Member Reviews

I love when a sequel lives up to the first book in a series!!!

Veyka is back- and Arran Earthborn is at her side. There is so much spice and fire between these two- it was gripping!
The world building was also improved in this, but there was significant groundwork laid out in book 1 that was helpful for this story. Revenge, deception, a kingdom of unrest- Throne of Air and Darkness has something for everyone!!

I was really happy that Veyka continued to be a kick ass FMC- I find sometimes when a love interest is established, the FMC who was previously loud and outspoken starts deflecting towards the male, but Veyka remained in charge and at the forefront of this series.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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“𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚. 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙧 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙩. 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙮.”

Throne of Air and Darkness is the second book in the Secrets of the Faerie Crown series.

Plagued by an ancient prophecy, Veyka and her allies journey to the human realm, desperately seeking answers as darkness looms and threatens Annwyn.

Haunted by their pasts and shrouded in secrets, our FMC and MMC struggle to find balance with their fervent yet tumultuous bond. I loved seeing their relationship evolve from the first book and we are rewarded with plenty of steamy moments. 🪭🪭🪭

This multi POV sequel brilliantly portrays each MC’s journey of healing and self-discovery. This book gives us so many shocking reveals while expanding the world and left me gasping, screaming, and reeling. I cannot wait for Book 3!

Huge thanks to Emberly Ash and NetGalley for the opportunity to review with advanced copy! This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Great sequel to the first book. Towards the end of the book we receive a lot of information (which is still unclear) and plot twists which made the story very interesting. I will be waiting for the third book

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Thanks to NetGallery for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Throne of Air and Darkness, the second instalment in Emberly Ash's Secrets of the Faerie Crown series, continues the gripping saga where the first book left off. Veyka Pendragon, never destined to be queen, finds herself thrust into the role nonetheless, grappling with newfound power and a love that defies fate. As she embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding her realm and her heart, she faces betrayal, battle, and a quest for truth that takes her to the human realm. The plot is rich with magic, politics, and romance, weaving together a tapestry of adventure and intrigue that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages.

The strength of this book lies in its characters, particularly Veyka and Arran, whose relationship evolves amidst the chaos of their world. Veyka's transformation from a self-centred protagonist to a formidable protector of her realm is both captivating and empowering, while Arran's unwavering devotion adds depth to their bond. The supporting cast adds flavour to the story, with each character contributing to the intricate web of alliances and conflicts. The plot is fast-paced and engaging, offering a blend of action, romance, and mystery that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

Overall, Throne of Air and Darkness delivers a thrilling continuation of the series, with compelling characters, a gripping plot, and plenty of twists and turns to keep readers hooked. Emberly Ash masterfully blends fantasy and romance, crafting a story that is both enchanting and immersive. Fans of dark fantasy with strong character development and intricate world-building will find much to love in this captivating tale.

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series, despite some flaws. in this one, unfortunately, the negatives were too many to overlook - my breaking point was a s$x scene where the MMC is in his wolf form. things got weird. I'm sure there are many out there who will enjoy this and no shame to you, but it is not for me.

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Great sequel. Picked up right after the first book . 3 stars

Thank you for the chance to read this.
ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op

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I think I’m not the target for some of the explicit scenes, but a solid sequel to the first book! If you liked the first book I recommend at least trying it!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Emberly Ash, and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for an ARC copy of "Throne of Air and Darkness".

"Throne of Air and Darkness" by Emberly Ash is the second installation of the Secrets of the Faerie Crown series, and I feel that this installment did not hit the mark like the first installment did. I had such high hopes for this sequel and was disappointed I
am sad to say.

Veyka and Arran's and their band leave the castle looking for answers after she falls through the void(s). It's a lot of banging in the woods, fighting and a series of unfortunate events. The main theme seemed to be "my brother kept so much from me". She doesn't want to work with her powers and this quest felt like they were "lost in the weeds" for 70% of the book. I felt like the direction was lost and a lot of filler was used. There was a Throne of Glass feel with the little folk towards the end that I enjoyed. The plot twist came just in time to make the reader feel like they need to read the third installment because they have invested so much time in this series already, in my opinion.

I am crossing my fingers for a major turn around in book three. The first book was 5 stars for me.

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Throne of Air and Darkness was so good! I can’t get enough of Veyka and Arran, but I was so glad to see some more of the side characters in this book. I read the first book back in the fall and it took me a second to find my place again, so beware of that if you space out the reading of these books too much. Veyka’s growth in this book is probably one of the best character arcs I’ve read before. There’s so much past trauma in her life and she works so very hard to overcome it. Though there seemed to be more spicy moments in this second book, I thought the author dialed down the steam level a bit from the first book. Not necessarily a bad thing, I just generally enjoy a bit more. I’m very eager to read the next book in the series!

I received a copy of Throne of Air and Darkness for free from NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I love Veyka. I love her heart and her moxy. The more she grows the more I identify with her journey. Love is hard whether it's family or romantic, and the world just doesn't always do what we expect. I can't wait to read the next installment of her story!

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This series is one to read if you are in for the long haul. Emberly definitely has put in the detail and effort, and she has excruciatingly done a great job keeping her readers engaged with action, sass, and heartbreak. She is brutal with her administrations but I am here for it. I absolutely love the way she wrote this series and look forward to book 3.

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Absolutely loved it! She for sure knows how to leave you dangling! Veyka is still that girl! Arran is growing with Veyka and I love this story. The twists this book takes are maybe even better than in the first!

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After Veyka is ripped through the void and falls through a bunch of worlds, the gang goes to the human world in search of Avalon and answers to the void prophecy with Parys and Gwen staying behind to keep things running smoothly.

This was really giving the vibes of throne of glass plus Arthurian legend with a plus sized heroine. I feel like so much and so little happened at the same time. Imo a lot of this book was just filler so more random Arthurian names could be dropped in. Also for Parys to have miraculously discovered the same thing that the rest of the gang was just offhandedly told seems like a cop out, and for Gwen to not take his information seriously is so out of character and stupid. I really don’t want her guilt to be a major plot point in the next book but seems like that’s where we’re headed. Still enjoyed this and will read book three but in 500 pages I need more answers.

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I had been anxiously waiting to read the second installement of this series!

It is a perfect fantasy book, balancing action and romance

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this ARC

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Thank you netgalley for providing this arc in exchange for an honest review. I liked how we finally got to venture beyond the castle in this book for an extended period of time. I also liked the inclusion of the chapters from Parys pov. I honestly struggled to get through this book. I felt as though the major conflict that we begin the book with was resolved far too quickly. I also felt that the pacing was super slow in the middle and towards the end. I found myself not really loving the two main characters either. I think this series has so much potential but I really struggled with this one.

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I really wish I liked this book more but it was too chaotic. I struggled to keep up, follow the story, or even understand what was going on most of the time. The only reason I'm giving it a 2 is for the cliffhanger, I feel like the last couple of chapters was the only time I wanted to keep reading. Otherwise I felt like there was a lot to read in the book, but not all that much happening

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the DRC!

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"Throne of Air and Darkness" by Emberly Ash dives deeper into the Secrets of the Faerie Crown series. Veyka Pendragon grapples with her role as High Queen of Annwyn while facing unexpected truths and challenges. While the story gets a bit tangled at times, fans of twisted mythology and fantasy romance will still find this dark and enchanting sequel worth a read!

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This is the second instalment in The Secrets of the Faerie Crown series.

I found this to be a more politically-focused and action-packed instalment, than book one, and I personally enjoyed this. It still had frequent steamy scenes and a swoon-worthy romance, as well as a cast full of all the most loveable characters, alongside this too. The perfect fae romantasy!

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I love this series and the author is fast becoming one of my new favorites. Just enough spice.
The world building is fascinating and it's so easy to fall in love (or hate) characters. I found myself not wanting this one to end. I can't wait to continue with this series!

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