Member Reviews

Just an FYI before you choose this book, the publisher details are a little light on what the story is really about. Read the last sentence carefully.
I confess I had not understood the real story and was somewhat surprised at it, and at finding it on Netgalley, as I was unaware that their selection criteria included such storylines. That said the basic idea of love being found in many forms and that it is independent of gender and orientation and can be multifaceted, is one that I support.
However, I did find the novel relied too much on the above and thus lacked character development and richness.

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I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

Vanessa Gardner is due to marry Viscount Warwick, but just moments before the wedding can occur, he runs off with her lady's maid. Knowing that being jilted, after an earlier rejection, will be the ruin of her, Vanessa should feel sadness and regret. However, she never cared for the viscount, at least nowhere near as much as she desires his brother, Darrius, or family friend, Benedict. Though their friendship has been strained since they became lovers, both are gentlemen at heart, and will do anything for Vanessa. So they offer her the choice of them, and allow her to indulge in them both before she makes her decision.

I think this one might be my favourite in the series. It's a shift from the usual pairings, where the woman and one of the men had a past, and this time it's the two men who have a history. Because of the time period, Benedict and Darrius have had to keep their feelings for each other secret, and though they have acted on them in the past, the strength of their feelings has affected their friendships. They are also both drawn to Vanessa, and the conflict over these feelings actually brought them together. The threesome worked so well, even better than other groupings in the past, and I really cared about them all together. Such a great addition to the series, I'm glad this wasn't only a trilogy as I expected.

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Jess Michaels never disappoints. Her love stories are always captivating and interesting to read and her characters two. Also she is giving people what they want to read so GO AND READ HER

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Vanessa has once again been jilted, but her fiancé’s brother and friend are there to support her. Darrius has spent his life cleaning up his brother’s messes, but he has always been attracted to Vanessa and his friend Benedict. Together, the three decide if they can have a future together.

The romance is good and the chemistry between the three. I would have liked an epilogue to see how they all end up as I thought the end of the book was a little abrupt.

I have enjoyed this series and look forward to whatever Jess Michaels brings us next.

Thanks to the publisher for a review copy via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Their Bride by Jess Michaels
Theirs #4

Jilted at the altar, again! Miss Vanessa Gardner feels as if her future is doomed until two handsome men step in to rescue her reputation, provide her options, and in doing so provide a happy ending for all three and not just her. This is a quick steamy lovely story about three people that are better when together than apart. I loved that they communicated openly, were willing to take chances, and showed so much trust in one another. Their union of three is unconventional by society’s standards but perfect for them. I am curious about how their future will play out in the future and would have loved an epilogue. I loved meeting them and reading their lovely story.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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I received an ARC from the author/publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own.
Jess Michaels returns to her steamy polyamorous Theirs series, which is arguably one my favorites of hers, with Their Bride. It can be read as a standalone, although there are some appearances from characters from prior books in the series.
What makes this series great for me is the high-heat being complimented by solid relationship dynamics, and this one is no exception. I particularly liked that this book started with an illicit romantic and sexual connection between the two men this time around, with Benedict and Darrius being longtime friends and lovers as well. Darrius is perhaps the more fleshed out of the two, being the more dutiful younger brother of a ne’er-do-well viscount, and the inciting incident of the book is just another in which his brother has made a mess of his life, and Darrius is left picking up the pieces. But Benedict, as a longtime friend to both brothers, is also deeply connected to the situation, and is equally compelling.
Vanessa, being the brother’s jilted fiancee, makes a compelling third for the “throuple,” and I liked how she was incorporated in the book. With her previously being off-limits due to said engagement, it was great seeing the two men both having a sense of duty to her and also being able to explore their attraction to her after having held back, in a situation that somewhat gave me similar vibes to the Andrew Lincoln/Keira Knightley arc in Love. Actually, without the creep factor.
And while much of the story is very much high-steam, low-plot, I did like that there was a balance of that and real sweetness that showed how much they cared for each other and their respective goals. There’s a lingering question of which of the two she should legally marry, and whether the other would fit into the equation after that, and it’s all resolved so beautifully.
I really enjoyed this book and I’m so happy for the return of this series. If you’re looking for a fun, steamy polyamorous historical romance, I recommend checking out this one!

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Their Bride by Jess Michaels is the fourth book in the Theirs series. This is a series on menages where all parties are involved.

Left on her wedding day and trying to find her next steps without any family support when an unorthodox and satisfying solution is offered. Benedict and Darrius are used to cleaning up Arthur's messes. But this isn't a mess insomuch as they both equally desire Vanessa. And she may prove to be the one piece that allows them to fully be who they were all meant to be.

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Old friends and sometimes secret lovers, Benedict Norfolk and Darrius Warwick have a fraught relationship. Benedict wants more, Darrius always resists. But they are thrown together when Darrius’s brother, Arthur Viscount Warwick, abandons his intended bride, Vanessa Gardner, not an hour before their wedding. They both know a marriage to one of them will be the only answer to save her from the consequences of the viscount’s bitter actions. Vanessa was jilted a couple of years ago and she knows that this abandonment means utter ruination. So when the men offer her a chance to choose between them, and to indulge herself in every pleasure before she does so…she cannot refuse.
The fourth book in the series & its easily read on its own but we do catch up with Elliot, Peter & Merritt. I really liked both Benedict & Darrius who had been attracted to & secretly in love with each other for years but Darrius always held back, then Vanessa enters the equation. I felt Vanessa was desperate to be wanted & so she fell in lust & gradually in love. I loved how Benedict & Vanessa were there for Darrius & helped him to realise what he really wanted. A well written steamy novella, which I devoured in a sitting & I loved their journey to an unconventional HEA
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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A delicious guilty pleasure!

This is a scrumptiously exquisite naughty MMF romance!
It’s a small setting with three main characters, their personal baggage and a few clever extras. There’s no pressure and very little drama - really just enough to keep it interesting. It’s all about these MCs giving in to their most secret desires and discovering their happily ever after is perhaps a little less traditional. And even though the plot in this novel is compelling and the characters complex and well-crafted, I personally loved it for the wickedly exquisite smut!
The three previous books in this series are definitely going on my wishlist!
This was a treat and I highly recommend finding out for yourself!

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One jilted bride for two Bi lords...

I do enjoy these MFM books, where swords are definitely crossing.
Vanessa is jilted and her almost brother in law steps in along with his lover.
Its complicated, And hot. A little bit naughty, but yu get all three perspectives.
So, who will Vanessa marry?
Because she is certainly indulging in carnal affairs with both Benedict and Darius.

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Their Bride is the fourth book in the Theirs series by Jess Michaels. If you haven't read the other books yet, don't worry! You can definitely pick this one up and read this one as a stand-alone. Although there is mention and cameos of characters from a prior book, I don't think you have to have all the details of their story before diving into this one.

When two old friends (and sometimes secret lovers) Benedict and Darrius are invited to the wedding of Darrius' brother, the Viscount, they are thrown back together. Almost immediately into the story, we find out the Viscount has abandoned Vanessa and she has a really hard time being broke up about it - mostly because she never had any real feelings for the Viscount. This wouldn't be as big of a deal if she hadn't had something similar happen to her before. An additional rejection like this would ruin her and her family and both Benedict and Darrius realize the only way to save her from his actions is to have one of them marry her themself. As Vanessa, Benedict, and Darrius explore the option to be together...all three of them, They all have to determine if this is something they can all live with and what that means for them...together.

I enjoyed this installment of the series and think Michaels does a fantastic job of not only developing the characters and story but also including the spicy parts without being over the top. In this one you could clearly tell there was an underlying love between Benedict and Darrius and how they brought Vanessa into that was well done.

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Book Review: Their Bride, by Jess Michaels.

Back when I read Their Duchess I said: "If you're looking for an MMF historical romance that doesn't pretend to be anything other than a setup (and execution) of a fantasy, you've come to the right place." Their Bride continues the tradition of two hot dudes and one hot lady who are all hot for each other, but make it Regency.

Benedict and Darrius are BFFs who have added benefits before (but only admitted it once!). Vanessa is engaged to Darrius's brother. It's lust at first sight for all three of them, but they know they can't act on it. That is, they can't act on it until Vanessa's fiance leaves her the morning of their wedding.

I love in a romance novel when one of the characters is all "boo hoo, no one thinks I'm sexy" and then the love interest is all "if you're not sexy then why do I have this BONER?" And that happens with TWO boners in this book! This isn't the first time Vanessa's been left at the altar, so she's convinced she's unlovable. Darrius and Benedict are more than happy to show her that she's wrong, and that she has an embarrassment of choices at her disposal.

No but seriously they're all, "Just try out both models, and then you can marry whichever one you like best." It's rough times when she can't decide between the two of them...

Look, this series is fun and sexy, and if it's not more than that, I don't mind.

This objective review is based on a complimentary copy of the novella.

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The continuing Theirs series with a jilted bride and two gorgeous men. Darrius is guilt-ridden and I can see where it comes from and Benedict is kind of happy-go-lucky but not always. The two men work well together – dark and light. Jess’ writing is amazing and keeps you glued to the pages but the story really moves too fast.

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I loved the story and how an unexpected tragedy brought Vanessa, Benedict and Darrius together. Even though the story is not very long, you are able to realize the close relationship/bond that the three of them have developed. It’s a great story that is well written and very entertaining. Definitely a story worth reading.
I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley and are voluntarily leaving a review.

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Genre: historical romance, MMF erotica
London 1813

Vanessa Gardner’s fiance, Viscount Warwick, abandons her mere hours before the wedding to run off with her lady’s maid. Vanessa isn’t sure what’s wrong with her, since this is the second fiance to throw her over. Benedict Norfolk and Darrius Warwick, the Viscount’s younger brother, both wonder too, because they find her fascinating and attractive. Benedict and Darrius have a secret passion for one another, that they’ve only acted on once “officially” because Darrius always pushes Benedict away. But Benedict and Darrius come to Vanessa with an intriguing offer - try them both out for a time and then choose one to marry later.

There is a lot more hesitancy in this throuple than in others in the series. Vanessa is obviously unsure of her desirability - she doesn’t even have her virginity to offer a husband because her first fiance anticipated their vows. Benedict has been continually rebuffed by Darrius (except her hasn’t in anonymous situations, which was a twist I enjoyed!). And Darrius, as the spare, somehow has to keep track of his wayward Viscount brother, and doesn’t feel like he can commit to anything.

I really enjoy what Jess Michaels does for erotic romance in a historical setting. I’ve read three of the books in this series now, and I appreciate that she approaches each throuple differently. The way in which she crafts endings that are appropriate for each couple continues to delight. We are treated to both emotional development and steamy explicit encounters. Their Bride does feature the the throuple from book one, Their Marchioness, but I haven’t read that book and don’t feel as though missed anything from a relationship standpoint for Benedict, Darrius, and Vanessa.

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3.5 stars

This was the first book I've read in the series and also my first Jess Michaels book. I liked this one but didn't love it. Vanessa Gardner was jilted an hour before her wedding. The runaway groom's brother and best friend resolve to help Vanessa by offering to marry her but not without offering up a poly relationship first. Darrius and Benedict have had their own secret relationship in the past. Can they push past societies expectations and give into the passion they feel for each other and Vanessa?

The chemistry between the two heroes was palpable. The spice scenes were indeed very spicy. The declarations of love felt rushed but that tends to happen in a novella. I would gladly try some of Michaels others books in the series.

Tropes included: jilted, ruined heroine, MMF, voyeurism, terrible parents, brother's best friend, brother's betrothed, thruple

Thank you to NetGalley, Jess Michaels, and The Passionate Pen, LLC for this eARC. All opinions expressed are my own. #netgalley #jessmichaels #TheirBride #ThePassionatePen

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this novella and this is my freely given opinion.

This entire series focuses on the establishment of various MMF relationships, and the sexual awakening and exploration of the participants involved. In this fourth story of the series, Vanessa Gardener is preparing for her wedding to the Viscount Warwick. It is an arranged marriage, not a love match, but Vanessa was willing to do as her parents arranged, especially in light of her past. But on her wedding day, she finds herself jilted by her wayward groom, who ran off with the woman he was having an affair with, Vanessas' maid. Unfortunately, this leaves Vanessa ruined in the eyes of the Ton, as this was her second engagement. Her parents take their disappointment out on her and abandon her.

The Viscount's younger brother Darrius, and best friend, Benedict, come to her aid, and provide her with comfort and support. Darrius and Benedict have a fraught relationship themselves, as Benedict has a passionate attraction to Darrius for years, but Darrius is resistant, except for the occasional secret tryst. Both are attracted to Vanessa, and also feel responsible for her future and well being, since both her fiancee and her parents have abandoned her.

Vanessa does not want to be a burden, especially having been rejected so much by the men who are supposed to love her in her life. All she wants is to be shown that she is loved and wanted. Darrius and Benedict offer her a chance to experience being wanted, and pleasured and that she ultimately would have a choice in the end with them, rather than having another man decide her future for her.

While this is a short story focused on menage erotica, it also explores the relationship and attraction of the three involved as they develop their confidence and trust in their relationships, especially between Darrius and Benedict, considering how taboo same sex relationships were, and Darrius was very resistant to falling into a relationship with Benedict. But his reasons for that come out in the end, and it was not what Benedict expected. The sex scenes are very open door graphic, so for those who are not looking for detailed sex, be aware that is the bulk of the story.

3.75 stars out of 5

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"Their Bride" is the story of Vanessa, Darrius Warwick, and Benedict Norfolk. Darrius and Benedict have known one another since boyhood and attraction has always simmered under the surface. Benedict would love to act on it, but Darrius will not in any way he acknowledges afterwards. When Darrius' Viscount brother, Arthur, jilts Vanessa on their wedding day, they circle to find a solution after her unfeeling parents cut her off and abandon her. Vanessa worries that she is simply undesirable as this is her second broken engagement and her parents blame her for the censure that society is bound to heap on them for it. As excuses are made, Vanessa hides out at the Warwick estate and embarks on a romance with both men with the end goal of choosing one to marry.

"Their Bride" reminds me of Katee Roberts' "Gifting Me to His Best Friend." I don't mean that in a bad way, but in that they are both MMF romances in which male best friends with decades of sexual tension finally get to act on it by sharing a female lover. Their Bride is written fully in the third person, so we get to hear the thoughts of each character and I feel like Michaels does a good job of allowing the reader to understand why Benedict and Darrius don't act on their attraction, even in 'safe' spaces though I also understand that time period is also a MAJOR factor inherent in Regency romance. This is the only truly standout aspect of the story. At 120 pages, everything feels rushed and the reader has to believe a lot about the relationships of the three MCs with no foundation to base it on. Benedict and Darrius' attraction holds a little more water because we see a tense sexual encounter in the prologue (one I don't understand as Arthur is passed out drunk near by and could wake up and ruin them) that sets the push/pull nature of their situation. Both men's attraction to Vanessa and vice versa is harder to believe as they've only known one another for six months while Vanessa was engaged to Arthur and we see none of this time; we miss the building of tension between her and each of the men. There's also very little thought given to how their relationship will work in the real world and that drove me crazy as the book quickly drew to a close. For most of the book, both men are 'Mister,' with no known income and Vanessa's parents insisted that they would cut her off from her dowry with the second broken engagement. Darrius is the heir apparent to his Viscount brother, but in his absence, the estate is being mismanaged and while he could house them all in the meantime, there's no income.

Once they embark on their menage, the sexual encounters seem very quick with mutual passion being enough foreplay for penetration MOST of the time. Fewer sex scenes in lieu of better, more detailed ones would have been more impactful. I'm used to Jess Michaels stories where the tension and preparation are better built and again, part of this is likely because the book is only 120 pages.

All in all, nowhere near my favorite Jess Michaels book.

The unspoken issue of how they will support themselves is solved by the big Deus Ex Machina of Arthur dying and Darrius ascending to the title of Viscount, thus making him Vanessa's obvious choice for marriage. As the Viscount and Viscountess, they will have the appearance of being a regular couple of the Ton with their 'close friend' Benedict by their side. Vanessa also swears that she will bully her parents into releasing her dowry with her marriage, despite them not showing one ounce of care for her reputation before. I didn't find it believable that they would care about their daughter being an impoverished Viscountess.
*****END SPOILER*****


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I wanted so much to love this fourth novella in Jess Michaels’ Theirs series, but this story was a disappointment for me. Books One and Two are among my favorite historical MMF stories, (Their Marchioness and Their Duchess), but Their Bride just didn’t have the raw, intense chemistry that the others did, and that chemistry is what made the earlier novellas so special, and so incredibly hot.

I liked Vanessa, loved Benedict, and found Darrius very intriguing, but without that palpable chemistry, I just didn’t feel connected to the characters or their story, and the steam didn’t do much steaming of my kindle screen.

Still a good novella, but definitely my least favorite of the four. I’m looking forward to reading the next in the series with the hopes that Ms Michaels will give us the chemistry and connection that she did so well in the first two novellas.

My thanks to NetGalley and The Passionate Pen LLC for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

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I was really in the mood for this book. I did not read the blurb when I saw this in NetGalley just that it was Jess Michaels a new to me author I really enjoyed. Her books were sexy but I would say this is more erotica its hot and very steamy. the plot was there and completed. I do wish we got an epilogue of them being a happy family together. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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