Member Reviews

Second chance to forever?

In the fifth book Destined hearts series we get Troy and Jolene’s second chance at a possible forever. Can I get out of their own way? Will they destroy each other again? The authors writing flawless and the words are so captivating, the plot had so many twists and turns and none that I was expecting, and many shockingly intimate I have become a huge fan of this author. The author writes with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. Some are quick witted story lines are so perfect and lets you believe you have a front row seat. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Authors Blurb: One word.

FEAR I wonʼt make it home.
FEAR I’ll never be man enough in anyone’s eyes.
Including my own.
And worst of all, FEAR that Iʼll never feel again
the way Jolene Stewart makes me crave her next touch. 

I’ve tried to forget her.
I’ve pushed her away in order to protect her from what I FEAR most.

Making her a widow.

But no matter how long it’s been since I’ve seen her face,
no matter how many years go by without her touch,
the second our paths cross again Iʼm an instant fiend needing my next fix.

Sheʼs my kryptonite.
My vice.
The one thing that makes me secretly wish for tomorrows and forever after’s when all Iʼve ever done is serve.

Give without even a thought for my fellow man & country after seeing so many soldiers die by my side.

But now, all I want to do is stay with her and her daughter
in this new world and home weʼve created together.

Although when nightmares from her past come calling,
and my next tour has me leaving with the FEAR I once again wonʼt return...
this time can I be man enough to promise her forever?
Or will finally giving her my heart be worse than any fate that waits for me overseas?

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author for this book!! Such a good book! Poor Jolene I just wanted to hug her. Wanted to shake Troy to smarten up. And I could have just punched Brian. I will definitely be recommending this book to all my romance reading friends.

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These two characters have gone through so much and both have demons that haunt them.
I found myself rooting for them immediately and desperately wanted them to work out. They are perfect for one another.
Troy was so sweet with Anna May and it was clear he was smitten as soon as he met her.
Jo is lovable and kindhearted and was a lot stronger than she realised.
This story wrecked me and put my back together again. A good romance with amazing spice and a whole LOT of emotions. Be ready!

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Very beautifully done. I've been that woman and it's not easy but this book related well and was wonderful to read.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Evelyn Montgomery for this ARC of ‘Deliverance’.

Netgalley is supposed to be my way of saving money on books. Instead this book made me buy the rest of the series. Second chance, military and single parent tropes all in one. Yes please. This book is an absolute rollercoaster and I loved every second of it.

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This is the first book by Evelyn Montgomery that I have read, I didn’t know this book was part of a series, but I will absolutely be going back to read the others. This is a second chance, single parent, military romance. The MMC Troy has trauma from his years in combat and is struggling to settle down with Jo, and her adorable little girl because he’s scared of the what ifs. Jo’s got a past with her ex who didn’t treat her all to well and is scared to let her and her daughter get to attached but wants to try anyway her hearts always belonged to him. This book does touch on military based PTSD, And has some other triggers but it does give you some insight on what those in service deal with and their loved ones. It was an emotional but loving romance that I was grateful to get to arc read by #netgalley

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I liked the story overall but I had a big issue with the logistics of the romance. For example this woman just got out of an abusive marriage where she had a child. And all of a sudden this long lost love comes back into her life and she opens her arms to him? As a mother, the logic just isn’t logic-ing for me. And because it seemed a little unrealistic to me, it was hard to get into the book.

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Deliverance by Evelyn Montgomery was the first book that I have read by not only this author but in this series. I liked the book a lot especially because of the mix of tropes the book contained. From a military, single parent, second chance book. This was definitely at least a four star read for me. This was the perfect military single parent second chance book and I cannot wait to get my hands on the previous books in the series. This was the type of book that I don’t usually read. I definitely wasn’t expecting some of the twists and the turns that came my way but I really loved this book.

Thank you for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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I really enjoyed this book. I did not realize it was book # 4 in the series but was definitely fine to read as a standalone. I live in Nashville, so it was fun to read a story based locally. I absolutely loved the history that Troy and Jolene shared, and it was so easy to fall in love with sweet Anna May. Military stories are always so near and dear to my heart, and the hurdles that Troy and Jo had to try to overcome to just believe that they were meant to be together was so special. I was not expecting the twists that this book took, and it kept me reading. Highly recommend, and I'd definitely check out the other books in the series!

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Jolene is living in a new place and hoping her ex will not find her. She is scared for herself and her daughter, Anna May. Brian is abusive and belongs in jail. She loved Troy and he gets deployed and tells her not to wait for him, but she can't help herself. When time goes by and she doesn't hear from him, she meets Brian. No one in her circle likes him immediately. She marries him because she wants to be a mom and wife and then he shows his true personality.
When Troy comes back into her life, he comes to her rescue. He immediately reconnects with her and is drawn to her daughter. Troy promises to stay, but can he learn to open up? His past is one that a lot of military men face. Not only is this a romance novel, but it also shows you what it is like to love someone in the military. I couldn't put this book down and I can't wait to read the other books in this series.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book!

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Deliverance by Evelyn Montgomery
Dual POV
Second Chance/Military/Single Parent/Romance
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🔥🔥.5

This was my first read from Evelyn Montgomery and it definitely did not disappoint. As someone who tends to read a lot, you start find books become a bit monotonous and most of the time it becomes really hard to find a book that you can sink your teeth into. This was definitely not the case with Deliverance. I picked it up wanting something different. I’m not always a fan of military, small town romance novels, but boy-oh-boy, this was just great from the start and little did I know, it was dark outside, my kids were still running around like crazies, it was past dinner time, but I was glued to every word. And the tension between our main characters Troy and Jolene. Chef’s kiss.

That to me is the definition of a great book.

Well done Evelyn Montgomery, I am so glad I got a chance to read this standalone novel!

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I gave Deliverance 4 stars. I enjoyed the intrigue with the ex-husband and the relationship between Troy and Jo’s daughter Anna May. Unfortunately, I found Troy and Jo’s relationship lacking a little. He had been very back and forth almost the entire book. He had his reasons but it felt like he was stringing her along too much. It seemed more lust than love for him.
Overall it’s was a good read. I would read other books by this author. At the time of this review I believe her other books in the series are $0.99.

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I appreciate the ARC, however this fell flat for me. Very basic writing style and often dragged because it was repetitive. Then toward the end there was a huge confusing jump just to tie up the ending quickly.

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Well this was a surprise. This is not my usual request in netgalley but I thought hey why not..: what a book. Rollercoaster of emotions. Superb spice. Great character development… Navy Seal MMC. I liked this a lot- the writing style took a little to get used to but it was nice reading a book that wasn’t like all the others. I can’t wait to read the other stand alones in this series!

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Jolene and Troy had their very special love story. He's a navy seal and waiting for his mission, but suddenly he shows up in the coffeeshop where Jolene is working.

Wonderful, heartbreaking, full of regrets and doubts.
Troy never wanted a wife which he must leave for his job because of what happened to his brother.

Great story, great friends.

Have fun reading!

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So I read this book in one sitting and even tho I wasn’t 100% keen on the writing style I was still engaged with the book. The spice was just perfection and the will they won’t they was amazing! This book will make you cry, it’s an emotional rollercoaster in the best possible way!

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Deliverance by Evelyn Montgomery is such a wonderful book to read. This is my 3rd book from Leslie North and the second book I read from Destined Heart series.

This book have a high sexual tension, plenty of explicit spicy scenes, second chance love, dark pasts, trauma, suspense, thriller, heart breaking moments and tears. The level of spiciness is intense and there a few triggered content such as abuse and death.

Jolene is a single mother who trying to run away from her abusive ex husband. A SEAL, Troy save Jo from her ex husband attacks after coming back from a tour. It's been years since he pushed her away from his life to protect her. The love between them still burn bright after all this years but the dark past keeps on coming and the nightmare just won't stop.

I'll definitely be waiting for more books from Evelyn Montgomery and I'm really need to read next book.

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Once I started this book I could not put it down it's so addictive. The spice is perfection the chemistry perfection and the will they won't they just amazing 😍

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I ended up DNF’ing this book at around 25%. The writing style was just very basic and I was having a hard time staying interested. I don’t think this author is for me and that’s okay.

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I do wish that I had known that this was part of a series, HOWEVER. This book will make you cry, so stock up on tissues! It is an emotional rollercoaster in the best of ways. It was also surprisingly suspenseful, which added a nice element.

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