Member Reviews

Thanks to Shalk Holloway and Netgalley for access to the advanced review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

What happens when the robots we trust become sentient quickly and the robots for the rebels do too? Who can you trust when the newly sentient robots place Asimov’s third law of robotics as their first priority?

This is a fast paced, action packed novel primarily focused on two humans who must fight the rebellious force while wondering who and what they can trust and they seek to eliminate the risk.

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Fascinating worldbuilding and good pacing. 'Novus Dies' is such a fun and engaging take on its genre!

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4 stars, Robot Wars

by Schalk Holloway

There were parts that I liked in this book and parts that I didn't care for. Whenever there is anyone hurting a child or worse, or even hurting a robot that looks like a child, it doesn't appeal to me.

Parts of it reminded me of the movie I, ROBOT. As in the robots taking over.

This book follows a husband and wife team who investigate robot anomalies. Sometimes there were incidents that neither one of them were expecting.

I received a complimentary copy of #NovusDies from #NetGalley #IndependentPublisher I was under no obligation to post a review.

#ScienceFiction #SciFi #Robots #PosterityDoctrineSeries

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This a Sci-fi action packed war of human built computer controlled bots and fighting machines. We see the action through a husband and wife team. But the humans aren’t the only ones who want to live, AI learns, AI fights back when it needs. Who will compromise, who will survive? The narrative features heavily on the war machines sent into the battle to protect and destroy. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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