Member Reviews

ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op in exchange for an honest review, thank you!

I love both a well written retelling and an action packed read! You get both with The Crown of Earth and Sky. The first in a series, you'll enjoy the Fae/Spice'Action combo! Emberly's style of writing really grabs your attention and keeps you hooked all the way along.
No spoilers here but there is a cliffhangers of epic proportions! LOVE IT!

Get you the second book asap after you read this one.

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Veyka the twin of King Arthur (yes that King Arthur) was never meant to be queen. She was the spare the unwanted second child of the High King and Queen of Annwyn. Hidden away from the world and tormented she only knew a few years of peace before her protector and twin where taken from her by the lies, betrayal and deceitful members of her court. Now she is forced to sit on the throne when all she wants is to take revenge on those who took her brother. It appears to everyone as if Veyka cares for nothing and no one she has no interest in her kingdom. Part of sitting on the throne though is being forced to marry the terrestrial fae heir Arran the Brutal Prince. He cannot fathom how someone could be so selfish they would turn the welfare of their kingdom over to others but Arran doesn’t know the whole story. He can either help her or hinder her efforts.

Thoughts: The plot and story telling were amazing! I loved that Veyka was a plus size warrior queen who knew what and who she wanted. I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen next. This book has all the spice and sexy scenes!!! There was some crude language usage I wasn’t of fan of but everything else I loved!!!!

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**Thank you Emberly Ash and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op for this eARC! All thoughts on this read are entirely my own!**
Posted to: NetGalley, Goodreads, and The Storygraph
Posted on: 12 January 2024

3 out of 5 stars.

So this was definitely A Read. It wasn’t bad, exactly, but I can definitely see how people either loved it or hated it- and I feel like I’m somewhere in between but leaning to liking it? I’m no stranger to DNFing ARCs, and clearly I didn’t do that, so I think part of me enjoyed this more than I thought??
Anyways, I digress. Let me actually review-

Crown of Earth and Sky is definitely a… love and smut first kind of book. The storyline kind of came second to the lust Arran and Veyka have for one another. It did get awkward in some places though, a little less than seamlessly sprinkled throughout the book in what feels like a way to appeal to romance readers. The descriptions also took away from the flow of the writing (Veyka’s breasts or her body are definitely mentioned a lot and it gets kind of overdone in some places) which already wasn’t too much my cup of tea, but it wasn’t terrible! There’s a few golden highlights that I have, a few choice quotes that snuck into my brain.
The storyline felt a little… odd though? The pacing is a little slow. The book focuses more on the relationship aspects. There wasn’t much going on during some points that I almost forgot what the overarching goal was (besides revenge- we never forget that, it’s also mentioned a lot). The plot just didn’t make too much sense to me at first, I think, because Veyka and Arran’s feelings for one another shadowed the plot points/interrupted moments too often for me to remember what just happened.

I think what saved this book for me was just all the strong women. I love a good angry character and Veyka wasn’t one of my favorites, but she has room to grow which is something that does slowly start to happen. There’s a little bit of sisterhood, a little bit of healing, and a lot of powerful women who can command a room with ease (Gwen is definitely one of my favorites). I’m just not a big fan of Veyka and Arran’s relationship until roughly the last 30-ish percent. It was borderline toxic how they just lusted over each other and hated each other when they weren’t having sex. It gets a bit better though, which is probably the other reason I stuck with it.
I will say though, Emberly Ash posts character portraits on her Instagram and I still can’t decide if these are AI or not? I’m still learning how to tell, but at least eye wise, they don’t look off or wonky how I’ve seen other AI creations look, which is the only reason I want to say they aren’t AI, but I’d love to know for sure if anybody else knows! I think it’s definitely an issue to bring up because we all should know by now how damaging AI art is to real artists- but this review isn’t meant to discuss that so I digress for now.

Overall, there’s nit picky bits that I really wish could’ve been done better. The characters are slowly growing a bit more, so I have a feeling this second book will have some redeeming qualities to it! I think it’s also a genre thing. I don’t read dark romance, just *barely* started reading spicy romance, so it’s all new territory I’m getting used to.
Maybe I’ll have some new thoughts come book two?

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I absolutely love Veyka! Often with the current fantasy trends we're stuck with a FMC who is demure or makes decisions without conviction but not here. Not Veyka. She is a hardened, skilled warrior who has a very clear mission: avenge her brother's death. I found this book so refreshing. The FMC is plus-sized and the body positivity is amazing. The way the MMC worships her is so good. And they HATE each other. What a great enemies-to-lovers story. I've read both book one and book two and I adore them both.

I've received this book as an eARC and am leaving my review voluntarily. The opinions are entirely my own.

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Arthurian retelling are not as common as I wish. This story was rich in detail and the characters were extremely likeable. Add Fae into the mix and I can say I was thoroughly hooked. The pacing was a bit slow and the writing was not great. However, the spice was to die for.

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I really enjoyed this fantasy twist on a fae retelling of Camelot. The chemistry between Araan and Veyka was sizzling, and I can’t wait to read more of their story in the next book.

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Personally, I felt this book started off a little slower than I was expecting, although that’s not necessarily a bad thing! The world-building and plotting groundwork that went into the start of the story was thorough and interesting, just simply a lot of information to process initially. Once I was able to wrap my head around things, I was sucked right into the action! The blending of established Arthurian legends and unique character history was wonderfully done.

Veyka, our new Queen of the elemental fae, was INCREDIBLE. I absolutely loved her bloodthirsty, ruthless side. And that she’s a full-figured woman! I found her extremely relatable (or as relatable as one can be for a fae Queen.. lol). She’s set on exacting vengeance for the death of her brother, Arthur, the true heir to the throne, and you can truly feel her onslaught of overwhelming emotion throughout her inner monologue. Her back and forth with Arran was DELICIOUS! This enemies-to-lovers journey is certainly not an easy one, but it’s paved with charged chemistry and stolen tender moments. The spice is well placed, HOT, and in no way detracts from the plot of the story. It only had me craving more from our main couple!

The ending was a shock, like seriously talk about cliffhangers!!! I can’t wait to see where book 2 takes our characters.

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*Thank you to Emberly Ash, Victory Editing, and NetGalley for providing a free e-book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.”

I’ll be honest I only started reading this for the elemental and terrestrial fae, I did not realize that the book was an Arthur retelling.

What I liked:
Some elements reminded me of ACOTAR.
Humorous sentences. Example: “Mighty king, annoying as shit brother”.
Terrestrial courts powers.
Elemental court powers.
Prophecies, secrets, and ploys.
Beasts, Fae, and more.
Banter and tension. Example: “What is it?
It’s a book.
I will throw it at you. “

What could be improved:
Pacing. The end felt very rushed. Ends with plot, another plot, another plot, twists and turns, plot, etc.
Certain plots weren’t as enjoyable. Especially how the main male character thought of the female main character at times.

Overall, I would give this a 4 out of 5 stars. I am interested in reading the sequel.

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This book has a slow start and I found it quite tricky in the beginning but after a few pages I was fully invested in it. We have a slow-burn romance, full of politics, magic and just the right amount of spice in a fae retelling of King Arthur legend. As you might know I adore the King Arthur’s legend and I’m so excited that it’s getting more attention and new story’s with very interesting twists.

One of the highlights for me was the subtle details of the classic tale that we see through the story while we have a whole new world being developed. I really enjoyed Veyka’s development through the book, she evolved quite much since the beginning of the book with the help of Arran and I must admit that I loved the tension between them. The spice in this book was quite something and it takes place very early in the story.

I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait to see what will happen in book two. The politics that we follow through the storyline was fantastic because of the intrigue it created making me fell more immersed in the plot. I recommend to all that enjoy a steamy, dark fantasy with intrigue and a classic legend brought to a whole new light.

Thank you, NetGalley & the publisher, for approving me to read this arc and write this review.

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Four and a half
Well I've definitely found a new author to stalk oops I meant follow ! Yes if you enjoy fantasy romance that features the Fae and is most definitely aimed at grown up readers than this new series should definitely go on your reading list.
Wow talk about steamy pent up tension ! This couple have that in spades and if honest it took me ( and Arran! ) a little while to warm up to Veyka but as the story progressed the character development just grabbed hold. Is it perfect ? Well no and honestly I do applaud a heroine that isn't necessarily stick thin but occasionally her no doubt bountiful curves were mentioned a little too much . However I totally get that the author was trying to do justice to all that was going through Arrans head. I ended up thoroughly enjoying this book and eagerly turning the pages but that ending ! No , you are a mean author doing that to your readers but I cannot deny it was a fabulous way to keep me hooked and I will definitely want to read more.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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This was a roller coaster! I almost gave up after the second chapter because the language really takes some getting used to. And I think the world building in the beginning needed some work because it was a little confusing within the first 30% or so.

But after that? Once things started making more sense? I couldn’t put it down! The character development was easily the best part. Vekya was a perfect MC. She fought hard to make up for her flaws and in the end she grew even more. I’m looking forward to seeing what she does next! The relationship with Vakya and Arran was complicated from the beginning but they're turning into a power couple.

Plot-wise things moved at a decent pace. I was never really bored once I got into the language and the world. I think the author mixed the revenge plot with the romance plot quite nicely. And the smutty scenes were fun to read (though I’ve had quite enough with the description of Vekya’s boobs). There were a few instances where the author tried to surprised the reader with a little twist but they didn't quite hit (usually with Vekya's revenge plot). It was a little messy at times but still enjoyable to read.

Fair warning, lots of triggers in this book! But the author nicely has a list of them at the beginning.

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Thanks to Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Crown of Earth and Sky by Emberly Ash takes you on an adventure into another world following the perspectives of Veyka and Arran. With Veyka suddenly finding herself in a position of power she must marry Arran the Brutal Prince.

I would recommend this novel to anyone who are fans of the ACOTAR series !

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Let me start by saying thank you to NetGalley and Emberly Ash for providing me with an e-ARC of this new serie! This review portray my own opinion.

Many trigger warnings (as mentioned at the beginning of the book), be aware!

Unfortunately this was a bit of a miss for me. As much as I love a good romantasy and a retelling of the King Arthur tale, I couldn't really get into the story. It took very long for me to immerse myself into the story and what put me off the most was the repetition. I felt we tried to hammer in my head that Veyka (the female MC) was grieving and that both MCs were hating each other, etc. The world building was a bit confusing at time and I felt some elements were added in the story for no real reason. I also spotted 3 typing mistakes which was a bit unfortunate.
Another thing that annoyed me was the main characters... Which is a pity since, well, they are the center of the story. I found Veyka childish and obnoxious, even if I could understand her grief. I just didn't care about her. Arran is basically resumed at being a warrior, good at killing and only staring at Veyka's breast. Their ennemy-to-lover romance made no sense to me neither (why did they hate each other is still unknown to me) and was purely based on lust. The spice didn't add anything to the story and was a bit cringy to me, I gotta say I felt like skimming it.

On the positive point, we have a good amount of representation and we explore deep topics such as grief and trauma. The secondary characters were actually the most interesting ones and I liked the idea of a "found family". I also find the cliffhanger at the end of the book quite interestig! I also received the 2nd book as an e-ARC so I think I'll give it a try to see how the story unveil.

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This story was a fun time for sure!
I love the enemies to lovers, the icy main characters, the tension 😜
There were quite a few grammatical/spelling errors throughout but nothing to take away from the story.
It felt a little rushed the last 10-15% with the beginning of the book being a little slower. I really loved the world and magic, though, and definitely will be reading book 2!

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Veyka Pendragon is the "Princess of Peace" but how long does the peace in her heart last? Arran Earthborn "The Brutal Prince" was not made for the life he has now been thrown into. Can he be a king?
First thank you to Emberly Ash and Victory Editing for the chance to read and review this! Emberly Ash brings us an Arthurian tale but turned on its head with some Fae thrown into the mix. The spice in this book is top tier and made me blush (which is saying a lot). The writing had me hooked from the first page. There is everything to love about this book fae, murder, mystery, betrayal, enemies-to-lovers. It is definitely worth the read. There are one or two parts that slowed down but those are needed to ingest information and add to the over all story. A great way to kick off the new year!

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I completely enjoyed reading this book! It was thrilling and captivating and highly recommend. Veyka Pendragon, the newly crowned Queen of the Elemental Fae, as she navigates her newfound power and seeks revenge on those who wronged her. Veyka is a strong and determined protagonist, driven by her desire for revenge. Her journey towards taking back what is rightfully hers is filled with action, betrayal, and unexpected alliances. Her character development throughout the story is well-paced and believable, making her a relatable and likable heroine.
The arrival of Arran Earthborn, the Brutal Prince, adds an interesting dynamic to the story. While he initially seems like a ruthless and dangerous foe, there is more to him than meets the eye. The chemistry between Veyka and Arran is electric, and their interactions are filled with tension and passion.
The world-building was rich and filled with different types of fae, each with their own unique abilities which makes this such a fascinating world. I would definitely recommend if you are a fan of fantasy romance!

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 (4.5/5)
🚨BOOK HAS A CONTENT WARNING!🚨 I love how this author put their own spin on an Arthurian legend. The cover is beautiful. 😍 Book has a map. 🖤 When I saw how many chapters there were I said to myself, "Bring it on!" 😂 I haven't read a book this long in a few months. I love myself a good slow burn. Love that the MFC is curvy and strong.
I didn't feel connected to any of the characters. The spice came out of nowhere sometimes and it threw me off. I don't know if it's me or the book, but I wasn't feeling this. I liked it, but I wasn't in love with it. Maybe I'll give it another try later on down the road once I'm not going through so much.

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Okay, I was so pleasantly surprised by this book! It's a slow enemy to lovers (two of my favorite things) and I was eating up the entire story. I read it in 2 days because I just couldn't stop. The world-building was so well done and not over-explained. I will definitely be reading more from Emberly Ash!

Thank you, NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for allowing me to review this book.

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It's a mix of the world of faerie meets Game of Thrones with a sprinkle of Knights of the Round Table that also includes slow enemies to lovers and an ending that makes you want to read more.

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I am still new with the review aspect of things, it is very good with world building that will keep you in tranced in the story. The slow burn, and clash of personalities is one that I thought was very good and interesting. The mystery and intrigue keeps your attention.

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