Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book! It was my first time reading a book by this author and I now have to read the others of this series. You can’t help but love how Cade and Izzy constantly bicker and fight. Deep down they are fighting an attraction that will literally destroy them if they let it. I was given a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I like my FMC’s to be feisty and Izzy is definitely that. Poor Cade, everyone else tiptoes around him through fear, whilst.Izzy disobeys him at every turn without blinking an eye. If only she could manage to keep her hands off him😂😂.
Their dynamic was so fun to read. Izzy would be red hot with anger and Cade wouldn’t bat an eye. In fact he provoked her more. Their back and forth banter had me constantly smiling. Shain Rose writes great banter.
I love the whole Hardy family and I am so excited that the next book is Declan’s story.

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Izzy Hardy is an excellent hacker and works for Stonewood Enterprises. Her boss, Cade Armanelli, is the head of data security for the government, the Pentagon and Stonewood Enterprises. She has overcome the addiction, from her earlier years, that could have killed her. She is always aware that someone close to her didn’t survive. Her current relationship is a dead end and work is what keeps her sane. She is working on making sure that the next election is safe from Albanian interference. Cade, the son of a deceased mobster, seems to disparage her computer skills, but the electricity between them is off the chart. They both have a problem denying the sizzling attraction between them and he is fighting a losing battle. Once he enjoys the physical side of their relationship, he can’t get enough of her. He had planned to remain detached, but when her life is threatened, he will destroy anyone who stands in his path. Hot romance, suspense and the heated intensity between these two wounded souls is off the chart! WOW! I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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Wow!! Talk about hot!! Have a fan nearby is all I can say!! Fair warning. Both, Cade and Izzy are code breakers, hackers and they are needed to stop drugs and other bad people from coming into the country. Cade has always liked Izzy, except he feels like he can’t do anything about it; that is until they do a retreat that brings in a group of people to work. With Cade’s jealousy off the rails, he moves her in with him and all bets are off!! These two are strong individuals who know what they want and how to go about getting it. All I can say is let the fun and adventures begin.

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I absolutely devoured this book. I finished it a couple days ago and I am still having a book hangover trying to get over this one. I loved the story and I loved the banter. The characters were just so much fun to read and follow along with. This was my first novel of Shain Rose's and I will definitely be reading more!!

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Well this was a roller coaster of an introduction to Shain Rose’s books. Corrupted Chaos is a tale of enemies to lovers and close proximity – never fear, Izzy has her trusty tin of red spray paint handy to lay down a demarcation right down the middle of the bed. So much as one finger over that line and Cade considers her fair game to do whatever he wants with though. The passion between this pair just leaps of the page. There are no boundaries and each encounter between them is more dangerous and spicy than the previous one. Some would call Cade obsessional and a stalker as he lurks on the outskirts of Izzy’s life controlling her but I prefer to see it as overprotective albeit balanced out with a strong antagonistic streak as he goads recovering addict Izzy to stop hiding and to live her life instead hiding for fear of relapsing. I loved that when it came to Cade, Izzy didn’t back down or give an inch. She gave as good as she got even to the point of instigating some of their encounters by goading Cade. She was just as crazy for him as he was for her even if they didn’t want to admit this even to themselves. With such fantastic characters with a volcanic relationship and a plot featuring computer hacking and potential election rigging it’s fair to say I loved this book. My one niggle would be that I don’t feel I really got to know anything about Cade beyond how he is with Izzy. By the epilogue he was still as much a man of mystery as he was at the beginning. I don’t know if there’s more of his background story in previous books but I know I’m going to have fun reading them to find out.

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This was my first Shain Rose book. When I saw it was a hacker story I immediately downloaded; I love a good hacker story. While I didn’t love it, I didn’t hate it either. It fell right in the middle for me. I thought the writing was well done and the story flowed nicely. But the mob connections just didn’t really do it for me.

The MMC, Cade, treated the FMC, Izzy, horribly at first. And Izzy, while claiming to hate him, was also attracted to him. The believability of that was hard for me. As the story unfolds the reader does learn the why to his behavior and he does redeem himself to the point I was actually rooting for him in the end. Izzy as a FMC was hard to understand and sympathize with. How she could be attracted to him after the way he treated her was beyond comprehension.

While this book was not for me, I know many will enjoy the mob themes, domineering and possessive MMC, dirty talk and lots of sexy times.

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I DNF'd at 50%...I had high hopes for the book and loved the synopsis but the characters lacked any sort of depth and I wasn't a fan of Cades possessiveness at all! There is sexy possessiveness and then there is unhealthy obsession...If you are looking for smut with no plot then this is your book.

1 star rating, thanks to Netgalley for an advanced copy for my honest review.

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This was such a fun read - a fast paced, drama filled combination of some of my
Favorite tropes. Izzy is a tech/hacking whiz who’s boss is clearly obsessed with her. A bit of mafia, some workplace, FMC with brains to go with her looks, and a “touch her and die” MMC made a great combination in this book!

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Spice, Spice, Baby

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ to ⭐️⭐️⭐️,5
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

This was my first book by Shain Rose, and it was quite an enjoyable read. I would recommend if for anyone who is looking for something particularly spicy, with an interesting plot, and a strong ENEMIES- to - lovers romance. And while overall this was an enjoyable read I want to emphasize that this book is incredibly spice heavy and therefore there was a few times where I really was invested in the plot and what was going to happen next only for it to be interrupted by a spicy scene! I will also warn that this does deal with some topics that may not be for everyone so please read the trigger warnings before hand.


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What a fabulous roller coaster of a ride. Izzy and Cade are both great. They are gritty, and raw and real, battling addictions, pain and passion. The passion spills over into amazing, edgy sex with a caring undercurrent just about pushing through. The mafia undertones don’t overtake the story but add intrigue and give understanding to where Cade is and how far he will go for his country and someone he cares for. A real page turner that mixes passion, sex with addiction, sobriety and fear.

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This book was wild, I found the storyline interesting but not at all believable for me. That being said, I still read through it rather quickly. The whole Mafia/hacker/Head of Security/Runs the world job description for Cade I don't know it was too over the top. I don't think that was necessary. I would have loved to see Izzy do more hacker activities. Overall, I enjoyed that their love was a real flaws and all sort of love. I do enjoy how the author ties in characters from her other series.

Favorite Quote: “And I’m capable of breaking every bone in a man’s body, but I’d like to refrain from doing that. So don’t do it. No one is allowed to hold your life in their hands except me. You understand?”

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This book has a lot of dark themes and they could be triggering for some. So please look them up before diving in. Cade Armanelli, chaos definitely describes this crazy ass guy. But I love him! This book is spicy and I would even describe it as smut with plot. But I'm not hating on it, as everyone needs a little spice in their reading. I enjoyed this book and getting to see a little more of Izzy and her background. I wasn't a fan of hers in Fractured Freedom and even after this she's still not my favorite however it did give me more insight on why she is the way she is. Overall I enjoyed this book.

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Corrupted Chaos is book one in the Tarnished Empire series by Shain Rose.
This was an outstanding read. The plot was definitely unique and interesting. The enemies to lovers trope was really represented so well.
Cade and Izzy's story is phenomenal. Like they their chemistry was off the damn charts. I love the steamy sizzling chemistry between them it just works so well even when they are both trying to deny the connection.
This book had me in a complete chokehold.
I stayed up sooo late reading this because I could not put it down.
This is my first book by the author but I'm obsessed with her writing style. She's created a freaking masterpiece here and I can not wait to read book two Fractured Freedom!

Thank You NetGalley and Page & Vine for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This book gives hate sex a whole new spicy meaning that will have your erotic loving hearts pounding, but keep in mind that there is a fine line between love and hate! The main characters in this story have danced around each other for years with antagonizing barbs, put downs and verbal slights, but our male lead takes it to a whole new level as he messes with her career while still maintaining control. The back and forth between the characters is wrapped throughout a plot of intrigue that includes mafia, Albanians, election tampering and drugs. It's a bit dark, gritty and with some rough bedroom aerobics. This story is far from vanilla, so if you aren't into rough play then you should be aware that this story could be triggering. For those that like lots of spicy scenes that are from tender, then you'll love this book and good news, it appears that I missed the fact that this book is a part of a series. There is one book before this one that I will definitely be going back to read and one coming in the future. I enjoyed this book quite a lot, but I would bet that it would have been even better had I read the first book then this one as backstory on the characters would have most likely been a bit deeper that way. Although, I will say that I have no regrets reading this book first!

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Beautifully broken, Izzy has a mixed past which she can’t let go. Whilst surrounded by those who love and adore her, this brings her little comfort at times and she endeavours to be someone she thinks they want rather than her authentic self

Cade sees straight through her and despite not wanting a relationship, being a true loner keeping only his family close, can’t help but fall for her.

Their relationship is delightfully dark and boundary pushing but also heartwarming.

Each finding themselves doing things outside their norm to make the other happy, this book really explores them as individuals and the ending is truly well fought for.

A dash of suspense and danger is enough to really set this book alight (as if the steamy scenes had not already done so 🔥)

Truly enjoyable and I look forward to reading more about the other characters

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2/5 ⭐

DNF at 13%

I just couldn't connect with the characters... They both felt like they were trying way too hard and lacked chemistry...

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Corrupted Chaos is my first book by Shain Rose and I went into this one blind. As usual. It's a mix of workplace romance and mafia romance. I loved Izzy so much. This bada&& woman went through emotional h3ll. So much dark times in past left invisible scars on her heart. But like a phoenix, she rises from the ashes. She is so fierce, so broken, so vulnerable and absolutely perfect! I am not sure Cade Armanelli deserves her.

Izzy is an expert hacker. One of the best. And she has been forced out from her risky undercover work to mundane corporate cybersecurity by Cade Armanelli. The "reformed" mafia man who is also the tech genius, who rules the world through his computer, who is linked to Izzy through his brother( Izzy's brother in law) & who is obsessed with Izzy in secrets. Izzy works under him and it is so inappropriate but their scorching hot chemistry is something else. Cade won't stop till he claims each of Izzy's pieces.

The story is very slow in the beginning. I was having a hard time connecting with their romance. Izzy and Cade get into a sexual relationship almost immediately though they resist it continuously. Izzy is an addict and she is sober but she cannot risk her sobriety for someone volatile and all consuming like Cade. But like any alpha antihero, he is persistent. I feel Cade was confused with his feelings and about how to deal with Izzy. Yes, he stalks her, he goes to extremes to protect her, he is ridiculously possessive. But most of the time, it was verbal foreplay through hate-sex-post sex long dialogues not going anywhere. As I said before, Izzy is amazing. Cade didn't really slay her demons. She did it herself. In fact, she put his feelings in perspective for him. I don't know where did they fall in love. Is it because I haven't read the other related books? It definitely seemed a part of their emotional bond was built up before and this is the culmination. I love how Izzy finally embraced her darkness and decided to open up her heart. Cade did grovel in the right way. But all the time, I felt like something is missing. A lot of extra parts those felt totally unnecessary and distracting.

I reviewed a complimentary copy voluntarily

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I loved this book. I loved that it had depth and a backstory, there definitely are some TW including I would recommend before diving right into it. However, it also had a lot of angst and fierce chemistry. Overall, a great read which is steamy and has had lots to enjoy and delve into while reading.

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Well written and filled with action and twists and turns and is a great romance! Captivating storyline and memorable characters makes for a great read!

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