Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of “The (Anti) Wedding Party” in exchange for an honest review. I hate writing lukewarm reviews but this was not the book for me. The protagonist, Andi was really hard to get behind. She was so self-centered that it was hard to root for her romantic success. I also didn’t really feel connected to the couple as there wasn’t really any bonding/connecting that happened. It just felt unfulfilled.

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Amusing story set in a beautiful place in Italy, The main focus seems to be food - though the heroine has constantly got digestive problems, various foods making her feel ill. Too much information maybe.

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The title and cover really drew me in but unfortunately this book didn’t do it for me. The main character made me give up on the book.

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This was a cute story and I definitely understood the anti- wedding sentiment the fmc had. She was however a bit much and was rightfully called out for her tendency to rain on others parade's when it comes to love and romance.

I thought the romance was a bit rushed between the leads, but I did enjoy the characters so even though the pacing was a bit off, overall the story was pleasant.

If you love fast paced romcoms this one is for you.

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Ok full disclosure. I didn’t finish this book. I tried I really did. But for some reason the main couple just didn’t do it for me. There was nothing particularly wrong with the writing, but it just felt like a slog to me. I tried to just power through, but that would be a disservice to me and honestly the author. Perhaps I will circle back in a few months and it will strike a chord then. (I received and ARC)

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Let's start with the good -
I think Lucy really tried to have adequate LGBTQ+ representation despite sometimes coming off as forced. I also think she does a BEAUTIFUL job describing scenery, food, etc.

Unfortunately, the book fell short on the actual story aspect. Andi is a jilted bride (rightfully so) but she basically never grows from that and remains kind of stagnant and annoying throughout the whole book. I recognize an experience like hers would change your perspective but I think it might be a bit overdone here. The timeline was also a bit questionable as she was told she was MOH and abroad for the wedding within like a week - where was the wedding planning? I really wanted this to feel like a rom-com but Andi and Owen didn't have that many opportunities to communicate so their love story almost felt inauthentic.

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What happens when the Maid of Honor and the Best Man of the wedding of their bet friends thrown together to help with the wedding one week before the venue which will happen in Italy and they both hate weddings ?
I received this book from netgalley and the publicer as an ARC . Thank you . All thoughts and opinions are my own .

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'The (Anti) Wedding Party' by Lucy Knott.

'The (Anti) Wedding Party' is the latest book by Lucy Knott. This isn't my first rodeo with Knott and sadly, this doesn't beat the previous book I read. Although the characters in this are real and raw to me, I just didn't feel the chemistry as much as I expected to.

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While I loved the gorgeous, atmospheric descriptions of the Italian setting and food, I couldn't connect with the characters.

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Not for me I'm afraid, couldn't relate to the main character and it felt like it dragged on. Very few books I feel are a slog but this was not one I'd be recommending.

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Thanks so much to NetGalley for the chance to review The (Anti) Wedding Party. This closed-door romance was a pleasure to read from the very start! Struggling restauranteur Andi is a bit of a curmudgeon, and rightly so, after finding her almost-wife cheating on her just minutes before the wedding ceremony. Having been burned, it is hard for her to put that aside and enjoy being the Maid of Honor at her best friend’s wedding in Italy. The Best Man, Owen, had a similar distaste for weddings, so they should get along well.

Funny and charming. I loved the role that food played in this sweet romance!

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This book drug on for no apparent reason. Could have been shorter. The wedding was in the middle of the book, and it was pretty good up until that point, but after words, I skipped parts. I really hated Andrea. Her poor me pity party and continuously hurting everyone else thru the whole book got old. The relationship between Andi and Owen doesn't make sense. There's very little communication or plot between the two. This book mainly describes Italian food in great detail.

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This one sounded so cute and that cover is to die for. I started reading and it just felt off to me I couldn't connect with the character. The FMC is so annoying and I found it very hard to look past the fact that she was so unlikeable. Also, the story was so slow, it moved too slowly for me.

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This was a lovely fade to black anti rom-com - rom com type book that kept me smiling throughout!

Things I liked:
-We get Andi’s story in the prologue right away. I like going into a book KNOWING what’s going on, and I like that this is revealed first and not scattered throughout the book. PS: This girl loves McDonalds! Utterly relatable in that regard.
-The queer representation!
-Descriptions of Italy and food were magnificent.
-I liked the chemistry between Andi and Owen! And it didn't feel like insta-love to me which I appreciate. I think their little quips and bits are cute.
-I love that we know what like everyone does for work? And that they have such cool jobs? I would love to work in a fish and chip shop or as a carpenter or architect.

Things I think could be improved upon:
-Andi is pretty selfish, especially in the beginning/middle. It’s hard for me to empathize and see things from her point of view - I will always be happy for my family and friends as long as they are! I like that her mom and Alex gave her reality checks throughout.
-Everyone winks a lot!
-The term "his beefy frame" (not as dirty as it sounds but I laughed at this). That said, I love that Owen is portrayed as having a typical body is so refreshing and lovely (all of the chiseled abs in romance books are a bit boring)
This is a sweet, lovely, fun read.

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I read a few reviews before I started this book and I most certainly have to say that I agree with some that say that Andi is a difficult character to digest. Although Andi is jaded by her almost wedding debacle I feel like she should have sucked it up more for her best friend and enjoyed the time they were able to spend in Italy. The romance was okay- nothing spectacular that really drew me in. Overall this is an okay book.

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What a cute read! I loved the main character Andi, her journey and rediscovering love. What a fun feel good read!

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The beautiful setting of the Amalfi coast and the description of the foods and scenery were enticing. It was a cute read, but the main character was slightly annoying and I wanted her to be better for her best friend.

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The premise of this story is sad but relatable! Andi has a terrible experience with her wedding (her fiancée is found cheating on her moments before the ceremony), and now she hates weddings. When her best friend is getting married, Andi must figure out a way to work through her wedding trauma to support her bff. We’ve all been there, trying to support our friends through something that feels so heavy and awful for ourselves.

I had a hard time getting into this book; the story is plot driven, and the characters felt less fully fleshed out than I would have liked.

Thanks to NetGalley and Aria books for this ARC.

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I really liked the summary and concept of the story and was excited to receive the arc. However, him practice it was hard for me to really get into the story. Thank you for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Andrea and Owen are 2 cynical, unromantic characters who have been chucked together as part of the wedding party. From the get go you learn why Andrea has a vengeance for romance and frankly, who can blame her?

The wedding takes place in Italy, which made for a nice summery getaway read in the midst of winter. Not to mention the description of all these different dishes throughout the book sounded mouthwatering and lush!

Thoroughly enjoyed the book, even if you could guess what would happen at the very beginning. The characters are relatable and funny and the book is an easy read.

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