Member Reviews


First, thank you NetGalley and Rawikorn Tongsala for the ARC.

Hera's Divorce by maiwang? is a YA sapphic romance book.

As a fan of Greek mythology, I was very excited to read this novel, but unfortunately, it didn’t really catch my interest.
The premise was good, but I wasn't particularly fond of the characters or the romance between Hera and Cia.

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I'm not sure if it was the author's original style or the translation, but the writing in this one just felt too awkward and unpolished for me.

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Everything about this is AMAZING! Give me the GREEK GODDESS HER and make the story SAPPHIC?!!!!! need i say more? absolutely not! This was pure perfection! no notes.

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I received this book for free for an honest review from netgalley. Thank you for the opportunity

Not my cup of tea

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Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, wie ich dieses Buch bewerten soll, da ich es aufgrund relativ kurzer Ausleihdauer (ohne Verlängerung) nicht lesen konnte.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Do I wish the story had been edited a few more times? Yes.

But did I enjoy a new take on Hera and Zeus? Also yes.

The story is saved by its "newness". The writer has great idea but the execution could be better.

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“How could you handle the humans’ marriages for hundreds of years, when you don’t even know love?” - Cia

Very well written with great characters and great atmosphere. I enjoyed it immensely.

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“Because perhaps only anger and hatred could soothe a shattered heart.”

“Hera’s Divorce,” by Maiwang?

Hera, Queen of the gods, is getting a divorce from her cheating husband, Zeus. Aphrodite gives Hera and Eros to help her with the divorce. Both together navigate the rocky end of Zeus’ and Hera’s relationship.

I liked the idea and concept, it was entertaining. I had trouble with the writing style and so many unimportant parts that made me feel bored at times. The Lgbtqia+ aspect of the book was unique but felt a bit juvenile for the age of the characters. They are very old, and they acted like relationships were new water, which didn’t make sense to me. 3 out of 5 stars.

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That was a good book ! I really enjoyed reading it ! The divorced Hera is my favorite Olympus godess

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I loved the premise of this story and was really excited to get into it but unfortunately the writing style was really not for me. I definitely think this could appeal to a younger audience or those who don’t struggle as much with this kind of writing style but I had a really hard time getting through it.

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An fabulous journey into the tumultuous world of Greek mythology, reimagined in a contemporary setting. In this captivating novel, Hera, the formidable Queen of the Greek gods, takes center stage as she embarks on a daring quest to divorce her powerful and domineering husband, Zeus. The story takes an unexpected twist when she seeks assistance from her rival, Aphrodite, who introduces her to Eros, a sensual and magnetic character.

The narrative skillfully weaves together the elements of passion, rivalry, and the clash of personalities as Hera and Eros form an unlikely partnership. The emotionally charged LGBTQ romance between the authoritative Hera and the charismatic Cia is both electric and heartwarming. Hera's Divorce is a great read for those seeking a fresh take on Greek mythology, filled with memorable characters and a passionate adventure that will keep you hooked from start to finish.

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Page two: "Boys will be boys." Nope. The writing style is so juvenile that I felt like this was written for elementary students who need everything spelled out and repeated,

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Hold onto your laurel wreaths, folks, because Hera's Divorce is a sizzling Greek myth remix that'll make your heart race faster than Hermes on a sugar high! Imagine the queen of the gods, Hera, fed up with Zeus and his shenanigans, seeking help from none other than the goddess of love, Aphrodite. But what does she get instead? A clingy Eros who's as hot as Hades and twice as charming!

This book is like a mythological rollercoaster, and the chemistry between Hera and Cia is hotter than Mount Olympus on a summer day. It's all wrapped up in a contemporary setting with divine LGBTQ romance that'll make your heart skip a beat. If you're looking for a passionate and captivating read that's as spicy as ambrosia, Hera's Divorce is the book for you. Don't miss out on this epic love story that's destined to make waves in the world of Greek mythology!

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The concept of this book is great, unfortunately it has some writing flaws. It is written in a very direct format suited for younger readers, however, the issue arises in how the story it told. The writer literally tells you everything instead of employing techniques to show the reader. I think a younger audience might enjoy this book but I would find it tedious to read aloud to a class.

I received an arc and am reviewing this of my own volition.

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Couldn’t get Into this, wasn’t what I was expecting and my expectations were way off. Amazing writing just not the book for me

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It was a fun concept, it’s always nice to see a more feminist and fun, even campy, take of the myths.

However, maybe it was the translation but the language threw me off that I couldn’t finish the book. It was too Wattpad-y, it felt like the script of a Webtoon rather than a novel. It was so lazy and flat, trying too much to be fun to forget that it was supposed to be a published book. Cringe writing is no longer fun.

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I first want to say this was an amazing book. It’s fast paced but a perfect romantic comedy mixed with action. I do love how they made Hera’s actions towards other women who had relationships with Zeus a center point in her character growth. Amazing book!

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I'll be honest. It was like homework to finish this book and that is not a best experience for me. The font didn't help. Since it was an academic like situation, I found no fault with the overall structure and other English class aspect. Because of that the rating was rounded up. This will definitely be for a younger more particular type of reader.

Thank you to Rawikorn Tongsala and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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This modern retelling of the Greek Gods, Hera's Divorce is a unique view of what happens when Hera, the Goddess of Marriage, and queen of heaven divorces the unfaithful King of Gods, Zeus.

Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty and Love, sends her daughter, an Eros (kind of like cupid) Cia to help Hera find love again, only for the two to connect and help each other in other ways, something not foreseen by any of the Gods or Fates.

There are grumpy vs sunshine dynamics, forced proximity, taking care of her, women in power, sapphic characters, and defying fate. There was tension, angry gods and history told throughout.

The writing style was third person POV, mostly of Hera's. It was translated, so I wonder if some things were lost in translation that made some parts hard to read or seem repetitive, but it was intriguing enough to push through and not want to put down to see what happened next.

Thanks to Netgalley and Book Buzz for a copy of the ebook. This review is left voluntarily.

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