Member Reviews

“This is a tale of murder.”

What a twisty bit of fiction this was.

There was lots to like: An unreliable narrator. An isolated (haunted?) island setting. A small cast of characters. Several points of view, and timelines.

There were also a few disappointments: Flat characters, a predictable ending (though I did enjoy the hat-tip to The Silent Patient), and A METRIC ISH TONNE OF EXPOSITION.

All tell and no show makes Angela a bored girl.

All said: While I didn’t love this book, I’ll be keeping an eye out for the next by this author.

Thanks to NetGalley, Celadon Books, and Macmillan Audio for this ARC.

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Thank you Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for ALC of the book.

The Fury is a story about revenge, obsession and death that is told by an unreliable narrator.

This story had a lot of layers. With each layer I felt like the narrator turned my attention to a different angle or detail that I missed before. In my opinion it was enough layers/angles to keep the story interesting and not to make it too complicated for a listener.

Alex Jennings did a marvelous job narrating this novel.

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Every once in a while, a book comes out that feels like it was written specifically for you. As a Michaelides fan, a lover of Ancient Greek culture, a mystery junky, and a theater educator, this fit squarely into my wheel house. If you are expecting another 'Silent Patient' you may be disappointed, however, what is remarkable about A.M. is his dexterity; each of his books has a unique style and voice, rather than being a pale imitation of his first/wildly successful novel. Take it on its own terms! Fury is q compelling mystery, replete with twists and turns (in the popular genre of modernized take on Agathat Christie). It is also a bit of a philosophical dive into identity via the lens of theater-in a world where fate is character and character is plot. If there is a consistent element acr0ss Michaelides' books, its his relationship to his narrator/main character. The Fury excels in this regard!

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Enjoyed this audiobook and would recommend! I liked the story and the narrator. The narrator reminded me of Hugh Grant and it was fun to imagine him telling this story.

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I liked this book much more than I thought I would! Talk about an unreliable narrator! This book has that to the extreme and I was totally here for it. I do love that everything turned on its head and went topsy-turvy! I will be giving Alex Michaelides another read!

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I'll go ahead and say I really did not enjoy this. I powered through to finish it but was dreading it. I felt like the first half of the book was purely set up of the scene and there was so much unneeded "dangling of the carrot" if you will by the narrator. The only redeeming quality for this was the narrator but even he started to get in my nerves halfway through. This was SO slow and painfully hard to get through if I'm being honest. I loved The Silent Patient but Alex Michaelides books since have been such a let down for me. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a slower thriller than what I usually like but it definitely still pulled me through with its strange and twisty story line. Overall, I really enjoyed this one!

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Loved the first half of the book. Unfortunately I was unable to finish it since it stopped playing and would only allow me to restart. Kept returning to the beginning of the book and even though I deleted my account and reinstalled, I still could not get it to work.

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I’ve read all of alex michaelides and couldn’t wait to pick this one up! there were some parts that really stood out to me.

assortment of characters: famous celebrity and her friends/family

unique setting: isolated greek island

interesting writing format: written like a play

I spent the first part of the book trying to keep all of the characters straight but as things progressed, I couldn’t put it down! there were lots of twists and turns to unveil who the true murderer was at the end.

thank you to net galley for the arc!

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I thought this story was pretty impressive. I do wish i would have read it rather than listen to it. The narrator was incredibly annoying and almost ruined it. But jeez, those twists were wild.
I kept thinking i had it all figured out. I was wrong.
Multiple times. I think it was a very clever plot with truly despicable characters. I sure do love to hate characters.

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I loved the narrator point of view, it was a slow start for me but then it picked up about halfway through. I was fooled more than once about how i thought it would end. Thank you!!!

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Thank you for the ARC of this audiobook! I have been a fan of previous work by the author and was very intrigued by the synopsis of this book.

I did like the narrator, though his female American accent was really bad. But otherwise I enjoyed listening to him. Ultimately this really felt like a draft versus a final novel. There are times throughout that Elliot talks about not boring his audience and knowing how important that was and unfortunately a lot of the time I was very bored. The concept was really interesting and what the author tried to do with ties to this play and a callback on other great mystery writers (Agatha Christie) was really clever, but the entire middle section on the Kid just completely took me out of the book. I will still read the next book the author puts out, but this didn't do it for me.

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This story reminds me of the newest Knives Out film where a group of friends vacation together to an island and murder is awaiting them there. The plots differ slightly but overall, same vibe. I really enjoyed the narrator, fantastic! Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for a copy of this audiobook for an honest review.

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For my thoughts on the book overall, please refer to the review left on the book copy.
As for the audiobook, I was a huge fan of this narrator. His accent, tone, and pacing were perfectly suited for this thriller. The whole story has a real “Knives Out” feel to it in my opinion and I absolutely loved that.

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So often I listen to audiobooks and think "man, this would be so much better if I read a physical copy." I am a physical copy book through and through and I often find myself having a tough time enjoying books on audio. But this is one book that as I was listening to it, I found myself thinking, "I'm so glad I'm listening to this book instead of reading a physical copy."

The narrator is so fabulous- I love the way he speaks to the readers and how he is so totally unreliable, but in a kind of fun way. I should also say I'm not a super big thriller reader and oftentimes when I do like thrillers, it's because they're a little slower moving and slightly more character-driven (which I know some people don't enjoy).

I actually enjoyed the journey of the book more than the ending (I liked the first half much better than the second half). There were lots of twists at the end, but they weren't totalllly believable to me.

I sadly have yet to read The Silent Patient, so I can't compare it to that... But I liked The Fury SO much better than The Maidens.

Overall, I enjoyed the process of reading this book and recommend grabbing the audio version!

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Rating - 4.5 stars

Wow! An unrealiable narrator at his best!

Thanks to MacMillan Audio & NetGalley for the ALC!

Alex Jennings as this ‘narrator’ was simply brilliant! His voice was playful, humorous and filled with charm at the right moments, while also serious, grave and weighing heavy with emotion at the others. I absolutely loved the audiobook. I think it’s what made me enjoy and appreciate this thriller better.

Despite this book being all over booksta, I highly recommend you head blindly into this and not read the blurb/synopsis beforehand.

After the sin way peak and dip of #TheSilentPatient and #TheMaidens, I think the author has hit the peak again with #TheFury.

Set in a gorgeous isolated Greek Island, apparently guarded by Aura, the Goddess of the breeze or you know, ‘the fur(y)I’ous wind when she is angry, the narration of the story begins, with backgrounds, recaps from the past and the circumstances leading up to the present.

There’s murder, love, jealousy, hatred, lies, secrets, betrayals, politics, friendships and mind games that turn and twist at impossible angles - you can barely keep up with them all.

As the narrator makes it clear, this is not a ‘whodunnit’, but the focus is more on the ‘whydunnit’. The story unravels layer by layer and what lies at the core of it, will surely make your head spin, wondering whether you read it right or not.

None of the characters are likeable, adding spice to the list of aforesaid eclectic mix ingredients, including this mysterious narrator obviously - but strangely I found him so interesting and was dying to know what he was getting up to!

The ending made me stop right in my tracks, as I struggled to come to terms, grappling with disbelief at the kind of conclusion. Huh! I had no idea what to make of it for a bit. But that's where the fun lies - when you try to disentangle this story & understand it for what it is! So do give it a try!

This is one of those books you might end up loving or totally unable to get into. But as mentioned before, the audiobook make a world of difference to my experience in this case.

Definitely recommend to mystery thriller fans!

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Screenplay writer Elliot Chase is one of five people invited to former movie star Lana Farrar’s private greek island for a getaway. Before the trip is over, one of them ends up dead.

This book reads like a screenplay, broken up into five acts. We learn about the lives, secrets and possible murder motives of everyone on the island. I really enjoyed this book & was left guessing up until the very end. Like all of his books, there are references to Greek mythology and to characters in his previous books. I’m already looking forward to his next book!

Thanks to NetGalley and Celadon books for providing me with a copy of this audiobook.

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This is my first book by Alex Michaelides, and based on this alone, it will probably be my last. The good news - the audiobook is fairly short, only 8ish hours. The bad news... it feels like 20.

The story held a lot of promise, and as others have commented, it harkens back to the "good old days" of mysteries like And Then There Were None. However, this has none of the nuance and too much of the self-promotion.

I enjoyed the idea of the narrator breaking the 4th wall. "He" is very upfront at the beginning of this "true story" that he will be "making up" some things based on his intimate knowledge of the players. So, I guess the author thought that this excused all of the giant leaps of faith that a reader has to make. It doesn't. And that's part of the problem of the story. You are supposed to be engrossed by the narrator/main character, but he's just not engrossing - or very likable. In fact, none of the characters are very likable. Which is a problem when you are trying to get people to keep reading/listening.

As for the voice narration... it was inconsistent. At times, I appreciated the flippant tone, but at others it was grating and inappropriate. He just sounded smug, which didn't really fit what was being said. It was a pass for me.

The story dragged, and by the time that twists were revealed, I had guessed most of them, and the others were the type of eye-rolling, head shaking, tropes overused but presented as shocking.

The settings were nice, a few of the characters were vaguely of interest - but not enough to keep my interested. Overall, I was just really disappointed. I had hoped for an exciting mystery with glamorous characters and exotic locations but instead I got a dime-story detective story told by a very unreliable narrator.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the ALC in exchange for my honest opinions.

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This was a really good book! It did take me a little bit to get used to the writing style but it was worth sticking around for. Love an unreliable narrator and a book that keeps me guessing!! Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to review!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced copy of this audiobook.

I really enjoyed The Fury, and it's my favorite of Alex Michaelides's books. The audiobook narrator, Alex Jennings (who has been in The Crown and Victoria, among many other theater and film productions), was great, and the mystery and unreliable narrator Elliot kept me wondering what would happen next. While you may be able to predict some of The Fury, it's still an enjoyable ride. Elliot tells the tale of his relationship with aging former movie star Lana Farrar and a vacation gone wrong to her private Greek island. The Fury is less a classic whodunnit and more of a why-dunnit, exploring the motives and backstory of the individual characters. I enjoyed the 5-act play structure as well as the non-linear storytelling format.

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