Member Reviews

Wow, this one kept me guessing until the end. I never would have guessed the ending. This is a great book, and the characters are wonderful. They are not perfect but that is ok. I love how the group has made their own little family. I will be reading this one again.
3/5 stars- thank you netgalley and the author for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review

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Loved it from start to finish. Suspense, action, and surprises. Millie didn't want to bother the team, but the team, including Scott who insisted he was not part of the team, wouldn't let Millie fight her battle alone. Great addition to the series.

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Frostbitten is a high octane, fast-paced romantic suspense full of…

–sexy chemistry
–loveable German Shepherd with a high heel shoe fetish and a drinking problem
–reliable teammates
–more secrets

And so much more!

This has got to be my favorite book in the series. Scott and Millie make a great team. I love how independent they are but also how well they work together. Millie has been on the outskirts of the series for a while now and I am so glad she finally gets to shine.

I just loved the story and I can’t wait for the next book!

Frostbitten is Book #6 in Rebecca Zanetti's Deep Ops series where each book is full of suspense, intrigue, strong women, sexy alpha males, and a crazy fun German Shepherd that defies the laws of physics. Frostbitten can easily be read as a standalone but if you get the chance, I highly recommend the entire series!

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Frostbitten is another wonderful addition to the Deep Ops series by Rebecca Zanetti. It's got everything: romance, suspense, action, a crime to solve, and a great cast of characters. It can also be read as a standalone, though the cameos of other members of the team will make you want to go back and read their books too.

Millie and Scott are the main characters of Frostbitten, and they were a lot of fun to read about (even with the craziness going on around them). They have a little back-and-forth flirtation-but-not thing going on that I loved. Millie and Scott definitely have the hots for each other, but Scott is a lawyer - and Millie hates lawyers. It made me sit up and think "How is Zanetti going to get them together?"

Throw in a crime, obviously. And make Millie the lead suspect!

Now all bets are off as Scott and Millie race to clear her name - and fall in love in the process.

This book really was such a fun read with so many different things going on that all make sense by the end. I loved the twists and turns, and that ending was wild! One thing I've learned from reading Zanetti's book is that you can never assume you'll know who the killer will end up being. But one thing guaranteed is that the MCs will get their HEA and I'll enjoy every moment of their story!

I would recommend this book (and Rebecca Zanetti) to anyone who enjoys romantic thriller/suspense, small town romance, and/or workplace romances.

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4.5 out of 5 stars!
I really enjoyed this book! I am a fan of mystery/thrillers that are fast paced, adventurous and involve detectives and danger/murder. This one brought all of those elements to the table plus more. There was also romance, some spice, a sidekick dog, a loveable cast of characters and some humour which I always appreciate in the darker reads.
Although this is part of a series, I read it as a standalone. I am eager to dive into the other books as I really enjoyed getting to know the side characters and hope to see more of them.

Content Warnings
Graphic: Death, Blood, Fire/Fire injury, Gun violence, Injury/Injury detail, Murder, Rape, Sexual assault, Violence, Sexual content, and Toxic friendship
Minor: Physical abuse, Animal cruelty, Medical content, Alcohol, Drug use, Grief, Medical trauma, and Pregnancy

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In Rebecca Zanetti’s Frostbitten, Deep Ops #6, Millicent Frost and Scott Terentson join forces after she’s targeted by lethal enemies determined to kill her.

Zanetti’s dynamic writing and storytelling, vibrant with detailed description and rich worldbuilding, captured my imagination and drew me into the novel from the opening scene. She skillfully develops fascinating, complex, fallible, and relatable characters that you can’t help but love and root for their success. Zanetti outdoes herself with the mystery, suspense, action, steam, romance, and intensity in this one.

Millie’s taken off her temporary assignment with the Deep Op’s team to help bust a bank scam. Unfortunately, the bust goes awry. Her career—and life—potentially in jeopardy, Millie returns to her hometown to help out with her family’s hunting and fishing business run by her aunt. Things take an even worse turn when Millie’s ex and family business rival is murdered, and she’s the number one suspect.

Scott and Millie are complete opposites that have always given each other a lot of space. But Millie asks Scott for his help. Though it’s probably more trouble than Scott needs right now, there’s no way he won’t help Millie—despite a staggering caseload and having just had a case go south on him—especially since she asked for his help. As Millie and Scott work together to solve the murder, the stakes become higher as the danger intensifies with repeated attempts on their lives. But being in close quarters under these circumstances makes it difficult for them to deny the scorching hot chemistry they share and their desire and connection that strengthens every moment.

Zanetti develops and evolves Scott and Millie’s relationship through funny, emotional, sexy, steamy, intimate, and charged interactions and love scenes that reveal their characters and further the story. I love Millie and Scott and their relationship. What’s between them is electric and inevitable. They fit together effortlessly in ways that neither understands nor is prepared to acknowledge and balance one another’s personalities. I love their snarky banter and attempts to avoid giving in to their attraction and fiery chemistry.

Brilliant, with a wildly gifted mind for solving mysteries, deciphering puzzles, and inventing and working with gadgets and electronics, Millie is a woman of science with a passion for design and machinery. But unfortunately, Millie is not as capable or comfortable with people as she is with gadgets and electronics. So, Millie tries to keep them away. Although she’s petite, Millie can handle herself in the field. Because of childhood trauma, Millie doesn’t like lawyers, which makes her feelings for Scott complicated. She finds him irresistible but resists giving in to her desire for him.

An intense, intelligent, dominant, primal loner, Scott uses his legal skills to help his clients when they are in trouble or caught in tricky binds. He’s still healing from the last bullet taken protecting one of the Deep Ops members, who have taken him into their family of misfits, even though the last thing the former Marine wants is to be on another team. Haunted by his past, Scott doesn’t think he’s good enough for Millie. But he’s been intrigued by the enigmatic Millie and drawn to her from their first meeting.

Multilayered, suspenseful, thrilling, and action-packed, Frostbitten creates visual images in your mind like a romantic suspense movie and keeps you on the edge of your seat. The novel has a terrific balance between steamy romance, action, and suspense, and the fight scenes are fantastic. Once I started reading, I couldn’t stop until I was done—ready for her next book. Sexy, action-packed, suspenseful, steamy, and funny, Frostbitten is an enthralling, fast-paced novel highly recommended for mystery/thriller, action, and steamy romantic suspense fans.

Advanced review copy provided by Lyrical Underground via Netgalley for review.

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This is my first Rebecca Zanetti and even though I'm not a huge Romantic Suspense reader, this was fun. Loved the action and the chemistry between the two main leads. I haven't read previous books in this series but didn't find it to be any issue. I'm assuming a lot of the side characters are from previous books but they weren't terribly crucial to the plot to know their backstories. The Spice was hitting and so was all the gadgety goodness from the heroine.

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When Milli Frost is caught placing listening devices in the offices of investment banker , Werner Dearth she provides Attorney Scott Terentson with discovery in his representation of Dearth's wife , Julie , divorce case .
When Milli is called as a witness in the divorce case she finds herself in the sights if not just her current boss but Dearth himself .
When Milli is called away to her sick Aunt's bedside she feels relief at getting away from her current troubles .
But the night after seeing her Aunt she wakes up beside her ex High School boyfriend's dead body - he had been stabbed with a knife Milli had invented - and with no memory as to how she had got there she realises she is in even more trouble than she left behind .
Her old friend , Chief Wyatt , calls in Scott to represent Milli........ with half the town trying to give her an alibi matters become more confusing - who is trying to set her up for a murder charge ? who is still trying to kill Milli and now Scott too ?

This is an entertaining romantic suspense book, fast paced with lots of red herrings leading to a HEA

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Very well written suspense novel set in a small town with great vibes. Love main characters Millie and Scott.and their developing relationship. A great who done it murder mystery with lots of characters and meat to it. The reader is treated to a riveting tale of intrigue and mystery while they try to solve a murder in a small town. The local bar and grill and some of their regulars is the center of the investigation. Scott is an attorney and business acquaintance of Millies and wants to help her out of her situation. Highly recommend the novel. Very easy to read and get lost in!

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I really enjoyed this book! Millie is just so cool and Scott turns out to be quite different than I thought he was in a good way. They are actually perfect for each other and combustible between the sheets. I just loved all the scenes with Roscoe. That dog just cracks me up! Also loved all the extra time with some of the Deep Ops crew. The story held me hostage and had me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out who was behind everything . Great read!!

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This better not be the last book of the series!!

Scott was so much more than I expected him to be and I loved him for it. He gave me the edgy, dark, and dangerous vibes I needed and looked forward to in this series. Millie was no slouch. A gadget genius, she definitely gave me Q vibes like Scott suggested.

There was almost a pseudo-enemies quality to the beginning of their relationship, more because of Millie's aversion to lawyers, but I was so glad to see all of her assumptions and misconceptions about this man be smashed to dust. And what grew once she gave him a real chance... I enjoyed every moment of it.

I've found something truly special about this Deep Ops team, and no matter what case, what city, or what horrifying trouble finds them, together they make magic happen. I'm a huge fan of found family and these characters have got that in spades.

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I really enjoyed this book. It took me a little longer to get invested in it, but once the plot got going, I couldn't put it down. I love that this book has cameos from the Deep Ops team. It is written in a way that you do not have to read the other books prior to this, but it will add detail to the story. The story line was good and the plot better. The romance happened a bit quick, but hey, it's a romance suspenseful thriller. What do you expect. It's great to have Roscoe in all books, but some of the scenes seemed a bit forced or too much. I loved Wolf in this book as it showed a different side to him. Overall, I enjoyed and would rate this a 4.5.

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I have loved this Deep Ops series, and this book is now my second-favorite, running a very close second behind Wolfe and Dana's story. I must admit that this surprised me because I like lawyers about as much as Millie does, so I didn't expect to be wowed by this one. But wowed I was. I was pretty agitated at what Scott pulls at the beginning of the book, but it turned out to be necessary and for the best in terms of the story. I won't spoil anything, but Scott's lawyer tactics end up throwing him and Millie together to solve the mystery. We get to meet a new group of characters from Millie's hometown, and of course Roscoe is along for the ride because Scott happens to be dogsitting. We also get some Wolfe and Kitten time later in the book, along with many other Deep Ops members. I'm now hoping for a spinoff book featuring JT!

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I love the Deep Ops books so when I saw this had an ARC on netgalley I knew I had to try!

This book won’t become my favourite of the series but still enjoyable! I loved seeing some of my favourite team members.

I liked Millie a lot and Scott definitely had some surprises about him. As a mystery it was good. There did feel like there was a lot going on but I was surprised by the final reveal but also now shocked which for me is what I am looking for! I need those breadcrumbs to put together as I read!

Also because I need to mention how much I love Roscoe in every review of this series! He is by far one of my favourite animals I’ve ever read!

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I love Rebecca Zanetti's paranormal romance books, so I was intrigued to see what one of her contemporary Deep Ops books would be like. It did take me a little while to get into it, but I think that was simply because I didn't know these characters the way that I've come to know her other series. Once I was in, I really enjoyed it.
Scott and Millie make a really great couple and work well together. I did find that he was a little overbearing at times, but then I think that Millie did too! There was a strong mystery element to this story and although I'd sort of worked it all out before the end, there were one or two things that I missed the mark on. As a story though, it worked really well and anything I missed was down to my own lacking deduction skills.
This was a good book and I'd certainly be interested in going back and reading more from this series in the future.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own and given voluntarily.

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[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

Frostbitten by Rebecca Zanetti is the sixth book in the Deep Ops series. Millicent Frost is HDD’s resident gadget maker and problem solver. A problem she hasn’t been able to solve is lawyer Scott Terentson. When one of Scott’s cases gets in the way of an undercover operation for Millie, she is pissed. She wants nothing to do with Scott but life has other plans. Millie is found in a compromising situation and needs legal assistance, unfortunately the man who comes to her aid is none other than Scott Terentson. He has always been drawn to Millie but feels he is too damaged to be worth her time. As the two try to unravel the complicated crime that has taken over Millie’s life they find their chemistry is too much to ignore. But with each day becoming more dangerous than the last, the two question if there is a path forward together.

I really love this series. It is the quintessential romantic suspense with over the top action and craziness mixed with some very steamy moments between Millie and Scott. I was rooting for them from the get go because I loved the two characters together. Scott was not threatened at all by Millie’s brilliance and instead it drew him in even more. Millie found herself learning that there is so much more to Scott than his fancy suits and legal jargon. Once she got a taste of him she knew it would be nearly impossible to let him go. Of course we got some quality Deep Ops team moments especially Wolfe.

4 stars for Millie and Scott giving into their chemistry.

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I think 'Frostbitten' is quite a ride to enjoy, easy to read, and very engaging with two leads that are sort of at odds with each other and at first glance, completely ill-suited to one another as well.

Scott Terentson and Millie Frost have been in each other's circles though they've never quite had a chance to be together until Homeland Security has the latter in their sights. When Millie gets a bull's eye target on her back, it's Scott who jumps in, and well...we learn that a lawyer isn't just a lawyer where he's concerned (read: look under the shirt).

I liked Zanetti's portrayal of both Scott and Millie--the former marine-turned-lawyer it seems, has a deliciously savage and raw side underneath the suits while Millie's smartness is one that definitely appeals to the girl-fan in me. And that was sort of enough, unfortunately, to take my attention off the ridiculously anthropomorphic Roscoe who I could never warm up to.

'Frostbitten' does feel like it's gone off the beaten track a little now that the main characters in the earlier books have gotten their HEA, but it's still an entertaining one that can easily be done as a standalone.

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This was an awesome story! I loved watching always in control attorney Scott Terentson get tied up in knots by petite and intelligent Millicent Frost! This is secondary characters to Zanetti's Deep Ops FBI series. I really enjoyed the plotting and interactions between the members of the team to solve the mystery. The town that loves her keeps mucking things up trying to help. It's thrilling, tender, creative and has bouts of humor that breaks up the tension of this thriller. No one can write like Rebecca Zanetti and I will read every book she releases!

Millicent Frost is the Q of the Deep Ops team. She is creative and a huge asset to the FBI. She's worked with Angus' team but not exclusively. She runs into trouble when placing listening devices in the office of investment banker Werner Dearth. Attorney Scott Terentson spots her on his way into Dearth's office to give him discovery in the acrimonious divorce case he's handling for Dearth's wife Julie. Dearth is determined to not give his wife a penny even though he's been cheating on her forever. When Milli gets called as a witness in the divorce trial her current boss Tom Rutherford is determined to have her terminated. Things go from bad to worse when she's called home when her Great Aunt Mae has a heart attack.

Millie was raised from age 11 by Aunt Millie after being tossed about in foster homes from a young child when she and her older brother TJ were orphaned. She hates attorneys because all those years they would never listen to her and let her live with Aunt Mae. She's brilliant with electronics and gadgets. The morning after she knew Aunt Mae would be fine she wakes up bloody next to her detested ex high school boyfriend Clay Baker, who's been stabbed with a fishing knife she invented. She has no memory of the night before and suspects she was drugged with GHB. Old friend Chief Wyatt Lawrence calls Scott to be her legal defense. Scott drops everything to come to her aid. He's a former marine FORECON who was almost drowned on an op and has PTSD & nightmares. This starts the most fantastic story of these two digging into who killed Clay in a town where everyone is willing to give her an alibi. But someone is trying to kill either Milli or Scott. These two make the greatest team sleuthing to find the truth.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Another mystery / thriller to keep you guessing from Rebecca Zanetti! Tech genius Millie has enemies coming at her from all directions after she wakes in an ex-boyfriend’s bed, covered in his blood, with no memory of what happened.

Zanetti is always a must read. Always, no matter what the blurb says. However, a tech genius sounded very intriguing. I love female characters who help to break stereotypes. Scott, the former military turned lawyer, is a charming hero. The large cast of characters help to move the plot along without bogging it down.

Fantastic reading! Five stars!

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This book picks up not too long after Angus's previous book.

Scott has been recovering from the shooting and encounters Millie while both are working on a job. Mayhem ensues where our leads are at each other's throats.

Lots of red herrings here. I was even convinced I had it nailed down to 2 before I changed my mind and got it right. The motive was more selfish than I anticipated given the decedent's behaviors.

A few loose ends where left dangling. I wasn't satisfied there, but maybe we have another story to come.

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