Member Reviews

Oh my gosh - this was worth the wait! We met both Millie and Scott in previous stories and it was such a delight to delve deeper into their backgrounds. This one has all the good stuff, action, adventure, suspense, romance, and a surprise villain. These two fought hard for their happy ending and can't wait to see whose story comes next, 5+ stars from me!

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Another Great Read
I did receive a ARC from Net galley but I also purchased as well
Scott and Millie are amazing together.The story was well written and it had some really interesting side characters.I do hope we more of JT he peaked my interest. What l really loved about this read was the build up between the characters it wasn’t instant Smexy times. Now the Smexy time was really hot. I loved it was a story happening.we also got to see some of the past characters from this series which was great I definitely say check this read out along with the rest of the series.

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Love the Deep Ops Team! As the team adds members, books are added to the series, and it is just wonderful. Scott and Millie are a great couple, and they work well together to get themselves out of the mess they find themselves in. That is my favorite troupe: Couples working together to solve their problems. With a little help from their friends, of course. Sizzling hot romance and epic action make this a can't put it down read.

Scott Terentson is a former Marine who became a top-notch attorney, who took a bullet for Angus. He has recovered physically, but mentally he is a mess. While working he comes upon Millie planting bugs in the office of the opposing spouse in his divorce case. He remembered her from his time with the Deep Ops Team.

Millicent Frost is insanely smart and constantly inventing new gadgets. She was with Deep Ops for a time but had been reassigned by Homeland Defense Department in an effort to break up Angus' team. Now she's in trouble with HDD and Scott is the primary reason. While not really wanting to, she calls Scott to help her out. Millie heads home to help out her family's outfitting and guide business. But trouble follows. Someone is out to get Millie and Scott will do everything he can to protect her.

My thanks to the Publisher and Author for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.

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Frostbitten is the 6th book in Rebecca Zanetti's fan-favorite series Deep Ops. I, of course, started 6. Story of my life. This particular book stood alone just fine, though many characters from previous novels made an appearance. This particular book made me interested in going back and seeing what I missed.

Millicent Frost, called Millie by her friends, is brilliant when it comes to gadgets and electronics. The petite woman runs into trouble when she attempts to break open a bank scam, and now she's in trouble with Homeland Security and is targeted by enemies. In the midst of this mess, Millie returns home to help out with the family's fishing business. Maybe she shouldn't have; a major business rival, who happens to be Millie's ex, has been murdered, and she's the prime suspect! Scott Terentson, a brilliant attorney and former Marine, has no desire to be a part of any team, but the Deep Ops crew considers him to be one of their own, which causes him to be shot at a lot. He's in the middle of handling a contentious divorce case, but he can't resist when Millie needs him to represent her as a murder suspect. Suddenly the danger, as well as the chemistry between Millie and Scott, escalates. Will they survive long enough to determine what exactly they mean to one another?

This was an exciting, fast-paced thrill ride of a story. The action never let up, be it danger or the physical relationship between Millie and Scott. I absolutely adored Millie. She was petite with a head of wild hair (often with colored streaks), and was absolutely brilliant when it came to building electronics and gadgets. She was always building something new and was attempting to get patents for some of her inventions. Need an exploding squirrel to provide cover when your enemies are after you? Millie's your go-to girl! (That WILL make sense after you read the book!) She had lots of friends but no significant other. Her relationship with her ex ended badly the first time; this time he didn't survive it, ending up dead and Millie being accused as his murderer. She was devoted to her great aunt Mae and was a loving sister to gruff JT. Then we had Scott, lawyer and former Marine. First of all, there is no "former" Marine. Once a Marine, Always a Marine! (I learned that from my father and husband, both of whom served for 20+ years.) Also, I must say I was a bit miffed when "Marine" wasn't capitalized throughout the book. But I digress... Scott was interesting, a loner who suffered from PTSD from his time in the Marines and from a grievous injury he received when helping out the Deep Ops team. He was a brilliant lawyer working on an extremely difficult divorce case, when his client disappeared. But when Millie needed his help, he jumped right in without hesitation. Being an alpha male, he would do anything to protect Millie. He knew he shouldn't get involved with her, but just couldn't help himself. The physical attraction between them was burning hot, and steamy times abounded. I admit I did have an issue with Scott in those interludes, however. Yes, he was all alpha male, but his "you'll take it and you'll like it" attitude and threatening to spank her hit me wrong. Millie apparently had no issue with it, but it's not like they discussed limits beforehand. But that's just me. Those scenes were incredibly steamy; ice cubes close by are recommended. The supporting characters were great, especially Millie's brother JT (who seemed to have PTSD issues of his own) and Roscoe the alcoholic dog. The suspense was great, and I never in a million years would have guessed whodunit! I'm going to have to go back and read the preceding books; I was intrigued by the characters from former books who made an appearance, especially Wolfe (and Kat the cat)!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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A very exciting story, you really want to keep reading. I didn’t want to put it down. Spice level is pretty good, Alpha hero and quirky heroine. I usually don’t love Alpha heroes, but her male characters are all very likeable. I really like the whole series, but you could read this as a stand-alone. An action-packed read.

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3.5 stars

Frostbitten is book 6 in the Deep Ops series and while I enjoyed it, I didn't love it as much as I was hoping. Since the last 3 books in this series were great my expectations were really high. So, because of that I found this book lacking in everything including the romance. While Scott and Millicent made a great team their connection as a couple was bland for me. I loved that Wolfe showed up and my heart broke for him when his cat went missing. I think the story may have been better if it was shorter, I felt it dragged. Now, the twist I totally didn't see coming which I really enjoyed. Overall, I didn't love this one, but I do look forward to more books in this series.

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Quirky Characters, Romance and Intrigue!!

These characters are so relatable and unique. Millie Frost works for the Homeland Defense Department. She grew up in the foster system (though she had an elderly great aunt) and hates lawyers because they prevented her having a family for many years. Lawyer Scott Terentson is working a parallel case, and intrudes on her case, and reminds her why she will not date lawyers.

Next, Millie finds herself in an indefensible position, accused of killing her ex-boyfriend. She needs a lawyer. Turns out Scott is much more than a buttoned up paper pusher.

Intricate plot, “can’t help yourself” romance, many layers of danger and intrigue and a totally entertaining and thrilling read. Can’t express how much I enjoyed this story!

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Zanetti gives a little action, a little suspense, and a whole lot of chemistry! Forstbitten is my perfect first read of 2024.

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This series continues to delight. I find it fun and exciting and this book was no exception. I liked the concept of the story and paired with Ms. Zanetti's writing style made this book a delightful read.
There's not the whole rigmarole of meeting each other and all that comes with it (which is to be expected as we know the characters already from the previous books in the series). You go into this book excited, and you leave it with a wistful smile on your face. The story flowed smoothly and it was interesting and it kept me turning the pages, eager to find out how will the suspensful parts with the murder play out, which I liked. I still loved Roscoe the dog very much. He's really special. I also liked the supporting characters. Loved the distinctive voices of both the hero and the heroine. Felt the HEA was well earned. I loved all of the characters and would love for this series to continue. I had a great time reading this book and would definitely recommend, especially if your looking for something with crime, mystery and a love connection.

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I really enjoyed Millie and Scott's plight. They've worked around each other in the past, but suddenly their knowing each other conflicts what the other person is doing. But when Millie is suspected of murder, Scott gets a call to help her get out of the mess she's in. Soon they are trying to avoid getting killed. I liked the chemistry between Scott and Millie and I liked Millie's family. The whole town supported her as well, but the hunt was on for the real killer. I liked the twists this book had and I didn't see things coming. Highly recommend this read!

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Another great read in the series. This book involves Millie Frost & Scott Terentson and their story.
Millie can’t believe that she is could be fired because she got into Scott’s car. But things are so much worse as she has been accused of murder. It does seem like a simple case but Scott isn’t going to allow Millie to go to prison as she isn’t guilty. Things become blurred between them as this can’t be a thing they are from completely different worlds. Unfortunately someone is out to get Millie & they won’t stop until she is dead. But who wants her dead? Will they be able to figure it out before it is too late?
Great to see some familiar characters especially Kat.
Millie is a caring woman that always looked out for others and she never takes things for granted. Scott has his own demons to fight & he doesn’t work away from a fight.
Thank you Netgalley & the publisher for the ARC copy. This is my voluntary review.

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I absolutely love this series, and Frostbitten is phenomenal story! Milicient (Millie) Frost works with the Deep Ops team and has a brilliant mind for creating various gadgets. Scott Terentson is ex-military and now a lawyer (that works with the Deep Ops team sometimes too). The two end up crossing paths during separate jobs and basically things go south pretty quickly.

I love this story! The characters are amazing, Millie and Scott have electric chemistry and I love them together! The story takes off and grabs your attention right from the start. There were things that happened that I didn't see coming, which only increased the perfection of the story.

There are characters that cross over from previous books in the series, however, this could be read as stand alone if wanted (although, I would recommend reading the entire series for more enjoyment).

Frostbitten is a steamy romantic suspense that I highly recommend!! You will be engaged from the start to end of this fantastic story.

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ebecca Zanetti never fails to deliver a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Millie is a gadget girl. When it comes to technology and gadgets, she is the one. She is a genius at creating unique and innovative technology. She works for HDD as an undercover agent, and has found herself in a spot of trouble.

Scott is a former Marine turn lawyer, who has a way of getting a win in tricky situations. Scott has worked with the deep ops team before and has even taken a bullet on their behalf. Even though he considers himself alone or deep down, he is truly a part of a deep ops team.

Millie and Scott cross paths while she is working undercover, and he’s working on a divorce case. Even though the cases were unrelated, they end up crossing paths, and in the end cause more trouble than either could’ve imagined. Millie finds herself as a top suspect in a murder case involving her ex. The local chief of police that arrested Millie called Scott on her behalf, knowing she was going to need a lawyer. Before they can even figure out the clues of where to begin, more crazy things keep happening to Millie. Scott makes it his mission to make sure that she is safe.

The chemistry between Scott and Millie is undeniable. The two of them fight it so much to the point that they can’t anymore. Neither of them thought it could last to be something more. They finally gave in and realized it might be one of the things they’ve needed most. For someone who doesn’t like lawyers, they actually work together really well. I very much enjoyed Frostbitten. Rebecca Zanetti once again does a fantastic job, keeping us readers on our toes. There is a lot of action, excellent suspense, and an ending that I truly didn’t see coming. We also get a very small town feeling in this Deep Ops read. The people of Millie's hometown are absolutely hysterical and amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better book to start off my reading year.

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Thank you netgalley for providing me the book. Rebecca never fails to deliver loved the book especially Millie and scott their banter especially when he goes all alpha on her. Will be trying to read more books from this author loved the entire series especially Roscoe. Would love to have a dog like him

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Don't let the fact that this is part of a series deter you from reading! I went in blind and can assure you that you do not need to read the rest to get what's going on here, which says a lot about Rebecca's ability to tell a great story.

Millie and Scott get off to a rough start when they accidentally cross paths on separate "missions". As a result, Millie is subpoenaed as a witness for Scott's client in a divorce trial. With his business card in her pocket, Scott gets called to represent Millie when she finds herself in some legal trouble.

And then the chaos, and romance, ensues. This book is steamy AND action packed (fists, guns, fires, the works). At its core, this is a great whodunit. You also have a great cast of side characters, including Roscoe the alcoholic dog and a feisty cat named Kat!

Thanks for the advanced copy Netgalley and Kensington books!

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A fabulous romantic suspense novel featuring Millie Frost, an HDD agent with a penchant for booby traps and creating gadgets, who after getting caught up in a divorce case being handled by Scott Terentson while she was supposed to be undercover finds herself suspended. She returns to her hometown to help out her family only to wake up the next morning naked and covered in blood next to the body of her high school boyfriend with no memory of how she got there. Now she’s the prime suspect in his murder.

Frostbitten had everything I love in a book. A strong plot line with enough twists, turns and intrigue to grab my attention from the opening chapters and that kept me absorbed till the end. With a heroine like Millie who collects threats as easily as I collect books, well it made for a large pool of suspects. I loved Millie and Scott together, their great dynamic, sparring and banter was well written and there was a strong thread of humour running throughout involving Roscoe, the alcohol loving German Shepherd with a passion for fancy shoes, the higher heeled the better, and by passion I meant he liked to wear not chew them! But most important of all, this book had a villain that I didn’t even consider as a suspect until the big denouement but thinking back, the clues subtle though they were, were definitely there. This was romantic suspense at its best and Rebecca Zanetti is an author I’ll happily read again.

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Book #6 in Zanetti's Deep Ops series. The books are centered around a team of operatives with each title featuring a different team member. You can read them as stand alones but the characters often appear in the different story lines as supporting characters. All of the series books are excellent reads. Zanetti's books cross genre, mixing mystery, thriller, romance and more to keep readers coming back for more. She has several series running at the same time, so you can find a new Zanetti title pretty often.

When Deep Ops team member Millicent Frost....Millie....wakes next to a dead body, she recognizes him but has no idea how she got there. She's not sure if she's being framed or if she's the scape goat for someon wanting her ex-boyfriend dead. Either way, she's going to need some help. As the story moves quickly into a hunt, her team members will work together to prove Millie's innocence. There are plenty of supects and a few of the clues will lead readers into that blind alley where your guess is WRONG. But the story flows quickly as the clues mount up and suspects are eliminated. The ending was a surprise, I think I missed some clues. Frostbitten is an easy 5 star read.

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Loved it! There's always so many exciting adventures and mysteries with this group. I love all of the characters and their relationships and I always know I'm in for a fun read when I read a book in this series. Bring on the next one!

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Frostbitten is the latest edition to Zanetti’s Deep Ops series, and a worthy one. It’s time for Millicent (Millie) Frost and Stephen Terentson to have their story told, not that in the beginning you would think they’d ever deem it possible. She is the gadget person working for the FBI and he is a lawyer and she hates lawyers. But that doesn’t matter heading home to help with the family fishing and hunting business when put on leave as well as hearing her great aunt is ill she soon finds herself in trouble and the number one suspect in the murder of a high school boyfriend. Scott to the rescue. Both do not think they are members of Deep Ops but think again, once you’ve shown your mettle the team deems you members. As trouble deepens, all hands on deck and Deep Ops arrives to assist. The story brings thrills, danger, surprises, murder, suspense as well as Millie’s surprising gadgets along with a surprise ending you don’t see coming. The characters are great, love the Deep Ops team and would love to see some of those Millie gadgets available and on the market! Enjoy, a great read. Thank you Kensington and Netgalley for the ARC.

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I love the Deep Ops series - romantic suspense is a favorite sub genre for me and Rebecca Zanetti is a must read author!! Unfortunately with that said - this wasn’t a favorite for me.

For the first third of the book, I was all in and it was shaping up to be a five star read! I love Millie - she can make all kinds of cool gadgets and inventions. She travels back to her small hometown when her great aunt is in the hospital. While there, she goes to a bar and wakes up the next morning naked in bed next to her boyfriend. He’s dead, she’s covered in blood and it was her knife that killed him. She has no memory at all of the night before and what happened or how she got there.

Scott - a lawyer Millie has worked with before with the Deep Ops team - comes to help her. It’s got all the signs of a great romantic suspense PLUS some of the fun cozy vibes from a small town - like the police chief complaining that too many townspeople are calling to provide alibis for Millie when they hear what happened.

Unfortunately, as I got closer to the middle of the book it began to lag for me. It felt repetitive and like we weren’t really making any progress toward the resolution. And then when we finally got to the big reveal, it was so over the top and unbelievable. I’m still glad I read it and I enjoyed the bits I saw of couples from the earlier books. I’ll still be lined up for the next one but this wasn’t my fave. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the free ebook to review.

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