Member Reviews

“But be careful where you dig
Oh, be careful what you do
When you bury a bad seed
She might come back for you”

Thank you to NetGalley for the arc! I have not read a debut novel this good in so long. Codie Crowley really takes readers through a rage-filled journey! As I was reading, I couldn’t help but think of Jennifer’s Body. Our main character is so badass and does not care what anybody thinks. My only critic is that I wish we got more background on our minor characters, like Sam and Fern, but I hope that invites the author to continue writing their story.

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Thanks to Netgalley, Codie Crowley, and the publisher for an advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

4.5 stars rounded up. This might be my favorite read of the year so far, though we're less than a month into it. Obviously the title was one of the reasons I picked it up, but I'm glad that it lived up to the overall expectations I had.

This is a fresh feeling post-mortem revenge story, with a version of ghosts/revenants that I haven't seen before. I really liked a lot of the characters (mostly the ones in Sam's group), and I made a game of recognizing all of the bands referenced. The worldbuilding was pretty good, and I didn't mind the loose ends that were left at the end. I really liked Annie and Marua's relationship on the page, they are not only the core of this story but really enjoyable when they're together.

The trigger warnings are justified, a lot of really awful stuff happens to Annie before the book even begins. This makes Annie's vengeance even more satisfying to read.

I'll absolutely recommend this to my patrons, I'm excited to see how other folks feel about the story when they finish.

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A gripping and thrilling debut with compelling characters and a twisty plot. Greatly enjoyed this one and look forward to what else the author writes in the future!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for a honest review.

This book drew me in from the title and the description, and it definitely lived up to the hype. Once you start reading, it's definitely fast-paced and kept me guessing for most of the book. The plot twist and reveal was well written and executed (even if I did see it coming when I was about 2/3s of the way done with the book). I will say that it took me a moment to get into the story because Sam and how he spoke kept throwing me off, but as a character, he definitely grew on me throughout the book. Crowley has written a great debut and I look forward to seeing what else she has planned for the future.

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Thank you Netgalley and Disney Hyperion for the ARC!

"Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch" by Codie Crowley is a gripping and addictive adventure that takes you through Annie's perplexing afterlife. The book blends elements of horror, feminism, and dark humor to create a fast-paced and thrilling narrative. Also, that title is just giving. I love books with fun titles like this!

The protagonist, Annie Lane, is a very engaging and amusing character through her use of humor, but she is also very resilient, refusing to be a victim despite a troubled past filled with a careless mother, a cheating ex-boyfriend, and a tarnished reputation. Crowley crafts Annie's character to evoke empathy and admiration, making her determination to avenge her own death a powerful feminist theme throughout the story.

The mystery surrounding Annie's killer keeps you on the edge of your seat, navigating unexpected twists and turns. I will say that I enjoyed reading more about the different characters than the mystery itself. I didn’t find the mystery to be anything brand new, but the character writing is what kept me invested throughout the entire book. What I enjoyed the most is Annie’s bold attitude, characterized by a lack of concern for societal norms, adds a unique and refreshing element to the story. The other characters, especially Fern, made me want even more from this book.

The book is definitely a fast read with feminist undertones, highlighting Annie's pursuit of justice as a commentary on the challenges faced by silenced women. The infusion of dark humor into the narrative adds a good contrast, showcasing the balance between the mystery and humor throughout.

Overall, "Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch" is hailed as a very strong debut novel that makes for an utterly satisfying and thought-provoking read. The novel leaves you anticipating more from this talented author, and it stands out as an unforgettable exploration of revenge, justice, and resilience.

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"Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch" is an addictive adventure through Annie's confusing afterlife. I enjoyed the take on ghosts (of a sort) and found the protagonist imperfect but enjoyable. She gets the opportunity to avenge her own death and that's really satisfying.

This one is a fast read and I think it will resonate with the target audience.

There were a few unfinished side stories I'd like to have seen resolution of, but overall I thought this was well done and would recommend it to anyone looking for a YA speculative thriller.

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I just finished Herr Lies a Vengeful Bitch by Codie Crowley, I received an eARC through netgalley.
Annie Lane is definitely no prom queen; she's not winning any Miss Congiality awards. But when she wakes up facedown in a river with no recollection of the night before she expects SOMEONE to care that she's been missing. Filling in the gaps of the missing night brings Annie to the epic conclusion that she has been murdered. Working with her new ghost pals, she sets out to take revenge on those who've wronged her, and that list is long.
This book was a wild fun ride! Annie has one of the worst attitudes I've ever seen on a protagonist, and it's AWESOME. She pulls no punches, gives no f@#%s, and you can't help but hope she burns the whole town to the ground. The mystery of who killed her is less interesting than the ghosts she meets (Can I please have a sequel about Fern?) but overall seemed cohesive and well put together. There are times Annie doesn't see things as quickly as you would like her to, but I've never been murdered so it's hard for me to say how disorienting that would be. I would read every spinoff book in this series if Codie wrote them.

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I really enjoyed this upper YA tale of mystery and revenge, and it’s another great debut novel to grace 2024 bookshelves. It’s witty, clever, and heartbreaking all at the same time, and deals with serious subjects that plague our society far too often.

Annie Lane literally wakes up dead, without so much as an inkling of what happened to her and who’s responsible. She slowly starts to piece together the events of her last night alive, and what transpired is worse than she ever expected. Thus begins a darkly comic look at death and what comes after, and if murderers ever truly get what they deserve.

I’ve got a dark sense of humour myself, so I really connected with Codie Crowley’s style of writing and characterisation of Annie. I also enjoyed the mystery element — kind of like Veronica Mars if she was dead and hellbent on revenge — and the journey Annie undertakes to reach her rightful closure.

Filled with horror and humour, Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch is a must-read for fans of darker plots and genres. It won’t be for everyone, but it’s a lot of fun and a book that I’m glad I read. I look forward to more from Codie Crowley — I can’t wait to see what twisted ideas she has in the pipeline!

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The subtitle of this book should be "and good for her!" Readers of Here Lies A Vengeful Bitch will have no trouble rooting for Annie Lane from the start of the book. This novel is an absolutely thrilling blend of all the aspects that make a thriller stand out. Read this early- it's going to be a smashing success. Bravo!

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Well this was the best way! I had a hard time putting this down and the quick pacing kept me engaged until the very end. This had the perfect amount of dark and witty humor that still hit hard on many sexist issues in a way that is relatable for any audience and/or age - men are considered "strong" and "powerful" when they buck the system while women are seen as difficult and called a long line of slurs. Annie was such a well-written, headstrong character who I loved from the start...she's the role model with the voice many of us are looking for. I'm blown away that this is Crowley's debut novel; she took a big risk with these taboo topics, but she really hit the nail on the head with this one! Thanks so much for the ARC!

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In Codie Crowley's debut novel, "Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch," readers are catapulted into a gripping, fast-paced thriller that seamlessly intertwines elements of horror, feminism, and dark humor. With the skillful narrative, the author presents a tale of Annie Lane, a woman accustomed to being left behind, who embarks on an unrelenting quest for justice after awakening to find herself left for dead. Through an enthralling blend of mystery and revenge, Crowley delivers a story that is both satisfying and thought-provoking. An Unforgettable Protagonist: Annie Lane emerges as a resilient and tenacious protagonist who refuses to be a victim. As the weight of her troubled past looms over her, including a careless mother, a cheating ex-boyfriend, and a tarnished reputation, Annie's character is expertly crafted to evoke empathy and admiration from readers. Her determination to uncover the truth behind her own murder establishes a strong feminist theme throughout the narrative, highlighting the societal challenges faced by women who seek justice in a world that often denies it to them. A Horrifying Journey: The chilling backdrop of a mountain notorious for its association with the supernatural elevates the suspense and intensity of the story. Crowley masterfully crafts an atmosphere teeming with palpable fear and a constant sense of unease. The mystery surrounding Annie's killer keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning pages as they navigate a treacherous landscape filled with unexpected twists and turns. Feminism at the Forefront: One of the most striking aspects of "Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch" is its unapologetic feminist undertones. Annie's unwavering pursuit of justice serves as a powerful commentary on the struggles faced by women who have historically been silenced and disregarded. Through her actions, the novel challenges societal norms and demands that women take control of their own destinies. Dark Humor and Emotional Resonance: In a delightful contrast to the dark themes explored in the novel, Crowley infuses dark humor into the narrative, providing moments of levity amidst the intense plot. The author's ability to seamlessly blend humor with the story's emotional depth showcases her talent as a writer, creating a well-rounded and captivating reading experience. "Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch" by Codie Crowley is a remarkable debut novel that captivates readers from the very first page. With its fusion of horror, feminism, and dark humor, this thrilling tale of revenge and justice offers a unique reading experience. Crowley's skillful storytelling and the compelling journey of Annie Lane make for an utterly satisfying read that will leave readers eagerly anticipating more from this talented author.

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Here it is, a solid five. Completely unexpected. Amazing writing. Such strong characters. Yes, swearing, references to drugs, sex, and shitty rock bands, and murder, and ghosts. Don’t give it to your holier than thou types, but the rest of us need this story. There’s no one who’s lived in the world who won’t identify with Annie or the injustice she faces. Just the right amount of comic relief and fantasy mixed in to lift the weight of the subject matter. Great pacing, descriptions real enough to put you there, I loved this book. Students will, too.

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I was excited to get an ARC of this book as I’ve been wanting to read it for weeks! It held up to my expectations and was so much fun to read. I love books that have a fierce and unapologetic main character and Annie Lane is both of these things. I read this book in about 4 hours as I couldn’t put it down, which is always the sign of a fun read. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there’ll be another story featuring the characters from this book, as I want to know more about them all!

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Maura and Annie are best friends but when Annie ends up dead-ish she has no idea how she got that way or where Maura is. Annie is determined to find her killer and get vengeance for her death but to do that she has to remember what actually happened! This book is funny, dark and definitely a page turner, but it is also a look at the way society and men specifically, view women. The ones who are loud, brash and take up space and are viewed as difficult or a bitch. The ones who are quiet, meek and malleable who are viewed as the “good ones”. Women are all the things, spectacular good bad and ugly, and we should be allowed to be all those things free from judgment and retribution. Can’t wait to put this is the hands of some badass female students!!

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This is an absolutely incredible debut! The voice is stunning from the very first page, and I enjoyed every bit of it.

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I am obsessed with the title. Unfortunately, the kindle version formatting is messed up, and I was not able to read. Leaving five stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Disney for the ARC.

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