Member Reviews

🧿 The Fury - Alex Michaelides

3 ⭐️ - Ah man, I wanted to love this one more than I did. I loved The Silent Patient and I thought The Maidens was good, not great so I wanted this one to really swing me one way or the other. Honestly, it just left me feeling meh about it. I’ve seen some mixed reviews so I wasn’t totally sure what to expect.

Lana Farrar is an ex-movie star and one of the most famous women in the world. Every year, she invites her closest friends to escape the gloomy England weather and spend Easter on her private Greek island. Unfortunately this year, this close knit group of friends finds themselves in the middle of a murder mystery; a murder of one of their own.

Okay, so the premise sounds great, right? I agree, but for more than half of this book, I was so confused. There are so many characters, I couldn’t keep up. The story reads like a play, which is understandable later on in the book. I enjoyed the ending and how things played out eventually but it took me too long to get into. I think it has promise and I can see why some people are enjoying it. I wouldn’t classify this as a thriller, but definitely a mystery. If you like Alex Michaelides and closed door, isolated murders mysteries, this one’s for you.

This one hits shelves on 1/16! Thank you Celadon Books, Macmillan Audio, and Netgalley for the early access copies!

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #MacMillanAudio for the ARC #TheFury by #AlexMichaelides. This book is very interesting and has me guessing what would happen next and who was murdered. Full of lies, deceit, cheating and manipulation had me wanting more. Highly recommend.

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This was fun and different - would I recommend it to others? No but I wouldn't scoff at someone who enjoyed it.

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4.5 rounded to 5 stars

Very similar writing style as “The Silent Patient,” no surprise. Michaelides doesn’t necessarily have the best character development (we want more!), but the plot is always well achieved and we’re even provided with a bit of suspense.

An overall good book for anyone who enjoys a little mystery with a twist.

(I received this ALC via NetGalley in return for an honest review. Thank you.)

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Holy moly. Alex Michaelides can write! The format of this story is incredibly unique. Told in omniscient first person, the narrator weaves us in and out, back and forth from the end to the beginning and everything in between. He functions as though he is the Greek chorus in our tragedy. However, he is so much more. He is the puppet master, guiding us through our perceptions and then showing us how wrong we are.

Atmospheric to the hilt, The Fury is twisty but in a different, more subtle and nuanced way. This my friends is not a popcorn thriller. Prepare to be engaged in a game of wit as you try to decipher what has happened and why. Reminiscent of Hitchcock, this twisty, dark, and hella fun novel will keep you flying through the pages.

I was beyond lucky to be chosen by Celadon to be one of the earliest readers of this brilliant novel. I’ll leave you with the blurb I provided to them for inclusion in the ARC copy:

“Unique and thought-provoking with an intense plot meticulously unspooled. In the vein of the Grecian playwrights Michaelides so masterfully emulates, The Fury will leave you as heartbroken as it will breathless.”

Read if you like:
•psychological thrillers
•engaging narrators
•clever writing
•mythological references
•books set in Greece

Thank you Celadon Books (for the opportunity of a lifetime) and Macmillan Audio for my gifted copies.

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This book gave me Everyone in my Family Has Killed someone vibes.

This book had twists buy sometimes wasn't sure where it was going. The narrator was great! Books about island setting I just love that setting.

The ending wasn't what I thought but overall a good read!

Thanks NetGalley for letting me read and review

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Great twist! I enjoyed the format with flashbacks and the narrator breaking the fourth wall. Well written, excellent narrator.

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Elliot Chase, this book's storyteller, is also a main character. He tells us a story about seven people staying together on an island - and he tells us that one of them is dead at the time of the telling. He then walks us through the time leading up the death/murder. But can his story be trusted?

This book was solid. I listened to the audio version and had a hard time turning it off. While it wasn't particularly fast moving, it was attention keeping. I've read both Michaelides' "The Silent Patient" and "The Maidens" and I would place this one right in the middle of the two if I were to rank them. With "The Silent Patient" being my favorite.

This book isn't an edge of your seat, nail biter - it is one that will keep you interested and that you won't want to skip out on either.

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Alex Michaelides' books seem to generate strong opinions. I have not read The Silent Patient and liked The Maidens. I like The Fury as well.

We hear the story from one narrator and, as expected, things may not all be as they seem. You're not going to find many characters to root for here. I enjoyed the non-linear timeline as a way to reveal the plot twists, although there was probably one too many twists for me. The stucture of the book kept things moving, even without too much plot to drive it forward. I was interested the whole way through.

The narrator did a great job.

Thank you to #NetGalley and #MacmillanAudio for a free copy of #TheFury by Alex Michaelides. All opinions are my own.

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Frenemies, lovers, and friends all on a private Greek island lends itself to a Greek tragedy (the story is even broken up into 5 Acts). All told by one unreliable narrator, there are twists and murders and the story keeps the reader on his/her toes (although some twists are a bit predictable). The story is about a famous retired actress, Lana, her best friends Elliot and Kate, and her husband Jason who has betrayed Lana by sleeping with Kate. All the players (including a few others) have been brought to her private Greek island for a weekend of revenge.

I was so excited to read this one (my daughter and I had been discussing how much we wanted to read it), the Silent Patient is the easiest recommendation to make when people ask for a great book. This one drew me in immediately, I even put down the other book I was reading because I needed to keep going on this one; but I felt let down in the end. I just felt it didn’t deliver the twists I was hoping for. It was entertaining but not the thriller I expected.

I switched between audio and the actual book (actually between the physical and ebook - I went to all three on this one when my kindle died) and the audio was totally engaging and I actually could have done this 100% on audio. But I was hoping for the “wow” twist at the end and it was just a regular one. I will absolutely and excitedly read his next one - I enjoyed the read entirely, I think the Silent Patient just blew me away and I want to be blown away again.

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the ARC to review

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The Fury by Alex Michaelides is a book for fans of Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone and the Hawthorne & Horowitz series.

I liked that I wasn't totally sure where the plot was going, and I think the narrator, Alex Jennings, is well cast. And I love the cover, featuring an Evil Eye laid over an island backdrop.

But personally, I was hoping for more of a remote island, lives of the rich and famous feel. Instead this one's more of a, pull-up-a-barstool and hang out next to a meandering narrator, feel.

More than anything though, I was let down by the ending. It just wasn't for me.

Of course, many friends have already had positive things to say about this one, so YMMV!

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The Fury starts off with a slow burn but in the second half destroys everything you think you know ow with some well timed twists and secret revelations. All is not what it seems in this creatively written story of love, betrayal, and murder. I listened to the audiobook and also at times switched to reading the book. I enjoyed the narrator, I was easily able to connect the main character with his voice.

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Thanks netgalley and macmillan for allowing me to review this audiobook.

Lana is what everyone aspires to- talented, beautiful, somewhat mysterious and fabulously wealthy. She invites her nearest and dearest to her private greek island for easter weekend- a motley crew including her husband and son, former rival turned best girlfriend, devoted housekeeper, and Elliot- her dear friend, "soulmate" and the worlds most unreliable narrator. Hoping to get away and enjoy some peace, a bad wind blows the party to endless trials and anxieties, culminating in murder.

Of all of Michaeledes books, in my opinion, this is the best. You feel like you are chasing the story from person to person, moment to moment, until the pieces fall together. I don't know if we need a marvel cinematic universe of the demented characters in these books, so i thought maybe that how unbearable the B.W. character was painted were maybe a bridge too far for me but i thought the story was fun. The villian was SUCH a VILLIAN, which is always fun. I also listened as an audiobook and i thought the narrators crisp storytelling was great. Hearing him switch to an american accent was so jarring but perfect.

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Wow, this one took forever. But in the end it got there. I really enjoyed his other books this one felt like it was taking so long to get to the point but in the end, yes…it got there!

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Thank you to NetGalley and
Macmillan Audio for this ARC! I was a fan of Alex’s two other books and I enjoyed The Fury as well.

Alex, the narrator, was fantastic and gave a great voice to our unreliable narrator! The Fury was fast paced and I enjoyed the short chapters too.

This was a cleverly written story that reminded me a lot of an Agatha Christie book! I would recommend The Fury to all thriller fans.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of The Fury, the newest novel by the master of the unexpected ending. Alex Michaelides delivers a tale with an admittedly unreliable narrator, deeply flawed but somewhat likable characters, a remote Greek island as the mysterious setting, and an abundance of shocking reveals.

Lana is an adored actress who seeks respite on her own Greek isle with her nearest and dearest. Unfortunately, those closest to her have secrets that are, quite literally, life-shattering. As her friend Elliott (our not-so-trustworthy narrator) plots to punish those who have wronged Lana, events spiral out of control and the final act will leave even the savviest reader thoroughly shocked.

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2.5 stars. Thank you to Macmillan audio and Caledon books for the arc.
I have read all 3 of Michaelides books and I can truly say the only one I enjoyed was The Silent Patient.
The Fury is the story of a completely unlikable group of people being really terrible to each other. Nothing happens, there’s no character development and even the small amount of backstory on Elliot was weak. The twists aren’t shocking or thrilling so much as confusing.
I would love for Michaelides to lean into the Greek mythology aspect more. I enjoy the little nods, but feel as though his novels would be stronger if he borrowed from the Greek tragedies instead of weaving a convoluted storyline that doesn’t work.
The only redeeming feature of this audiobook was the narration by Alex Jennings who made this somewhat enjoyable.

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If you love a tale with an unreliable narrator…this one’s for you! For me The Fury fell a bit flat. It was a very slow burn and paired with the unreliable narrator I found myself getting both frustrated and bored.

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This whydunit murder tale was gripping. Having been familiar with the author, I was ready for twists and turns and I was not disappointed. The story is narrated by a self proclaimed playwright and is told from the perspective of the main character of the story as if he and the reader are chums reminiscing on a scandalous story unfolding in pieces. He proves to be unreliable and you really have to pay attention to keep track of reality. I was riveted from start to finish!

Thank you Alex Michaelides, Macmillan Audio, and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to an advanced copy of this audiobook! The sound quality was excellent, and the narrator, Alex Jennings, added character to the story.

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What a story!

A fast-paced listen…or was it a bit of a slow burn?

Who can you trust? Who do you empathize with? Who should you?

I always find it interesting when the narrator or storyteller is speaking directly to the reader/viewer. I think the one thing I got from the audiobook over reading a physical copy is the tone and delivery of the narrator, but, as I was listening, I became very curious to know what it would look like in physical formatting.

Each character is so different and it was great getting more insight and backstory to some to really up the intrigue and connect the dots. It also helped the listener/reader identify and empathize.

The main location setting is quite rugged (yet glamorous as it is a whole island owned by just Lana) and was detailed enough to put me there, but it still allowed me some creative mental freedom while picturing the story.

I will always be intrigued by what Michaelides comes up with!

Thank you so much to the author, Alex Michaelides, Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the audiobook eARC of The Fury!

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