Member Reviews

Nephew is a uniquely written letter from an uncle (MK Asante) to his nephew (Nasir). Eighteen year old Nasir has just been shot and MK is writing the letter from the emergency room lobby at Temple University hospital as he awaits news of his nephew’s condition.
MK’s letter is a journey into the Asante family, particularly Nasir’s father Uzi, who is MK’s older brother. Nasir was raised without Uzi. MK believes now is the time to tell his nephew about the father he has never known. Yet, shares so much in common with. MK ties three generations of men together through letters, hip-hop lyrics and journal entries. My favorite part was reading the journal entries and letters.
A lot of important topics are discussed such as drug abuse, abandonment, black on black crime, suicide, depression, colorism, forgiveness, the power of manifestation, the power of words, and so much more.
Hip-hop references are woven throughout the book. For example, MK tells his nephew to be careful of the lyrics he write because words can become your destiny. He then uses Tupac and Biggie as examples to prove his point. I’m a hip-hop head, so I was able to appreciate these references.
Just as with MK Asante’s first memoir Buck, I learned a lot about the Asante family in Nephew.
It took me a while to complete this book. And that’s because it contains a lot of talk about addiction. The topic of heroin addiction is very triggering for me. Many years ago I lost the love of my life to a heroin overdose. Reading the journal entries of a heroin user was difficult for me. Eventually, I had to put the book down because it felt like I was reading the exact words of my dearly departed fiancé. But once I got up the strength, I went back in again and completed the book.
Thanks to Amistad for gifting me ARC. I enjoyed the journey.

What an inspiration, heartbreaking and just awesome book. I don't know how the author wrote the books but was just such a nice inside to the family and his love to his nephew.
The letters that were to God were just so moving. Just a way to express and show what the message is about.
This is one of the best books i have read in 2024. All should read and i will be telling everyone about this book.
Just so moving.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read and review.

What a beautiful, heartbreaking, life-affirming piece of art. I was on the journey with MK from the hospital waiting area to the landscape of his memories. I appreciated this love song to family - in all its beauty and messiness.

Kudos. Inspiring. Harrowing. A love letter to his Nephew, but also love letters to and from his family that gives us a glimpse inside a Black family, and as all families have mess, no matter if there are prominent members or not, the mess is messy. And MK Asante boldly and heroically exposes the family mess, in a heartfelt well. And the letters from Bob to God may be the best anti-drug message, more effective than any book length treatment of drug abuse.
Those letters are absolutely harrowing. This is certainly a new style of memoir and MK Asante is breaking new ground, perhaps opening a portal for others to tell their story through poetics and lyrics and letting the family dynamic speak for itself through their own exchanges and experiences. MK Asante brings the noise
And he does it with poise!
Thanks to Netgalley and Amistad Press for an advanced
DRC. Book drops in May! Get ready!!