Member Reviews

3.5 stars rounded up because spiky females usually get marked down.

After Andi catches her fiance Hannah cheating on their wedding day, her already cynical attitude towards love is cemented. This is a problem when her best friend Alex announces her wedding celebrations in Italy. Luckily for Andi, her views are shared by best man Owen.

This book, however, is really Andi's slow growth to opening herself up. At 34, she's only ever worked with her mother in the now-failing family family fish and chip shop. At times she's a poor best friend to Alex with her attitude, or, when she feels Owen getting through her guard, a bit of a porcupine. Luckily she got a few home truths served by other characters! Some might find her off-putting (and she certainly tested my patience with her especially near the end), but I find my favourite sort of characters are the ones who are spiky because they have to undertake a real growth to make changes and own up to their mistakes.

At times, I think the pace got a bit too slow, and I'd liked to have seen Andi's growth start to emerge a bit earlier on (especially her work plans). And while there's a fantastic spark between the two cynics as they find themselves as they spend the week in the Italian sunshine participating in wedding festivities, I would've liked more on how Owen's feelings changed, given how often Andi pushed him away. Owen was equally if not more cynical than Andi, but totally supportive and sweet so it just didn't quite become clear why Andi made him re-evaluate his stance.

With its vivid descriptions of Italian life, from the food, the Amalfi coast and the heavenly-sounding villa, I was ready to pack my bag and book a plane ticket to head there myself. All in all this book is a fabulous summer beach read with the fun and banter that I really appreciate.

Thanks to Aria & Aries and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I so wanted to love this book. The idea was charming and I really felt for Andi after the prologue, but I just could not connect with her after that. I understand how brutal her experience was, but I just couldn't comprehend that she refused to set aside her own hurt for her friends, especially years later when Alex had been there for her through her own wedding disaster: I also found it so frustrating that Andi just kept having the same conversations in circles: with Alex and Charlie, with her mom, with Owen. I'm not even sure if she really grew as a character or if she just ended up depending on Owen to give her a path the same way she seemed to depend on her mom to before the chip shop closed.

Overall I enjoyed the idea and concept of the book but the execution made it really hard for me to enjoy.

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I enjoyed the kickoff and the set up in the prologue. The writing itself was snappy and quick, which was lovely. I was excited to continue, expecting an easy four-star read. Then chapter 1 became more expositional and a bit repetitive, and the writing felt a bit different (slower, longer, not as fun, definitely not as snappy). I did stop at the end of the chapter (7%). I would say three to four stars for the target audience.

From a business perspective, I wonder how many will be turned off by the prologue's style and put the book down even if they'd love the rest, or the opposite, turned on by the prologue and disappointed by the shift. The book may have some trouble finding its audience.

Thank you to NetGalley and Aria for the ARC.

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The (Anti) Wedding Party by Lucy Knott is a romantic comedy that turns wedding clichés on their head. Andi's aversion to weddings is met with a challenge when her best friend Alex insists on her being the maid of honour at an Italian wedding. The ensuing week is a rollercoaster of mishaps, and Andi finds an unexpected partner in crime in Owen, the equally wedding averse Best Man. The author weaves humor and romance as Andi and Owen navigate the chaos, leading to a heartwarming tale of love and celebration.

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A cute romance with lovely descriptions of the Amalfi Coast and local food.

Andrea's best friend is getting married to Owen's best friend in gorgeous Italy. The only problem is Andrea is maid of honor despite having an aversion to weddings and Owen is the best man and is equally skeptical of matrimony. Andrea and Owen realize they'll have to be on their best behavior to give their friends the beautiful ceremony they deserve (and maybe they'll learn to be open to love along the way).

Andrea and Owen are a great match and it was nice to see them both gain self-confidence. Overall, a fun and sweet read largely due to the setting and delicious dishes everyone was constantly eating.

Thank you to Aria & Aries and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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Honestly a very cute and romantic read! Loved the depictions of Italy and the love interest Owen as soooo endearing. Andi was a tad bit annoying because she constantly let her insecurities get the best of her (which once or twice I get, but like when you're 80% into the book and it keeps happening you kind of just 🙃).

Overall, would definetely read again in the future, especially if I ever find msyelf in Italy. (Also good bi representation).

Thank you NetGalley and Aria & Aries for giving me an arc in exchange for an honest review!

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2.75 stars out of 5.

This was a really quick read with a cute premise. I really enjoyed the banter in this book and was really happy with how it ended. Overall though, the book fell a little flat for me. I found myself losing interest and wanting to put the book down. I wish there was more focus on the food aspect of the book and the relationship between Andi and Owen. I really wanted to like this book but I don't think this book was for me.

In The Anti Wedding Party, we start off with Andi on her wedding day, which goes terribly wrong. Fast forward, Andi's best friend Alex is engaged and getting married in Italy. Andi is asked to be her maid of honor, and agrees reluctantly. Everyone gathers in Italy for a week of wedding festivities and of course, the wedding. The other Bride, Charlie, has enlisted her friend Owen to be the best man. He also isn't a fan of weddings, or relationships for that matter. Owen and Andi find themselves working together to keep things on track for this week and to make sure their friends have the best wedding possible. But sparks start to fly between Andi and Owen, who are both anti relationship. Will it last?

Thank you Netgalley and Aria & Aries for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is just the romance book that I wanted. The story was so addictive! I finished it in one day. The romance and banter was top tier. I would highly recommend this book.

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