Member Reviews

Kid review: I liked how the girl looked in the pictures.
Mum review: this one didn't really work for us. My daughter forgot what it was about immediately after reading. I did really like the middle, with all the bugs and some cute jokes. But even I found the end a bit confusing and sudden.

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Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own.

I must begin this review by stating Pipper's parents need to step up their protective measures against insects. Their house sounds condemned.

The book is fun to read and the illustrations are delightful. I could see myself reading this book over and over again as a child

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Very creative book about a young girl wanting a pet. She coaxes all of the bugs into her house to "visit" and show how she cares for them. Eventually her parents are fed up with the "visitors" and....(you'll have to read the book) :) The illustrations are eye catching and go right along with the creativeness of the book!

Thank you to NetGalley and Whimspire Books, LLC for the advanced reader copy.

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This is a lovely illustrated book telling the story of a determined little girl who is following her dreams of getting a pet. She devises of quirky ways to make her dream come true. The book would make a lovely present for any animal loving child.

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The "reasonable" requests are pretty funny. I may start using that in my adult life for not so reasonable requests. Fun read with all the imagination for little ones.

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Very funny. Great artwork! The story made me laugh out loud because I could see kids doing this in their quest to get a pet. Great story.

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This is an adorable book. Piper wants a pet of her very own, but her parents always give her an excuse as to why she can't. Her parents have always told her to make everyone feel welcome in their home, so she takes that literally. She starts inviting all the "not so pet friendly" critters into her home. She turns her dollhouse into a bug house which her parents aren't too thrilled about. After a lot of frustration of relocating all the bugs Piper has brought into the house, her parents finally get her a pet of her own to care for. The illustrations are very vibrant, cute and funny. It's a great book for children who love animals.

Thank you NetGalley and Whimpshire Books for this eARC. #PipersPetPursuit #NetGalley

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This book was so adorable! It shows great ways to handle how upset a kid can be when their parents say "no" to them having a pet. This validates their frustration while giving them a different perspective of patience and understanding.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for the digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased, honest review of the book.

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Cute, whimsical, and beautiful illustrations!

I loved the bugamore bed and breakfast!

Something tells me Piper is going to be persistent about the obstacle course too!

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This book is so adorable and "Persistent Piper" is so sweet! I love that she was trying to be the caretaker of ALL the things. Just a very simple and sweet book. I loved the pictures but especially the art of the characters!

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"Piper's Per Pursuit" is a cute kids book about a girl named Piper who is determined to have a pet. She spends the day showing her parents how responsible she is by turning her grandmother's dollhouse into a home for a lizard she found outside her house. Her parents' response is to finally give her a pet, a guinea pig. This book has attractive illustrations and a unique storyline, which I appreciate in a kids book. I did find the ending a bit rushed, and I object to the parents getting her a single guinea pig as a pet, as it is not ideal to keep a guinea pig without a second for companionship. So for that, I'll rate this 4 stars.

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Such a cute book that is great for littles ones getting their first pet. My niece has had cats her entire life and had to learn real quick when she got a dog for Christmas 5 years ago. This was adorable and I’m recommending it to all my girlfriends that are about to become new mothers.

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Thank you to Whimspire Books and Netgalley for allowing me an advanced copy of this book. My daughter and I read it together and this will definitely be a must have to add to our library.

Piper is a curious and excited little girl that loves everything about owning a pet. Only she does not have one. Instead she decides to welcome every creature that comes in or near her home. Which creates a very playful and VERY colorful journey for her parents. This book is lighthearted, entertaining, funny, and extremely colorful. The pictures were so well illustrated. We LOVED it.

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Piper's Pet Pursuit is a quirky, cute story about a girl who longs for a pet.
My daughter and I loved the plot and the artwork.

From a parent's perspective, the facial expressions of the parents did not coincide with what was being said. Some of the sentences could have been more plainly written.

I would rate Piper's Pet Pursuit by Cortney Renae Cino 4 out of 5 stars.

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It was cute. A little choppy but fun interpretation from a kids point of view. Reminded me so much of my daughter. A fun way to teach a kid about responsibility but hopefully they don’t do what Piper did. Thank you NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was cute. The illustrations were adorable and the story idea was very unique. The length I thought was good for basically any age of child, and the story itself was different than anything. I’ve read. I did find the insect portion to be slightly odd, but overall this was cute.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Whimspire Books for the eARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is a children's book. This is a cute fun sotry, a little tongue in cheek but enjoyable to read even as an adult. Very nice colorful graphics. I can see how this would be an easy book to talk to children about pets. 4 stars

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I thought Piper's Pet Pursuit was an absolutely adorable picture book! Coupled with pretty art, precocious young Piper desperately wants her very first pet despite her parents frequent no's. This isn't enough to stop her, and she tries her best to show her parents how responsible she is by taking care of creatures like squirrels, frogs, beetles, and ants! In the end, her efforts pay off and her parents reward her with a brand new pet.

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I'm not sure about this. The premise was very cute but I don't know that parents would love this for their children - it kind of is teaching manipulation. Also while i wouldn't want my kids to be afraid of bugs I also wouldn't want them to befriend them.

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This little picture book won my heart, our little friend Piper just wants a pet and as her parents tell her not yet she finds a way to have her own “pets” so her parents can see that she is responsible and what a way to do it! I had fun reading it, the illustrations were beautiful and thoughtful and the prose was beautiful! Now I want to know more about the adventures of our little friend because yes, she finally has her pet and she is ready to have many adventures!

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