Member Reviews

I'm trying to gather all my thoughts after reading/listening to this book. First off, the overall style and format was so unique and I really enjoyed that! The audiobook was perfection! The narrator, Alex Jennings, was a perfect voice for Elliot. Add an audiobook, this was so nicely done and deserves 5 stars.

The first half of the story was very slow and dragged. I considered DNFing a few times, but I really wanted to finish and see the "twists" everyone was talking about. The twists were "eh", and that's why I'm giving it only 3 stars. Not my favorite, but not horrible either.

*Thank you so much @celadonbooks for the ARC copy. And thank you for the #gifted audiobook.*

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Thanks to Macmillan Audio for granting me access to this audiobook!

The story starts off with the narrator explaining that his recounting of the story might be unreliable at times, which truly sets the tone for the rest of the novel. As a reader, I was always trying to figure out wether his accounts were truly what happened or not, anxious to find out what would happen next.
The narrator also states that his recounting will be told in the same format as he would tell it to a friend in a bar, jumping back and forth in the timeline, which is a perfect manner of explaining how it feels like to listen to the book.
Up until about the halfway mark of the book, I got a bit bored with the long and very detailed interactions between the characters. Their feelings and thoughts were deeply explained and I had trouble understanding how so much detail was pertinent. I get that the characters are meant to be complex beings, but still feel like the infinite details of each relationship dragged on.
The fourth act is when the story really picked up in my opinion. I enjoyed this part more than all the others. The many details given were somewhat important, but I still feel like it could have been done in a more effective/efficient manner.

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The Fury

Author: Alex Michaelides
Publisher: Celadon Books
Publication Date: January 16, 2024
Category: Mystery

My rating: 2 ⭐️ ⭐️

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for an ARC in return for an honest review.

I appreciate that the three books released by this author thus far had three different plots and styles, which keeps things interesting. If you enjoyed his prior books, you may enjoy this one.

The consistently good thing about this author’s books is that there will always be a somewhat predictable but fun twist toward the end. The consistently bad thing about these books is that they’re a slow burn and much of the middle could have been left out or written more strongly. I did love The Silent Patient, so I was expecting more with this third book.

I hope the author writes more and the editor gives critical feedback. The repetition and fluff could be edited out or written more strongly. Example: ‘She found nothing. Of course she found nothing, there was nothing to be found. Everything was okay. This was all in her head.’ Also, the format of: Try this try that. Not this not that. Kate would x, Kate would y, Kate would z, gets frustrating when it happens so many times in a book. The reading level is below what I enjoy. If you’re okay with this style, then read this and enjoy. The presentation in this book is different than the prior, so expect that. The book is mostly the main character as a narrator telling a story and then changing it and repeating that he leaves out some details. The build got removed so many times that I lost interest in the ‘truth’.

Do I continue to read this author? Yes. I’m hoping for another hit and I believe it can happen.

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I loved the narrative style in this latest mystery from Alex Michaelides. The story is told from Elliot Chase’s perspective, breaking the fourth wall and speaking directly to the reader. The narrative is slow and drawn out at times, feeling as though you’ve sat down to enjoy a drink with Elliot as he tells his tale of friendship with the iconic Lana Farrar.

We are dropped right into the heart of the story, with the murder happening in the opening pages. But Elliot lets us know, “This is not a whodunit […] If anything, it’s a whydunit.” (Forgive any typos, I am working from the audiobook and not an ebook.) This sets the stage for a slow-burn, character-driven mystery. There are twists along the way, but settle in for an interesting narrative versus a fast paced thriller.

I really enjoyed listening to this, the narrator is fantastic. I could not put The Fury down; just when I thought I knew where we were headed, the story would shift and leave me guessing again.

Loved the unique style and interesting characters. This is a great book to pick up for your 2024 reading!

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This book is written as if you met the narrator in a bar, and he's telling you his story. It's a unique way to tell the story. The uniqueness doesn't end there. We know there is a murder, but who did it is the story. Each of the moments that lead to the murder is the story. Learning about each character is the story.

As I read/listen to thrillers, I am also trying to figure out the twist and who dun it...and this book didn't disappoint.

This story evolves with each chapter, bringing you into the book. It was hard to stop when the story entranced and enthralled me.
An absolute must-read.

I listened to the audible, and the fantastic narrator brought the story to life.

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📚📚The Fury" bills itself as a tale of murder, but at its core, it attempts to weave a love story amidst the complexities of relationships on a secluded Greek island owned by the reclusive ex-movie star, Lana Farrar. While the premise held promise, the execution fell short of expectations.
The narrative unfolds as the characters find themselves trapped on the island, revealing old friendships concealing hatred and a desire for revenge.
Unfortunately, the story's potential is hampered by its pacing. The plot drags on for an extended period, making it a tedious journey for the reader. The promised twists and turns are present but fail to inject the much-needed vigor into the storytelling.
🎧🎧One significant drawback was the narrator's inability to captivate or engage the audience effectively.
The narration lacked the depth and connection required to make the characters and events resonate. The climax, touted as unforgettable, is overshadowed by the book's overall lackluster tone.
In conclusion, "The Fury" struggled to maintain momentum, resulting in a story that felt prolonged and uneventful. While the premise held intrigue, the execution left much to be desired, making it a challenging recommendation for those seeking a gripping thriller.

I would like to express my appreciation to A Macmillan Audio production, Celadon Books, and Netgalley for providing me with an advance audiobook in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
So at first I was expecting a faster paced murder mystery book. I discovered this was more of a slow starter. Once I got into it I really enjoyed it. It was well written and thought out and the narrator was great.

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More often than not I will read a book because of a great recommendation, a super cool cover or the title is super intriguing. I follow a similar pattern when buying wine, I love a beautiful label. I jumped in head first into The Fury not knowing anything about the book or the author.

My first impression of the audiobook was intrigue. I liked the narrator's voice and inflections, and as Elliot tells his story the intrigue grew. Then it felt like a bait and switch, there's backstory and fluff and became a bit bored. I decided to read the synopsis on GoodReads trying to gauge how the story might unfold. GoodReads describes The Fury as "a masterfully paced thriller", so I buckled up and kept listening/reading. I kept waiting for the hook to return. Redemption comes in the last 25% or so. Revelations finally start coming into the light! I was caught me off guard and pleasantly surprised...and that's all I can say without spoilers.

I'm really interested to hear if friends have a similar thoughts, or if I'm odd (wo)man out.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the advanced audio in exchange for an honest review.

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First, I'd like to thank NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for this audiobook. This is my honest review of The Fury.

I was so excited when I saw Alex Michaelides had another book coming out. Like many, I was a huge fan of The Silent Patient and my expectations were high. I'm afraid my high expectations played a part in my feelings towards this book; I didn't love it.

The narrator of the audiobook was amazing, but the narrator of the book (Elliott Chase) was not. I found myself struggling to pay attention and keep up with everything he was saying. There was SO MUCH setting the scene and talking, not enough suspense for me. There were twists I was not expecting, but it ALL happened at the very end of the book. The first 50-70% of the book was so drawn out and slow to me that by the time I got to the end, I didn't really care who died or how it was done. There were seven characters and I feel as if trying to portray all their relationships and describe them, I felt the character development was lacking and I didn't have any opinions for any of them, the narrator included.

In the epilogue there was a hint towards The Silent Patient and I enjoyed that little tidbit, although it could possibly be seen as a spoiler for those who have not read the book.

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I enjoyed the audio very much. The tone was nice, speed was a good rate. The narrator chosen for Elliot was very good. The story was lacking. Extremely predictable. It was a bit of a let down. I do not think the synopsis was a good representation of the story at all. This was a story of someone mentally ill horribly in love with someone unattainable. Overplayed and underwhelming.

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I think if you go into this expecting it to be more of a slow burn, character study vs. a murder mystery, you'll walk out pleased. Yes, there is a murder, but it is slowly revealed.

We are given multiple characters to learn about. Each chapter focuses on one person and what's happened in the past or currently in their life. I liked this, but I did take notes to start out, just to make sure I stayed on top of things. I did enjoy the short chapters.

I enjoyed the Greek location and the Greek tragedy told in 5 acts. Overall, I thought the book was fine, it was decent, but I'm not overly enthralled with it. It was just a bit to slow for me at times.

The audiobook was well done, I liked the narrator, Alex Jennings. He seemed to match well with Elliott the narrator telling the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the advance ALC.

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The blurb for The Fury grabbed my attention. A famous former movie star and her friends trapped on a Greek Island and someone is murdered – sign me up.

Elliott Chase is our narrator and listening to the audio worked perfectly for the writing style. Elliott constantly addresses the reader, tells us the events but only from the angle he wants us to see, and acknowledges his flaws as a narrator. It was interesting how he goes back over scenes, each time adding new details, but how he could have known some piece is unclear. Jennings does a good job of hitting Elliot’s tone and moods. Honestly, the fact that it was an audiobook is what allowed me to finish it.

The setup was so promising, but the book never lived up to it. The narrative style came across as trying too hard to be clever. I didn’t care about any of the characters and while the island should have been gorgeous, all we know about it is its wind- the fury. There were several twists, at least one of which seemed rather ridiculous. I also kind of hate the cover.

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I loved “The Silent Patient” and I found myself disappointed by “The Maidens” and all I can say after “The Fury” is thank you!

With the intelligent mix of Greek mythology and a psychological thriller, Alex Michaelides takes us to a Greek island where a murder takes place. In Agatha Christie fashion, all of the suspects are there trapped in this island. Told as a play in five acts we are taken through this murder as the story and backstories slowly evolve and lead us into a psychological twister à la “The Silent Patient.” All I can say is yes!

Themes: 🇬🇷🏛️🏝️☠️⚰️🎭

My thoughts: 🥸🤓🫡🤔🫢🫣😵‍💫👍🏻👍🏻


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The Fury : Alex Michaelides newest psychological thriller DID NOT DISAPPOINT! I would rate this book 4/4.5 stars out of 5. Th only reason in my opinion that this novel did not score perfect was due to the third act , however it made up for this with the INCREDIBLE ENDING!

Taking place in London and a teeeeny tiny greek island off the coast of Mikkanos seven friend embark on an unforgettable weekend ... but one of them is a murderer. Our dutiful narrator Elliot Chase invites you to sit down, have a drink and listen to this tragic story. He leads us through the highs and lows of not only his life but of his friends who are with him on the island, their character, their gimmicks and their plotting. Plotting abound nobody could out plot Elliot Chase, or could they?

Alex Michaelides does it again and I would HIGHLY recommend this next novel to your 2024 reading list <3
I would also like to thank NetGally and MacMillian Audio for allowing me this incredible ARC listen!

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This was so well narrated by Alex Jennings, I didn't want it to end. Whatever I pictured Elliot Chase sounding like... Alex was it. He portrayed the unreliable narrator to perfection and I didn't want the story to end. The pacing at 1.25x was just right for me.

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I listened to the audiobook and at first I loved the narrator but his dramatization got old quickly. It felt over the top and became hard to listen to. The storyline itself was very slow with small spurts of entertaining text until the last 23%. The last bit was exciting but overall it wasn’t worth it. I’m sure this will be a favorite for some but this as not the book for me.

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Loved the unreliable narrator and the guy that actually narrated this is was fantastic. The story telling was so clever and fast paced. It would head in one direction and then go a completely different way. It was like whiplash in the best sense of the word. It made this such a twisty story and I was kept guessing until the very end. Once the ending is revealed, you can’t help but feel chilled to the core. This was brilliantly executed and I’m looking forward to more by this author!

Thank you to Macmillan audio for an ALC. My thoughts are my own.

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Let me tell you, this book is intense! The pacing is spot-on, with each chapter leaving me hungry for more. It's set on a private Greek island, which already sounds like the perfect backdrop for a thrilling story, right? Using alternating perspectives adds depth to the characters, and I was constantly on the edge of my seat, trying to figure out what would happen next. What I love the most is that the story goes beyond the surface-level thrills and delves into the complexities of love, obsession, and human nature. It's not just about the action but also about the psychological depth of the characters and the choices they make. The narration by Alex Jennings is nothing short of extraordinary. His nuanced performance brings each character to life with such depth and emotion that you'll forget you're merely listening. An easy five 🌟

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I found this book to be slow-paced initially and the narrator a bit frustrating and hard to stay connected to. This is in contrast to the back third of the book, where there are so many twists and turns it is difficult to stay on top of them. Some of the characters are interesting, particularly Kate and Lana but the story would benefit from more consistent momentum.

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A murder. 5 Acts. Whodunnit? Who's dead? And most importantly ... why?

A well-known ex-actress decides to go on a trip to a Greek island with her loved ones (he husband, her son, her actress best friend, her groundskeeper, her assistant, and her male best friend who is so obviously in love with her). While there, a murder occurs. Before we can find out the answers to who/when/why/etc. we must go back and understand the backstories of those involved. Each and every person on the trip has their fair share of secrets. Which of them will come to light and lead to a sad end for someone unsuspecting?

I LOVED The Silent Patient and The Maidens. The Fury, however, didn't encapsulate me like those other two did.
I was expecting bigger twists and turns, a big "WOW" moment, like in the other stories. This one felt a bit garbled and messy compared to his other stories. It didn't give me a satisfactory feeling either. I found this one to be okay. I think it's worth the read, but I won't be pushing it hard to anyone asking for recommendations.

Thank you so much for the ARC! I am so grateful to be given the chance to read and review these books ahead of their release!

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