Member Reviews

I adored the author’s previous books, so I was highly anticipating THE FURY. I paired the book and audio formats, and the narration was definitely entertaining. I just struggled with the story, and shouldn’t have expected it to be in the writing style of The Silent Patient which I loved. The narrator was hard to trust, and I think that kept me from loving this more.

*many thanks to Celadon, Macmillan audio and Netgalley for the gifted copy for review

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Unfortunately this one was a miss for me. It probably didn’t help that I read it right after The Silent Patient and it wasn’t even remotely comparable.

I listened to this one, and while the actual narration was good, the character narrator was awful. He was a very unlikeable character, and while sometimes unlikeable characters have their time and place, nothing about this character was redeemable. I liked that it was set in Greece, although I would have liked more about the setting. There was a lot of back stabbing in this book. I was not expecting the ending.

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for my ALC of this book.

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The Fury
By Alex Michaelides
This was my first read by this author and I read it through NetGalley and listened to the audio through Macmillan Audio. The narration was okay for me, the book wasn’t bad, I just couldn’t stay focused. I thought it was a little boring. I had high hopes for this book. I saw it a lot on book too and people hyped this book up so much. For me, it didn’t really deliver. It was just okay. The narrator gives a lot of details on the characters and the setting. It’s basically has to do with a murder that took place. I have this book a 3 stars.

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The Fury was a fun locked room mystery full of characters that were insufferable but I couldn't look away. Much like reality TV, sometimes we just crave that kind of trashy voyeurism. The unreliable narrator always makes for a fun story. I was definitely a fan of the narration, and would choose the audiobook over the physical for this one.

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It was alright. Nothing spectacular and I still find The Silent Patient to be the author's best outing yet.

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If you like books with unreliable narrators, this is the book for you. In true Alex Michaelides style, we never know quite what is the truth, even when our narrator, Elliott, swears that it is. Generally, speaking, I LOVED this book. I really enjoyed the characters, even though they were shallow and hard to connect with, at times.

There were surprises and suspense, and just the right amount of humor. Also, the Easter Eggs that the author places in his books to connect back to his previous books is always fun to look for.

Thank you to the Author, Narrator, Publisher and Net Galley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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"This is a tale of murder.
Or maybe that’s not quite true. At its heart, it’s a love story, isn’t it?"

I really liked the format of this story. Told from a the POV of a narrator looking back on the events and speaking directly to the reader about what happened. A story about love, friendship, jealously, betrayal, and murder - all while trapped on an isolated island; I had high hopes for this one. It was an interesting read, but felt slow moving with a little too much fluff for me. It did keep my attention, just didn't have the shocking twists and turns that I had hoped for.
The book does deliver what it promised, a mystery that would be solved by the end of the weekend trip on the island. If you like the isolated island mystery trope, and enjoy a slower burn, I think that you would like this book.

⭐⭐⭐💫 (3.5)

Thank you to @netgalley @celadonbooks and for the gifted copy of this book.

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The premise of this one is interesting. Told in first person as if the narrator is reading a journal or having a conversation with the reader, I was a lot lost. When I first started the audiobook, I listened to nine chapters before I realized I had no idea what was happening. So I put myself on hold for the ebook at the library and when it came in, I started the book again reading in tandem with listening. This helped me keep things in order in my brain and allowed me to follow the story. I ended up liking it way more than I thought I was going to. It is very twisted and that's what makes it so interesting. Definitely worth a read or listen once you adapt to the writing style.

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I have to remember when I read Alex Michaelides’ books that nothing will ever compare to The Silent Patient. I thought this book was good, there was a ton of twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. I really didn’t enjoy the unreliable narrator in this book. I was so sick of hearing “well this is how it really happened…” Overall, I am glad I read it, and would still recommend it. I think it’d be the perfect book to read for a book club.

Thank you Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Listened to this book. Narration was good. I really enjoyed the Silent Patient and was looking forward to this book. I found the story line slow and bit predictable. Was just an OK read for me.

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Saying this is a slow burn is an un understatement. It seemed to take forever before anything occurred of importance. The plot is more a mystery than a thriller. I was over half of the way through before I became interested in the story. Once my interest was piqued, I was invested in the mystery. I have read all of the books by this author and this was my least favorite. There were times I enjoyed the narration of the audiobook and other times I felt it got in the way of the actual story. Because I did enjoy half of the book my rating is 2.5 stars rounded to 3. Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for my audiobook.

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My Thanks to NetGalley and Celadon Books for the ARC and the audiobook of this book in exchange for my honest review.

So, "The Fury" is basically a mash-up of all your favorite entertainment references, right? You've got a bit of Shakespeare, some Greek Chorus, a dash of Norma Desmond, and a sprinkle of "Baby Jane and Blanche Hudson", all wrapped up in an Agatha Christie style mystery. It's like Alex Michaelides took all these bits and bobs and whipped up a brand new narrative.

Our narrator is this playwright dude, Elliot Chase. He's got us thinking about how thin the line is between what's real and what's made up. He spins us this story about friendships, love, and, yep, murder. It all kicks off when Lana Farrar, this stunning but kinda elusive actress, invites her pals Kate and Elliot, her kid Leo, hubby Jason (also Leo's stepdad), and her loyal assistant Agathi to her private Greek island, "Aura", for Easter. There's also Nikos, who pretty much lives on this remote island all year round.

So, everyone's getting ready for a long weekend on the island. This place is famous for its storms, or "Furies" - a little nod to Greek mythology. After a night out on a different island, a storm rolls in, cutting them off from the rest of the world. In the middle of all this, they stumble upon a body at the island's ancient theater.

Naturally, everyone's wondering - who did this? And why? The cops take their sweet time getting there. But here's the thing - with a bunch of suspects who earn their bread by acting or spinning stories, can you really trust anyone?

Michaelides does a great job of painting a picture with his words. The characters are pretty well fleshed out, and the story sort of plays like a movie in your head. The chapters are short and sweet, so you find yourself flying through the book. If you're a fan of Agatha Christie, Lucy Foley, or Anthony Horowitz, then this book's got your name written all over it.

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Not my favorite Alex Michaelides. Could've been the narrator, but I had a really tough time getting into this one. I love some of Alex's other books though so I will definitely try another in the future!

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Alex Michaelides has become a staple in the mystery world of books. What started with The Silent Patient that got every reader talking about it, led to more and him becoming a must read author. I constantly find myself checking to see when he'll come out with his next book. The thing with Alex's books, it grips your attention from the start, making you think you know what to expect from it and leaving you shocked at the end when everything is thrown out the window.

Lana Farrar was once a movie star that everybody loved to watch. When she becomes a recluse and decides to leave the lime light to spend time with her son and husband, it leaves the world wondering what happened to her. Those close to Lana are invited once a year to her Greek island. Elliott Chase who is one of Lana's friends, loves Lana and while he loves Lana, Lana does not love him as anything more than a friend. When Elliott plots to find a way to get Lana to fall in love with him and leave her husband, When his plan goes awry, everything changes for Elliott and what he always wanted is further away from him. Though this story was supposed to be about love, it quickly changed to murder.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free copy of The Fury by Alex Michaelides in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you Celadon for this gifted arc and to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the advance listening copy of this book!

Unreliable narrators trope is always hit or miss to me, but I actually liked it in this book. I will say there were times when I kind of rolled my eyes at the narrator, but I think it had more to do with the plot. There are so many different paths the plot could've gone and I didn't see it taking the one it did. While I enjoyed this one more than The Maidens by this author, it was still just okay to me. I did enjoy the audiobook format more and definitely recommend the audiobook version.

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They say comparison is the thief of joy and I think that’s true for Alex Michaelides. I compare each of his books to The Silent Patient which I ADORED and nothing since has lived up to my expectations or compared to his first thriller.

This one had an interesting premise but I did not like the narrator. I also didn’t really like any of the other characters. There are a couple surprise reveals that were good but not enough to change my mind about it. If you didn’t like The Silent Patient maybe this one will do it for you.

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Many thanks to Netgalley and Celadon Books for this audiobook.

I loved the narrator who put their own spin on the novel with adding words and taking them away. Sometimes it was confusing but I still loved the book. It definitely made it easier to read. I read the finished copy with this audiobook and it was so much fun. I can't wait for the next Alex Michelides book.

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So, I finally decided to take a dip into the world of Alex Michaelides with "The Fury" on audiobook. After reading it I have some mixed feelings!

Let's start with pacing. I love a fast paced book but also know that sometimes a slog is necessary. I was initially intrigued by the parallels between this story and Agatha Christies, And Then There Were None... but it quickly took a turn that I was not into. Picture a sloth on a leisurely stroll through molasses—that's the vibe "The Fury" gives off. Michaelides definitely takes his sweet time letting this story unfold, with stretches of exposition that drag on longer than necessary. I also don't think the audiobook narration added anything special to it.

In terms of characterization... Mariana, our protagonist, is supposed to be this badass woman seeking revenge, but her actions often left me confused and questioning their purpose. Everybody else is not noteworthy (sorry).

On a positive note, Michaelides knows how to paint a scene, weaving an atmospheric backdrop that's as eerie as it is captivating. And amidst all the sluggishness, there are nuggets of wisdom about trauma and memory that make you stop and think—brief moments of clarity in the fog.

For previous fans of Michaelides "The Fury" might be the perfect thriller for you, but for me, it just didn't hit the spot. With its sluggish pace, forgettable characters, and lackluster finale, it's a bit of a letdown.

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This honeslt9wasnt my favorite ooo by this author. But a bad Alex Micheledes novel is better than most author's best work.

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I wanted to like this story, but I couldn’t get into it. The beginning was very boring and I found it difficult to care about the characters. This was just wasn’t for me.

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