Member Reviews

Quite weird but S.P Somtow is a great writer and I think this would work As a way to introduce kids to the orchestra. Some of the pictures are a tad clumsy but as the afterword says ,that's down to the A.I involved in the production. Good, but with a real illustrator I think it would be so much better.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own opinions.

This may be the most beautiful book I've had the pleasure of reviewing so far. I enjoy the poems to introduce both Dino and instruments as well. Wonderful, well thought out book.

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A delightful and imaginative children's book that brings together two unlikely worlds: dinosaurs and symphony orchestras. Through witty poetry and vibrant illustrations, the book invites readers of all ages to embark on a whimsical journey where dinosaurs and classical music coexist in perfect harmony.

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Hold onto your dino hats, folks, because Dinosaur Symphony is like a blast from the prehistoric past mixed with the magic of music! S.P. Somtow takes you on a wild ride where dinosaurs are grooving to the rhythm of symphony orchestras. Yeah, you heard that right! This book is like a party where T-Rexes dance to the beat of violins and Brachiosauruses sway to the sound of cellos. It's so much fun, it'll make your dino-loving heart roar! So why should you read it? Because it's a wild, colorful, and epic adventure that proves dinosaurs and music go together like peanut butter and jelly. Trust me, it's dino-mite!

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Beautiful illustrations but too niche for my kiddos (4 and 8). Not sure who I'd recommend this book to, honestly, but would make for a lovely one-off library loan.

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