Member Reviews

I haven't read the first book in the Student Ambassador series but I still had fun while reading it!
the story takes us to Mexico and shows the beautiful culture and traditions of the country and in a way shows, that not all things that the US does in other countries are the right thing to do.

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Joseph is recruited to be a student ambassador again. This time he’s accompanying former President Olman to Zacatecas, Mexico. The President wants to revive the old silver mine there, but he thinks the locals are resistant because they think it is haunted. Is the President right, or will Joseph discover something else at the root of the resistance?

I really like how this book drives home the message to not just assume you know what is best for someone else or have all the right answers without actually listening to what they have to say or to investigate their cultural background, history, and reasoning. Joseph helps bring a peaceful resolution between the two sides by encouraging dialogue and helping them take time to consider another point of view. It’s great advice whether you are talking about 2 countries or 2 friends. Lots of discussion topics for readers to chew on and explore further. And it is all wrapped up in a fun and engaging adventure in a real place (the author mentions at the end which parts of real Zacatecas he worked into the story). There’s a bonus story that’s a bit of a fable about a foolish monkey who gets upset when he loses his sugary treat to another monkey **cough**reflection in a puddle**cough**.

Notes on content [based on ARC]:
Language: None (there’s a heck in the bonus story if that’s of concern to any families).
Sexual content: None
Violence: There’s a rock slide that could have hurt someone, but they make it out ok.
Ethnic diversity: A White Texan American, Mexicans, and Joseph is biracial (American and Mexican). Joseph has friends who are Asian, White, and more.
LGBTQ+ content: None specified
Other: There are rumors of ghosts in the mines and they are chased by something in a costume which may be spooky to some kids. (It has a very Scooby Doo reveal ending…even referencing Scooby Doo.)

I received an ARC of this title from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a great book for kids and middle schoolers story that teaches you about how just because you are in a position of power you are not always right and if you always have to be right you can be blind to when you are wrong. Great learning lesson for anyone espashly the small ones.

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