Member Reviews

Summary: Award-winning author Alex Temblador fearlessly tackles the elephant in the writing room – how to authentically portray characters with identities different from our own. From dissecting the meaning of 'identity' to navigating the minefields of unconscious bias, Temblador guides aspiring writers through the process of crafting characters of diverse backgrounds. The book explores intersectional identities, delving into considerations for race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disabilities, nationalities, and more. Whether you're in the pre-writing phase or knee-deep in editing, this guide promises to be your compass through the uncharted territories of diverse storytelling.

🌈 Pros:
✨ Four stars for the helpful information! The book stands out as an invaluable resource, offering insightful guidance on writing and editing characters with authenticity and respect. Aspiring writers will find it not only informative but also a source of enlightenment.

🎓 The education extends beyond the craft of writing, offering a nuanced understanding of the state of diversity in publishing. It's not just about crafting characters; it's about understanding the societal landscape in which these characters exist.

📚 Cons:
🤯 Brace yourself! This book may induce a few literary identity crises. As you frantically revise your novel-in-progress, questioning every creative choice (which is *definitely* not me right now), remember: growth often comes with a side of existential dread.

🌟 In conclusion, "Writing an Identity Not Your Own" stands tall as a beacon for writers navigating the choppy seas of identity representation. Temblador's wit and wisdom make this educational journey an engaging and eye-opening experience. As you embark on this rollercoaster of self-reflection and creative exploration, remember: a little existential crisis is a small price to pay for writing that transcends boundaries. 🚀📖

Disclaimer: A colossal thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for entrusting me with this ARC. The opinions expressed here are as unpredictable as a writer's plot twists – wild, varied, and subject to change. 📚🎭

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Writing an Identity Not Your Own, is an informative book to help writers connect with the characters they create.

In this day and age it’s important when representing diversity, to write with care and knowledge.

This book will help in the beginning stages as you pre-write and start to connect with characters and the direction of your book.

You’ll learn about writing different race/ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, disabilities, nationalities, and more.

This process will help writers gain an understanding in writing other identities and how we need to give these characters the justice they deserve.

While this book was informative, at times could be difficult to understand or follow. However, I do recommend to all writers especially now more than ever.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for the gifted copy. This book was educational. A tool that can be used on a day-to-day basis during your writing journey.

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This book offers a skillfully crafted response to a commonly experienced dilemma. In our current reading culture, there's a growing desire for diverse fiction, and this work is poised to become an essential resource for crafting such narratives. Written in an accessible style, it not only guides writers on effectively portraying diverse identities but also sheds light on potential pitfalls and stereotypical writing challenges. Whether you're a writer or a writing craft enthusiast, picking up this book from the store shelves promises valuable insights and guidance.

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This is a FANTASTIC book to help writers improve their writing craft, teaching writers how to better understand the harm of writing characters unlike themselves from their POV is not only harmful but will end in backlash from people who KNOW you don’t know anything about what you’re writing. It’s about accountability, and treating characters with the respect you would show the very people they represent.

I really enjoyed this read and believe it should be taught in classes and workshops if people need help getting out of their limited perspective. It puts into words just how limited our view of life is until someone else’s life and experiences affects our own.

Fantastic read.

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Writing an Identity Not your own by Alex Temblador is a well written answer to a widely felt dilemma. Now more than ever we as a reading culture are craving diversely written fiction and this book will surely become an indispensable tool in creating those stories. Written in an easy to understand manner this work provides insight both into how to write other identities well but also into some pitfalls and stereotypical writing issues an author may encounter.
Writers and writing craft enthusiasts alike will find great use in picking this one up off the store shelves.

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