Member Reviews

Twins should not exist in the fae world. Yes, King Arthur and Veyka Pendragon defied those odds. Yet it left Veyka with a terrible secret and a horrible upbringing. After Veyka is forced to take the throne even if only as a farce, she's forced to marry. There are always two on the throne of Annwyn, an Elemental king or queen and a terrestrial heir proven to be the best and their counterpart. The Brutal Prince, Arron Earthborn, is the strongest fae in a thousand years, so he's chosen as the king to Veyka's queen.

The story is from both Veyka's and Arron's perspectives. We see Veyka struggle with grief and depression, while plotting her revenge. We see Arron, forced from the battlefield to the court, try to figure out what to do with his new queen, who has no care to rule.

The lust between the two jumps from the page, but can two such guarded people ever let their walls down, especially with secrets that could change the fate of Annwyn?

This is an adult twist of the Arthurian legends and a wonderful read. We're mostly in one area of the world, but so much more is alluded to that I expect to see in future books. I cannot wait to see more. There are still a few Arthurian legend characters missing that I can't wait to see, and I need to know if my hunches are right!

There are trigger warnings, so make sure you pay attention to those if you may have triggers.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was such a fresh take on the Fae Female Main Character! Veyka was an absolute badass. I loved the representation all around! The found family, the Arthurian vibe! I will absolutely be reading the next one!

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Oh goodness, this book. I loved it. The world Emberly created, I knew it was gonna be wonderful. It is everything I love. The characters were all drastic, the world was unique. I love the hints of Camelot and being an Author retelling was perfect. I could not help but feel so much for Veyka, everything she went through and the reason why she is a bundle of secrets. Slowly finding herself and her voice with the assistance of Arran. I loved how they both clearly wanted to trust each other at the beginning but clearly was blinded by the hate. Their slow burning and the claiming when they keep thinking mine. *chefs kiss* I am super excited to be starting book 2 soon as I need more. Also, clearly Cheese the cat approved of the cover as she had to make an appearance as I wanted to get a pretty shot of it. Thank you so much for allowing me to read!

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What is not to love about this book? It had me at the dedication and featured all my favorite tropes: enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, touch her and you die and fated mates! I honestly didn't think I'd love the book as much as I do from the blurb and when I read it was a Arthurian retelling, but boy was I wrong! I really recommend it to everyone, the writing and pacing were very good as well!

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Thank you, Emberly Ash and NetGalley for allowing me to read an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Jan. 3, 2024: I have NEVER reviewed a book in real-time (as I’m reading) but I read the dedication and immediately ran here to start this review.

“For the girls who were broken by those that should have protected them.
For the women we were forced to become all too soon.
May we all, finally, be free.”

I am a survivor of things that forced me to grow up far too quickly. I am definitely part of the target audience that this dedication is speaking to. There’s probably something wrong with me but, in the best way possible, I want this book to damage me. I’m excited to dive in and I’ll update soon!

Jan. 4, 2024: Well, all finished! I only slept for a couple hours last night. I ended up devouring this book and starting the second one. It didn't end up breaking me but I hoping the rest of the series does.

- Enemies to lovers
- Arranged marriage
- "Touch her and die"
- Fated mates
- Found family/close friendships
- Prophecies

🌶️ Spice Level: 2.5/5

There was a handle of grammatical errors and typos but nothing that made the story unintelligible.

I've never been drawn to Arthurian legend or retellings. My favorite Arthurian-related series is T.A. Barron's Merlin Saga (and that was more about Merlin than Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table) and Great Tree of Avalon series. I usually pass over books when I see they're Arthurian retellings but I gave this one a chance and I'm so glad I did!

Our protagonist is Veyka Pendragon, sister of King Arthur Pendragon and daughter of Uther & Igraine Pendragon. She's fierce and a warrior. We do see her character grow as the book progresses - from a selfish, petulant spare to a queen coming into her strength. I imagine we'll see continued growth from her as the series progresses and I'm excited to see where she and her court land.

The tension between her and her betrothed, Arran Earthborn, is PALPABLE. They were drawn to each other from the beginning, which is expected from two attractive fae, but I appreciate that their relationship grew instead of us being hit with insta-love. They're believable as a couple. Not only do they grow individually but they grow together and I am rooting for them.

There's a big emphasis on Veyka's body (shape/looks and unending references to her assets). While I typically recoil from the constant objectification of female characters or emphases on their looks, as we learn more about Veyka, her backstory, her trauma, and her society, I think the author means for this to come from a place of body positivity, celebration, empowerment, and the reclamation of her agency and autonomy, which I will always support. So, to Veyka, I say, "Keep showing us dem titties, Your Majesty!"

Enjoyed this read overall and I'm already onto the next!

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First of all, thank you to Netgalley and Emberly Ash for this ARC.

This was my first read of 2024, It did not disappoint. 

I was hooked from the first chapter. This is an enemies-to-lover spicy fantasy-romance. I consider this book fast-paced, but some could consider this to be a slow burn. I like how the enemies didn’t immediately turn into lovers. The tension was drawn out throughout the book. 

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes fantasy! If you loved From Blood and Ash, you’ll love this!

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Finally got to read “Crown of Earth and Sky” and it did not disappoint. If you’re looking for a great new fantasy series to start of the new year, this is everything and more.

Veyka, “Queen of Secrets” never wanted to be queen. But when her twin brother is killed just before his ascent to the throne, she has no other choice. Yet the only thing on her mind is REVENGE.

Arran, aka “Brutal Prince” is a 300 year old warrior who was also never intent on royalty, but here he is, having to deal with a stubborn woman he hates…. Only to discover just how protective of her he is.

Spice, magic, shapeshifters, fae, and lots of action (both in AND out of the bedroom), the has it all. I was t ready for it to end. So on to book 2 I go….. 😊

Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for this ARC in return for my honest opinion.

Pub date: 17 Sep 2023

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Even though this one took me a little bit to get into, once I did I was hooked. It was such an interesting and unique spin on such a classic tale.

Veyka, the newly appointed queen of the elemental fae has only one thing on her mind, revenge for her brothers murder. She has no time or interest in anything else unless it numbs the pain of her loss, so to say she's not welcoming to Arran would be a bit of an understatement. These two HATE each other but there's something brewing beneath the surface that neither is ready to admit.

Let me tell you the ending will kill you, when I got there I literally screamed in frustration with that cliff hanger. So so so well done and I can't wait for the next book in the series.

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Absolutely gripping retelling of a classic story. The introduction of fae to the story of King aurther is Absolutely amazing, the twists on all the beloved characters is written beautifully and I cannot wait for the second book.

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one of my favourite aspects was the spice!! It begun early on in the book and appeared frequently throughout, so be warned if this isn't something you desire reading about! Lovers of A Court of Thorns and Roses series, however, will have just found their newest obsession!

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I really liked this as a romantasy, though it’s not my favorite romance of all time. I loved so much how Veyka remained herself to the end. Truly, she didn’t fold to this protector that came in, and instead she remained her own protector and was so strong. The ending was unexpected to me. I loved it and I’m so ready to dive into the next one!

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This is somehow the second book in a year I've read that had "King Arthur" vibes. This book had a great pace and a lot of excitement. The FMC is plus sized, which in a story about fae I feel like it's very rare (based on books I've read anyway).

The only downside for me is I didn't feel like I truly connected with the characters yet. Thankfully, I've been approved for the second book, so we'll see if that changes!

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Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for this eCopy to review

Crown of Earth and Sky was an interesting take on the King Arthur legacy. Here Arthur dies and his twin sister Veyka has to take the crown. There is just one problem she has no magic and must marry the Brutal Prince. How can she keep her secret, how can she become High Queen, What is the darkness affecting the human realm?

Full of twists and turns with court intrigue and lots of sensual moments between Veyka and Arran, will they ever trust one another?

What a cliff hanger I cannot wait to read book 2

Warning: this has references to rape so may be triggering for some

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The Arthurian legend told like never before; twisted, sensual, dark, and full of intrigue. The world building is so grand! I was literally envisioning scenes from Games of Thrones and Lord of the Rings (the kind of scenes that makes your jaws drop) and I for one really appreciated it! It allowed me to visualize what court life was like for Veyka.

Both MCs are wonderfully broken, but we are offered a glimpse into how both are able to overcome each other’s own prejudices against one another through the split POVs. This book takes you on a journey of seeing Veyka deal with grief, depression, and overcoming it and coming to terms with most of it through the support of Arran. The side characters also were able to shine through and given a backstory that helped strengthen the overall book.

The plot had so many twists and turns, and to be honest, I was not a fan of Veyka until page 280, but it was so worth it! Veyka’s court underestimated the scheming of their Queen.

Veyka and Arran’s relationship started off on a rocky foot, but as they are forced to be around each other, Veyka’s secrets are on the line, threatening to be revealed.

This book filled with spicy scenes, and it only intensifies throughout the book. So hold onto your goblet of aural.

At times I felt that the plot didn’t move fast enough and that the world building was overshadowing the dialogue and the character development, but I think Crown of Earth and Sky is setting up the rest of the book series, Secrets of the Fairie Crown. And I look forward to the next book in the series! I would definitely recommend this book to romantasy lovers, but make sure to read the content warning first before proceeding.

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and Emberly Ash for the ARC Read!

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I really enjoyed this fae Arthurian retelling! The FMC fae, plus sized, great at defending herself, and has some intense trauma to deal with. The MMC is a shifter dubbed "the brutal prince". They're both thrust into positions of power neither of them ever wanted, and the story unfolds from there.

I appreciated the depiction of Veyka's grief, as I think the all-consuming depression and emptiness of losing someone you love is something most can relate to, but is often glossed over or not spoken about. I liked the side characters and all of the relationships/friendships that are forged in this first book. I also really enjoyed the banter and growth of both Veyka and Arran.

I didn't like the constant talk of Veyka's body. As a plus sized person, it's awesome to see an empowered plus size heroine, but I think it was a little too focused on. Her large breasts and hips were constantly being referenced, and were essentially shown as something she's overcome, or is succeeding in spite of. I'm not a fan of that. I'd like her to be plus sized, have it be mentioned, and then not have it be one of her defining characteristics. She can be badass and strong and sexy and plus sized without the constant reminders about her size, or even just referenced more subtly.

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Huge thanks to NetGalley for the copy I received of Crown of Earth and Sky by Emberly Ash.

First off this book immediately drew me in. I loved the plot and story and the ending was definitely a good cliff hanger that made me needing to read more of what is to come of Veyka and Arran's story and how all of the bread crumbs from this book connect along the journey of this series. I will say I wish that a few parts were more detailed I find at times the story was rushed but definitely didn't stop me from reading.

This book was definitely a Fantasy reading experience that I am excited to continue in book 2 Throne of Air and Darkness

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for providing me an arc of this book. Crown of Earth and Sky is the first book in the Secrets of the Faerie Crown Series. This is the first book I have read by Emberly Ash. I greatly enjoyed the author's writing style. This series is a gives Camelot vibes with a twist. This book starts out with action and tragedy. It then gets a little slower for world building, background, and character development of our female main character and morally grey male main character. Before you know it this book picks up with action, spice, twists and turns. Once I got about a quarter of the way into this book I could not put it down. I cannot wait to read the second book in this series.

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”You can try to run, Princess, the beast inside of me growled.
But I will always find you.”

“Crown of Earth and Sky” is a dark romance fantasy that includes a Retelling of King Arthur with fae, twists, and tons of spice! You’ll be unable to put this novel down!

I’ve been enjoying reading many Arthurian retellings and this is hands down one of the greatest retellings. It was so beautifully written and I loved that I was able to connect with the characters.
Veyka was a strong independent woman and you were really able to relate with her character. Arran is your dark and mysterious love interest!

I can’t wait to read the next novel in this series!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Emberly Ash for the arc of “Crown of Earth and Sky” in exchange for an honest review!

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This is a fae retelling of King Arthur and I loved the take on this tale!

The FMC was for sure my favourite part of the book. She is so strong and so different from other heroines that we read about in fantasy books.

I also loved the chemistry and connection between the MC's!

I loved the book and I'll head on to read the sequel right now.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this ARC

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Rating - 5/5
Spice - 3

This book was a fresh, different telling of the King Arthur and Excalibur tale. This was a new telling that was intertwined with the fae and the struggles between different races. This book was not only fresh and new but it was also beautifully written.

The world building was fantastic and clear. The character development was stunning and the chemistry between the MC’s was unbelievable. The two had this hate to love attraction and they didn’t hesitate to show their power struggles. The characters complimented each other fantastically and I couldn’t get enough of them both.

Thank you for the opportunity to ARC your novel. This book did not disappoint and i would recommend it to anyone that loves fantasy, folklore/mythology, and lets not forget the romance!

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