Member Reviews

This was a great cozy read that I would recommend for these winter evenings, it goes great with a blanket and a cup of tea,

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"Driven to Murder (Sofie Sayers #8)" by Debbie Young is a British Cozy Mystery with a Driving theme, pun slightly intended. It was a bit different in the solving of the murder. I didn't quite see that ending coming. The reveal/catching of the murderer was also quite tame. Any violence was described very briefly and was barely anything.

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This is part of a series but happily stands alone (I hadn't read any of the others). Sophie works in a bookshop and café with her boyfriend Hector whom she is about to go into partnership with. Hector thinks Sophie should learn to drive especially as it appears that the local bus service is being axed and there are no alternative means of transport in the area. Sophie has passed her theory but is terrified of taking to the open road and does her level best to dissuade him. There are protests and meetings about the proposed cancellation but when a body is found on the bus, things have perhaps gone a step too far. Who would do this and why?

This is a wonderful easy read with a smile along the way. I liked Sophie and her interactions with the other characters which came across very well. It's a relaxing read and one I looked forward to diving into, the time slipped away as I did so. A well thought out plot and a delightful one.

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