Member Reviews

I love the illustrations. And the bilingual text. It is a good way to learn Spanish or English. This story allows the language to come alive through word and picture. I wish there were more books like this available. Thank you to the author, the illustrator and to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to experience this book and I freely and willingly give this honest review.

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I See Me tells the story of a young changemaker who notices the library and bookstores don’t stock diverse books. With guidance from his loved ones he writes letters and inspires the purchasing of books so he and others can see themselves there.

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I See Me : Me Veo is a beautifully illustrated bilingual book about a little who loves reading and visiting the library but realizes that none of the books he reads have characters characters that look like him. It's a great starting point for discussions of inclusivity and diversity in books and library collections

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Thank you to BooksGoSocial and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book for my students. This was a cute picture book for students. I think the overall story is lacking though, due to some choppiness (which could be entirely due to me missing a page while swiping who knows) but the art is gorgeous and the ideas are there, just execution may be lacking. (I still think it can be used for my students with some supplementary instruction) Because of these points, I have to give this a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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This is a timely children’s story following a small child and their library adventures with their Pa. Spending so much time in the library gives them great joy but they come to find this library lacks diversity in the selection and characters.

Seeing yourself represented in materials as a young child can make such a difference in one’s perspective as they shape their perceptions of the world, and the opportunities that surround them. I enjoyed the bilingual way this story was presented and love that the librarian was a shining example for the child, because librarians are such a gift!

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I have been meaning to read more diverse books, and this one was absolutely perfect. Growing up, I was always obsessed with spending every free time I had in the library. This story brought so many amazing memories from those times.

Especially because I haven't read in Spanish in a while, and it was an absolutely delightful change. This incredible story is told by a boy who loves to read, from chapter books to adventure stories. His Pa (abuelo) also enjoys spending time in the library. One particular thing is very noticeable to him. The more books he reads, the more he notices that there aren't books with diverse characters. With the help of Lily, the librarian, they will change that, and the results are absolutely magical. Also, the book is written in Spanish and in English so that kids can see how wonderful it is to see different languages in books. Absolutely high praise for the author, which is an inspiration herself.

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💡Really hit the mark on the message!

I See You: Me Veo does a first class job getting its message across. The main character schoolboy joins forces with his grandfather, who has helped him develop a love for libraries and reading, to get reading materials that include diversity so that he and others can actually see themselves in the stories they read. They don't just sit back and gripe about it. They start a campaign to ask for more diversity at the library and in bookstores.

The story is told alternating English and Spanish text, so it could also be a vehicle for children to learn a second language. The artwork is bright and cheerful, and the text is direct and easy to read.

I really liked that the author added a final note to suggest other ways to promote diversity in reading materials and explain why she considers it so important.

Thanks to BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the storybook; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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Bilingial English/Spanish story of a kid and his grandfather who frequent the library, but eventually realise the products on offer are too white. Not even the local bookshop has enough representation on the shelves, and so they get campaigning. Clearly this is a key issue for many, and this is handled well and sensibly here, both for the kids enjoying the bulk of this and for their adults with the last couple of pages, but I do kind of think this is a bit late to the game. I guess it's my heinous white privilege that makes me point out that I do see copious instances of books with full ethnic diversity, but all I can say is I think the problem is on the way out. Still, if this acts as a reminder and final nudge, that's no bad thing.

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A great bi-lingual book about a child who loves reading and going to the library. While reading, the main character realizes that none of the characters in the book resemble the main character. Its important for books to have diversity in them so all kids can see themselves in a book!

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This is a very cute story with a very, very important message. It was great to see a book that is bilingual, because that too sends an important message to young readers. I loved the illustrations as well.

A young boy who is a voracious reader begins to try and look for himself in the pages of the books that he loves so much in the library. But despite his efforts - he finds plenty of adventures, and animals, and stories that remind him of some of his other friends, who are all white - he cannot find anyone who looks like him.

His grandfather helps him look, and they even in to a bookstore, but they still have no luck. And Lily, the lovely librarian, has no answers either. At least, not initially.

The child's consequent distress makes the case very clear wrt the need for diversity in literature, so that everyone can see themselves reflected in the books that are available to them.

At the end of the story, the author also makes a very clear case not only for diversity but also by highlighting the need to take action against the ongoing efforts - both stealthy and brutal - to ban books that tell the stories of many readers who belong to a minority group and/or are POC.

This is an important book for young children to read for a variety of reasons - not least to encourage the realisation that everyone's story is equally important and deserves to be told and to be read. Highly recommended.

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I loved this one. This book highlights the need for diverse characters in children’s literature. I loved how the main character is shown advocating for the local library to feature children’s books from more diverse perspectives. This book shows the impact that diverse perspectives in literature has on children. I highly recommend this book!

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Oh this is a bilingual book!! I love it so much to learn about the other language. This book is such a good book for children. It follows a boy who loves to read books and he often go to the library with his granfather, but one day he can't find one single book that tells story about a character who look like him. I appreciate and really love this book because from here we can taught the children to know about diversity. It is such a fun book and the artwork is so stunning, so colorful and represent the diversity.

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I read a digital copy of this book via NetGalley. The cover and bilingual concept drew me to the book, and I was very pleasantly surprised with its content. Leo is a young boy who love books, the library and spending time with his grandfather. He becomes dismayed when he realizes that books seem to exclusively feature white characters and he can’t find anyone who looks like him in the pages. Ultimately, librarian Lily comes through with an expanded book selection featuring diversity of color, ability, gender, religion and more. It’s a heartwarming sentiment and a call to action.

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One of my favorite Kids book i've read this year!

This book is all about diversity and standing up for what you believe in!
When a child sees a lack of diversity in one of his favorite places(The library)
He takes a stand and wants to be seen!

This book was a great one for me and my littles to enjoy together! It had strong messages positive ways of accomplishing your goals and being seen.
The pictures were wonderful and my kids loved engaging in the story with me.

Thank you netgalley and publishers for this ARC for reviewing purposes.

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I See Me is a very sweet short story about a boy who loves books. He loves to read and is easily able to spot characters that l9ook like his friends. He wants to be able to see himself in the stories he loves and so goes on a journey to do just that. this book illustrates the importance of representation in media and how much it could impact young readers. this was very sweet and truly warmed my heart.

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First and foremost, the art is absolutely beautiful. The illustration genuinely shocked me at how pretty it was. I also do think the message is incredibly important and as a woman of color i appreciate that my nieces and nephews have even more stories with characters that look like them. I know personally I am always on the lookout for bilingual books to read to them so they stay connected and familiar with their culture. However - and this could be because I live in a major city - but I think the actual story would have been more impactful 7+ years ago. Now it just kind of seems, almost a bit heavy handed and slightly too hyperbolic to give what it’s trying to give. Additionally, the vocabulary and translations aren’t ideal.

While I do appreciate the book for what it is, I don’t think it’s something I personally would pick up or read to the children in my life.

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Powerful story with beautiful pictures.

Use your voice and stand on what you believe.

This is a story about a boy that enjoys going to the library with his Pa. There comes a time when he realizes that there are no books that look like him at the library or bookstore. Therefore, him and his Pa write letters to everyone expressing the need for diversity books to be available. Well by him speaking up, a change was made at the library. It began a step in the right direction.

The book mentions how pictures of animals are used more, which I've never liked. I'm all about representation of all people and hearing everyone's story.

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Super cute read for my child. Loved that it was bilingual. Learning at this age is the best time for both languages. This helped him

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I See Me: Me Veo is a beautifully crafted bilingual journey that celebrates self-discovery and diversity. Seamlessly blending English and Spanish, this book invites young readers into a world where understanding and appreciating one's identity is paramount.

This is about representation, when you read a book, it's nice to imagine you could be the person having that adventure or experience. It helps if the person described is as someone like you whether that's likeness or personality. For instance I relate to this little boy with a big imagination who loves reading and going to the library. One who is sensitive and cares for himself and those around him. He's a small child after my own heart.
The narrative is simple yet profound, resonating with children from diverse backgrounds. On occasion
the phrasing and word choice is jarring, seems too old for a small child.
The illustrations are vibrant and engaging, complementing the text's message of self-love and cultural pride. The eyes remind me of those persuasive eyes of Puss in Boots from Shrek.

This book is not just a story; it's an educational tool that encourages bilingualism and inclusivity. Perfect for young readers, it's a lovely addition to any child's library, fostering a sense of belonging and self-acceptance.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for a copy of this digital eARC in exchange for a candid review.

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Multiple things I loved about this book. 1) multiple messages including but not limited to the lack of diverse/inclusive children's books, the importance of reading, importance of speaking up for yourself, and more. I think the messages were well done for a variety of audiences from preschool to adult. I loved how the book was bilingual. I also loved the artwork. It was well formatted and language easy to read out loud. I would definitely recommend this book.

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