Member Reviews

This was the most adorable manga I’ve ever read!

Haruma Ichinose has been popular since birth until he meets Yuki Mogami and Ichinose can’t help but fall in love with her countless times. Told in thirteen chapters and multiple bonus chapters this volume is definitely going to make your cheeks hurt from smiling.

I enjoyed how the roles were reversed in this manga. Mogami is the tall, cool hero and Ichinose is the easily flustered, tsundere heroine. The story does a good job making this feel natural and pleasant. I also loved their friendly banter and Ichinose’s thoughts throughout.

Told from Ichinose’s point of view, the story isn’t unique. It’s the execution. Utilizing a somewhat quick pacing the artwork and story focuses on key elements of the dialogue and emotions, while glossing over extra details. This works because the main couple and their friends are enough to hold the reader’s interest as well as the events are common to most shoujo so there’s a tacit understanding.

The artwork is nice and uses a lot of large three panel per page layouts. The manga doesn’t use many small or numerous panels per page, allowing for large character drawings. Also, there aren’t many scenic backgrounds used, except for blank or simple ones. This is advantageous because the characters have clearer facial expressions which when connected with the words makes it a more enjoyable and memorable read. Additionally, the different speech bubbles utilized such as the rounded, pointed or waved edges helped convey the tone in which the characters were speaking. I found that this was not only helpful but helped define the character’s personality more.

Overall, I enjoyed this volume and will be picking up the next volume. It was funny and romantic. I loved the chibis, the overall art style and the layout because it worked well with this type of storytelling. I am rooting for Ichinose but also for our little love story on the side in volume two!

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This is such a cute manga! I had so much fun reading it. It's very funny, very tongue-in-cheek. If you're a fan of shojo manga and you know the tropes, this manga takes those tropes and turns them on their head in a very comedic and self-aware way.

Never was there a more charming prince shojo trope character than Mogami-- something she doesn't seem the least aware of. Poor Ichinose, usually so suave, can't help but become a blushing heroine character even though he's trying his very best to be the one taking the lead in all the interactions he has with Mogami. He's trying his best, but they really are trapped in a shojo parody plot and there's nothing they can do about it.

And besides the (delightful) plot, I really appreciated that the book took the time to include footnotes explaining what certain terms used in the book mean, without translating those words differently in order to appeal to a more mainstream audience. I always appreciate it when translators leave integral parts of the text (those referencing specific parts of the culture) intact during translation (such as keeping the honorifics used between characters, eg. -kun, -chan, -san), but I'm also aware that not everyone reads enough manga, or interacts with enough Japanese media to immediately know what those things mean. Adding a footnote explaining what the word or phrase means is both educational, and ensures that the essence of the word is kept while also being inclusive towards though who have no knowledge about the word (eg. There was a footnote in the text explaining what a tsundere is).

Can't wait for volume 2!

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A really cute romantic comedy - if you're a fan of shoujo, you'll enjoy this story! I'm eagerly awaiting volume 2. It doesn't necessarily stand out with heartstopping romance, but it is humorous and a bit slice of life.

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Thank you NetGalley

This story was so cute! I laughed out loud so many times watching Ichinose and Mogami go back and forth. I will admit they felt more like they should’ve been 14-15 rather than 17 with how silly everything ended up being, but it was still fun. The prince vs princess thing was amazing. This was just a good time. I loved the two main characters and some of the side characters were even fun/funny.

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My initial description to my Partner: They are like Tamaki and Haruhi, just make Tamaki less self defeatist and suave. But reverse the height difference.
My later description was Shojo Manga / Romance Trope Bingo.

This manga is super self-aware while also being incredibly wholesome.
The plus of breaking the gender roles of certain tropes was just a bonus for me.

Other things you can find: Crossdressing, Muffins, Side Characters that ship them as much as you.

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This is a cute, breezy story of one short, emotionally constipated boy and his quest to get the attention of his tall, oblivious crush, and I'm here for it! It really is nice to see this series swap the genders of who is flustered and who is clueless and it's still fun and silly. It's great in its little bite-sized doses!

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Personally I don’t care for this style of manga where the story is told in very short clips and each chapter is seemingly unconnected to the next, to me it makes the overarching story feel disjointed. However, I did like the art style and the characters are cute and I love how the gender roles are flipped because the main male character (Ichinose) is so flustered by the main female character (Mogami) is so tall. I would definitely recommend this story to readers of titles like Way of the Househusband!

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This manga is about a young boy who has a crush on a girl. She just happens to be taller than him. It’s funny to see how she takes on the masculine role and he takes on the feminine role in the crush. Hence the title She’s My Knight. You can tell when he is daydreaming because he is suddenly taller than his crush. But the in the “real world” he is shorter and is always getting rescued by his crush. It’s a well drawn manga and has that romantic comedy vibe.

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A cute, funny manga that I was able to read in just a day.

It was a really fun read, and the art was spectacular. The plot felt very everyday and I liked the play on irony throughout the book.

There were a couple slightly confusing parts where words were repeated or timeline changed, but they were very sparse and overall it was easy to read.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes the typical manga or kdramas, and wants to read something that encapsulates that.

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3.5 out of 5 stars.

I really like the characters in this manga but it has the problem that a lot of other slice-of-life and more one-shot comic-style mangas tend to have. The plot is going really well at first and then the volume turns more into a bunch of side stories and that isn't to my taste. I just wish there was more plot but I am open to giving this series another shot because of how much I liked the characters.

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The illustrations were cute and there was some potential here but there wasn't too much of a storyline. It had more of an episodal kind of feeling which is fine, but just not my cup of tea.

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Rate- about 3/4 star range
Haruma meets a girl who is taller than him and in his eyes she is perfect-Yuki. Throughout the beginning of the volume he denies how he truly feels and with the help of his friend he gets hit with the realization he likes Yuki. However, he has some hurdles to overcome like how to express himself and not seen as the heroine that's always being saved by Yuki. 

It's a cute story with a twist with a reverse in characters for the heroine/prince and it's fun seeing the side characters involved and their thoughts. I honestly thought of Yoi from In the Moonlit Clear, when we were introduced to Yuki. I did read this ebook awhile back but now it has had a recent physical release.  Compared to some of the series I recently started, it probably falls in the middle'ish range of manga I have read. It's not a top tier for me but also not toward the bottom either.

Thanks to NetGalley & Kodansha for the opportunity to read and review.

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Truly adorable. Perfect shojo manga with light and fluffy elements. I really liked how cute and playful. Rooting for the characters to find their way to each other. Had a very slice of life feel so if you want more plot this may not be for you.

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Not everything translates well. There are many cultural, societal, and even idiosyncratic traits and tendencies that culminate in forming an item of media- in any format- and tailoring it to its audience. As such, it doesn't mean that item will work well in another environment; fish are great, but not so good when put in a tree.

Thus, this manga. Truthfully, the first third or so is just as the blurb describes. The tone is light, comedic and rather sweet. Then, however, it just becomes a drag. Mogami misinterpreting Ichinose's actions is fun, or at least it is the first few times.

This whole story is like watching a pantomime without a child- there are a few jokes for the adults, but, mostly, you're just hyper aware that you are not the intended audience.

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I loved this book. It's a fantastic and super fun read.
Once I started reading, I couldn't stop until I reached the end of the book.
The characters are truly incredible. I love their personalities, especially him, because the book is more from his perspective, wanting to be cool but liking her and being embarrassed about it. I really loved the changes that were made to create a story that was an inverted shoujo manga. Is so so good. And their friends, the misunderstanding he causes by wanting to help. And he's super adorable.
The manga has lots of chapters, many of them super cute little episodes. Is so good to read.

The drawings are spectacular, full of personality and expressiveness, they convey to the reader what the character is going through and feeling.

I had a smile on my face the entire time I was reading it, so this is a book you can't miss if you want to have a good time.

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This is a basic romance that has you rooting for the main couple since they're very cute together. If you're looking for something new and challenging then look elsewhere but cute and familiar? Step right up. Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for allowing me to read this for an honest review.

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This was so flipping cute I actually cannot handle it.

I absolutely love when manga flips tropes on their head. This is the classic cool guy flustered girl shojou trope but flipped as the Female MC is cool collect, and 6 feet and the Male MC is flustered and not very smooth. They are genuinely so cute and I cannot wait to continue in the series

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I got the concept and the way the story was going but at some point it felt too cliche and I was over it halfway through.

the art is cute though.

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She's My Knight follows Haruma, a teen guy who has always been popular due to his good looks. In fact, he has always been the best looking until a new girl, Yuki, shows up at their school. He instantly falls in love with her and the entire plot of the book is Haruma fawning over Yuki, and Yuki just not getting any sort of hint that he likes her. Haruma has terrible people skills it turns out, and always says the things in a round about way that confuses Yuki and does not get Haruma's point across.

This was an average high school centered manga for me. I felt the main guy was borderline obsessed with his crush, which is never healthy in real life. There was also a weird section about their high school substitute teacher wanting to be involved with Yuki, and that's just creepy/gross.

The art style was really intricate, and I loved the funny facial expressions Haruma made every time he was trying to get his point across to Yuki. I think the artist did a great job, I just didn't love the plot due to the main character's obsession with his female classmate.

I still think a lot of high schoolers would enjoy this, and maybe even be able to relate to the main character having a hard time asking his crush out.

3/5 stars

Thank you to netgalley and Kodansha Comics for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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3.25 🌟
Cute read about a high school boy who falls in love with a handsome beautiful high school girl. Cute short read and both are kind of naive and clumsy which makes the manga cute haha.

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