Member Reviews

Frostbitten is the latest book in Rebecca Zanetti's Deep Ops series which keeps getting better and better. I love Scott and Millie, her quirky brilliance balances his Clark Kent by the book toughness/Superman hero status. Throw in Millie's endearing hometown and our favorite Deep Ops characters and you have a seat of your pants wild ride.

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In Frostbitten by Rebecca Zanetti, the sixth installment of the Deep Ops series, the spotlight shifts to the enigmatic Millie Frost and the irresistible Scott Terentson, both familiar faces in the Deep Ops universe. While not official team members, their past interactions set the stage for a riveting romantic suspense filled with laughter, steam, action, and intensity. As Millie, a brilliant Homeland Security agent and inventor, becomes the prime suspect in her ex-boyfriend's murder, she turns to Scott, a former Marine turned lawyer, for help. What follows is a web of danger, attraction, and mystery, with the duo navigating a sizzling affair amidst the complexities of solving a murder, locating a missing person, and facing a common adversary. Zanetti's seamless blending of genres, well-developed characters, and a surprising revelation culminate in a page-turning, suspenseful romance that stands out as a thrilling addition to the Deep Ops series.

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Another great addition to the Deep Ops series! Millie, the gadget Q of the team, gets into trouble back home in West Virginia and Scott the lawyer is by her side as they prove her innocence. I loved the small town and all of the colorful personalities. There’s action and suspense and a satisfying HEA. My only wish is to have seen more of the full team but I know it’s not always possible as the series builds. Bridget, Wolfe and the MI-5 twins Ian and Oliver Villan show up the most. I miss Malcolm/Pippa and Raider though. As for new characters and future stories we still have the twins and Detective Tait Bianchi. The introduction of Millie’s brother JT and a mysterious woman has me hoping we see more of River City very soon.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Frostbitten by Rebecca Zanetti is the sixth book in her Deep Ops series, but can easily be read as a stand alone. The novel focuses on Millicent Frost and Scott Terentson. Both have worked for the Deep Op group but as temporary help. However, with everything that has suddenly happened, they need the team to help unravel the messy murder of a local guy. Only to find out that the team needs them.

Millicent Frost is an enigma in a one word description. She makes things, all sorts of things and seems to understand how useful they are. When she rushes home to check on her great aunt, she is accused of a murder (which all evidence does point at her). However, Scott Terentson is called to come help her out, not that she wants his help. Together they seem to be able to deal with all the confusion that is happening until it gets a little too real.

Millie and Scott really seem to spark together and the scenes between them can burn. Scott is an alpha man, an ex marine, and a general badass. Millie is no slouch either. Together, they are formidable. But are they a long lasting thing?

Frostbitten is a great read that is hard to put down by Rebecca Zanetti.

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I loved this book. I loved learning more about Millie and Scott. I enjoyed both of their characters, and definitely liked Scott a lot more than I expected I would. The suspense kept you reading, and the team joining in was a definite bonus. I got more Wolf, so how couldn't I be happy? Definitely love this series!

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Loved the book. Moved along so you kept turning pages. Couldn’t wait to find out who the murderer was.

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A stoic hero with a knight in shining armor complex, and a smart, dorky heroine, feature in “Frostbitten”, by Rebecca Zanetti, a romantic story with plenty of action and suspense.
I liked the closeness, tenderness and chemistry between Scott and Millie, and how he assumes his feelings for her honestly, even not wanting to act on them.
I also liked that the drama and hardship in the relation has to do more with the leads’ internal struggles than external factors.
The revelation of the villain’s identity and motivations was unexpected and surprising.
I felt Scott’s character – and also the heroine’s to an extent – was too many things (former Marine, Deep Ops team member, lawyer, fund heir) with high success and at a relatively young age to be fully convincing.
As for Millie, with her creative streak and selflessness, she’s a different kind of heroine, a bit puerile sometimes.
The story seemed too expanded – I believe it could be way shorter and still consistent and interesting - and some of the situations and solutions a bit far-fetched. The dog’s antics were unbelievable.
I also had a hard time keeping track of all the side characters and their relationships, although I appreciated the camraderie and loyalty.

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Rebecca Zanetti
January 2, 2024

Lawyer Scott Terentson begins this novel working diligently to provide a divorce for Julie Dearth, wife of very wealthy banker Werner Dearth. He is absolutely obnoxious and rather portly. Not a man one would think would have such a beautiful wife. In the midst of his brief conversation with the cad a worker appears in an airconditioning uniform interrupting the meeting. The repairman turns out to be none other than HDD Agent Millicent Frost working undercover for the government. Of course Scott knew who she was but would never let on to the man sitting behind the desk. These two also work for Deep Ops under the head, Angus Force.
Once again Rebecca Zanetti gives us more adventures with the latest in her Deep OP #6. Frostbitten will be published on January 02, 2024 by Lyrical Underground Books of Kensington Publishing. I was pleased to be able to read the Frostbitten ARC via NetGalley. What a joy it is to read this latest suspense with the team at Deep Ops. Millie, aka Mils is a duo agent for HDD as well. Terentson is a popular attorney that serves many agencies and private clients. Together they work with the other members who are not on holiday vacation.
Readers will be thrilled to find their favorite characters involved in Millie’s escapade. Those of us who have read all of the series will be delighted with episode #6. If you are a newbie to Deep OPs read this one! It is a terrific novel and absolutely a tough one to put down. Do enjoy!

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Millie HATES lawyers with a fiery passion. She may have to work occasionally with Scott Terentsen, but she doesn't have to like it. But when she interferes in a shady divorce between a billionaire and his wife, he promises retribution.

When a trip home to visit her frail auntie ends with her being framed for murder, the stubborn woman would rather rot in jail than call Scott. Thankfully her entire hometown and even the sheriff don't believe she's guilty and they'll even commit perjury on her behalf! That's loyalty.

Millie is always the smartest person in the room. Scott makes a living at charming people in court and he doesn't get why Millie hates him so much. But all those protective instincts flare when he realises how much danger Millie is in.

Opposites attract, a ONS that's never going to be just one night, broody protective brothers, charming and interfering aunties and town that protects its own. I love the way Millie tries to keep all her problems on the downlow and then seems so flabbergasted when the team rides to her rescue. She truly doesn't understand that she's the glue that holds them all together and generally makes sure they get out of danger safely with all her gadgets.

Plenty of action and the steam is HAWT!

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Absolutely loved it! I’ve been needing a Roscoe fix and he did not disappoint in this one. 😁
Millie finds herself in a heap of trouble and the only help in sight is from Scott, a lawyer. Millie really dislikes lawyers. She’s trying not to let the Deep Ops team know what’s going on.
I enjoyed watching these two interact. You could feel the sparks flying.
This was well written and full on nonstop action and suspense.
Received this from Netgalley and Kensington.

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Frostbitten is the latest book in Rebecca Zanetti’s romantic suspense series, Deep Ops. It’s a Rebecca Zanetti (who is a Queen in my world) so even though this wasn’t my favorite of the series it’s still a solid read. Zanetti has spent so much time and effort creating a vibrant, exciting, suspenseful series with wonderful characters that I will keep coming back to them.

Millie Frost works for HDD but helps out Angus’s Deep Ops special team when she runs into Scott Terentson working undercover. Scott is a lawyer who runs his own firm and was shot a few books back while helping out Deep Ops. When their cases collide in a spectacular fashion that does not end well for Millie, she runs to her hometown only to be accused of murder. Scott and the rest of the Deep Ops team work to find the real murderer, get Millie’s career back on track, complete the divorce case Scott is working on and fight their crazy attraction to each other.

In Frostbitten, we get a lot of Wolfe and the British twins (who I hope will have books at some point) but not a lot of Angus or Raider, two of my favorites. I did enjoy the introduction of Millie’s brother -who I hope will get a book too. I definitely felt the chemistry between Scott and Millie and their sexy times were hot. I just didn’t really connect with the Millie as a murderer plot, there were so many unbelievable things that I couldn’t suspend reality for, which I usually can in this genre.

Thank you to the publisher (Kensington) and NetGalley for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Frostbitten has a publish date of January 2, 2024.

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Another volume in the Deep Ops series which has quickly become one of my favorites !

I was really looking forward to finally reading the book with Scott, Angus's unlucky lawyer and the mysterious Millie, the Q of the team =D And if I expected to like them, I didn't think I would like them so much !

What I particularly liked :

- the plot that fascinated me from start to finish ! Between the murder attempts, the deaths and all the characters who seem suspicious, I loved following the investigation carried out by Millie and Scott in Millie's childhood town =D And the revelations at the end !!! I was not expecting that at all !!

- the characters ! I loved Millie who has a cute geeky side that I didn't think I would like so much but my huge crush was on Scott ! He's a much more complex character than we thought : lawyer, former soldier who has suffered so much trauma but also charming and very alpha male (very sexy but without being toxic !)

- the romance which was so tender (I loved seeing them discover the different sides of each other !) but above all super sexy (the first time AND the scene with the storm ... Pfioualala <3 )

In short, a suspenseful romance to devour without moderation for fans of the series, the author or just fans of well-written suspenseful romances =D

PS1: I'd love having a book with the twins or with Tate and his partner or even with JT and Lila who intrigued me so much !

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Millie Frost works for Homeland Security as an agent and inventor of all kinds of tech gadgets which the HS consider as belonging to the Government. While on an assignment, Millie's cover is blown by lawyer Scott Terentson who knows her from the Deep Ops squad they have both worked for in the past. When Millie is outed and the work is compromised, HS is less than pleased and takes her off the job. Millie returns to her rural hometown only to be caught up in the death of her ex-boyfriend whose business is also in competition with her family fishing and hunting outfit that her great aunt runs.

Millie is targeted by not only some local official, but by attacks designed to take her out as well. Scott has his own troubles with a client’s nasty husband in whose building Millie was working undercover. Scott is determined to help Millie after being responsible for her job predicament and exposure. As a former Marine, he has plenty of experience with intelligence work.

While back home, many of the local citizens try to “help” Millie out with alibis; she has no memory of the events that led to her former boyfriend’s murder. Several suspicious attacks happen to Millie and Scott while they are trying to track down witnesses and evidence than can exonerate Millie. Along for the ride is Roscoe, the alcohol loving, high heel shoe addicted dog belonging to the Deep Ops chief, Angus Force, for whom Scott is dog sitting.

This story is the #6 in the Deep Ops series although most of it takes place without the help of the usual crew as Millie and Scott are ancillary to them at this point. The Deep Ops group considers Scott to be theirs and so eventually comes along to help out as things go from bad to worse for Millie. Millie’s tech talents and unique booby traps as well as Roscoe’s antics add some levity to the story which does have a high body count. Fans of Ms. Zanetti’s series will enjoy this latest addition.

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With this sixth installment, Zanetti continues to veer off a little from the actual Deep Ops team by focusing on two people, Millie Frost and Scott Terentson, who aren’t actual Deep Ops members but have worked with the Deep Ops team before. Zanetti did this in the last installment too. It’s all good because eventually some of the Deep Ops team members make their appearances.

The book summary basically just lays out the various storylines with one of them being Millie’s Homeland Defense Dept (HDD) case of theft and fraud overlaps with Scott’s divorce case both of which Millie and Scott bomb. There is another storyline of Millie being charged with killing her ex, Clay, after she was found in his blood-soaked bed with her personal knife in him. Then there is the storyline of someone, including a hit team, being trying to kill Millie or Scott or maybe both of them. It’s suspected that it’s maybe a man named, Dearth, who is the husband in Scott’s divorce case, Scott represents the wife, who soon goes missing under suspicious circumstances; Dearth is also the one that HDD is investigating for fraud and theft. However, it may also be the brothers of Millie’s ex, Clay, who have threatened to kill Millie for killing their brother.

Most of the story revolves around Millie and Scott investigating Clay’s murder in an effort to clear Millie. It's at around the halfway point that Millie finally contacts Bridget from the Deep Ops team for some help; Bridget is the team super hacker and can collect pretty much any info she goes after. By this point, I had my suspicions on who the killer was as well as who sent the hit team. Well into the second half, a wild and crazy twist is dropped that I never saw coming! The Deep Ops team shows up to help save Millie and Scott.

I’m really enjoying this series, which is a combination of crime thriller, murder mystery (not cozy at all) and romantic suspense. Zanetti is a great writer and storyteller and I continue to be a die-hard Zanetti fangirl. I want to thank NetGalley and Kensington Books for sending me this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

#NetGalley #KensingtonBooks #Frostbitten

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Frostbitten by
Rebecca Zanetti

I was lucky to receive an ARC of this book and dove right in. I love this author and have read every one of her previous books. Not all earn 5 Stars from me but this story definitely makes it.

The Deep Ops series is one of my favorite series of Ms Zanetti’s and this book is in the top 3. The H&h are fresh and unexpected. We’ve met both Scott and Millie, in peripheral roles, in previous books of the series but both are SO much more than the bits formerly revealed.

The plot keeps you guessing till the end. Are Millie’s problems because of Scott’s case or something else? It is an expertly intertwined plot where the back-and-forth between Millie’s murder case troubles and Scott’s nasty divorce case keep overlapping and it makes you think that perhaps it’s all the same…. But then something else happens and you have to wonder, is it?

In the end, I had it narrowed down but ultimately only got a small piece of the puzzle right. I love that! I’m usually way too quick figuring out Whodunit, so this was fabulous!

My only irks with the story were first, the disappearance of Roscoe from the storyline in the last quarter. Second, the mysterious Lila… allusions were made but we never learned anything about her. Minor things.

To sum it up, Scott’s character, Millie’s character, fabulous. Their relationship development, fabulous. And loved the appearances of the other Deep Ops characters. Some had cameos and others more on-going roles like Wolfe. Also loved Roscoe the crazy dog and Kats contributions to the

New possibilities are also alluded to, Millie’s brother JT, the two Detectives… possibly future Deep Ops team members? And maybe Deep Ops goes private? Oh the possibilities!

Keep the Deep Ops storylines coming Ms Zanetti! I’m thinking one of the MI-6 twins should be next, perhaps as a match for the mentioned but absent Serena? Or the lovely detective with no first name. Hmmm…. And could you please have it done by tomorrow? LOL

Congratulations on another winner! Five- Stars!

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Another fabulous installment in this fun and spellbinding series. Millie and Scott see each other at a same location and it has lasting effects that neither of them could have even imagined. There's wit, humor, intrigue, revenge, spite, anger and despair. I loved the depth of Scotty (lol), all the tidbits that you find out about his character, and how Millie judged him just by his occupation. If Scott was a likeable character, Millie is an over the top unicorn character. All her inventions and ideas, her attitude, joy for life, her hometown likeability. Squirrel's that blow up, how cool is that! I loved the spiciness as well e.g., begging vs orders. "Good talk. Now, let's find my cat." I can't wait for the twins book(s). This is a wonderful series and I highly, highly recommend it.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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Frostbitten is the latest installment in the Dark Opps romantic suspense series. If you are a fan of danger, mystery and intrigue along with your romance, Rebecca Zanetti’s latest book is a must read.


Inventor Millie Frost and attorney Scott Terentson are both occasional members of the secretive government Dark Opps team. The two meet up again while Millie is undercover at the office of Scott’s client’s evil adversary. But things quickly dissolve into chaos and the next day Millie is accused of murdering her ex boyfriend in her West Virginia hometown. Can Scott help Millie with her legal troubles while both of them escape attempts on their lives at every turn? And what about the chemistry that sizzles every time they are in a room together?

I had the best time reading this book! No one writes a suspenseful atmosphere with weather like Zanetti; instead of snow this time, it’s the cold, wet and damp of seemingly nonstop rain that constantly batters the characters. Millie and Scott are both interesting and likable, and it was a blast to spend time with them. They have plenty of sexual tension even before things get heated, along with humor and gadgets galore.

Admittedly I’m a fan of the Dark Opps series, but this book is easily read as a standalone. The team members involved get thorough introductions, and Roscoe, one of my favorite fictional dogs, has a staring role.

If you are a romantic suspense fan, don’t miss Frostbitten. Rebecca Zanetti once again creates a story with plenty of ambience and plot, along with a steamy romance.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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4.5 stars!

The latest in the Deep Ops series, this is a fun and chemistry-filled ‘whodunnit’ romantic suspense with laughs, steam, action and intensity. This is book #6 in the series, and though there is some character crossover, you could read this as a standalone.

Millicent Frost and Scott Terentsen have appeared in previous books of this series, working with the Deep Ops team. She is a Homeland Security agent who is a brilliant inventor on the side, he is an ex-marine now lawyer who took a bullet for one of the team members and is now considered part of the group.

When Millie’s latest investigation clashes with Scott’s latest case, she finds herself in a world of trouble, with Scott himself to blame. He’s determined to make it up to her, and he gets the chance to do just that when her ex-boyfriend is murdered and she is framed for it.

Mille and Scott don’t know each other that well, but they don’t really get along. Until they find themselves shacked up in her family’s cabin in her home town trying to find a killer, locate a missing person and take down a bad guy who has it in for them both.

It's all happening! And in the middle of it all, the attraction between them becomes a sizzling affair which they agree will remain no-strings. Neither of them have the time or interest for an actual relationship, but they are falling hard, and as danger closes in, they’ll be forced to confront their pasts, their present, and figure out what they want from the future.

It’s a fantastic story, and though it takes place away from the Deep Ops headquarters, it’s still very much part of the series, and characters from previous books all make an appearance – some more than other (Wolfe and Kat for the win!).

The romance is steamy, emotional and fabulously functional, all of the characters are wonderfully developed, and the mystery is well done and kept me guessing right up until the big reveal.

This is a fantastic addition to the series, I loved being back in this world, and I can’t wait for more.

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I love this series and this book didn’t disappoint. I was especially glad to catch up with Wolfe; Kat and Roscoe. I loved all the twists and turns and can’t wait for the next book in this series.

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This is a very entertaining book, fast and easy to read. There's mystery, action, romance, kinky sex and a little twist, but the characters are the best, even if they maybe are too good to be true (which they probably aren't).

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