Member Reviews

"Hera's Divorce" by Maiwang offers a unique twist to Greek mythology, weaving a tale of love, rivalry, and empowerment. The narrative revolves around the formidable Queen of the gods, Hera, who, tired of Zeus's dominance, seeks the help of her rival Aphrodite to sever the red thread of fate binding her to him.

The introduction of Eros, the sensual yet clingy assistant, adds an unexpected layer of humor and complexity to Hera's quest for freedom. The clash of personalities between the authoritative Hera and the charismatic Eros, or Cia, creates a compelling dynamic that keeps readers engaged.

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I was initially excited about this book as I love Sapphic books and books about Greek mythology but I got about a third of the way through before I had to stop. I really like the premise but that wasn’t enough to salvage it for me. I don’t discount that others may love this book so give it a try if it piques your interest!

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this is a greek retelling. i don’t know much about greek mythology but this book was amazing. it has such a great build up and plot. there is amazing pacing and it kept me reading.

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