Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, and all the authors involved for providing me with an ALC in return for my honest thoughts <3

Amor Actually is what Love Actually should've been. Delightfully entertaining, sweepingly romantic, and surprisingly quite steamy, this is the first anthology where I've walked away genuinely enjoying each story. The magic of New York City during Christmas time is truly the perfect setting for these romances. So many Latinx identities are represented throughout the anthology. I loved getting to see the many different traditions as well as the overarching Nochebuena party that ties all the stories together. There were various LGBTQIA+ romances throughout (f/f x2, mff x2) Amor Actually as well.

I enjoyed this so much it honestly feels like I'd be doing myself a disservice by trying to pick favorites. Each story packed the perfect punch of emotional connection and physical chemistry. I found some new favorites from authors I already loved and found new authors that I'm thrilled to start reading. Definitely recommend picking this up with a warm bevvy, a cozy blanket, and Christmas ambience playing in the background. Perfect! Stunning! Amazing!

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This anthology was like a sexy, but warm hug. It is a latine inspired Love Actually story (I don’t remember the movie so I’m going to say this was so much better) and it follows 9 budding relationships in the month before Nochebuena.

I loved every story in this book, there was not a single bad one. I feel like this could be a book I read every December because it was just so good.

There was a trope for everyone but I feel like the main thread was found family. Plus it was spicy and queer! There were couples and throuples. It was warm and heartfelt and I felt it really captured the essence of why I love the Christmas Season.

But my favorite thing was the way the story was written. It felt cohesive even though it was written by different authors because the storyline and the goal were the same while following different couples. And as I got toward the end, I was worried we wouldn’t see Nochebuena but we did and got to see all the characters in many facets of life enjoy the magic of the season together on Nochebuena!

And the audiobook was done so well! The narrators were great at creating voices for each of their characters! I definitely recommend a tandem read of the audiobook and a print version (ebook or physical).

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Very fun christmas love stories. I really enjoyed them, and liked the variety of different stories. My favorite part is that all the stories come together at the end. Very spicy!

Thank you to netgalley and the authors for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review

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The holiday read that’s been on my TBR and I jumped on this audiobook! I loved this reimagining of Love Actually - with an inclusive, Latinx, LGBTQ cast of characters with plenty of steam. I really enjoyed the variety of representation and groupings. My favorite and the first in the anthology, Make the Yuletide Gay by Adriana Herrera, started off the stories so strong and I loved the steamy F/F celebrity romance! While I wish some of these stories were more thoroughly developed, it was an enjoyable collection with some winners!

Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, and all the authors and narrators for the gifted audiobook!

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I adored these stories! Each one is well written and complete by itself but there's also lovely details that connects them all together.
Definitely a holiday must read and a great listen.

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This collection of short stories in “Amor Actually” introduced me to a Latin holiday that I knew little about, Buenanoche. I love to still be learning as an adult and especially about a culture wholly different from mine. There were some pretty spicy sex scenes that surprised me a bit in this holiday book. The stories themselves were fine, although I felt a majority of them ended abruptly and would have appreciated a bit more resolution. 3 stars ⭐️. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley.

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Cute collection with some call backs to Love Actually storylines, but less problematic! love most of these writers on their own and glad this exists!

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I received an advance listening copy of Amor Actually from the publisher and NetGalley. This was an anthology of stories inspired by the problematic Christmas classic movie Love, Actually. The authors, dare I say, improved upon it by giving them a Latinx twist and fixing quite a bit of the issues. For example, in the story inspired by the "To me, you are perfect" story , Andrew Lincoln character has slept with BOTH the bride AND groom. I'm not saying anything further, but it was one of my favorites. Two of the stories, in fact, were about poly couples. Instead of the Christmas concert they all attend in the movie, they go to a Nochebuena party.
One of the stories that really stood out was "All I Want For Nochebuena" by Alexis Daria and featured two adult film stars falling for each other during a shoot. They're both women here!

I personally love an angst sandwich, and this had none. It does have LOADS of sexy times though, so please don't make my mistake. Listen in private. Use headphones.

4/5 🌟

Narrated by Ramona Master and Gomez Pugh.

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All you could want in a spicy holiday romance collection! I loved all the stories, and the diverse twist on Love Actually.

My only wish would be to diversify the narrators to help separate out the stories.

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4.5 stars!

"Amor Actually" is one of the best collection of short stories I have ever read. Teeming with holiday cheer, sensual spice, and a rich, vibrant tapestry of representation, each story in this series is fantastic in its own way. The story mixes English and Spanish seamlessly to mesh these shorts together to create one overarching Nochebuena party. Though some of the stories are better than others, together, they all paint a fantastic picture of love in all its forms, shapes, and sizes. I love how this book essentially rewrites the film "Love Actually," which we should all be ashamed of liking because it's genuinely terrible (and I say this knowing I watch it every Christmas season).

Adriana Herrera's "Make the Yuletide Gay" is phenomenal. I love Adriana Herrera, she is one of my favorite authors, and if she writes something, there's no doubt I will devour it. This one was pulsating with love and sexiness and longing. I adored the characters and connected with them from the very first sentence. I also really enjoy Priscilla Oliveras as an author. "Meet Me Under the Mistletoe" is a little light on story, but it's still a cute, sweet, fun short. "All I Want for Nochebuena" by Alexis Daria was also one of my favorites in the bunch. I loved the positive representation of Honey and Julie, who are both adult f1lm stars. I loved their chemistry and connection. Sparks definitely fly in this short story! OOoooo weeeeee! Alexis Daria teams up with Adriana Herrera in "To Us, You Are Perfect," which surprised me in a good way. I loved the queer and poly representations! The story is short and sweet, full of love and aching and missed opportunities that long to be fixed. UGH I LOVED IT. "Love in Spanglish" by Zoey Castile was also terrific. I love how it rewrites Colin Firth's "Love Actually" story and makes it much less creepy and far more consensual. All of the characters in these stories are brought to life spectacularly by Ramona Master and Gomez Pugh. I LOVE Ramona Master and have listened to several audiobooks she has narrated. She is one of my favorite narrators. She is WONDERFUL at her job and puts her entire soul into her narrations! Gomez Pugh was also great with his inflections and variances!

Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, Adriana Herrera, Zoey Castile, Alexis Daria, Diana Muñoz Stewart, Priscilla Oliveras, Sabrina Sol, and Mia Sosa for the complimentary ALC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.

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I do wanna pick up this book and read it but I enjoyed the audiobook format as well.

Thank you netgalley for this ARC

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I read this last year, and so it was nice reading it again in audiobook format!! A nice wide variety or stories and identities, which I really appreciated.

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Overall I really enjoyed this collection of short stories. They were well written and funny and I loved how they all tied together throughout and in the end especially. There was definitely some stories that shone brighter than others and some that were spicier than others too! The audiobook narrators did an excellent job of bringing the characters and stories to life. I feel like it really added something to listen to the audiobook in this case.

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by Priscilla Oliveras was one of my favourites. I found their romance swoon worthy and believable and I think the storyline Hector's son wooing a girl at school with his guitar skills was so endearing too which made this story stand out for me.

The Nochebuena Dating Dare by Diana Muñoz Stewart was another favourite of mine. I so felt for Eneida after being through an infidelity and trying to get back out there and Tony seemed just the right man to sweep her off her feet and make her feel ready. The part of the story with her daughter at the hospital also brought depth to Eneida and made me more invested in her happily ever after.

To me Love in Spanglish by Zoey Castile was my favourite of the stories in the book. It felt like they had more time to build something steamy when they were snowed in and it also felt like we got to know Callie more with her revealing her background to get to know her new love interest. I also enjoyed that Callie was struggling with writing her second book, that fear that she wouldn't live up to her first success and how she ultimately resolved it.

The whole retelling of Love Actually was totally lost on me until later in the book but it was more to do with it being a long time since I had seen the movie. Once I realized I looked back through the storylines from the movie and compared and saw how they had taken some of the movie, switched some things up and improved it by giving everyone a HEA and taking out the distasteful jokes and uncomfortable power dynamics.

I really enjoyed that it showed love in all it's forms; romantic, familial, and platonic and also didn't shy away from same sex relationships or polyamorous partners which isn't always the case in romance but is so welcome in my opinion. I also really enjoyed learning more about Nochebuena (which I am ashamed to say I didn't know much about) and hearing stories from Latina authors about their culture and experiences. I will definitely be looking up the authors from this anthology to read more in the future.

I received a copy of the audio book version of this book through NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This is a fun holiday story collection that explores lots of different types of romance. There's varying spice levels and different sexualities, even a couple of polyamorous stories. It's a great book to get a romance reader in the mood for the holidays and the narrators did a good job at bringing the stories to life!

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I listened to this at 1x speed and I think the audio narrators did a fantastic job. I especially enjoyed the female narrator, I really enjoyed the way she did different voices.

Personally, I don't like Love Actually all that much but I just couldn't resist a Latinx twist. I'm so so glad I gave this a chance! These stories are much more progressive and of course all get happily ever afters. I can see myself coming back to listen to this every year. I highly recommend it to all romance readers.

Some of my favorites included:
- Make The Yuletide Gay by Adriana Herrera. I mean, if she writes it, I'm gonna read it. She consistently writes main characters that I feel so invested in. Because seriously, I don't think I'd normally be all that interested in a story about an older pop star. But Adriana managed to have me fully invested in Viviana and Layla finding their happily ever after.
- Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by Priscilla Oliveras. This was just really cute and sweet
- To Us, You Are Perfect by Adriana Herrera and Alexis Daria. I always thought the the posterboards thing in Love Actually was so weird and not romantic at all. But it is perfect in this story! I love the twist they gave this story.

Thanks to Dreamscape Media, the authors, and NetGalley for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Honestly, this wasn't my favorite book. I only liked a couple of the stories and the rest were lackluster/totally forgettable at best and a snooze fest at worst.

The last story in the book had the potential to be my favorite but too much of the allotted space was given to tying all of the stories together at the dinner.

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Amor Actually, a Latinx holiday anthology with a series of short stories loosely inspired by the movie Love Actually's several story lines. The audiobook is 12 hours 11 minutes, but the stories are so quick the audiobook is easy listening. There is a variety of romance tropes, spice levels (from closed door to MMF open door 🔥). I personally loved Priscilla Oliveras’s story the best but they all had their charm and heart.

I’d recommend this one if you’re looking for stories full of Nochebuena traditions and interconnected friendships. Thank you @netgalley and Dreamscape Media for the ALC.

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This was a great audiobook with 7 holiday novellas that guarantee a HEA! All incredible individual love stories written by amazing Latina authors.

It was such a fun listen and I really enjoyed this holiday romance anthology. The stories are all separate but they center around a Noche Buena party and all of the characters trying to find love and bringing a date to the party. I really connected to the stories as Noche Buena is my favorite night of the year. I loved that it had so many characters that had such different backgrounds, issues going on in their lives and love stories.

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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I received an advance listening copy from the publishers and Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
Amor Actually is an anthology of Latine/Afro-Latine Christmas romance short stories all inspired by the stories in the film Love, Actually. I’ve never seen the film (because I’ve heard the stories involve romanticizing cheating/infidelity) but I was still able to enjoy this book! None of the stories included cheating or “another woman” which I appreciate. In fact, two stories feature poly couples (which I assume were made poly after the original story involved cheating/love triangles) which I always love to see!
The short stories are also interconnected as they were in the movie. Several characters are related to each other or friends with each other. They are also all trying to convince their loves to come with them to the same Nochebuena party.
All of the stories were enjoyable, even if they weren’t all my favorite. I have to say, on a whole, my favorite was the first story, “Make the Yuletide Gay” by Adriana Herrera, about a pop star and her manager falling in love. The pining was top tier and the smut threw me for a loop with how hot it was. My other favorite story was the other queer and monogamous story, “All I Want for Nochebuena” by Alexis Daria, about two adult film stars falling for each other over a shoot.
I think if I had a main criticism, it would be that some of the stories felt the same as many of the stories have the characters pining for a while before finally spending a week together and finally admitting feelings and inviting the other to the Christmas party. I love pining a lot, but when about half of the stories followed this pattern, it got a little old.
I rated this book 3.5 stars! The audiobook was good quality with very good narrators. Not every story was my favorite, but I liked the collection overall, and it introduced me to some authors I now know I need to read from in the future!

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Overall this was a nice collection of stories that wove together in a very clever way. Some of them were more or less subtle plays on the various storylines from Love Actually. I particularly liked how some of the stories flipped the script a bit on the originals (e.g., gender reversal in Love in Spanglish and two poly storylines.)

I at least liked all but one of the stories and loved a few of them. Generally I preferred the stories with the more mature characters. The stories were pretty steamy (at least one I would label more as erotica). It was lovely to see such a diversity of representation from across the Latine community, as well as different types of pairings.

The narration was well done overall - especially after the first couple of stories . . . after the narrators had settled in a little more.

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