Member Reviews

The illustrations in the book are large sized, easy to see and really cute.

This book is duo lingual and written in two languages for inclusivity

The book covers important topics like diversity and features in a library setting

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Loved the book and drawing! I love this book not only because of the representation but also because of the beautiful story of trying to find a good representation and reaching out to others to see how you can solve the problem. How lovely!

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I See Me: Me Veo is a bilingual children's book which follows a young boy as he searches for characters who look like him in books. This book aims to highlight the importance of representation in children's books and the ways in which we can make a wider, more diverse range of books accessible.

I loved the message behind this book and thought the storyline was really engaging. The illustrations were the big stand out for me as they were all absolutely stunning. I also think this could be a great resource for anyone learning Spanish. As someone who learnt Spanish in school but has since forgotten a lot of it, I found this really accessible and I thought it was great being able to compare the Spanish to the English translation.

Overall, I think this is a really important for book for children to read and I think they would enjoy it as well due to the beautiful illustrations!

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I really enjoyed this story adn teh convesation that it would bring to the classroom. The first being inclusion and representation, but the second is what our ability to bring change and make a difference. Beautiful illustrations.

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This is such a fun children’s book that promotes reading and inclusivity! I love bilingual books and want more out in the world! I wish I had read more when I was little and, just like in this book, the more that are available, the more they get read! Learning to respect other cultures as children is a wonderful way to bring up the next generation. Plus the happy artwork was fun to look at!

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I cannot wait to read this book with my preschool class. It wonderfully addresses the need for diversity in children’s books in an easy to understand way. The Spanish translation is great too, as I have some kids in my class who speak Spanish! The artwork may be my favorite part. It is vibrant and joyful. I look forward to purchasing a physical copy.

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I love bilingual books and definitely believe libraries need more. Learning other languages and respecting other cultures helps everyone, not just the people who are part of a culture that isn't in the majority. How can you really know yourself if you haven't been exposed to anything outside your way of thinking?
The book follows a kid who wants to see himself represented in books. Research shows this is important, and kids are more likely to realize that they can achieve anything if they see themselves accomplishing things in books.
As a bilingual book, the blocks of text were uncomfortably big instead of being broken into sentences. The pictures were adorable.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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Good children’s book! The book speaks to the importance of diversity and inclusion but also to recognize and stand up for oneself.
Thank you Netgally for gifting this book.

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I See Me: Me Veo - A Bilingual Journey of Self-Discovery and Diversity
by Krystaelynne Sanders Diggs
This book is a bilingual book showing not only a love of books but of diversity. The book shows how a young child can relate to his or her world through books. That requesting representation in your local library is not only a necessity it is a duty. Libraries have limited budgets, so be patient but requesting a book you are interested may surprise you. Not only can you use inter library loans to get books from other connected libraries, but if more people ask, request, and write letters libraries will full fill this request. These request may also find ways to be communicated to publishers, and authors. There are books about many cultures, and people all over the world. Its just takes time to find them.

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