Member Reviews

There's a lot of good here, but there's also some issues I took with this one. This was one of my most anticipated of the year, and it's not a disappointment, but it's also not what I expected.

I've been following Codie Crowley since before this book was even announced, and if you're a fan of her content, this book definitely fits those vibes. It's a bit campy, a bit spooky, and 100% angry girl. However, I did feel like there was a tone problem. I need it to be more campy or more serious, but the blend as it was didn't work for me. I do want to note that this was a super early ARC and so it could easily be fine tuned for finished copies.

The instalove with Sam also really bothered me. I felt like i had no reason to believe in their relationship.

Overall, I didn't dislike it, but it was not a five star as I hoped it would be. I read it in just under 24 hours and it definitely kept my attention. I look forward to seeing what Crowley does next

3.5 rounded up

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This book was awesome. Such a cool spin on the vengeful ghost with such a punk rock heroine. It’s gory, angry, and satisfying as hell.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Disney Publishing Worldwide for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch (moment of appreciation for the best book title ever) was both exactly what I wanted and not quite enough. First, like others, I will say I’m surprised this is a Disney title. Getting past that, I absolutely adored the title and the premise. A young woman fighting back against her killer(s) and showing her wrath? Yes. In fact, really diving into her upbringing and small town and getting her own back against those who wronged her in general? Totally there. And while all that happened, the secondary stories around the other ghosts and her best friend missing fell short for me. I wish those storylines had been depended to truly create a well rounded functional world for me to sink into.

I did love the main premise and felt this book delivered. It was fascinating and I wanted so much more, but I don’t know if I felt the end left an opening for a series that could explore the ghost storylines further. I would recommend this for teens and adults who are fans of the mystery / horror genre (without much gore).

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This is is a Disney title?! High school slacker Annie wakes up dead in a river and is taken in by other dead folks who all reside on Resurrection Mountain. She doesn't know she's dead at first, and so marches right back into school and her life as if she wasn't to try to find out what happened to her. Eventually she realizes she's been murdered, so after doing more digging and making lots of wrong accusations, she finally figures out what happened to her--and her best friend--and a young woman killed 25 years earlier. It's uneven, as storytelling goes, and there are a number of loose ends and plot holes, but I think a lot of YA horror fans will like it.

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This book is a gripping and darkly humorous debut that takes readers on a thrilling ride with Annie Lane, a murder victim back from the grave, hellbent on uncovering her killer and exacting revenge. This fast-paced thriller masterfully blends elements of horror and feminism, resulting in a story that is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining.

Annie Lane is unapologetically brash, and while she starts off as a seemingly unlikeable character, her relentless drive for justice and her raw, unfiltered personality gradually make her someone readers can’t help but root for. The initial distaste for her abrasive nature gives way to admiration for her tenacity and resilience. Crowley’s skillful characterization makes Annie’s journey compelling, turning her quest for vengeance into a cathartic experience for the reader.

The novel’s central mystery—who killed Annie and why—serves as the driving force behind the story. Crowley keeps the tension high and the plot moving swiftly, with each revelation and twist deepening the intrigue. Annie's interactions with the other townspeople, each as flawed and vivid as she is, add layers to the narrative and keep the reader guessing until the very end.

One notable aspect of the book is its language. The frequent use of bad language is not to everyone's taste, but it undeniably adds authenticity to Annie's character and the gritty environment of the town. It paints a vivid picture of a place and people hardened by their circumstances, enhancing the story’s raw and unfiltered tone. While the coarse language might be off-putting to some, it ultimately serves a purpose, contributing to the darkly comedic and fiercely feminist undertones of the novel. Annie’s profanity-laden tirades and the blunt dialogue of the townspeople underscore the book’s critique of societal norms and the treatment of “unlikeable” girls.

This book stands out not just for its thrilling plot, but for its bold take on gender dynamics and societal expectations. Annie is a protagonist who, despite—or perhaps because of—her flaws, embodies a powerful statement about taking control of her narrative and seeking justice on her own terms.

This book is a darkly satisfying thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat while offering a biting commentary on societal judgment. It’s a must-read for those who enjoy their mysteries served with a side of horror and a strong dose of feminist fury. Despite some harsh language, the book’s engaging plot and unforgettable protagonist make it a standout addition to the genre.

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I was excited to read this title--a murdered girl getting revenge on the person or persons that murdered her? Sign me up! But as I read, it felt like I was reading a first draft. Or even a sequel. There were several things left unexplained (why does everyone in town hate our main character, adults included? Where did these god-awful nicknames come from? Why did the name of the shed our main character and her best friend hang out in go from being called the Dead Shed to the Evil Dead Shed? Who was the scorched lady that led our main character to the river and lied about Sam being a murderer? Why did she lie? Why did no one warn our main character about her??). Additionally, the ghosts that our main character meets are, quite literally, just characters. I don't think we needed them to speak in slang every sentence for the audience to realize they had died in past decades. And the plot only really needed Sam, because the rest of the characters did nothing to move the story along. In the end, the murderer's motive was silly. I understand that the message trying to be conveyed is that people are afraid of women realizing their autonomy and being who they really are, even if others don't like it. But again, didn't need to be spelled out for us.

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Really enjoyed this book, was was quite flow paced at first, however soon picks up and from 60% onwards it’s a total roller coaster. Loved the characters and the ending was just insain!

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I went back and forth on whether I liked this book or not. However, I do give the title 5 stars!!!!! I enjoyed the read but was disappointed in how long it took for her to figure out she was dead. I personally love revenge and murder lol.

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Here Lies A Vengeful Bitch is a heartwarming story about revenge, love, and what it means to be alive (even after you'vedied).

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The book title is what will draw everyone in.
Annie Lane has been murdered she takes a while to realise that.
Her best friend is missing. There are disturbing clues to a night not remembered. The whole town think the worst of her.
This is a very dark horror story of revenge. Mixed with a who done it.
You a dragged alone at a mile a minute. This is a debut novel not to be missed.
Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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A really fascinating and twisty debut. I think this leans more horror than thriller or mystery and I think teens will absolutely eat this up. The aesthetic is IMPECCABLE and I eagerly await the film adaptation that feels inevitable. I definitely want to hang out at Chapel House.

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Title and cover for this are awesome! Who doesn't want to read about a vengeful bitch?
Well,......apparently, I didn't. This book was a a great disappointment. The narrative was disjointed and scattered; the murder victim was dim and annoying.

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This book made me extremely uncomfortable, which means that it did it's job and it did it's job well. It's not meant to be easily swallowable. It's meant to hurt and drill into your brain. It's vengeful alright, and it absolutely reveals in that fact.

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This pains me so much, but this was unfortunately a DNF at 30%.

The positives:
* The title and cover are epic! five stars!
* I love a vengeful bitch. Nothing brings me more joy than reading about righteously furious women exacting (ideally bloody) revenge on terrible men. *ESPECIALLY* when that character is an angry teenage girl who everyone underestimates.

The negatives:
* I didn't love how long it was taking Annie to figure out what was going on - like by 30% she had still not quite caught on to the situation. It didn't gel with how smart and scrappy she seemed to be.
* The major thing that made me give up on this book was the dialogue, especially the way Sam talked with his nonstop weird (50s?) lingo. It was clearly a stylistic choice that the author made and fully committed to, which is fine, but for me it was super distracting and kept pulling me out of the book because it was so awkward and cringey.

Anyway -- a LOT of early reviewers have loved this book, so I appear to be an outlier. I hope it finds its way into the right hands because the world needs more books about "unlikeable" female characters wreaking havoc.

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wow, what a wild ride. this was so good. i didn’t know where it was gonna go (had a slight feeling on whodunnit but not till the end). this is a great debut for codie, and i look forward to reading more of her stories!

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Thank you to Netgallery and Disney Publishing Worldwide for an early release copy of Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch by Codie Crowley, this book will be available for purchase on August Sixth of 2024.

Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch is a dnf for me at 29% page 82, these characters and the mystery in general aren’t holding my attention at all. The characters are boring, nothing stands out about them at all except the cringy and annoying way that they speak to one another. Annie is unlikeable and uninteresting to read about, I found myself not really intrigued to find out what happened to her at all. We do get some thrilling/mystery elements every chapter to try and keep us hooked but the bits just aren’t delivering for me at all.

I found the twins and especially Sam to be annoying, the way he’s constantly calling the Annie “baby” despite hardly knowing her makes me cringe every time I have to read it. I know the twins were probably written in a way to be cutesy with there “talking in riddles” type of thing but I find it to be really annoying. The only thing I’m picking up on from ending early is I think the found family troupe is good here however there is just a lot things that are bothering me and not holding my interest.

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I honestly couldnt put it down! It gives off ghost thriller movie vibes in a way that has you wanting more and wanting to put the puzzle pieces together! Though i did have a hunch at the conclusion of the plot because i am an avid thriller/horror movie fan i still loved every minute of the story. From the moment the scene takes place to how it grows and unravels and develops all the way to the ending it was fantastic. I also love that it ended on a happy triumphant note and sort of with a found family for the fmc. It was nice seeing her go from a broken home to finding her place with a family who accepts her and supports her and never fails to show up for her even when she tries to push them away. This to me made the story even better because it made it more relatable. Someone who was always on the outskirts looking in and constantly judged and pinned to be a trouble maker but really just trying to find her place im the world finally acknowledged and accepted. It was truly great and i loved every minute of this story.

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I’ve been dying to read this and it was FUN! Annie Lane is not a likeable character if we’re being honest with ourselves but she is a character you root for. She is a black sheep within her town, she wakes up with missing memories and has to piece together what happened and who are these new friends who are helping her, and where is her best friend during the most traumatic time of her life.

This book sends you on a tail spin and its easy to cheer for the vengeance that is Annie Lane.

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Not gonna lie, the title made me giggle. So of course I had to read this. And this was a really good book. A fast read and the ending was insanely good. I can’t imagine most readers not enjoying this because it’s a lot of fun. But, I was super confused for the first 40% though, because I could not for the life of me figure out if this girl was dead or not. The synopsis straight up says that the concept is murdered girl comes back from dead to figure out who killed her and make them pay. But when Annie crawls out of the river confused and disoriented, a couple of fellow teens brings her to the mysterious and very haunted Chapel House they’re all staying at. I of course considered the other kids were maybe dead too, yet everyone could still eat, drink, get drunk, take showers, and ride in a car. What solidified it for me that she was still alive was as when other humans could still see and interact with her and she gets pulled into the principal’s office when she goes to school. Just when I had come to the conclusion that the synopsis was misleading and wrong and Annie was not dead but survived a murder attempt, you find out at almost the halfway mark she actually IS dead?

It may be too late since this synopsis has been up for a while and other reviews (mine included) have confirmed Annie is indeed dead. But, my biggest recommendation would have been to tweak that synopsis; don’t make it clear whether or not she’s dead. I spent like, half this book being confused as heck over, is she or isn’t she and it kind of took me out of the whole point of the story because all I was focused on was getting confirmation. Also, it would’ve made an epic plot twist if the synopsis didn’t already reveal she’s dead, so you think the whole time she’s survived a murder attempt then bam 40% in you find out she’s actually dead. No one would have guessed that, seeing as she’s eating, driving cars, other people can touch and see her and she has a physical body that works the same as any person who’s alive. The synopsis should have never made it clear that she’s dead, not only for the missed chance of a plot twist but also because of the unnecessary confusion it caused for like half the book, but too late now I guess.

Despite that, I liked this book a lot, and after the first half (where I no longer had to be in a constant state of confusion over whether Annie is dead or not) this book really revved up. It was a quick and easy read and I was really entertained by this. The ending is actually insane and this was so well written.

Thank you to Netgalley and Hyperion for sending me an advanced copy in return for my honest review.

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When Annabel wakes up cold, wet, and lost in the woods, she knows two things. Something is wrong about her and her ex-boyfriend, Gun, has something to do with it. Annabel sets out to discover what has happened to her with help from Fern and Sam, her new friends who live in Resurrection Peak, a town abandoned since the 1950’s. Annabel learns that not all is as it appears, including the people you once trusted to protect you.

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