Member Reviews

I felt the plot stalled a bit until an admittedly clever twist–the kind where you remember little hints once it’s revealed. Also I didn’t think the romance worked well.

The characters didn’t grow during their journey. Scott and Millie kind of decide that being together is worth it, but they never resolve any of their hangups or struggles. There’s a hint that Scott will change his career, but it’s in the future. He still has severe PTSD, and Millie’s money problems haven’t disappeared, but somehow, they’re now fine with that. I suppose it’s a legit way to deal with one’s troubles, but it wasn’t satisfying to me as a reader.

One thing gets resolved though, and it sort of tied up the book with the series. By choice or circumstances, Scott and Millie are both loners. Even their involvement with the Deep Ops is temporary. So it was nice to see them both claimed by Angus and his team. Even though it came as a surprise as the team doesn’t do a lot for Millie’s investigation. But once they help, they do better than any other investigator, of course.

I guess couples and relationships were at the center of the story. You have a broken couple with a cheating husband, a hidden couple, a ‘settled’ couple, a single mother, a few single people for various reasons, and that’s not taking into account the Deep Ops couples. It wasn’t clear whether they were supposed to be points of comparison with Scott and Millie’s blossoming relationship.

I had one more small problem with the book. Several interesting characters were introduced–Millie’s brother, for instance, but others too–with a hint at a story for each of them, but it never went anywhere. Hopefully, they appear in another book in the series, but I’m not sure, and it’s frustrating.

As for the writing itself, it wasn’t bad. The pace was okay, even with a slower middle, because the book starts with such a bang that it keeps you interested anyway, until the surprising–though almost rushed–ending. Not the best book by the author, even just in this series, but it’s still a nice read.


- Series: Deep ops #6 (can be read as a standalone)
- Hashtags: #romantic suspense #ex military #enemies to lovers
- Triggers: gruesome murder, mention of several sexual assaults, injuries, violence, cheating, past trauma
- Main couple: Millicent Frost & Scott Terentson
- Hotness: 3/5
- Romance: 3/5
- + Angus’s team coming together to support Millie
- – I wasn’t a fan of the romance

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Frostbites is the sixth in the DeepOps series by Zanetti. It follows the same tropes as previous installments. I found the internal dialogues of the lead characters to be annoying. There were multiple moments where I rolled my eyes at some of the declarations such as the FMC wondering if she could save the MMC from his demons. I also felt the villain reveal didn’t make a lot of sense. Generally, the plot was a bit more absurd than I could believe. While romance readers don’t always care much for plots this one fell flatter than most for me.

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I loved this series so far and you can read it out of order. While I am certain we meet these leading characters before I have to admit I don't remember much about them. I was not very happy with them here. While Scott was made up to be this smart guy he made some idiot choices and Millie is someone we are told she is inventor genius and maybe we should shown it more. I would still recommend you to read it. It is more of a case of its me not the book. I am excited for any new book Rececca writes.

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Today I learned what Q stands for in the Bond books and movies. And it dawned on me that I should have figured this out a long time ago. This little nugget tickled me pink. Because it does directly tie to Millie and I love that she is a Q too. Roscoe the alcoholic dog with a heels fetish is back and I love him even more. This book can be read as a standalone. I recommend reading the previous books for a full Roscoe experience.

Millie is the kind of friend you want to have around you. She is exciting because you never know just what she is going to create and it will probably cause an explosion. I love this character because I admire her innovation as well as how she tries to improve processes and products. Plus, she booby traps her home and she has exploding toy squirrels? I mean, things would never be boring around her. I am drawn to people who are so unpredictable with what they come up with next. Plus, who wouldn't want hidden storage and higher security for their home? Millie, come to my house and have at it!

Scott on the other hand... he's okay. Yes, he looks like a rich lawyer and ends up being so much more, but compared to Millie, he is definitely overshadowed. Still, having two super exciting people in a relationship can get exhausting. Since Millie's life just took on a whole new level of craziness, it is good that Scott is able to help her out. Honestly, this set up of this book with the plot device was way out there for me. Still, I liked it and it worked for me. I just suspended by disbelief for a bit and enjoyed the ride. What a ride! The Deep Ops gang showed up too. Love Wolfe. He and his little kitty are too cute. I won't give a spoiler, but suffice to say, those who want to hurt animals should die.

Overall this story kept me bemused through to the end. The ending felt like it came completely out of left field. I don't even know what to say. I am looking forward to the next book in this series. Hoping for more Roscoe scenes and maybe have Millie pop in with her Q toys. Recommended for romantic suspense readers.

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Frostbitten by Rebecca Zanetti is the 6th book of the Deep Op series and can easily be read as a stand alone novel but I think it is more fun reading it as part of the series. This book dives right in with Agent Millie Frost and lawyer Scott Terentsen who accidently run into each other during an operation and it blows up spectacularly. Next thing Millie knows is that she wakes up to find herself next to a body and covered in blood. Millie and Scott work together to figure out who killed Clay and who is trying to kill them. The story is quick paced and has a lot of comic and sexy moments mixed throughout. The killer's identity was actually a shock to me when revealed and that doesn't happen to often to me.
I would like to thank #NetGalley and Kensington Books, Lyrical Press for the digital ARC in exchange for my personal review.

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I would like to thank Rebecca Zanetti and NetGalley for giving me an ARC for Frostbitten.

Rebecca has once again delivered a great book that has romance, and mystery. Without giving away any of the scenes and story, I do want to say that I had hoped that Scott (male lead) would receive a book after we got a glimpse of him in the prior series. I absolutely love the fact that she has incorporated characters from the prior books.

Although the star players should be the main male and female characters, I personally loved the townsfolks. They are extremely supportive of Mille (female lead) and I enjoyed every scene and interactions. The ending wasn’t as long as I expected it to be but still it was great nonetheless.

I definitely recommend readers to read this story. It can be read as a standalone since there is enough context throughout the book however, I would readers to read book 1 to understand all the characters.

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Beyond all of the twists and threads that got pulled, only to find that they were tangled with other threads, the thing about this story that nearly destroyed me was Kat. Wolfe is already one of my favorites, and his agony over possibly losing the animal he loves made me want to cry. But the lack of hesitation from everyone when they found that Kat disappeared also proves just how much of a family this team truly is, so that sort of balanced the angst. I mean, yeah, there’s a lot going on. Danger, fires, warnings, unhinged egomania, smug entitlement, and questions over who’s friend and who’s foe, but this bunch just pulls it all together. And maybe they’ve got a spot for JT in the future? I sort of hope so because I like him a lot, too.

But back to Kat and the troubles to be encountered. This all comes to a head in an excellent twist that comes with anger and betrayal, and I honestly love how it all turns out in the end. So much that I look forward to whoever finds their person next. I can’t wait.

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FROSTBITTEN is the sixth instalment in Rebecca Zanetti’s contemporary, adult DEEP OPS romantic suspense series focusing on the men and women of the Requisition Force, Deep Ops Team, a division of the Homeland Defense Department ( HDD) of the FBI. This is former Marine Force Reconnaissance turned attorney Scott Terentson, and FBI Agent Millicent ‘Millie’ Frost’s story line FROSTBITTEN can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual omniscient third person perspectives (Scott and Millie) FROSTBITTEN follows several interconnected paths in the wake of an undercover investigation that collapsed when Millie was called in to testify at the divorce proceedings of the man in question. Placed on leave by Homeland Security, Millie heads home where she will be implicated in the murder of a small town hero, a murder that may or may not be connected to the trouble at work. Enter Scott Terentson, Millie’s attorney, and the man with whom our heroine will fall in love. As Scot and Millie struggle to prove Millie’s innocence, someone else is taking aim at our story line couple. What ensues is the building relationship between Scott and Millie, and the potential fall-out as more than one person takes aim at our story line heroine.

The world building is complex and detailed, with several potential suspects, numerous accusations and finger pointing, as well as the couple’s connections to the Requisition Force Deep Ops Team. Hoping to uncover the truth, Millie and Scott go it alone but as the investigation continues to spiral out of control, Scott calls in the team at Requisition Force, who have the ability to get the job done.

The relationship between Millie and Scott begins acrimoniously. Scott and Millie know one another from the HDD but when Scott interferes in Millie’s undercover operation, our couple find themselves working together to prove Millie’s innocence,in the wake of the overwhelming evidence that continues to grow. The $ex scenes are passionate and seductive.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, familiar and enterprising secondary and supporting characters including most of the Requisition Force Deep Ops Team, as well as new team members MI6 Agents Ian and Oliver Villan, Roscoe and Kat. We are introduced to Millie’s great aunt Mae, Chief Wyatt, several townies and former friends and frenemies who are willing to support our story line heroine. The requisite evil has many faces.

FROSTBITTEN is a story of power and control, betrayal and vengeance, secrets and lies, greed and madness, friendships and relationships, acceptance and love. The premise is meticulous and multi-layered; the romance is spirited and heated; the characters are determined, daring and dynamic.





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This is the 6th in the Deep Ops series. This book had it all, humor, suspense, romance and thrills along the way. You were drawn into the story right from the beginning. Not only will you want to read this story, but you will want to start from the beginning because you become emotionally involved with all the characters. Each book features a different person from the Deep Ops group and how they found their other half. What a great series! One to add to your “Have to Read” list. Millie Frost is an electronics expert who works for the FBI and occasionally for Dee Ops. She bumps into Scott Terentson on a job that she is doing. Scott calls on Millie to be a witness at a divorce case he is working on. This blows her cover, and the FBI puts her on leave. Then she receives a call that her Aunt Mae is sick, so she goes home to check on her. After leaving the hospital, she ends up having drinks with some friends and wakes up the next morning without any memories, covered in blood and her ex-boyfriend killed with her knife. She calls in the police and finds herself arrested for his murder. Scotts steps in as her lawyer and that is when the action begins. Find out what happens to Millie and Scott, will they find out who killed her ex-boyfriend, and will they find romance along the way. I highly recommend this series by this author. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for providing an advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Frostbitten is filled with mystery and suspense that will keep you guessing until the very end. Millie and Scott are fantastic together. I loved seeing Scott's dominate side. The Deep Ops team is amazing as they come together to help Millie out of a couple of dangerous situations. The story is fast paced with plenty of action and twist and turns that will keep you turning the pages. What a wonderful addition to the Deep Ops series!!

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What an absolute rollercoaster ride! I would not have guessed that Millie and Scott’s story would be so harrowing!
I was on the edge of my seat from the time Millie woke up and I didn’t sit back even after the truth was revealed. I had some guesses as to who dunnit but I was wrong!
5 stars!!!

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4.5 stars

I love this author so read everything I can get my hands on by her. Therefore I know she seems to have bigger gaps between books in this series than any of her others. With as much as I read, that means I only had a vague recollection of the main characters in this book until I got a few chapters into the story. Not that it mattered. While their jobs and eventually their sometimes coworkers did come into play, this could still be read as a standalone.

The chemistry between Scott and Millie is amazing. I love how Scott unexpectedly took charge in the bedroom. Not that he isn’t a strong and capable man, but he goes from calm and unflappable in his professional life to demanding and aggressive in the sheets. *swoon* This is perfect for Millie, she needs to be able to give the reins over and let her mind clear once in a while. Out of the bedroom, Scott quickly proves he’s much more than a bright mind. Too many times he has to show his protectiveness and strength as the attacks on Millie don’t seem to let up. This couple works together so well and I loved it all.

It took far too long, in my opinion, for the cavalry to arrive to help Millie and Scott. There was so much going on with them that I kept waiting for the Deep Ops team to show up. I was overjoyed when they finally did, but found the delay to be an obvious plot point since it seemed out of character for them all. Especially since some of the things happening with this duo had to do with their jobs that could tie directly into their work with the team.

Other than that, this book kept me fully immersed. It says a lot when I read “just one more chapter” during the busiest time of year. (I read this a few days before Christmas.)

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Frostbitten is the 6th volume in the Deep Ops series by Rebecca Zanetti.
I have read and reviewed all the books in this series : Hidden, Taken (novella), Fallen, Broken, Shaken (novella), Driven and Unforgiven.

The story features two characters who have already appeared in the series: Scott Terentson and Millicent "Millie" Frost. It is known that they have had an attraction to each other from the beginning, but it is mainly the heroine who was hesitant because she dislikes lawyers.
I really like these two characters, just like the previous heroes and their circle. With this series, Rebecca Zanetti offers us some likeable human and animal protagonists (a dog and a cat) that readers become attached to.
Regarding Scott and Millie, we know from the beginning of the book why she harbors this hatred for the lawyers, and we inevitably wonder how the author will handle this obstacle. I can say that I was absolutely not disappointed by the evolution of the relationship, and when I closed the book, I hand no doubt about the HEA.

I was a bit disappointed with the suspense side at the beginning of the book.
First, I found the initial plot too easy. Indeed, the heroine becomes the number one suspect in a murder case where she finds herself in a situation that has been seen a lot in romantic suspense.
Then, at Millie's request, Scott and she find themselves alone to solve the investigation, even though members of Deep Ops are supposed to form a close-knit group and help each other in difficult times. This reason is explained and plausible, but I didn't appreciate it nonetheless.
Fortunately, I was quickly captivated by the suspense, by the heroine's circle ready to help her, and by the way Rebecca Zanetti handles the action. And, most importantly, she involves other Deep Ops members, which was essential for me.
I had surprises at the resolution. I thought I had an idea of the villain's identity. In the end, it didn't completely confirm itself, even though I wasn't far off. For me, the biggest twist comes from the motivations of this character. Readers will not be disappointed.

In conclusion, Frostbitten is an excellent romantic suspense. It can be read as a standalone, but I recommend for those who have not read this series yet, to do in its entirety because it’s really good.

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Millie Frost is in trouble, she wakes up next to a dead body and blood all over her and the victim. Luck is with her because the entire town adores her and somebody reaches out to Scott Terentson her colleague and sort of friend/lawyer. He immediately comes to help her find out whats going out and why she is being framed. Their are so many twist and turns in the story and I loved every second of it. The town is quirky along with the team she works with . The reader is immediately drawn into the story waiting to see who is murderer and whats going to happen next.

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Freaking brilliant. I wasn't expecting Scott and Millie but oh boy their story is amazing. I loved it. Such an emotional story and I love all the other guys from Dep op who show their love and commitment toward each other.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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Have you ever read a book that you didn’t want to end , because it was just that good? Well this is one of them! I actually kept putting the book down to make it last longer! Couldn’t leave it down but tried! When Scott goes to his clients husbands office the discuss their divorce and her terms, he sees someone he never expected to see. Millie Frost undercover posed as an air conditioner repair person? What’s going on! My favorite animals are back in this one also! If you like heat, romance, suspense and action this book is for you!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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Great book. Could not put down. Part of a series, but can be read as a stand alone though characters from other books are mentioned. This book like all others in the series is a page turner that captures the reader. This book has everything you could want in a book, excitement, action, trouble and especially HEA. I recommend anything Rebecca Zanetti writes.

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I love the Deep Ops team and was excited to dive into Frostbitten, the sixth novel by Rebecca Zanetti. It did not disappoint from a murder-mystery & danger to a sizzling romance. The story has it all. Including the team and their animals. You’ll want to grab this one!

Millicent Frost, an FBI’s gadget and electronics expert, gets caught up in Former Marine turned lawyer Scott Terentson high profile case. This causes them both trouble from the higher ups when Scott calls Millicent as a witness. The two have a sizzling chemistry, and when Millicent wakes up in bed with her dead ex, Scott steps in as her attorney. The tale that unfolds held me captive, made me grin, and delivered the perfect escape on a cold, dreary night.

The case was interesting, and at first Millicent isn’t eager to call in her buddies on the Deep Ops team who are all on assignment, but as the attempts on her life increase, and the prosecutors eyes her for the murder of her ex, she calls Brigid for some background research.

Roscoe played a big part in the story, as Angus was away and the dog was with Frost & Terentson. I love this high heel, alcohol loving pup. I was so glad to see Wolfe, his cat, the twins, and Brigid arrive. Suspense, twists, and heat made for an addictive read.

Zanetti has really created something with this motley crew of agents who have become a family with one heck of a track record. I hope we get many more books in this series.

Fans of fun, intense, sexy FBI romantic suspense series will want to grab Frostbitten and the Deep Ops series. While each book features one couple and can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend starting from the beginning. Don’t miss the novellas either!

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I’ll start by saying I haven’t read any of the other books in this series so all of the characters are new to me. When a whip smart attorney and tech genius pair up to defend a false murder charge there is such a potential for it to be a great book — but while parts of the mystery were engaging, it just felt ultimately too cheesy and repetitive for me to rate any higher.

Scott feels like your cardboard cutout stereotypical alpha male and we don’t really know much about him other than he’s surly and overly protective. Like insert same five lines about protecting Millie at the end of every single section of his POV — wash, rinse, repeat.

Millie was such a cute character who was described as “Q from Bond” with all her gadgets and inventions but I would have loved to seen more of that be part of the plot. I wanted like Garcia from Criminal Minds levels of sass and smarts and her character kind of got lost in the bigger picture.

There were so many layers to this story and the main characters were literally in danger on every other page. The end result was shocking but less in a “I didn’t see that coming” way and more of a “that doesn’t make any sense” kind of way. There were so many threads to follow and I feel like the whole thing could have been wrapped up a little tighter.

Overall, you can expect a similar pattern & feel with all of Rebecca’s books and normally I enjoy them but I just could not get connected with this couple or this plot. It looks like I’m in the minority on this one but it just wasn’t the book for me.

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A missing woman is presumed dead, killed by one of her two husbands. Or was it someone else? And where is the body? The lack of a body has the cops a bit miffed and looking for answers in this followup psychological thriller from Adele Parks. This works well as a standalone, so if you haven't read the first DCI Clements book, it's all good.

The story does start out a bit on the slow side and it took me a bit to follow the head hopping multiple points of view and the strange present tense voice of the narrator, but somewhere in there I became hooked on figuring out what was going on here.

The characters are what I liked most about this story. And I mean that I found them interesting, frustrating and at time downright scary. I loved how things get wrapped up with the husbands as well and I found the ending very satisfying.

Overall, in spite of a slow start, I found this story to be creative and it held my attention to the end which really was terrific. Most of the action happens in the last third of the book and it's all worth it! A nicely crafted psychological mystery-thriller.

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