Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and Publisher for approving the request.
I started reading this back at the start of July and then my job started and I couldn't focus anymore. now that I got used to the schedule I've lost interest. otherwise, I loved how bold Otrera is and the start literally grasped my attention. I tried again to read this week but because I couldn't recall where I left off so decided to dnf T-T
DNFed at 118/377

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As someone who adored Greek mythology this was a fantastic and gripping read, while I struggled to get into the book at first once I reached a certain point I couldn’t put it down,!I really enjoyed not only the story of Otrera but the side characters were well written to the point I wish there was more of them!

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I love Greek mythology retelling's. the Maiden of Artemis was not what i was expecting in both the good and the bad.

The way Eloise tells the story is refreshing. I didn't know too much about the maiden's of Artemis before reading this and it made me dive into various myths on the maidens of Artemis.

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Couldn't even finish this book, I found it so boring. Which sucks! I love the premise! But the story didn't hook me and I didn't like the characters! I do love the idea and the cover! I really do wish I was able to enjoy it more, but I fear this just didn't do it for me at all.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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This book had a very good concept and I liked how the themes of feminism and family were interwoven into the narrative. I thought the way mythology was retold was so interesting. Now my biggest issue was the pacing. It was so slow at the start but then it quickened at some unexpected places and it ended up feeling very strange. The side characters were amazing, loved them. 3.25 stars

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Maiden of Artemis has been one of the best reads I've had so far this year. Each character of this book is so well thought out and able to be connected/related to. The world building is immaculate and immersive. The writing style was unique and different and I was captivated by the first chapter. Thank you for the opportunity, I will be recommending.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a great book for Greek Mythology fans

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1.5 / 5.0

This book was incredibly hard for me to read. It was very slow and meandering, which is not to my liking. I put it down and restarted it three times before I set a daily reading target to make myself finish it. I can see others enjoying it, the plot was interesting, but it was not an enjoyable read for me.

Until Next Time,

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for access to this ARC.

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Thank you for arc! However as someone who loves Greek Mythology, this book was extremely difficult for me to get into and I unfortunately had to dnf. I think some of the writing was a bit too flowery for me and I hopefully will be able to retry reading this book!

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First of all: thank you to Netgalley for providing my with an eARC for this book.

The premise sounded really good, since I love Greek mythology and Greek mythology retelling a.
But sadly this book wasn’t for me. I had a hard time getting into the book and couldn’t feel a connection to the characters.
It wasn’t a book I was gravitating towards reading at the end of the day.
Tastes vary, so hopefully someone else finds more joy in this than I did.

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3.5 ⭐
This was an enjoyable, YA feeling book that explored the mortals perspective of greek gods and their blessings being both a curse and a gift.

While the main character, Otrera's story, wasn't the most gripping of journeys the real magic of this book comes with the side characters. If a book has a character called Lysandra? I'm going to read it. When that character is a badass with character growth and a catty attitude? That's a star in itself right there.

The relationships these characters forged and the found family, protective circle they formed around each other was enjoyable to read. Their dependence on Otrera and the way she dealt with that pressure was also an enjoyable character arc to explore, even if it was only touched upon briefly.

As a lover of Greek Mythology, the Greek Gods and Mythology retellings I also enjoyed the portrayal of Apollo, Athena and Artemis in this. I would be interested in exploring more of this writers portrayal of the gods, and especially seeing more of her Ares.

Thankyou to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an e-arc of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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I would say this book is a solid three stars. I didn't love it but it was still pretty enjoyable.

What I enjoyed:
- Likeable main character
- Well developed and interesting side characters
- Amazing themes of feminism and being a girls girl
- A lovely found family
- Dives right in from the start
- Great character growth that felt rewarding even as the reader

What I didn't enjoy:
I wouldn't even say I didn't enjoy anything, it just fell a little flat for me and the pacing felt off at times, sometimes it would be slow and sometimes it would feel rushed

I recommend this book if you like retellings that aren't as common, feminist themes and women supporting women, interesting takes on the Gods and if you enjoyed Sisters of Sword and Song by Rebecca Ross

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🏹 Mythology Retelling? ✔️ Sisterhood? ✔️ Touch her and you die? ✔️

🏹 In this book we are trasported to Greece in the time of kingdoms and slaves. I'd like to think that this book is somewhere in the same timeline as The Iliad of Homero.

🏹 In the prologue, on Olympus Ártemis vows to her sister Athena that the world would be more peacefull if the woman were in charge.

🏹 We are introduced to Otrera a slave that tried to keep unnoticed until one day the fierce in her came to the surfice as she trys to defend herself. After that she trys to find refuge in the forest were she meets Ártemis.

🏹 After that Otrera is no longer just a slave, but someone with a quest. Along the way she is confronted with obstacles that lead other women to join her, forming a sisterhood covered and united by love.

🏹 But that is not all, my favorite part is that Ares, who likes to hang out among humans, is sometimes against Otrera, sometimes supporting her, which creates a dynamic of enemies with very interesting chemistry.

🏹 The best part? The plot twist 😲🤯 mindblowing!!!

🏹 I really likes this book, is full of mystery, you can't never guess what comes next. And this book is an ode to what truly feminism stands and how incredible it is to be a woman. I can't wait to read the next one!

I would like to thank Netgalley and Eloise Bahr for the opportunity of read this arc and give my honest and sincere opinion.

#Bookworm, #Reader, #Bibliophile, #AmReading.
#maidenofartemis #NetGalley

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The Amazons are such a incredible and intreuging group of women in Greek mythology.

It is not very often that we get a retelling of these types of stories and I found myself so incredibly immersed in this book.

I really appreciated the strong characters within this book.

One of my absolute favourite things about this book is how unique and complex the characters are, I loved getting to know them all individually and was left feeling inspired.

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In Maiden of Artemis we follow Otrera in her journey across Greece on her quest to reach Artemis’ sanctuary. I really enjoyed reading this book. It was fast-paced, the main character was well-rounded & the story itself flowed really nicely. Otrera was a really interesting character to follow & I genuinely felt for her in her struggles. The side characters were diverse, interesting characters & I really enjoyed the part they all played in the story although I wish we got some more depth with some of them. As far as the found-family trope goes, it was done really well in this story & I loved seeing all the women supporting one another - it is refreshing to read a book with so many positive relationships between women. Overall I really enjoyed this book & I’d highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in Greek Mythology.

Thank you to NetGalley & the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book, even though Greek mythology isn't my favorite niche of fantasy. What I really liked is how she "found" her family and how the relationships between them are written.
This book doesn't really have romance (I mean it's about one of Artemis' maidens, what would you expect?) but there are romantic relationships presented in this book including a LGBTQ+ relationship.
The gods annoyed me to a degree, but this just shows how well they were written, because after all, they are horrible beings
The COWPILE score is 8.29 / 4.5 stars rounded up because I enjoyed the book

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First off: Thank you to the author and Netgalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

So. This book.
I don't want to be mean, but i feel like there is value in honesty, so here it goes.

It took me like 65% before i started actually having a good time. Reading it felt like a chore, and time just did not pass as i did. The percentage bar just stayed the same and it made me want to bash my head in.

Don't get me wrong. The story in itself wasn't bad. I grew quite fond of the characters and there were really nice parts.

However. However, the writing was bumpy. Often i could feel myself being pulled out of the story because of it. The prose felt like it was trying a bit too hard to be poetic, or the dialogue changed drastically from very modern to "time appropriate", as if it didn't know what it was going for. There were so many commas either misplaced or missing entirely. Most importantly, the author consistently confused Charon, ferryman of the underworld, with Chiron, trainer of heroes.

All aside, what this book did really well was characterization. I loved the group of women and their unique personalities, quirks, manners. My favourite has got to be Lyssandra, who's just a bitch for the entire book, and I love her for it. All of the gods are assholes, which feels appropriate; though i would have loved Artemis to be just a bit more center and a bit more likeable, with this being a book about her, in some way.

I also loved the fact that this book focused so much on women. It's refreshing to read a book where the main cast consists (almost) entirely of women. More of that, please!!

I really, really enjoyed the last 20%. I would've loved to enjoy all of it.

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Excellent read. Really enjoyable. Exquisitely written with relatable and likable characters and beautiful world-building. 100% would recommend to all of my friends and fellow book lovers.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book.

Maiden of Artemis follows Otrera’s journey through Ancient Greece to find a place of safety and her freedom. Blessed by the goddess Artemis early in the story, Otrera is pursued by the god Ares, and soldiers following her every move all while defending the women who join her on her quest.

I found the story a little slow to start, and at times confusing, especially when Otrera is dreaming or having a vision. I suspect the confusion lies in my being distracted while reading, as at the end of each passage, I realised what was going on in the story. My only real bugbear is that it felt like her story ended too soon. I feel that there should be a sequel to finish off her story, and perhaps touch upon the stories of the other women who accompanied Otrera. Overall, this was an enjoyable read.

#maidenofartemis #NetGalley

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