Member Reviews

I just finished this book and found myself staring at the last page for a couple of minutes before being able to move on.

Throne of Air and Darkness is the second book in the Secrets of the Faerie Crown series, and I absolutely loved it!

If you haven’t read the first book, Crown of Earth and Sky, do so before reading this one.

I cannot get enough of Veyka and Arran. The tension is kept alive between them throughout the entire book, despite the completion of their Joining ceremony, the discovery that they’re mates, and the continued development of their relationship. The spice was next level.

What I love most about this author’s writing is her ability to create such complexity and nuance within each aspect of the story - from the main relationship, to the various friendships, the family dynamics, the foundational trauma different characters have experienced (and how that impacts them individually but also their relationships), the magical system, the dynamics between realms (fae and fae, human and fae), and still maintain such an engaging, overarching plot and storyline. Honestly, mentally I’m just standing here giving a standing ovation for this one. Well done.

I was DREADING getting to the end of this book, because I didn’t want it to be over. I didn’t want to be left with no more Veyka and Arran to read. No more Annwyn and Avalon. Before I got to the end, I already wanted more. Then I got to the end, and now I NEED more.

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I loved this book. It’s a little slower paced than book 1 but just as addicting. And that ending had me hooked - I can’t wait for book 3!

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This series just keeps getting better!

This is book 2 in the Secrets of the Faerie Crown series. Once again, we follow Veyka and Arron on their road leading the fae. Veyka is our curvaceous heroine who's coming into her own and rising through depression. Arron is our vicious beast king who is learning new parts to himself as well.

This book has a lot of the same characters, and we get a lot from Parys's perspective and learn more about Gwyn as well. We get to enter see the human world and meet wonderful and not so wonderful new characters.

This book is full of so many twists and turns. Everything that we thought we knew from the first book is wrong. Veyka's whole world has turned upside down. Can her and Arron work through their issues and find their way through it?

I absolutely love this book. The good, the bad, the spicy, the sad, it all blends in to this read that will keep you guessing. I can't wait for the next book!

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This book did not disappoint. I loved book one and will happily continue to read this story. I love the individual growth the characters are getting and how their relationship grows without changing who they are at their core.

I am so excited to see how this story develops.

I received this eARC and am leaving my opinion freely and honestly. Thank you so much to Emberly Ash and Netgalley for this tremendous opportunity.

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Veyka and Arran made this book!! This books starts where the first one ended which I liked a lot! Veyka gave bad butch energy. I called it in book one but Arran being her mate still made me scream. There was love, politics, magic and so much more, definitely worth picking this book up.

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This second installment felt a little lackluster after such a phenomenal start to Vekya and Arran’s story in book one. Their chemistry remained just as electric and volatile as we recall, but their relationship was really the saving grace for me. We find our characters right where we left them after that cliffhanger, and Vekya is dealing with her intense emotions. I admire her refusal to leave things to fate or the will of others. she’s a woman who wants to take charge of her life and her future, not sit back and let things happen to her. And Arran is steadfast in his support of her this time around. their growth as individuals and as a couple was my favorite part of this story. Maybe I’m just a sucker for a fated love/bonded mates trope, but I was rooting for their HEA, despite knowing another book is coming and that it was unlikely lol! aside from their relationship, I also enjoyed the deep dive into the prophecies and meeting new characters. The ending felt a little rushed, and the villain reveal caught me slightly off guard. But despite all of that, I’m still invested enough in Vekya and Arran’s story to want to continue this story.

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The second installment to the Secret of the Faerie Crown Series. This. book. delivered.

I kept imagining epic fighting scenes like from Lord of the Rings, and Game of Thrones. I so wished books came with playlists. The world building wasn’t as intense in this book, but I really enjoyed more dialogue between the characters. It played in my head like a movie.

Cyara really came through and surprised me this time. What a little badass! And Gwen?! A Queen in her own right. All the female characters are so strong and admirable. I also really liked that we not only continued to experience the POVs from Veyka and Arran, but also Gwen and Parys! It gave more depth to the book.

I am still in awe of how creative Emberly is with her version of the Arthurian Legend. The twists that she adds keeps the storyline familiar but still intriguing enough to continue reading.

The spice in this second book was not as intense as the first hence only four red chili peppers, but that’s fine with me, since Veyka and Arran are busy saving the world! Still the scene in the faerie pools?! Better make sure you have a nice cold beverage next to you...

Overall, if you read the first book in the series, definitely pick this one up! I can’t wait for the third book coming April 2024!!!

Thank you NetGalley, and Emberly Ash for the ARC Read!

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Throne of Air and Darkness is the second book in the The Secrets of the Faerie Crown series and picks up right where Crown of Earth and Sky left off.

After uncovering the traitors in their court, Veyka and Arran are finally joined as High King and Queen of Annwyn, But during the ceremony, a blast of power was felt, and the repercussions are felt across realms. Now Veyka and Arran must deal with the fall out - as King and Queen, but also as something more. Secrets are revealed, mysteries abound, and a new bond tests the strength of their relationship. Will Veyka and Arran find their way back to each other, as they both learn how to lead their people and open their hearts?

After the explosive end to Crown of Earth and Sky, I immediately dove into Throne of Air and Darkness. The second book had good packing and new plot lines that were exciting and engaging. I love the deeper tie into the Arthurian myths - we see some familiar names and faces from the Arthurian legend in this book as well, which was a fun twist on an old tale. I like how the story shifted gears from avenging Arthur in Book 1 to new mysteries and deeper relationships in Book 2. Throne of Air and Darkness was very character driven, and our characters certainly have a lot to work through in this book. Veyka's past trauma impacts her decision making in this book, and her need to make her own choices is clear as she fights against the forces trying to steer her in certain directions, particularly in regard to Arran. Sometimes this comes across as immature, and the back and forth felt drawn out at times, but given the character's backstory it makes sense. The action is also excellent, and the ending left me breathless. It is definitely a cliff that will leave you wanting Book 3 immediately.

Thank you to NetGalley, Emberly Ash, and Victory Publishing Group for the electronic advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Throne of Air and Darkness by Emberly Ash
Release Date: December 19th, 2023
Thank you to Emberly Ash for my advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

When I was just starting to get into fantasy books, the first book in this series was one of the first I read. I loved it and knew that I would have to read the second as soon as I was able to.

After all of the events and turmoil of “Crown of Earth and Sky”, Veyka and Arran are finally married; only, the powerless Veyka mysteriously manifests powers immediately after and disappears. When she returns, Veyka not only has to deal with her new reality but learns she and Arran are mated and that she may be the queen of an ancient prophesy. Together, along with a band of loyal friends, they begin a journey to learn the truth of Veyka’s power and how to save their kingdom from a new and dangerous foe.

I still love this series so much. It’s one of the best and most underrated fantasy books I’ve read. It’s still blends elements of Arthurian legends with great plot and storytelling. If it’s possible, I like Arran more than I did in the first book, and while I like reading from Veyka’s point of view, I wish she wasn’t as stubborn as she was. But who am I to talk, I’m pretty stubborn too. The next book in this series comes out in April, and you know I will getting that as soon as I can!

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I read this directly after the 1st book and it picks up exactly where book one ends. It was such a good sequel and I'm a huge fan of Emerbly's writing! It's a bit spicier than the first and I expected that since there's so much tension and build-up! Love the cliffhangers but I am eagerly awaiting book 3!

Thank you, NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for allowing me to review this book!

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This was book 2 in the series and while I read and enjoyed the first book, the second one bored me a bit. I DNF'd about 40% in.

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Throne of Air and Darkness by Emberly Ash
-Secrets of the Faerie Crown Book 2-

Highly bingeable, fast paced and spicy!


•My Blurb•
Since this a subsequent book in a series, I’m going to rely on the published blurb to avoid providing and extra spoilers. Obviously reading the blurb of book 2 will spoil so things about book 1 - swipe at your own risk.

•My Thoughts•
I think I enjoyed this book even more than the first one! This one gives a nod to higher fantasy feels with a quest and a journey. The romance was still a huge part of the story line and I loved Arran and Veyka and how their bond has grown and strengthened. It’s one of my favorite things to watch (read?) two super strong and self-sufficient people learn how to lean on one another and be open and vulnerable, especially when it doesn’t come naturally. I loved the friendships and, if anything, would just wanted more character interactions - but my love for this little round table found family is strong. These books are pretty spicy but the author has made it a part of the innate and natural sensuality of the characters, it works for them and I’m here for the side eye and eye rolls from their friends! The way the author has twisted the legend of Arthur and the knights of the round table to make it her own is brilliant. It’s been a blast to recognize names and legend plot lines but have them be so completely reimagined. The third book comes out in April and I’m really looking forward to continuing the story! The cliffhanger of this one was painful and I need my heart put back together ASAP!

Thank you to Emberly Ash and @netgalley for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I had to get book one first to read this one and I'm glad I did it because it's a good story and no waste of money! The story picks up right after and I really like that, because recaps aren't my thing at all!
The characters stayed true to themselfes, which I enjoyed. The pacing could've been a bit faster in my opinion but that isn't a dealbreaker.

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Holy hell. I need Book 3 and I need it NOW! Another sleepless night (see my Book 1 review). I devoured this. This was a truly a testament to Veyka and Arran’s relationship. It ends on a HUGE cliffhanger and I am not okay. I was hoping to be wrecked by this series at some point and while it didn’t happen with Book 1, it happened with this sequel and I am LIVING for it. RUIN ME, EMBERLY.

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I liked Veyka’s rejection of the mating bond as it felt like it stayed true to her character. I think the publisher should review the content warnings as I felt they weren’t entirely accurate.

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“Arthur knew about all of it. And he lied.”

Thorne of Air and Darkness picks up right where Crown of Earth and Sky left off. Leaving Gwen and Parys to rule over Annwyn in their absence. Vekya, Arran, and the gang travel to the human realm in search of answers to Veyka’s powers, the darkness in the human and fae world, and the prophecy.

I was absolutely gutted when Parys died, not only because I loved his character but also because he died before he could share important information with Gwen.

I was also not expecting the ending at all! Vekya’s tortured past coming back to haunt her and Arran being injured by Vekya’s own hand…. I don’t know what it means for Arran to enter Avalon but very excited for the third book to come out in April!

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I really enjoyed this book and whilst I enjoyed the first book I loved this one more which I think was helped by the improved writing. Expect a rollercoaster of emotions, epic world building, new characters, spiciness and even more secrets and betrayals.

The book picks up right after the events of book 1 after Veyka and Arran’s joining when Veyka suddenly disappeared. We learn that the secret she was hiding in the first book was a lie and she does have magic, a very rare magic that hasn’t been seen in thousands of years. They embark on a journey in search of Avalon to find answers about a prophecy that she never believed in and to stop the looming threat of the nightwalkers.

I continued to enjoy the multi POV as well as the additional POV’s that were included as we were able to see favourites from the first book that were left to rule in Veyka and Arran’s absence and what was happening back in Annwyn. Veyka’s character continues to grow. She learns to accept herself, her powers and her bond with Arran which is hard for Veyka as she has had very little choice in her life as a result of her childhood trauma.

The constant use of the word mate was annoying and very repetitive, we didn’t need a constant reminder that they were mates. I was also uncomfortable at the constant mention of Veyka’s body. She is plus size and the author kept referring to how wide she is and it got a bit much after a while. There were few grammatical errors and spelling mistakes as well which can easily be fixed in editing.

This was a really strong sequel and really benefited from the expanded world building. There were so many twists and turns that keeps you on your toes and the spiciness is also ramped up a lot as well. With the cliffhanger at the end I’m sad I have until April to read book 3 as I need to know what happens next!

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*Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to review an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

I don't want to give much away, but this book picks up right where the last one stopped. I loved this sequel! It stayed interesting, and I was just as invested in this book as the last one. I loved all the different point of views and the relationships growing between the characters. I seriously cannot wait for the next book! I love Veyka and Arran!

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This is the second book of the Faerie Crown series, and it continues where the last book left off..

This book was fantastic.
It's spicier and darker than the first one.

The writing style captivated me, transporting me straight into the story.
There wasn't a dull page throughout, so much trauma, tension, love, and angst.

All the characters in this story play such a strong part that it's hard not to love them all. (Obviously, Arran being my favourite).
The story itself was mysterious, and there were plenty of plot twists that kept me hanging on the edge of my seat.

But again, with the cliffhanger ending! The author is truly trying to make us suffer, having to wait for the rest of the story.

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Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for this eCopt to review

Book 2 Throne of Air and Darkness was an epic journey to Avalon. Can Veyka learn to use her powers, will she love her mate, will they survive the darkness?

I did feel that this instalment was a little slower than book 1 and the relationship between Veyka and Arran did not seem as well developed. I enjoyed having other people's points of views and it will be interesting to see how everything is finished is book 3

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