Member Reviews

This was a wild ride and I loved it! Det. Matt is a good foil for Det. Lauren, as she's so abrupt and closed off. Even though she does actually care deeply. Once she works through her issues, with Matt's help, I bet, she will be an even more kick-ass leader! This was my 2nd book by Sally Rigby and I now need to add ALLL of her books to my TBR!! It looks like she's got a couple of other great series that I need to read!


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An Incredible Read
The Hidden Graves of St Ives is a very professionally written detective book. This is the second book by Sally Rigby. Without giving to much away this book is a straightforward police procedural where the investigation leads to a conclusion. The story is about Detective Inspector Lauren Pengelly and her team who live and work in Penzance Cornwall England. Three women go missing within days of each other and after looking into each woman they fear they may have a serial killer on their hands. Lauren and her team work hard to try and capture the perpetrator before more women go missing.
I absolutely loved this story which is fast paced with plenty of twists and turns. The book will keep you guessing until the very last page. You will find yourself hooked and not be able to put this murder mystery down. I look forward to book 3 in the series by Sally Rigby. Thanks to NetGalley and to the publishers of this book for giving me a free advance copy of the book to preview and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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An investigation into the disappearance of several women in the St Ives area. The team initially struggle to find any links between the women and so the beginning of the book naturally moves at a slower pace than the end.
This is obviously not the first book about these detectives but not having read the previous book did not have any negative impact on the enjoyment of this one.
I do prefer to like the main characters in the books I read and, whilst I thought the character of Matt was caring and dependable, I did not warm to Lauren. Maybe I did miss something in the previous book after all?
It was a reasonable read, particularly the latter half but I'm not sure that I would read any more in the series.

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An excellent addition to The Cornwall murder mystery series. Freya goes and missing her husband asks for help, Detective Lauren Pengelly and her team look into it as more go missing it's a race against time to find out what happened to the women. This book is better than the first. A cracking good read. Thanks to Storm publishing and Netgalley for a review copy.

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Detective Lauren Pengelly and her team are investigating the disappearance of three women. Three women who seemingly have nothing in common.
Lauren has a strained relationship with some of her team, and she has worries of her own with one of her beloved dogs needing urgent surgery. Can she separate her home life & work so that she can concentrate on solving this case?
This is my first book by Sally Rigby, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I will be reading more, for sure.

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multiple-murder, investigations, Cornwall, abduction, procedural, local-law-enforcement, pet-dog, teamwork, thriller, suspense, tense, unputdownable, due-diligence, serial-murder*****

The beginning was mostly focused on Detective Lauren Pengelly's feelings and problems with one of her beloved dogs who needed immediate surgery. I can really relate, but some folks might have a problem with her priorities. However, Lauren is only recently transferred to this assignment, and her offsider is recently widowed with a small child.
A distraught husband comes to the station about a wife missing less than the usual allotted time, but they begin the process. Then comes another, similar case. And things only get worse from there. Total suspense and so many surprising twists and revelations! Fascinating read!
I requested and received an EARC from Storm Publishing via NetGalley. Thank you!
But then there was a glitch with the Kindle and I really wanted to read this book, so I went ahead and bought the audio.
I enjoyed the narration by voice artist Clare Corbett who really does a fine job!

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When a string of women come up missing, there seems to be nothing to connect them. Yet, there are suspicions in the back of Lauren Pengelly's mind. As she and Matt Price begin delving deeper into the cases, they find one thing that string the women together. Then, at last, another item that links them all. But it is not a strong one, and could lead to nothing.
Is it possible they have a serial killer in their midst?

This was a really enjoyable read, and I had a hard time putting it down. I look forward to reading more from this author!

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A mystery that centres on 3 missing women. Full of twists and turns. Although number 2 in a series this can be read as a standalone. The main characters were complicated and their history was gradually revealed. They were well written and i was invested in them I look forward to the next one. The story otself was a bit of slow burn for me but then action and the final act was totally worth the wait . Work had clearly gone in to create accurate description of police procedures etc. I really enjoyed this. The slow was totally justified. Id recommend this tobanyone who likes a slow burn mystery.
Thank you netgallery and publisher and author.

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A sinister beginning sets the scene for this suspenseful detective police procedural set in Cornwall. When one of her beloved dogs is ill, it demonstrates DI Lauren Pengelly's sensitive nature. Despite her problems, she still gives everything to the missing person's case she is investigating. The characterisation and team dynamic develop believably. The investigation is immersive and has many twists. The final chapters are particularly suspenseful, with a dramatic conclusion. It is an absorbing read.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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Thank you for allowing me to review this thriller. Before I begin I want to note that I have been to Cornwall and have travelled to the small towns mentioned in this book. I also am recovering from the loss of my beloved dog and nothing has held my attention - until this book

It's a good book that keeps the reader interested and waiting for more. It's not a work of literary genius, but that was not what I was looking for.

Suddenly, in the small seaside town of St. Ives, Cornwall three women have goon missing in quick succession of each other. It is up to DI Lauren and her team to solve this asap before more women become abducted. They solve this massive case once they find the common denominator between the women.

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An excellent read, twisty and very addictive. Loved this one. Set in St. Ives which is a beautiful coastal town, except for the seagulls. I really enjoyed this book. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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This is the second in the series. It could be read as a stand alone it is best read as part of the series . Detective Lauren Pengelly is fairly new in post as is her second in command Matt Price. Although she is an extremely dedicated & gifted cop her people skills leave something to be desired! Matt juggles the task of working with her & trying to get her to work with, as well as commanding her team- she is improving & the addition of her dogs also makes her more human!

When a woman doesn't return from shopping & her distraught husband reports her missing Lauren & her team find it hard to find any clues. She is seen on CCTV talking to a local mechanic but that is all. Another woman doesn't return from work, by the end of the week three are missing & there seems no link or clues. At last they find a tenuous connection but getting close to a solution may put one of the team in danger.

Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for letting me read & review this book. I loved it & am looking forward to the next one.

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The Hidden Graves of St Ives
by Sally Rigby
Pub Date: 19 Jan 2024

Three woman are missing from the town of St. Ives. After police investigate they find the woman all have something in common, secrets they do not want their families to find out. Could this be a a serial predator?

I highly recommend "The Hidden Graves of St Ives" book #2 from Cornwall Murder Mystery series. It's ok if you haven't read the first book yet, It can be read as a standalone.

Many thanks to #TheHiddenGravesofStIves #NetGalley for an E-ARC of this 5 star book.

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I was looking forward to a traditional cop- mystery which this book was. I felt overall that the plot was very predictable and the characters were a bit under developed. I did guess the ending as the way the book was laid out made it predictable.
Overall, if you are looking for your standard mystery, this book hits those notes. I was just hoping for more intricacy and depth.

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My first book by this author started out really slow but progressively got more speed. I found myself getting more immersed in the book from the middle onwards when the atmosphere and suspense really increased. Unlike most book set in this scenic area there wasn't much detail about this but as an added issue we did have a poorly pet. 3.5 stars. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Women are going missing in St Ives and It's down to DI Lauren Pengelly and her team to find out what is happening, why and to stop it.
A nice pacey read.

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Thank you for the chance to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion

I had read the first book in the series and thoroughly enjoyed it once I got used to the characters.
It would be possible to read this as a stand-alone book but the context and interactions of the police characters would make more sense if one had read the first book.

This is more of a police procedural book than a murder mystery. However the way the victims are woven together and the investigations into their lives and lifestyles was fascinating and obviously well researched.
I seemed to get into this book much quicker than book 1 but I feel this was because I already knew of the dynamics within the police station.

All in all a great read that in some way although there was an ending, I was sad it had finished.

I hope there will be more from Lauren and Matt

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When first one woman, then a second, and days later a third, went missing, all within a week, DI Lauren Pengelly and her 2IC DS Matt Price of the Penzance police station, knew the clock was ticking and the race was on. Discovering very little in the way of anything linking the three women, the team dug deeply into their lives and that of their families. A tenuous link was found and although it was significant, it still didn't take them as far as they wanted to go. Frustration mounted within the team until one of them discovered a definite tie - was it the answer? Did they have a serial abductor on their hands?

The Hidden Graves of St Ives is the 2nd in the Cornwall Murder Mystery series by Sally Rigby and I enjoyed it very much. Lauren was concerned because one of her dogs, Tia, had to have emergency surgery, and felt torn between her worry over Tia and the case. But she handled both well. Matt is a great calming influence, and a well written character. I'm looking forward to #3 in the series when it comes out. Recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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3 women disappear in St. Ives and the only common link found is that they might be unfaithful to their spouses. Is this what motivates the kidnapper to hurt them? DI Lauren Pengley and her team will work tirelessly to find the culprit and bring them to face the law. The Hidden Graves of St. Ives has a good storyline, it's well-written, and brings a DI Pengley a bit more normal and sensitive to others much due to Matt's approach towards her and their team. Good entertainment!

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Storm Publishing for an advance copy of The Hidden Graves of St Ives, the second novel to feature DI Lauren Pengelly, set in St Ives, Cornwall.

Anthony Kempston reports his wife, Freya, missing when she fails to return from a shopping trip. A local mechanic quickly comes under suspicion, having been seen talking to Freya on CCTV and unable to provide a strong alibi. Lauren and the team are still investigating him when another woman is reported missing, quickly followed by a third. Lauren realises that they need to discover what links the women to the serial predator they are hunting.

I enjoyed The Hidden Graves of St Ives, which is a straightforward police procedural, where a hunt for clues leads to a winnowing of suspects until a prime suspect is identified. After the initial chapter, which identifies a motive for the reader, it is told entirely from the investigative point of view, giving the reader an immersive read and the opportunity to guess.

The plot initially consists of missing women and an investigation into final sightings of them and their lives and personalities. It’s interesting, but not entirely convincing. This changes about the 65% mark when they identify a prime suspect and set about gathering enough evidence for an arrest. This gets quite tense and gruesome and makes the journey to there worthwhile.

I’m still not sure that I like DI Lauren Pengelly, but I am certain that I would hate to work for her. She is incredibly uptight and rigid and can be quite rude to the team if they don’t do things her way. She has no sense of humour and from what I can see no social life either outside her dogs. Lighten up Lauren please.

The Hidden Graves of St Ives is not a profound read, but it has enough interesting points to be entertaining, so I can recommend it as an easy way to pass a few hours.

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