Member Reviews

I love this series!

Millicent Frost is a cute little sprite who happens to be a HDD Agent with a knack for inventing an assortment of gadgets, some helpful, some downrght dangerous.

Former Marine and now a powerhouse Lawyer, Scott Terentson has been fascinated by Millie for years. They’ve worked together a few times with the Deep Ops group and he appreciates her quick wit and talented mind.

When Scott interrupts an undercover op at a bank run by a bigoted jerk, Millie is blamed and lands in hot water with her commander. Needing time to process, she heads home to lick her wounds and ends up under arrest after waking up naked in her dead ex’s bed. Scott is called in to help, though Millie doesn’t want him there, and the danger amps up with an assassination attempt, more alibies than he knows what to do with, and a growing attraction to the pixie he’s determined to protect.

I wish there would have been more interaction with the Deep Ops crew, but it was nice to see Angus up to his old tricks. This one was more serious than funny, and I think it lacks in that regard. Still a solid read, though.

“I voluntarily read an ARC of this book which was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.”

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I have read the other books in this series so I was very happy to see this newest one. I’m usually good at figuring out the bad guy, but this time it was a surprise. Good story with a satisfying conclusion.

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I feel like I have to do my normal confession of saying that I absolutely love pretty much everything that Ms. Zanetti writes, and while this is not my favorite, I still enjoyed the heck out of it. While this is technically part of the Deep Ops series, the two MC's in this book are not officially on the Deep Ops team - "per se". Let's call them - team adjacent.

We get to follow Millie Frost - who DOES work for the HDD, just not officially on Angus' team. She has helped out in the past and therefore created some pretty strong bonds with the team. Then there is Scott Terentson - he is an attorney that we last met when he was getting shot -mainly due to his friendship with Angus. Anyway, the two of them meet, quite by mistake, while they are both at the same office but for VERY different reasons. Millie is undercover and Scott - well, Scott does a pretty jerky thing.

He actually later subpoenas Millie on his case to get her to testify about what she saw in the office when she was UNDERCOVER placing bugs in the suspects offices. Yes, she had a warrant, but it completely blew her cover, and therefore the case...and then possibly her job. It really was a jerky thing to do. So, things do not start off well.

Then things go from bad to worse with Millie and she ends up being the main suspect in a murder that is obviously a frame job (well, obvious to those who know her, but pretty much a slam dunk to the rest of the world) and then people start trying to kill her. See....bad to worse. Scott decides it is his job to protect her (possibly to try to make up for earlier said jerky behavior, or maybe just because.......) But, no spoilers....

Where Ms. Zanetti excels with this series is in the relationships that she has built and developed with this absolutely zany and downright crazy team of individuals who are each so different, but who have met and discovered each other as a "found" family. Unfortunately, we do not really see this happening until the last quarter of the book.

The case itself was not one of her best. It was just a bit TOO much. I mean, seriously? No spoilers so let me say it was a little hard to swallow all of the bad happening in such a short time in a town that doesn't really ever have ANY bad things happen. While I liked the 2 MC's separately, I didn't feel the "it" factor that I have felt with the other couples in this series. But, you can't win them all.

So, not one of the best, but I still gave it 4 stars because she has built up enough credit with me in this crazy world that has already been built and well, there was a whole lot of Roscoe (need I say more? IYKYK)

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC. The opinions above are mine and mine alone.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this book, really love Rebecca’s books and this one does not disappoint! Will highly recommend to others!

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I always love a good Rebecca Zanetti book, but this one was sort of "mid" for me. I was a little surprised, actually, since I adored books 4 and 5 (didn't read the first three books). It could be that it's been a year and a half or so since book 5, and I didn't fully remember the characters, but honestly, I think it was a little more than that. I liked both protagonists, but I felt like they were a little overpromised, especially Millie.

I really love that Millie is a genius inventor, but the dozens of inventions she has strewn about (especially in her house and her aunt's) are almost silly and seem more magical than functional, if that makes sense. Like they weren't believable enough for me to buy into her talent. And they're all already invented; that is, we don't see her jury-rigging anything on the fly during the course of this book. That was disappointing.

Scott is a good hero who is truly enchanted by Millie, and the third-person POV (alternating between Millie and Scott) allows us to see the truth of his feelings. It's lovely. His dom tendencies during sexy times, however, are a little off putting. Enough with the spanking, ew. Don't get me wrong; there is a lot more going on (and the intimate scenes are some of the better I've read with the exception of the spanking). I just needed less of the yick factor.

The suspense isn't that exciting, though there are enough red herrings to at least make you unsure of the real villain's identity. The way some people behaved, though, is a little weird. Why didn't Millie freak out more when she woke up next to her dead ex? Why weren't the brothers a little more grief stricken? (To be fair, they eventually do emote, but it seems a bit late). And a few other things that I'll skip here to avoid spoilers.

It a fun enough read, and I'm not sorry I read it. I just wish it had blown me away like the previous two books in the series.

I received an ARC of this book for free from the publisher and Netgalley. I'm writing this review voluntarily, and it reflects my honest opinion. Thanks!

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Another great Deep Ops book. I can’t get enough of this series. These characters keep me coming back for more. There’s intrigue and a fantastic plot.

Lots of twists. It was great to see some of the people from prior books, especially Wolfe, Kat and Roscoe. Hoping with the additions to the team there will be more Deep Ops books

I rec’d a copy from Netgalley and all opinions are my own.

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I really enjoyed Frostbitten! I love the play on the title and Millie's name! The Deep Ops series is my fav Rebecca Zanetti series! For me they are the perfect blend of mystery/thriller and romance. Scott is the ultimate protector and he is uber intense in a great way! The book moved quickly and I was never bored or felt stuck. The setting was perfect - the small town and it's residents were well written; I felt like I was in the mountains with them. I hope we have a lot more books in the Deep Ops series because I am not ready to let them go.

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Rebecca Zanetti has done it again. Another book i had a hard time putting down. I loved all the twists and turns.

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Frostbitten by Rebecca Zanetti is the sixth book in her Deeps Ops series.

Millie Frost is the tech and gadget guru who gets in trouble at work when a case goes awry, so she goes home to help out at the family business to wait out the fallout where more disasters happen.
Scott Terentson is a lawyer within the organization who would rather work alone than be a part of the team, and who also is dealing with a big trial issues/failures.

Millie has no use for lawyers, but she knows she needs Scott’s help and he’s called in to help her out of the situation she’s found herself in. As they try and solve the murder and get Millie out of trouble, they are slowly drawn to each other.

I loved the build up to them falling for each other and that the story kept me guessing the whole time. I haven’t read any of the other books in this series and this stands alone, but I plan on going back and reading the stories of the other characters.

The chemistry between the main characters, despite their reluctance to fall for each other (*cough* Millie *cough*) was evident and worth it when they DO realize the feelings that are there.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. All opinions are my own. I’m off to read the other books in the series!

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Millie and Scott are quite a team! Not only are they fierce, but we find out that they are also steamy and crazy romantic! When Millie finds herself accused of murder, Scott, an attorney, races to her rescue. This was one I had trouble putting down! If you like mysteries, delightful characters, and hot romance, you’ll love this one!

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Really good! I found myself reading way past my bedtime. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Kensington/Lyrical Press for the eARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is part of a series, I am not sure #6 maybe, but it reads well as a stand alone. This is about Scott Terentson a lawyer and Millie Frost a crazy inventor. Poor Millie-she surprisingly gets into lots of trouble. I was a bit surprised by this book-but still enjoyed it, I as always love the antics of Roscoe! What a great addition he is to the group. Millie's family is unique and interesting. Overall a bit convoluted but still a great read. 4 stars

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I missed this series! Frostbitten brings the Angus Force back with a vengeance. Millicent, quirky intelligent, loves to change her hair color, works for Homeland Security, hates lawyers and is on loan to the Angus Group. Scott, ex marine, interested in Millicent, has helped the Angus group and is a lawyer. That is a calm as it get. Fast paced, page turner taking place in the small town Millicent is from. Everyone loves her and want to help. Okay not everyone or she wouldn't be in trouble. Enter lawyer Scott, along with Roscoe the Angus group dog. We meet a few new characters, one being Millicent's brother, so hoping he gets his own book. Wolfe and others from Deep Ops makes an appearance. Steam aplenty for you steam lovers. Many thanks to the author and NetGalley for the arc. I freely volunteer my thoughts and opinions. #Frosbitten #DeepOps #RebeccaZanetti #Kensington/LyricalPress #NetGalley

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When I tell you I DEVOURED this book!!!!!! Millie and Scott might be my favorite duo yet!! It took me until about 75 percent of the way through to figure out who the bad guy was but I was still surprised at the end! I hope the next book has Wolfe and Dana having their baby!!!

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Frostbitten is book six of the Deep Ops series and is fantastic❣️ I love Millie and Scott and learning more about Scott’s background and just how bad@ss he can be…superb👍

I do have to say Wolfe and Kat once again stole the show as did Roscoe with his alcoholic urges and high heel fetishes😂 I even like that we have a few new members of the team, which I hope means more books in the Deep Ops series🤞

I received an advanced copy via Netgalley and thank the author and publisher for the opportunity to review. My review is voluntarily given😍

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Rebecca has done it once again !! This is an great read filled with non-stop action, suspense, steamy and romantic, humor, twists and turns, It's like when you watch Dateline (you know you'll watch it) and you think you figure out all the player only to find out you got it all wrong. What an amazing read! I think this with each and every book in any series that Rebecca writes.

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Millicent Frost is a very unique individual. As an agent for Homeland Security, she has had the opportunity to work with Angus Force's special ops team as an IT specialist. At a young age she and her brother end up living with their elderly great aunt and Millie would do anything for that woman. When she returns home to help with her great aunt's struggling out-fitter business she finds herself implicated in a murder.

Scott Terentson took a bullet for Angus Force. By extension he is a member of Force's team. When Scott finds out that Millie has been arrested for murder he drives to West Virginia to represent her as her attorney. Unfortunately for Scott, Millie has a great distrust for lawyers and doesn't want Scott's help. When three hired hitmen try to take Millie out, Scott combines his past skills as a marine with Millie's knowledge of IT to protect her and her family.

Rebecca Zanetti has a wonderful ability to successfully write across genres. There is nothing that she has written that I haven't loved. Frostbitten is by far one of Zanetti's best thriller masterpieces. I adore Millie's quirkiness and Scott's alpha male personality. The action was exciting and the entire book was a fast paced read. As with all of Zanetti's series, I love that a group of individuals can come together to form their own close knit family. I absolutely recommend this entire series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Love this!

Millie is a crazy smart engineer/inventor whose inventions rival anything James Bond’s team created. When she is in the wrong place one day, doing her job, she inadvertently causes trouble for Scott, a lawyer and part-time member of the Deep Ops team.

When Millie is wrongly accused of murder, Scott steps in to defend her. Sure, they don’t always agree, but when spark’s start to fly between them, the action is fire!

I loved meeting back with other members of the Deep Ops team, and seeing the relationship grow between Millie and Scott. His interaction with her family was perfect too, and who doesn’t love her great aunt! There was a seemingly random character thrown in, Lily, working at the family business, but we really don’t find out much about her. Maybe in a future story?

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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In Frost Bitten…the eighth book in the Dark Ops series…Rebecca Zanetti employs intensity, wry humor, and a plot of immorality to keep readers burning through the pages…and hooked from open to close.

Ms. Zanetti's Dark Op series has evolved its characters, both distinctive and quirky (Wolf is one of the central characters who you can't help but adore…what badass warrior gently carries a kitten with him in his pocket?) into ones who reach your emotional core…creating anticipation for their continued appearance with each story.

Fast-paced and with numerous twists and turns, the intrigue draws you through to a completely unexpected conclusion. Ms Zanetti never disappoints with her unparalleled storytelling to build anticipation and create an investment in a story’s outcome…Frost Bitten exemplifies her talents.

This ARC book was complimentary…provided by the Publisher through NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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Another fabulous installment in the Deep Ops series. With this one, most of the action takes place in Millie's hometown which gives the book a suspenseful small town romance vibe. There's Millie's brother (hoping we get a book w/ him as the hero), her aunt, and childhood friends. Millie's life implodes fairly early in the beginning of this book and Scott immediately jumps to help without telling their other teammates. I really enjoyed the slow burn of these two getting together and figuring out their feelings. Some wonderfully hot scenes with these two once they get together. A plus was Wolf showing up and being Wolf. I can't wait for the next one.

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