Member Reviews

I really enjoyed the story overall. The narrator is really good! This is probably is my last favorite of all of his books though.

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I was apprehensive after seeing so many negative reviews but I throughly enjoyed this one. I loved the interesting POV, the story broken into acts and treated like a play, and the many twists.
I also read via audio and I believe the narrator really helped to make this an enjoyable read. His inflections and intonations were great.

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I'm a big fan of Alex Michaelides, but this was my least favorite of his novels. I did like the unreliable narrator and the tie in to previous novels.

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Thank you NetGalley and Celadon Books for a chance to listen to the audiobook of "The Fury" by Alex Michaelides. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a slow burn. It's strange, it's messy, it's filled with unlikeable characters. It felt a bit repetitive at times, but it reads beautifully like a play and has an old-school vibe. I would consider this a psychological vacation thriller!

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I was so excited to get a copy of the audiobook. I loved the author's previous book The Silent Patient and I had high expectations for this one. Unfortunately, I DNF'd it at 30%. I thought the character/narrator was really dislikeable. I love a dislikeable character, but this one just didn't do it for me. :(

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I had high hopes for 'The Fury,' Alex Michaelides' third book, since I really enjoyed his earlier ones, 'The Silent Patient' and my favorite, 'The Maidens.' But this book didn't meet my expectations.

'The Fury' has a group of characters who, whether on purpose or not, are extremely unlikable. While their unlikeability is part of the story, it makes the book hard to connect with emotionally. The main character is especially unlikable and focuses a lot on another unlikable character, which made it hard for me to care about what was happening in the story.

Even though the book has some good twists and surprises, it was hard to enjoy them because I didn’t feel connected to the characters. This made the story feel a bit dull compared to Michaelides' other books. I was also disappointed that some issues from his earlier books weren’t addressed, especially since I expected a more polished story.

However, it’s clear that the author is passionate about this story. The main character is a screenwriter, which ties into Michaelides’ own background, and you can really feel the joy he had in writing this book. This passion adds an extra layer to the story, and the twists and character details help keep things interesting.

One thing 'The Fury' does well is pacing. The story moves along without getting boring, and the multiple timelines keep the reader engaged. There are lots of small details that make sense later on, which adds to the suspense. Despite my disappointments, I did enjoy the ending, which had a nice connection to Michaelides' other books and made me feel like I was in on a secret.

In the end, 'The Fury' may not be as good as his previous books, but it still offers a unique perspective, clear passion, and a good pace that fans of Michaelides’ style might appreciate.

Thank you, Celadon Books, for the advanced reader's copy.

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I have enjoyed Alex Michaelides from The Silent Patient and The Maidens.
This book was unexpected. The narrator did a fine job of relaying the story.
I thought I had it figured out but the author surprised me! I should have known since he did that in the previous books as well.
The Greek scenery is amazing as well.

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This fast paced book was amazing. I loved the story and the characters and the narrator was wonderful in all the voices. Highly recommend!

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Have you seen this book everywhere? Well there is a good reason, it’s storytelling at its finest!

Pour yourself a drink, get comfortable and let Elliot tell you a story!
LENGTH: 298 pages 🧿 Audio 8 hrs 8min at 1Xspeed
Narrator: Alex Jennings
I loved the setting of this book and the way the story is told. I never thought the book would work out the way it did. So many twists and turns. It made it so enjoyable to read and play along with it the mystery.
I’m also glad I got to read it with the #sqaf bookclub - these are my people for sure! Check put their reviews too!
I had the opportunity to drop this off @littlefreelibrary in my area and so did many others. I hope @celadonbooks knows how much we appreciate the opportunities to share books in areas all over the country to readers who may not have the resources to grab a new release especially before publication day. Also the audio was provided by and @netgalley so thanks for the opportunity to listen to Elliot suck me into his world for the evening.

#qotd - tell me something good that’s happened to you this year so far - if been sick all week so I want to hear your good news, please!

🏷️ #bookstagram #bookreview #bookrecommendations #booklover #bookworm #bookaddict #paperback #hardback #audiobook #mystery #psychologicalthriller #greece #suspense #twistsandturns #unreliablenarrator #slowburn #jammersbookstacks

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This was a solid audiobook, though not my favorite of his. It’s a solid creepy book in his typical style on an island, and I’d recommend it if you like Michaledes.

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I really liked the way that this was narrated, as if someone was setting the scene for you. This one had me in anticipation for what happened next

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Glamour, love, obsession, murder all in a sun-drenched private island location. The audiobook is narrated well, which helps keep the story moving.

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Despite several tries, I had a very hard time getting into this story. I just never felt connected to the plot.

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Little wonder ratings are low for this would-be thriller. I'm disappointed in Michaelides--yet again! Didn't like The Silent Patient either. But this mish-mash is worse. Yes, the author keeps us misled with red herrings, but at no time is there really any tension...essential to a so-called thriller. I'm shocked that David Baldacci, who knows how to write so well, wrote nice things about this book. Michaelides is a Cypriot Greek, and we would like to see/get some color of place about this Greek Island. We do not. The best characters are the indigenous Greek caretaker and the woman assisting the "star." The rest of the bunch are dreary and unlikeable. Good writers make you empathize with, relate to, or like the protagonist.

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I had a hard time getting into this one. However, I can see why others will like it. I had to DNF 70% thru sadly.

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I was really disappointed with this book, especially after loving The Silent Patient and The Maidens. Compared to those, this thriller felt painfully slow. The narrator was meant to be unreliable and unlikable, but it was taken to such extremes that it made reading a struggle. The ending redeemed it somewhat, but by then, it had lost all its initial thrill. I found myself bored and couldn't connect with any of the characters. The attempt to break the fourth wall didn't work for me; instead, I found it annoying. None of the plot twists surprised me, and I never felt on edge. The ending fell flat, although I appreciated the short chapters.

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I really wanted to enjoy this book, but unfortunately I could not get past the first bit of the audiobook. The plot and narrator bored me. I ended up DNFing at 10%.

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I was lucky enough to receive both the E-Arc and the audiobook. I tried switching back and forth but it did not work for me. The book just didn't capture my attention. So sadly I DNFed the book. However I'm rating it 3 stars because while it wasn't the book for me it might be the perfect book for someone else.

Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for the E-ARC. And to Macmillan Audio for the ALC.

All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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Lana Chase a former movie star invites her friends to a Greek Island getaway. One of them will not return and well dramatized novel will keep you on your toes! The shocking ending isn’t one to miss.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC copy.

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While this book doesn't really feel like Alex's other books, I still liked it! For me the characters were the biggest issue. I just really didn't like any of them! The narrator made the story hard to follow at times, and maybe that was the point, but I struggled a bit in the middle trying to figure out what was really going on. Overall it mostly kept my attention, and I would say it's a decent read! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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