength to help plan her escape.

While the setting of Mary’s stint in captivity were well described and brought the reader into that cellar of horror, I tired of the many times she tried to make a deal with the devil, he would believe/ trust her and then she would renege. Then they would start all over again: her begging, him believing and then the pain. How delusional was this very smart kidnapper to believe his prisoner wouldn’t test him any chance she got?

The final leg of the book brought all the missing pieces together with a shocking twist and worth the moments of exasperation with the characters.

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I did not see that twist coming at all!

Mari Morgan receives an email that gives her the slightest bit of hope in a world that has crashed down around her. But once she meets her number one fan, she starts to wish she had never opened the email.

This was another fast-paced, binge-worthy read from Kiersten Modglin. I wasn't necessarily even expecting much of a twist with how the story was unfolding, but was hit with one all the same!

4.5 stars here and I'm definitely looking forward to my next KM read!

Thank you to the author, Dreamscape Media and Netgalley for the Advanced Audio of this book for an honest review.

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This gave me so much anxiety, in a good way. The beginning was thrilling but then there were so many TSTL moments. I get it, the story has to keep moving but there are just some things I just can’t deal with. Then there’s the torture; I don’t do well with this so this was difficult to me. I did enjoy the story with the exception of those two things. My heart was definitely racing. A quick, thrilling read.

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I’ll never miss a KMOD book! I listened to this in one sitting! It kept me captivated and just when I thought I knew what was happening, she pulled the rug from underneath me in the end! True Queen of twists! The narration of the book was amazing as well!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you to dreamscape and NetGalley for an advance audio! Do Not Open is about author Mari Morgan, who receives an email that offers her a life changing opportunity. After agreeing to meet she realizes a bit too late that this man is an obsessed fan. After being held captive, she is forced to make attempts to escape. The ending comes with a bit of a twist. I feel like there could have been more details added for a more impactful story, but it overall was good.

Mara Wilson gave a great performance that really let feel how painful Mari’s past is and her ability to make you feel like you were there with her was great.

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Although this one had moments, overall it fell very short. The plot has been done before, and the twist at the end was beyond ridiculous. I think the alcoholic female as unreliable main character is way overdone. There are far better mystery/thrillers out there.

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Facing your worst fears can come at a price. Short, fairly fast-pasted story with a villain you can get behind hating.

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Mari is a thriller writer. Mari lost her family due to a tragic event. Now, her will to write is almost non-existent. This is just not acceptable to one fan. He has a plan to get Mari writing again. It all starts with an email Mari opens. Unfortunately, Mari may have made the worst decision of her life opening that email.

Wow! Kiersten Modglin has done it again! The twists and turns and edge-of-your-seat moments KMod writes are just incomparable to any other author. I think this is my new favorite of hers. The narration by Mara Wilson was perfect. I kept turning up the speed to hear what happened next and the audio did not distort at all. I highly recommend it to anyone that enjoys jaw-dropping twists and turns. I give it 5/5 stars!

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This a quick listen that kept me entertained for the most part. The twist surprised me! I enjoyed Mara Wilson’s narration but did feel she could have been slightly more frantic at points.

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Thank you NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, and Kiersten Modglin for the audio copy of Do Not Open.

This book had me hooked from the beginning and I couldn’t stop listening! The narrator was fantastic! It felt like I was in the story and I couldn’t believe what was happening! Another great KMod book!!

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“But why? Why would you do this? This is kidnapping. You can’t just hold me here against my will.”

[★ 1.0]

mari is an author struggling with her addiction and the pain of losing her family. she gets the opportunity of a lifetime; a film producer wants to meet and talk about possibly working with her in the future. little does mari know this man is her obsessed “number one fan” and she will now have to fight her way out of his grasp.

after seeing how many people rated it high, i was excited to read it… but mannn i was not a fan of this at all. maybe it was more of the writing than the story? like i don’t feel it was executed very well. it wasn’t suspenseful or a thriller to me either because you could predict what was going to happen almost every time. i did not connect with the main character mari at all. it also felt like the story kept dragging and the exact same things were happening each time. the end did have a little twist that i didn’t see coming, but it didn’t really make a difference to the overall story.

thank you to netgalley and dreamscape media for this arc.

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