Member Reviews

A nicely paced crime procedural novel. No guessing really about who the killer was. Pretty much straightforward police solving a crime. I found Matt to be the most relatable character in the book. He seemed to be the glue that held the whole team together.
All in all a nice paced read for anyone who loves crime procedural style novels.

I received a copy of this ARC from net galley in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read "The Hidden Graves of St. Ives" in exchange for my honest review.

This is the second book in the Cornwall Murder series, even if the reader missed the first book in the series they are able to follow it and enjoy the plot. They will certainly be wanting to read the first book and any future books in the series.

The story starts with someone ranting about lies, deceit, betrayal and broken promises. The story takes places in St. Ives, Cornwall. DI Lauren Pengelly and her team of DS Matt Price and DC's Billy, Tamsin, Jenna and Clem work for the Penzance CID. Lauren is called the Ice Queen by her team - behind her back. She doesn't let them in to her personal life and she's very much strictly business. She can be very hostile, stern and closed off to her team. Her DS tries to soften her approach to the team.

Jenna mentions that he neighbour Freya Kempston is missing. She was last seen at the mall. She was seen on CCTV talking to a mechanic - who becomes a suspect. The next day Mr. Hughes arrives at the station to report that his wife Yvonne didn't come home the previous night from her job at the supermarket. The team wonders whether the two women knew each other or are the disappearances linked in some way. A few days later Brendon Evans reports that his partner Hannah Gifford is missing. She went to a nightclub with friends and didn't come home. All the husbands/partners are suspicious because none have solid alibis but the team soon realizes that there is something much more sinister going on here. There are many red herrings dropped in as to who might be the culprit but they don't pan out until they finally realize what connects the 3 women to each other. They learn that another woman had been previously reported missing along with the man she was seeing. One of the team goes undercover exposing themselves to great danger before all the pieces fall into place.

This story goes along at a great pace and the reader will want to keep turning the pages to see what will happen next. It's incredibly well-written with exciting characters. The descriptions of Cornwall bring it to life for the reader. Very much looking forward to the next book in the series.

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A epic page turner. Couldn't put it down so many twists that I didn't see coming.
Would recommend this author

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This was an easy to read police procedural. Things are quiet in Penzance so D I Lauren Pengelly takes an interest in the case of a missing woman. The case takes a more sinister turn when another woman goes missing in fairly similar circumstances. This is extremely unusual in the quiet Cornish town and the team rapidly realise that they have a serious crime on their hands.
I enjoyed the mystery and the detailed police work that was undertaken to solve it. The case had lots of twists and turns which all led to a dramatic climax.
Lauren is an interesting lead character and certainly lacks people skills, saving all of her affection for her two dogs. It was interesting to see how she unbent slightly during the course of this investigation. I liked the characters that made up the rest of her team and the way that they worked together.
I was a bit disappointed by the lack of detail in the setting. I love books that use the setting well to enhance the mystery but this could have been set in any small town.
Thank you to Net Galley and Storm Publishing for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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What a page turner! Fast paced and unputdownable

The team is getting stronger and working together well from the last book and it seems like DI Pengelly is almost being human. Great crime case and both the DI and DS nailed the culprit in the end.

Highly recommended

Thank you to Netgalley and Storm publishing

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Thank you NetGalley and Storm Books for my approval to read and review this book.

DI Lauren Pengelly and DS Matt Price are tasked with finding a missing woman, who vanished on a night out! However, there are soon to be two more missing women and it's a race against time to discover where they all are! Lauren with her team set about finding the missing link between the women and the mysterious person, whom they believe has taken them. It's a fast paced book with a good plotline and the characters are well written. I recommend this book to fellow crime readers.

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Great book!!! Does not disappoint!

The writing, twists and always enjoy this author

Wirth the read and look forward to more!

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The second book in this series by Sally Rigby and I devoured it.

Detective Lauren Pengelly and her team set out to find a missing woman but are mystified when two more disappear seemingly into thin air. Where are they and what do they have in common?

I raced through this and absolutely loved it, already looking forward to the next installment

4 stars

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Detective Lauren Pengelly is investigating the disappearance of a local woman. Within the space of a week, two other women have also disappeared.
The suspects are.... well, they come across as suspicious.
Lauren and her new partner, Detective Matt Price, and the whole team are frantically trying to find the women with the barest of clues.

I really did enjoy this book. Great police investigative work, and very methodical. A good team and a strong female lead sealed it for me.
There is a lot of suspense, and a slow build up to a very satisfying finale.

I can't really say the title fits the book though. As there were no graves. Just wondering who chose the title.

Thanks to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read this book.

I recommend wholeheartedly.
4/5 stars.

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Another of those books by an author that would always produce a positive review.
Having read Sally Rigby’s previous books, you are guaranteed a good and enjoyable read and this one certainly does not disappoint.

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Very enjoyable if somewhat safe police procedural.

Set in the sleepy town of Penzance and featuring DI Lauren Pengelly and her team, when 3 women go missing in quick succession with no apparent connection, Lauren and her team have to dig deep into the women’s personal lives to try and catch their suspect.

I enjoyed this one, it wasn’t anything groundbreaking, it did feel a little like police procedural by numbers but a mostly likeable cast of characters and a nice short page count, along with a well plotted story made this a light(despite the heavy subject matter) and easy to read story. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Many thanks to the publisher for the ARC through Netgalley.

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I found the story to build slowly with one missing woman, than to having three missing.
In this Cornish town would have liked a little more details of the setting.
Overall I thought a good flowing plot which lead to finding out what happened
Given arc by Net Galley and Storm Publishing.for my voluntary review
Releases Jan 19..'24

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The Hidden Graves of St. Ives is a Cornwall Murder Mystery. Detective Inspector Lauren Pengelly is the main character, She is the head detective at the Penzance police department. Sergeant Matt Price is her second in command along with Jemma and Clem who are both detective constables, There are other policeman that make up their department.

Anthony Kempston, Jenna's neighbor, comes to the station telling them that his wife, Freya did not come home from shopping, Later, another man, Rory Hughes also comes to the station and tells them that his wife, Yvonne is missing. She never come home from work. A third man comes in and tells them that his partner, Hannah Gifford is missing. She never came home from working at a supermarket. Over a week there are three woman missing. The three woman are not happy in their marriages as their husbands don't like going out to pubs. They all like to go out for drinks with friends, They all live in the town of St. Ives.

The police are concerned that their might be a serial killer. They go to the areas that they were at before they disappeared. They also look into the three woman's background.

There is one thing that all of them have in common and is Fergus Deakins, an othopath who treats two of the woman for their bad back and one for her knees. After visiting him both Lauren and Matt felt that something was not right with him. They come up with a plan to try to catch him using Jemma as a decoy, When on the stakeout the suspense builds up and leaves the reader on the edge.

This is where the story takes off in finding what happened to the women. I will leave it to the reader to enjoy to the surprising ending.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this ARC.

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Police work can be a bit mundane in Penzance, so when three women go missing within a short space of time, newly promoted DI Lauren Pengelly is at full stretch to find linkages and motivate her team into action.

Lauren is a complex character, on the one hand very emotional about her two dogs, who seem to be her whole world, and on the other, brusque and a micro manager with her team. Fortunately DS Matt Price seems to understand what makes his DI tick, and gives her gentle feedback when she's too direct. By the end of the book she seems to have relaxed into the role a little, but her earlier leadership methods could be used as a case study at Hendon College.

What sets this police procedural apart is the methodical nature of research and working on clues. Unlike many books of this genre, there are not countless red herring suspects, or diversions, raining down on us. This is how real policing works.

There's a dramatic finale with a police officer in danger, and the suspense and pacing is nicely handled by Rigby.

Good to see a book set in this beautiful part of the world, and with correct colloquialisms.

Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the advance eARC.

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The book started out really slow but progressively got more speed. I found myself not able to stop myself from turning the next page. The author did an amazing job of creating the atmosphere and expressing the suspense in the book.

Though I wanted the details of Cornish. It lacked the details to build the world in the book. I wasn't able to picture the town or the scenery easily. I was left wondering about several details in this area.

But, I did enjoy this book and the ending was gruesome and well executed. Would recommend it to anyone who enjoys thriller, mystery , suspense books.

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An easy crime read with a gruesome twist. After a slow start, the action ramps up and leads us across Cornwall in search of a number of missing women.

The Cornish setting unfortunately felt flat, and had a lot of errors when it came to real locations, which is a shame. It could have taken place in any rural setting.

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Another great book with Pengelly and Price. I enjoyed the style of writing. A solid four star read. Great premise. Good characters. Page turner. Plenty of suspense to keep me guessing Would definitely read the next novel. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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When I pick up a new book by Sally Rigby everything else is abandoned. I think I held my breath almost constantly for the last ten chapters apart from an occasional frantic gulp of air. Day became night and still I read on.
I gave this novel five stars. Does it really deserve five stars? Is it really that good? Yes, and then some.
I love the chalk and cheese approach to running an investigation that Lauren and Matt have. I can't help thinking how opposites attract...
Sally Rigby has taken the sedate charm of life in Cornwall and thrown it off the highest cliff. She has allowed darkness to seep into the rugged countryside culminating in a profoundly chilling and never to be forgotten denouement.

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Good book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, Action, intrigue, mystery, murder, revenge, serial killer, a great who done it, great plot twist, great police work, and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle!! I definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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