Member Reviews

My head is still currently spinning from all the twists and turns in this book!! Alex Michalides has done it again with a book that I could not put down! Absolutely amazing! The portrayal of obsession and love was so well done!

I really enjoyed the short chapters and how the book was broken into acts. At times it felt like playing a game of Clue and my mind kept trying to figure out what was really or fake! I'm still unsure of what actually happened. If you are a fan of The Retreat by Sarah Pearse this book is for you!!!

I listened to this audiobook and the narration was absolutely amazing and performed perfectly by Alex Jennings!

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Loved this book. It was a campy, soap opera, unbelievable mess! I am a massive lifetime tv fan and this book was IT. I couldn’t get enough. The narrator was fantastic. Fame. Fortune. Greece. Murder. It was almost a parody. But it worked out so well. Start talking to Lifetime tv now. I am the audience for both of these. I listened to this book in 2 days. Highly reccomend.

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The Fury is the newest release by Alex Michaelides. This one is set on a tiny island off the coast of Greece and is a locked room style mystery. You get to know the cast of characters pretty well. This story is told through second person narration. During a fierce storm, a murder occurs on the island. Through reading you'll discover who the murderer is and the motive. I listened to the audiobook and found the narrator pleasant to listen to. I was able to remain focused on the lot and maintain interest in the story. Read and enjoy!

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i'll start by saying "The Silent Patient" by Michaelides is responsible for getting me back into reading. the way that book had my head SPINNING. so so good. With that being said, i was THRILLED to receive an early copy of The Fury.

I struggled getting through the physical. it felt SUPER slow and dragged and I felt like we were just scratching the surface of everything for so long. I never reached for it to pick it back up which isn't the best sign when reading a "thriller" I requested the audio hoping that would help me. Alas, i did finish, but it wasn't my favorite.

I think it took too long (with not enough plot to keep you engaged) for the twists to happen. I wasn't engaged until the final 15%.

Things I did enjoy: i love an unreliable narrator and that's definitely what we got here. I also loved the little "easter egg" from The Silent Patient :)

Not my favorite, but just a middle of the road book for me. Just okay in my opinion. But I'll definitely continue to read from this author! Thank you so much for the audio!!

As far as the audio, it was good!

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I hesitate to write a review of this book but we readers get to read in return for an honest opinion. This is the third book that Mr. Michaelides has written. His first one took off like wildfire, was not great, but had believable characters. The second book was awful and there isn't a nice way to say that.

This book The Fury feels a bit as if he has taken his fame and allowed himself to write whatever no matter how outrageous. And it is outrageous.
There isn't one believable character in the book. When reading (or listening. I did listen to the audio), I found myself shaking my head over and over saying "no way. Not even an imbecile would do that."
It does fall under the genre of horror and psychological horror which we have enough of going on the world. And it is full of horror but not even interesting horror.

The narrator is a man who is so full of himself, belongs in an institution and the reader knows that from the beginning, and so very uninteresting that if I weren't a reader for Netgalley, I would have put it down early on.

One expects twists in this kind of book and there aren't any. There are just wanderings around and I think the ending was supposed to be a surprise but it wasn't.

I would like to say that the narrator for this audio book was terrific. He has a beautiful voice, articulated very well and adjusted for the different characters in a believable way. He is definitely one of the best narrators I've heard and I listen to a lot of audiobooks.

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I don’t even know what to say about this one. The twists or whatever. They aren’t even twists. They’re more like some bratty kid saying, “ just kidding!” “Not!” There wasn’t anything redeemable or clever.

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If you have read this author’s other works — expect a completely different style of writing in this book —

A reclusive ex-movie star and her famous friends take a trip to a private Greek island - full of twists and turns - truths and falsehoods — their time on the island ends in violence and death. Told from the POV of Elliot Chase who was on the island for the events as they unfolded.

A slow burn physiological thriller — written in the format of a 5-part Greek play — so the format of the writing is quite different from the author’s previous books — it is much like delving into a creative writer’s mind but maybe also someone’s mind who’s unstable. The writing also is reminiscent of the board game Clue — delving off in multiple directions with multiple outcomes — making you think any of the characters could’ve been the killer — showing that our narrator is completely unreliable and possibly unstable— or an extremely creative play writer — working on a play with multiple ideas. The epilogue of this book briefly ties it back to the other books and characters — in “The Silent Patient “ and “The Maidens “.

I preferred the writing style of the first two books by this author — but the further we get into the story the more the writing style grows on you — I got the audiobook and the narrator was quite good and having the book read to me helped me a lot to stick with the story or the first 3/4th as his voice and reading were captivating — the last 1/4 of the story was my favourite part and it eventually sticking with the story pays off.

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I am giving this a closer to a 4 than a 3. I’ll go 3.75.

A murder mystery that keeps you guessing both who you can trust and who did what, this was a story that kept me searching for more details, page after page, trying to figure out what was real. I wanted that neat little bow at the end of the book.

I was a fan of both of Michaelides’ other books, but something about this one didn’t sit quite as high for me.

Not sure if it was the unreliable narrator, or the overall writing style, but the story meandered too much for my liking. Having the story jump around from act to act, piling on different time frames, was not my favorite.

Still a cool premise and still worth the read, just not my favorite of his. I read about 1/3 of this hard copy and then listened to the audiobook for the remainder and I preferred the audiobook. I thought the voice they used was perfect for the main character.

Thank you to Celadon and NetGalley for this copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the advanced audio copy in exchange for my honest review. To start off, I do NOT enjoy the unreliable narrator and find it to be incredibly frustrating to the point of wanting to DNF. The choice for the voice actor was good because he certainly captured the character of the narrator well but almost to a fault because he was so unlikable it was at times dry. It was a short audiobook but it all in all just seemed tedious to get through. I quite often found myself thinking “ok let’s just get to it already!” I grew frustrated that literally nothing seemed to happen until 50% in and it was overall just too all over the place and confusing for me. I’m sure that’s the point but it was just not for me.

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“𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧. 𝙊𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙮𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩’𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙚, 𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙞𝙩’𝙨 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙞𝙨𝙣’𝙩 𝙞𝙩? 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮. 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚. 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚.”

Well, that was a wild ride of a story! Talk about a whirlwind of 𝙁𝙪𝙧𝙮. Pun intended. This was a twisted murder mystery laid out like a Greek tragedy complete with five Acts. I enjoy books like that but this was a suuper slow burn thriller.

Lana Farrar is an ex movie star who invites some of her close friends/ family out to her private Greek island for a spontaneous trip when lies, revenge, betrayal, and murder ensues.

Initially I was pulled into the story with the narration. The narrator’s accent and experience with Shakespearen narratives was perfect, however, I often found myself having trouble paying attention and I feel this book would have been better to have a physical book to follow along with. Mostly because of how this book is paced. It’s super slow for the first 60%. The “murder” doesn’t even happen until this point and even then it’s a lot of back and forth in the timeline that’s not specified until you pick up on the dialogue. It was a bit confusing if you aren’t giving it your FULL attention.

This book is told from the perspective of one person, Elliot Chase, and boy was he a trip of a character. Your typical unreliable and unlikeable character although despite his in depth background, I did care to much for him and found his back ground to be less than interesting and not entirely necessary for the story. This book reminded me of the way If We Were Villains was laid out. IYKYK.

We have some references to Agatha Christie and a bit of a Clue moment, “this is what could’ve happened.” It’s not until about 80-85% when the twists start coming and they do not stop.

Overall, this was still an entertaining read! Just prepare for a really slow build up for a thriller but if you’ve read The Silent Patient or The Maidens you’ll appreciate the Easter eggs he drops in the epilogue.

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THE FURY by Alex Michaelides unfolds as a gripping tale, seamlessly blending murder mystery with tragic love, reminiscent of a Greek tragedy. Narrated by the captivating Elliot Chase, the story becomes a theatrical masterpiece, luring readers into a world of deception and revenge on Lana Farrar's private Greek island. Michaelides crafts a narrative filled with twists, building towards an unforgettable climax. The isolated setting, brewing storm, and tangled pasts create a clever and immersive story. Elliot, the unreliable storyteller, skillfully guides us through a web of lies and betrayals. This murder mystery, intertwined with a tragic love story, resonates like a theatrical performance, leaving an indelible mark. I thoroughly enjoyed the unique narrative style and recommend THE FURY for its compelling storytelling and intriguing characters.

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The Fury follows Lana Farrar as she takes a group of her friends and family to a small isle off of Greece to spend Easter weekend; the narrator of the story is one of said friends.  The story is told in five parts much like a Greek tragedy. We quickly learn that at least one person will not make it out alive from the trip. but given that the island is private there's really only a small pool of suspects to consider and they all know one another.

I absolutely loved The Silent Patient so I continue to check out books by Alex Michaelides. The short chapters helped to keep the pace moving along quickly. I questioned everything, from the reliability of the narrator to the possible murder victims and the murderer. Overall, I enjoyed the book and was entertained all the way until the ending which was a tad flat and done quickly.

Rating 4 stars.

Special thanks to @netgalley and Macmillan Audio for the arc of The Fury. All opinions are my own.

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The Fury, narrated by a man named Elliot, explains what led to a murder that took place on Elliot’s best friend Lana’s private island in Greece.
I enjoyed The Fury much more than I expected to. Although Elliot is the narrator, Lana is the true centre of the story, and I thought she was a compelling character. I cared about everything that happened to her, enjoyed learning more about her, and wanted her to be happy. No matter how bad the rest of the book had been, I think I always would’ve wanted to finish it just to see where Lana’s story led.

On the other hand I thoroughly, passionately hated Elliot. And I didn’t just hate him as a character. Through him Alex Michaelides used a narration style that I always dislike. I don’t like when narrators constantly interrupt to say things like “this is where the story gets interesting” and “you won’t believe what happens in the story I’m about to tell you.” That’s the role Elliot is given in this story. With him also being an irritating character even outside of his narration I found him to be completely irredeemable aspect of the story. I also thought that the second big twist in this book was… a bit absurd. Thrillers don’t work if the reader won’t accept a little absurdity, but that twist went a little too far in my opinion.

I enjoyed it. I thought it was entertaining. It was a major improvement from The Maidens. And I think if Elliot hadn’t been the narrator I would’ve given it 4 stars.

The Fury is good for light and easy entertainment. It’s a fast read so it’s probably also good for reading slumps.

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The Fury was one of my most anticipated new releases of 2024. On paper, this novel has the makings of something I would really like: murder, pretentious characters each with a motive to want the victim dead, the isolation trope, a closed circle mystery à la And Then There Were None, Rich People Problems™, the works.

I found the narrator Elliot difficult to like, and I’m still not sure if that was an intentional feature of his character. Elliot is a playwright, and Michaelides heavily relies on this and Elliott’s knowledge of playwriting structures to advance the plot and to create uncertainty about the plot. Maybe it’s because I read a lot from the genre, but attempts at twists using this plot device ended up feeling kind of cheap and predictable. The characters’ motivations seemed implausible and fuzzy at best. I kept waiting for this to get good, and was surprised to find myself halfway through it and still waiting.

I did enjoy the authors use of Greek mythology and the Greek island setting, as well as the little Easter egg nods to his other books.

I was gifted an ALC of the audio book through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Elliot Chase asks you imagine that you’re sitting with him in a dark pub, listening to his story of murder. But it’s something more than that. His story, told acknowledging you as the listener, is all the more enjoyable as an audiobook. Alex Jennings gives a dynamic performance, providing so much depth to Elliot I was endeared to him and rooting for him the whole time.
“The characters are the plot.” And this is certainly true in The Fury where the complex characters grapple with the children they once were and the broken adults they’ve become. It’s a story of murder but not a simple who-done-it but why.

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This book!!!!!!!! YES!! I loved this book!!

I have been a fan of Alex Michaelides since the Silent Patient. I actually just finished the Maidens as well and really enjoyed that one too. This, however. may in fact be his best yet! It was definitely unlike any other story I've read and I would have to HIGHLY recommend it!!

The narrator here was such a great addition to the book- although it took me a minute to get used to his vibe, it ended up being pure gold. There is only one narrator throughout and his voice reminded me of an old classic tale, as if he was commenting from off-stage in a play to reveal the story while also directing it. He is an actual narrator, not just someone who is reading the book to you, if that makes sense..... but he is also unreliable!

Seven people are stranded on an island and .... you guessed it, one gets murdered... but it is told unlike anything else and definitely a best book of 2024! I was unable to put this down. I was completely immersed in the story the entire time trying to figure out the mystery.

I was gifted an arc of the audio book through #Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NG & publishers, this one was fantastic!

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To me, this book as a weird combination of Agatha Christie and Oscar Wilde. Elliot Chase is the ultimate unreliable narrator, and he lets us know it right off the bat. It's one of those books where you're analyzing the narrator throughout the book. The beginning of the book was confusing and not particular engaging, but I very much enjoyed the rest of the book. I liked how everything came together at the end.

Because of the concept of the book, the only character we really get to know is Elliot. The other characters are described only as they relate to him. In this context I didn't mind the lack of character development.

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I absolutely loved the Silent Patient by this author but really disliked The Maidens so I was really excited to give this one a try. I am having a hard time rating this one. I feel like I loved it but I feel like I hated it. I really like how it started out and the narrator is addressing me, but after a while it started to get rather dull and long. I love the unreliable narrator but I think this was a little overdone. It did really pick up towards the end and I ended up loving the twists that I did not see coming! I think the narrator did a good job, but I think maybe at least a second narrator would have made this a little less confusing as there are a lot of characters and a lot of jumping around. I am going with 3.5 stars rounded up and look forward to more from this author.
Thank you NetGalley and Alex Michaelides for allowing me to listen to an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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I was thrilled to receive an ARC of this book which releases January 16th, as well as an audiobook. Ever since I read 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭, I look forward to Mr. Michaelides’ next book.

The story swirls around a famous movie star, Lana Farrar, who has invited some of her closest friends and family to spend the Easter holiday on a private island. There are fiery sunsets, cocktails, flirtations, secrets, and… murder.

What makes this intriguing is that it is narrated by one of Lana’s friends, Elliot. Elliot is unlikable, and the more you read, the more annoying and unreliable he seems to become. The plot is slow going for a while, but then you spin into this double, triple take (maybe quadruple) -I’m not sure anymore. Let me just say things are not what they appear.

If you like mind games, juicy secrets, and revenge, plus a beautiful, posh setting, you’ll love this one.

Thank you @celdadonbooks and @littlefreelibrary for the gifted copies and the invite to participate in the LFL drop.

Thank you for the gifted audiobook.

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This book was a little confusing. It was a kind of a "whodunit". Parts of this story was very confusing. It was interesting, but really not something I usually read.
The narrator did a good job, he was what made me stick with the book.

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