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When the flames ravaged by Rhonda Dragomir is the second book in the A Day to remember series from Barbour Publishing. It is about the historic and devastating fire at the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus that happened in Hartford Connecticut on July 6, 1944. A lot of lives were lost and changed that day. The two main Characters Hank and Evelyn met and became Friends and helped each other and eventually fell in love. This is a good, interesting, and of course sad story. This story also is good for anyone who is questioning why God lets bad things happen to good people and their family. It also deals with questioning rather you have faith in God. Thank you to Barbour Publishing and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review a ARC of this book.

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“Was God with her? Faith chimed, Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. But doubt quoted Jesus in His darkest hour. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

This second book in the Barbour series, A Day to Remember, brings us the horrific story of When the Flames Ravaged by Rhonda Dragomir. Each book in the series highlights a lesser-known American tragedy. As with the first, this was a difficult read because of the intense emotions stirred by the recounting of the Hartford, Connecticut circus tragedy. I had to be careful to recognize why I was in a very despondent mood as I occasionally came up for air as I read.

Both Evelyn, whose close relatives attend the circus that fateful day in 1944, and Hank “Fraidy Freddy,” have some big questions for God after the fire. “How could a loving God…” reiterated over and over as two young people who were once believers in His care, consider that they may not need a God Who wouldn’t prevent such an atrocity. No easy answers are given, but Scripture and wise words are combined at precisely the right time to stir thoughts in a seeking soul.

Slowly, painstakingly so, we follow Evelyn and Hank as they search for Evelyn’s missing family. While the tragedy brings them close, the two teeter between more than friends and persona non-gratis as secrets, guilt, and efforts to be independent take center stage.

I loved so many secondary characters. Bill, Evelyn’s brother. Mrs. Riegle, with her gentle ways, yet determined to be a help to Evelyn. The Preacher. “I’m not really a preacher. I’m simply a man who wants to tell others about how God helps us through our troubles.” Connecticut State Police Sergeant Amato. As one of my favorite people often says, he is the kind of person “who makes your problem, his problem.”

I can’t believe this is Dragomir’s debut novel. It is so well-written. I loved the inclusion of Emmett Kelly (excuse me while I go off to research him a little more, I used to collect clown figurines based on his art). I also had to research the Bataan Death March a bit. I learned so much from this book!

I also loved some twists and the humor. Unfortunately, the tragedy was so severe, there was no humor at that point in the book. But that is real life. I am looking forward to the next book in the series and will also be looking forward to reading more from Rhonda Dragomir.

I received a copy of the book from Celebrate Lit via Netgalley. I also bought my own ecopy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“the costume also hid a man wanted for murder. His parents would be spared the shame of watching their son die in the electric chair.”

“A blood moon was expected tonight, and the superstitious circus folk had grumbled all day about the alleged ‘omen of death.’”

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

“The deadliest enemy at this moment wasn’t the fire, still too far away to be a threat. But panic could kill.”

“The speed with which tragedy stripped a person bare was nothing less than terrifying.”

“It was his fault. Murder. By neglect. Almost two hundred times over.”

“I hope someday you’ll see yourself as God does.”

“We accept blessings from God’s hands every day, but when bad things happen, we blame Him.”

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When The Flames Ravaged was an interesting read, though it wasn't quite what I thought I was getting into. I was expecting an historical novel that was more in depth about the actual fire and the causes behind it. What I got was a bit of a suspense novel crossed with an historical novel crossed with a romance story. It was a clean and enjoyable read that takes places in the shadows of the Ringling Bros circus fire in Hartford, CT, in 1944.

We meet Evelyn, a war widow struggling to make ends meet and struggling to keep from the depression that wants to cover her heart. As a waitress, she is doing all she can to contribute to her sister's family with whom she is living and helping. Her niece and nephew are the lights in her life and she looks forward to their joy each morning and evening. While on the job, she meets several of the men/clowns from the circus, feeling an unusual connection with one of them.

Hank is just a man struggling to get his life right and working hard in the circus, while trying to figure out how to set his life back on the straight and narrow. As a clown with the circus, he often hides behind the character he plays. Until the fateful day of the circus fire. Then, he knows what to do and acts quickly, assisting an unknown man who is helping women and children get to safety. He stays with it, even though the little girl next to him won't leave. Then, he grabs her at the last minute while she screams for daddy and runs to safety with her.

In the aftermath of the fire, we find Evelyn and Hank working together to find Evelyn's niece and nephew, whom it turns out Hank helped their daddy get to safety. But where are they? As the two search through the ashes and shadows of the fire, they also grow closer together. Hank forces himself to face his past and Evelyn forces herself to face her future. What will it all become?

This was a tremendous novel, though it was a little bit of a slow start as the author built the characters. I truly enjoyed the writing and building of the story, keeping the reader engaged, desiring to know what becomes of each of the characters in the story. The suspense and mystery surrounding the actual stories of some of the people from the real fire is built into this fictional account very well. I feel like I know quite a bit of this history of this event through the telling of Evelyn and Hank's stories. This is one that I recommend to people who enjoy historical novels, a bit of mystery and suspense, and don't mind just a tad bit of romance thrown in at the end. An enjoyable read.

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What an awesome yet heart wrenching story. I'd never heard of this horrendous circus fire, but thanks to the author, this event, and it's aftermath, was brought to life.
Evelyn Benson is a war widow who lives with her brother and his family while helping to pay the bills by working as a waitress. Hank is living the life as a circus clown in the Ringling Brothers circus to attempt to remain hidden from something in his past.
Both of their lives are drastically altered after the fire. During this time, Hank desires a relationship with Evelyn, but with so many secrets in his past, will it ever work out?
Both also are on a spiritual journey, struggling with questions of why God would allow such suffering in their lives. I loved their individual growth and how it affected their relationship with each other. And I loved the spiritual truths shared. I loved this passage, "A mental picture floated into Evelyn's mind on wings of a dove, seeing herself seated in God's lap in much the same way. She could almost feel HIs embrace, snug and comforting. She leaned into it with a new understanding. Evenlyn was but a child in the universe God created. She'd never receive the answers to her questions when her capacity to understand was limited by her humanity. Evelyn would have to demonstrate to God the same trust Lily had placed in her-to guide her safely through life's circumstances, no matter how inexplicable or how much they contradicted her belief in a loving, powerful God."
What really kept me swiping through the pages of my book was the anticipation of needing to know what the status was of certain family members after the devastating fire. Following their journey to reunite with loved ones. Not knowing if loved ones were alive and missing or deceased. So emotional knowing this was based on a true event. The author truly had me in tears as I read these stories of fictional people, knowing they were based on reality. Though, I will say, some of my tears were happy tears. Such an emotional story.
I loved this book, and cant wait to read more by this author.
I received an e-copy of this book through NetGalley and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts.

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This is the second in the series A Day to Remember which takes past historical disasters and remembers them with a fictional story penned about them. This was no less heartbreaking than the first, and these stories are really complemented with the author's notes concerning the tragedies.

This particular event took place on July 6, 1944, when the Ringlings Brother and Barnum and Bailey circus tent caught on fire. This was an event I never knew about, so it was eye opening to say the least, and just really grounds my dislike of being around crowds. Anyway, this is a story that focuses on Evelyn a young widow who had been taken in by her brother, his wife, and their two young children for a new start. All of them, except for her, were at the circus that day. When the tragedy strikes, she must decide to either rely on her already fragile faith or break into a million pieces.

Hank Webb is one of the clowns at the circus. He only took up the job so that he could run away from the life he loved, but one that he believes he can never go back to. He notices Evelyn at her job waitressing and became infatuated with her. He never thought they would officially meat under the unbelievable circumstances that brings them together. And he is hiding a lot more from her than his past.

I really appreciated the author's notes especially concerning some of the circumstances that later developed in the days after the fire. The author has done her research and answered some of the questions that I had. This is a tragic read, with hope, but I think it is good we remember these events.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

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We hear of a disaster and might think nothing further of it. Dragomir has really brought out the personal aspect of a tragedy. Real people are involved and here we also experience the aftermath of finding survivors and identifying victims. That part of the novel is a bit gruesome. I appreciate the Author's Note identifying the actual facts of the tragic event.

The strength of this novel is the theological issues the characters talk and think about. Why does God allow tragedies? Where does the providence of God end and the responsibility of man begin? These are weighty issues and they are handled well in this novel. There is also a good faith message about trusting God after running from Him for years.

Readers who like historical fiction based on actual events will like this one. Dragomir's writing style is good and this book on a serious subject was easy to read.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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3.5 Stars

One of the things I enjoy most about reading historical fiction is being introduced to periods of history I had no idea existed. When the Flames Ravaged by Rhonda Dragomir put me in the lives and shoes of some of the people who might have witnessed the 1944 circus fire in Hartford, Connecticut.

Dragomir takes the time to introduce readers to her characters before the tragedy, which makes the fire all the more tragic. Through their eyes, we watch the tragedy and the aftermath unfold.
Evelyn as hands down my favorite character of this book. So much loss in her life but she presses on for the people she loves. Hank comes alongside her for the outset, supporting her in her loss and grief.

While the fire was well-documented in When the Flames Ravaged, much of the book after that focuses on the romance between Hank and Evelyn. It is a fast one that is formed during a difficult period of time, but that allows Hank to see Evelyn at her lowest.

A strong second book in the series, this book pulled on my heartstrings and put me through a rollercoaster of emotions.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive or negative review. All opinions are my own.

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This book would be great for someone who is struggling with the idea of why God allows bad things to happen or why bad things happen to good people.

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DNF @ 16%. I stopped reading this at chapter 7.

There was nothing wrong with this book, I just kept finding I didn't want to pick it up and it wasn't sucking me in. Seems like an interesting moment in history, but the insta-love turned me off a bit and I just couldn't turn my excitement back on.

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When the Flames Ravaged by Rhonda Dragomir us a fantastic addition to Barbour Publishing’s A Day to Remember series. My attention was captured right away by the circus setting of this Christian historical fiction novel. Hank, aka Fraidy Freddy the clown is running away from secrets in his past, when he encounters Evelyn, a war widow working as a waitress to make ends meet. The faith element of this book is superbly incorporated as an authentic part of plot, not a sermonette awkwardly plopped into the story, as can sometimes happen. I’m not typically a fan of a romance subplot--many stories don’t need it, but it’s an appropriate and necessary part of this story. Before reading this book, I had never heard of the real life Ringling Bros fire, and I found it fascinating, and almost miraculous that any circus was able to escape going up in flames, given the lack of safety measures. I’ve now read the first 2 books in this new series, and it has the potential to be one of my favorite Barbour series (and I’ve loved several already!)

Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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1944 Most of the men were involved in the war in some way or another - mostly overseas. Unfortunately there were plenty of widows and children with no husbands or fathers, so an afternoon at the circus was just the right ticket. Hank and his coworkers had a big job to set it all up, with lions and elephants and more. But it was worth it to see the excitement in the faces of the children.

The unforeseen happens and a small flame that becomes a conflagration catches everyone by surprise creating a stampede of people trying to leave the circus tent. A tragedy ensues and families are separated. Will they ever meet again on this side of heaven?

A copy was received through Barbour Publishing, NetGalley and CelebrateLit. These impressions are my own and were in no way solicited.

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“How much was God responsible for the failure of men? When did the providence of God end and the responsibility of man begin? Was God’s power limited by the free will of mankind?”
What a great historical read along with thought provoking spiritual lessons. I was impressed how Rhonda Dragomer wove in characters wrestling with their faith as they dealt with a very tragic situation. The story was based around a circus tent fire in 1944. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book. When the Flames Ravaged was a great portrayal of all the events of that day and the heartbreaking losses that occurred. I received a copy of When the Flames Ravaged from NetGalley with no obligations. All opinions expressed are my own.

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A new series of historic disasters that have been changed by nature or man, this one centers around the Big Top of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Baliey Circus in Hartford, CT on July 6, 1944.

A devastating blaze erupted and consumed the circus tent, killing many people. Evelyn Benson, a war widow, and Hank Webb, who worked as a clown for the circus meet and work together to try to find her family who was at the circus at the time of the fire. Hank remembers trying to help them get out, so he and Evelyn are working together to find out if her family is still alive.

Devastation, disappointment, loss of faith, renewing of faith, sweet love, and encouragement are all emotions involved in this book.

It is a book you will have a variety of emotions as you read it. It seemed to move rather slowly, but yet you will not want to stop reading it until the end.

I received a copy of the book from Barbour and NetGalley. The opinions expressed were my own.

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The newest addition to the A Day to Remember series is “When the Flames Ravaged” by Rhonda Dragomir. It tells the story of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus fire that took place in Hartford, Connecticut on July 6, 1944. It was a horrific event. One that changed the lives of so many during an already difficult wartime. Despite that horribleness of it all, the author was able to tell of the day in a respectful and memorable way.

One thing I loved most about this book was the characters. Evelyn Benson and Hank Webb are two characters that you will grow to love as you traverse the unthinkable with them. They were written in such a way that I felt like I knew them personally when I finished the book. Their experiences, although unthinkable, became so real. I loved seeing how they grew throughout the book and how their faith about to go out grew strong again.

Another thing I enjoyed while reading was how vivid the events of the book were. The author did a fabulous job at bringing the horrific fire and its aftermath to life. It was well researched and well written making for an impactful read.

“When the Flames Ravaged” is the perfect read for anyone who loves history, Christian fiction, and romance. A part of the A Day to Remember series, “When the Flames Ravaged” is a stand alone.

I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. These thoughts are my own.

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A deadly fire under the big top that affected one family.
I thought parts of this book were sad and a bit depressing. The faith of the characters was like a phoenix rising from the ashes of the fire. It’s a nice clean story about a devastating fire and it’s aftermath
Thanks to the publisher for the early copy

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A real historical page turner... such tragedy
Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2024
This is a page turning account of a horrible disaster in history.
I enjoyed how real this writer made her characters, so real you can almost feel what they were feeling and understand how such a tragedy could make someone doubt God and His care for them. The book shows how God is with us in the good times and also in tragedy, how our world is filled with evil and how other peoples actions cause tragedy and pain in others lives.

Evie faces such loss but comes through with Gods help and His plan for her after the pain she has suffered. The hunt for little Jamie tugs at your heart strings.

Get a copy and then plan to not be able to put the book down!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing but was under no obligation to post a review.

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What a wonderful read. This book hooks you on the first page and doesn't let go. It's a well written historical novel that mixes fact with fiction that the author brought to life with her words. It's full of emotions; it will make you laugh, cry and feel every emotion in between. I highly recommend this book.
I received a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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DNF about a third of the way through.

I loved the first book in this series, and was very excited for this one. Especially after “The Greatest Showman,” I enjoy all things circus, and this was a new-to-me event.

However, I felt the author overused similes throughout the portion I read; there was little variation in sentence structure and gave the reader the omniscient narrator’s take on the situation—telling versus showing, whether emotion, events, etc. It’s simply to the point of distraction for me, sadly.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Devastating and inspirational! My heart was ripped out, and I cried multiple times. I personally related to the characters' questions on faith. I wish I had read this years ago when I was going through something tragic. I'm shocked this is a debut novel. Well done!

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This was a fantastic book! I'd heard of the infamous circus fire before, but never actually understood how so many people could perish in a tent. Now I get it as Rhonda Dragonmir explained this tragedy not only accurately, but with heartfelt emotion. The characters were fictional, of course, but the factual information included as we explored the lives of Hank, Evelyn and her family made them seem so real.
I'll admit that parts of this story were difficult to read. And yet, I could do nothing but continue reading as fast as I could in order to turn to the excitement and drama of what the next page would hold. The amount of research and quite possibly tears that went into creating this story is staggering. It is worth the read simply for the history lesson, but beyond that, my attachment to the fictional characters was strong enough to let me feel their heart wrenching emotion and remember them long after the final page was turned.
I commend Ms. Dragonmir for a well written novel full of fact, emotion and romance. I highly recommend it to readers across many genres .
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review

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