Member Reviews

I must have requested this for the beautiful cover and the heroine's Irish name. The accent could use some work. I didn't find Niamh and Kit to have any chemistry whatsoever. The wannabe Gossip Girl is just that.

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Do you like regency romance? Do you like romantasy? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, you’ll love this book. Are you not anti-regency romance or romantasy, but willing to give it a shot? Well… meh.

This didn’t feel fully predictable - there were quite a few twists and turns - but nothing about it really ~enchanted~ me. The magic was soft and sweet, but it didn’t seem to add anything to the story. The fictional world was clearly a metaphor for England and Ireland, and it just didn’t feel very original to me. I think this book would have been just as good - if not better - had it just been a regency romance rather than a fantasy romance. The author seems to play with the concept of queer normatively - numerous characters have backstories with a same sex romance - but the world itself is not queer normative, which confused me. Plus the only on-page romances were male/female, though it seems both main characters are bi.

It’s a romance, it’s sweet, but wasn’t anything special for me, as someone who doesn’t read a lot of romances.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Allison Saft & MacMillan Audio for an audio ARC in exchange for an honest review. This review is wholly my own & may not be reproduced.

While I loved the gorgeous cover art for this one, the story left me unsatisfied.

I enjoyed the prose & the characters & story were ok, but overall, it was a miss. The romance between Kit & Niamh was completely unbelievable. How do you go from hating each other one second to being instantly in love the next – with ZERO transition? The was the worst part. It was almost like the author was ready to be finished & just hurriedly slapped something on the page. There were still unresolved problems that never got wrapped up. The ending was a lesson in procrastination – “We’ll just worry about all our problems another day. Let’s just focus on our completely unrealistic love story for now – that’s enough.” NO! That doesn’t not work if this was not intended to be a series.

Many friends rave about this author, so I was expecting something more. I apparently chose the wrong book to be my first by Saft. I do not have a second lined up on my TBR.

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Thanks to Netgalley for an advanced copy of the audiobook! I really liked this book, which is no surprise because I usually love Allison Saft's books. It felt a little lighter and less atmospheric than other of Saft's books because this one was a lighter regency story, but I did still like it.

I think the character development left me wanting a little more, especially from our main couple. However, I would read a whole other book just about the extended cast of characters here because I did want more of them

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I held my review in solidarity with the St Martin's Press influencer boycott, hoping that the publisher would choose to acknowledge their employee's behavior and to share how they protect their readers, influencers, and authors.

Nine months in, I no longer have an expectation of anyone receiving a meaningful response to that simple request.

If SMP chooses to speak up, I will be happy to update this feedback with my actual review.

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I enjoyed the Bridgerton vibes of this, but I think I was just a little underwhelmed at the romance and the plot overall!
The narrator was great, and I loved the accent.

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DNF @ 28%. "A Fragile Enchantment" by Allison Saft sounded like a promising, cozy fantasy romance based on its description. Unfortunately, it is full of unnecessary details and a lack of oomph. I wish I cared more about Niamh and Kit. Their enemies to lovers story could have been so much more effective, and instead, I found it to be grating and contrived. Kit is such a jerk! I know that's sort of the point of enemies to lovers, but it is hard to find any redeeming qualities in him, like he doesn't deserve Niamh. There does manage to be some good banter in the first 28%, but it also feels like it unfolds so slowly that I was shocked that the book wasn't already half over. It is so poorly and slowly paced! Any yearning there might be between the two of them is displaces by how snail-like the plot is unfolding. Fran Burgoyne is a great narrator and she does a wonderful job here, but her narration can't save a story that is bogged down with issues. I might get to this book again some day, but as of right now, it is a DNF for me.

Thank you to NetGalley, Allison Saft, Macmillan Audio, and Macmillan Young Listeners for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.

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This romantic fantasy weaves magic and emotion, with a bit of mystery and intrigue. Strong Bridgerton vibes with a drastic class system and a gossip publication airing out dirty laundry. The narration was superb, bring the characters to life.

Sincere thanks to NetGalley, Macmillan Audio, and Macmillan Young Listeners for an advanced listener copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this story. In fact, I loved the story more than I thought I would. It is whimsical and beautiful all at the same time. Very well written and the pacing is also done well. It makes you want to believe in magic.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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This was a lovely mix of historical fantasy and romance. Like a YA version of Bridgerton.
really enjoyed the magic lore and wanted to dive into it more but this was more of a romance than fantasy book. The ending was a bit fast, things wrapped up and I kind of wanted it fleshed out more -- this is more for the characters than the world building/plot but a lovely read

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I had such high hopes for this story- however it read far too focused on a teenage audience, despite being somewhat adult material. If you’re old enough to get married, then it should not be a YA novel.

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A fun idea: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

🎧The premise of this story is great and I think it had great potential. I love the chronic illness representation and the world building was unique. The audiobook narration was fairly good. It is slow to start and difficult to get into but if you like Bridgerton mixed with YA fantasy you might enjoy this!

Author: Allison Saft
Publisher: Wednesday Books
Audio: Macmillan Audio

🔔Content notes: fantasy violence, chronic illness, death, severe language throughout (f***, bas***, b****, he**), explicit romance described, lqbtq rep

Thanks so much to NetGalley, the author, and Macmillan Audio for the audiobook ARC

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This one is for lovers of classic fairy tales and believers of magic.

I loved the magic system used here with our FMC literally infusing clothing with enchantments that illicit emotion.

I loved the banter, the forbidden love, the real stakes for our two MC and I so, so enjoyed it!

This one is YA so the spice is light but it was so sweetly done and I loved it!

Thank you to the publisher for the advanced copy!

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Unfort, as someone who lives and breathes by A Far Wilder Magic, this was so aimless and boring. I soft DNFed for like three weeks because it meant nothing to me. Kit is a douchebag and the MC is so dull :-(

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If I’m being honest, I just couldn’t get into this audiobook. I feel like the story would have been a lot better had I been physically reading it.

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Niamh Ó Conchobhair possesses an extraordinary and rare talent, she is able to seamlessly weave emotions and memories into fabric. Anyone who wears or sees the attire she created feels how she wants them to feel. However, this remarkable ability comes at a cost, gradually draining her life force. With such little time left, she decides to make the most of her remaining time, she agrees to design the wardrobe for a royal wedding, hoping to support her family. Yet, upon reaching the kingdom, she is quickly confronted with a harsh reality that shatters her romanticized expectations.

I enjoyed this world, the magic system, the banter, the romance, and even Lovelace (similar to a lady whistledown from Bridgerton), but I had some trouble connecting with Naimh. She seemed to be making so many decisions that keep leading her to even worse outcomes. I also felt like she was always determined to do the right thing, but that "right" thing she selected didn't always make sense to me. Overall I enjoyed the story, but felt like there were some missing pieces.

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A Fragile Enchantment is a YA story about a magical seamstress, Niamh Ó Conchobhair, who is hired to create the wedding attire for a prince, Kit Carmine’s arranged marriage. Niamh is a Machlish, a group who have been conquered and are servants or poor families who are not appreciated by the ruling nobles. Some of them have magic, Niamh being one of them. Kit doesn't want to marry the princess that has been selected for him, but his brother insists he must to save Avaland. There is unrest brewing among the Machlish and rebellion seems imminent. The problem is, Kit has fallen in love with Niamh. Will they be able to be together, or must Kit marry to save the kingdom?

I love the term Romantasy, as that is what this book is. It takes Regency England with all it's pomp and circumstance, young nobles making their debuts into society with candlelit balls and elegant garden parties, as well as the excitement of a Royal Wedding and throws it into a fantasy world with magic. I liked Niamh's character from the get go. She was a strong, independent woman who was just trying to make a living for her family. She was kind, caring, loyal and smart. She gets caught up in the rebelling when she is caught in a compromising position, but tries to do what is right. Kit was aggravating at the beginning. He was a prince, but didn't bother to find out what was going on in their kingdom. He wanted what he wanted, but eventually comes around. With secrets, corruption, sneaking around, magic that is not controlled, love and more, this story pulled me in and had me smiling at the end when everyone does the right thing and there is happiness all around. Fran Burgoyne narrated this audiobook and she is a new narrator to me. I enjoyed her performance and voices. She made this a delight to listen to.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the opportunity to listen to an early audiobook of A FRAGILE ENCHANTMENT in exchange for my honest review!

In A FRAGILE ENCHANTMENT, we follow Niamh who is an ambitious dressmaker, hired by the royal family to tailor and design the garments for the upcoming royal wedding of Prince Kit Carmine. Niamh and the prince do NOT initially hit it off, but Niamh doesn't let Kit's abrasive and surly attitude sway her from her task. As the two get to know each other, the walls come down and the chemistry ramps up until an anonymous gossip column starts to poke at their budding friendship, eluding that it may be something more. The columnist swears to back off if Niamh helps them uncover some dirt on the royal family. What a predicament Niamh finds herself in!

-- My Thoughts on the Story & Characters--
Niamh is the type of character I feel a lot of people will be able to relate to---both positively and negatively. Niamh is compassionate, ambitious, and considerate of others. However, her desire to do right by others, while an honorable quality, nearly destroys her. She is the kind of girl who will bend herself over backwards and sacrifice herself to make others lives better. Selflessness is admirable, but being selfless doesn't mean making your own dreams and wants smaller or worthless. We see this "threaded" in her character arc throughout the story and, I'll admit, it could be really frustrating at times, but it also is part of what makes her so relatable.

Unfortunately the romance between Niamh and Kit was not one I fully got on board with. Some things were just lacking in that area, but there were still some very swoon-worthy moments.

The magical elements in this book were very cool, but I wanted more of it!

I think the vibes of A FRAGILE ENCHANTMENT are immaculate, though. Readers who love regency era historical romances like Bridgerton will absolutely love that about this book.

--My Thoughts on the Audiobook Performance--
A FRAGILE ENCHANTMENT is told solely from Niamh's point of view and I think the narrator captured Niamh's personality really well in their performance. I think my only critique (based on personal preference) is more differentiation between characters. Sometimes Niamh and Kit sounded the same in my ears and I would get confused on who was speaking.

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Another lush, sweeping romantic fantasy from Allison Saft. Saft is quickly becoming a master of the genre and I'll read anything she writes!

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