Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Emberly Ash for providing this arc in exchange for an honest review. I love when writers incorporate aspects of Arthurian legend into new fantasy stories, and this book does that and more. I usually don’t love split POV books, but I really enjoyed getting the dual perspectives of both Veyka and Arran. Veyka was a really great strong female main character. I loved the unique dynamics between all of the characters, especially as the book progressed. The books pacing was interesting. I felt that it started off pretty strong, which usually isn’t the case for many other fantasy novels that tend to start off a bit slow. That being said I did feel like the story kind of lagged a bit in the middle during which the plot felt a bit muddled and confusing. The author did a great job reeling it back in towards the end of the book, which contained some of my favorite moments and twists. The romance in this book was good, but I do think there’s room for growth, which I’m hoping we get to see in the next book. Overall I think this book is a solid first installment for this series. I look forward to reading the next one, especially after THAT cliffhanger. If you love the romance and spice of books in series like A Court of Thorns and Roses, and the politics of books like The Cruel Prince, you will likely enjoy this read!

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Wow. This book blew me away. I have read more than a few fantasy and romantasy books and this book is the first in awhile to remind me why I love this genre. I enjoyed reading this book so much! It's a loosely based retelling of Arthurian legend in a fascinating fantasy world filled with fae, spice, and political intrigue. The use of Arthurian fantasy in a fae world was done so well - the perfect amount of homage to the original with a new take to make it feel like a completely new story. Anyone who loves fantasy will love this retelling of King Arthur this book will not leave you disappointed.

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Crown of Earth and Sky by Emberly Ash
-Secrets of the Faerie Crown-

If you ever enjoyed Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, then you NEED to give this completely reimagined romantasy retelling a try!


•My Blurb•
Veyka is the twin that wasn’t supposed to survive and now she’s the queen who was never supposed to rule. Determined to gain revenge or die trying, Veyka starts on a course to ferret out a betrayer. Things only get more complicated when her betrothed, The Brutal Prince, arrives. The most powerful fae in thousands of years, Arran is intrigued by Veyka and has no problem using it to figure out her secrets. They grow closer and discover more about each other, but Veyka’s secrets have dangerous consequences and discovering them could change everything!

•My Thoughts•
Hello shifters and fae, stabby FMCs and powerful/possessive MMCs!! I saw a friend post about this one and I dropped my TBR like it was hot and RAN to download it. Sometimes you just KNOW you’re going to enjoy something and I was right. The pacing in the first half of the book felt a little slow but most of that is the nature of the first book in a fantasy series, there’s world building and ground work to be laid to set up the series. I was fascinated with the way the author wove in the legend of Arthur and Excalibur and made it her own - non-spoilery-spoiler alert, it’s VERY cool. I loved the magic system and the world. The characters are layered and relatable. Our MCs have so much tension and while their physical relationship wasn’t a slow burn, their emotional relationship totally was and I ate it up. I’m considering jumping right into book 2 that just released in mid December because that CLIFFHANGER WAS INSANE.

Thank you to NetGalley and Emberly Ash for the advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'Crown of Earth and Sky' by Emberly Ash.

'Crown Of Earth and Sky' is the first in a trilogy and it has such high potential. I love Emberly's writing style and the way the story flows but my qualm was just I didn't like the characters yet - we've got 2 more books to develop these characters so I'm not too bothered about this factoid- and that the ending smut which I expected just was weird to me - maybe because I don't like smut or maybe because I expected... more?? I don't know??
I was lucky to recieve the second book in the trilogy as an ARC also so I'll be interested to see what happens next.

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Crown of Earth and Sky by Emberly Ash is a addictive book.

This book is perfect for a twisted mythology retelling of Arthur legend fan. This book got a little bit of enemy turn to lover, slow burn, high sexual tension, plenty of spicy scenes, action packed, suspense, angst, secret, betrayal, heart breaking moments, tears and cliffhanger. Despite having a rough childhood, Veyka and Arran shows strong and independent characters which really makes them qualified as a queen and a king. Their characters really support each other flaws. I'll almost got a heart attack at the end of the chapter with the cliffhanger.

I'll definitely be looking forward towards Emberly Ash and waiting for the 2nd book.

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Fae, shifters, magic with a dash of found family, battles and magic. What’s not to love?
The characters are well developed, I loved the plot and it was paced well.
The dual POV between Arran and Veyka was great, Emberly really took the time to develop their chemistry, which paid off in waves.
The spice was spot-on, and that ending was SO well done.
I’ve added book 2 to my TBR!
This one is worth reading.

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4.5/5! I LOVED this!!! Oh my GOSH. The ending?!! WHAT! This was one of those books where the spice was spicing but it wasn’t overly done. There was plenty of other characters and pieces of the plot to explore. I feel like Emberly Ash did such a great job of fully fleshing out the main characters, but also the side characters as well, which is something that I have been missing in my recent reads.

I did feel like there was a bit of information overload at times and I did feel like nothing happened for awhile, which is why it wasn’t a perfect 5 stars for me. The ending really made me want to forgive the lulling that happened throughout a big portion of the book, because for some reason, I should’ve been expecting that ending… But it took me by such surprise. Love, love, love. I also love the fact that I’m reading this ARC shortly after the second book was released. BRB, downloading it now. Thank you so much for the ARC!!

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4 solid stars!!

This book has everything: two incredibly cool sets of magic (elemental- think wind, fire, ice and terrestrial- think flora and fauna), a twist of enemies-to-lovers with some hateful lust, riddles, a mix of brand new interesting characters with new versions of old camelot classics, mind-to-mind communication (maybe??), a fae named Carly, and a missing Excalibur!

Crown of Earth and Sky follows Veyka Pendragon (twin sister to Arthur), a badass fae princess with exception skills with weapons but not so much with the magic that the fae of her kind possesses, as she avenges and grieves the death of her brother while having to a) become queen and b) join with the most powerful fae warrior as her new betrothed and c) uncover a lot of hidden truths and lies in her kingdom.

I genuinely enjoyed this story because I fell in love with the characters. Veyka, despite everything in her past and a huge secret she's keeping for the safety of herself and the kingdom, is brave and powerful, if not a little reckless. It is (slightly) overmentioned about how much bigger she is than other girls, and while I love that we have a plus-size strong heroine, it got a little repetitive in the comparisons to all the smaller women or the big strong men around her. Our love interest, her betrothed and reluctant terrestrial heir Arran, is the most powerful fae in thousands of years (we love) and is able to use both flora AND fauna magic which is so incredibly cool to see. He's there for Veyka even when he doesn't want to be, and his connection to his number two Guinevere is nice to see. The rest of their crew- clever gossip Parys, dedicated handmaden Cyara (and her sisters Charis and Carly), joyful knight Lyrena, and wise should-have-been-queen Guinevere- round out the main cast and form a strong found family...maybe sitting at a round table or maybe not...

Thank you so much to Emberly Ash and NetGalley for a chance to read this in exchange for an honest review. Next I'll be checking out the sequel, Throne of Air and Darkness.

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This spicy, fantasy Arthurian retelling is beautifully written. Emberly Ash did a fantastic job with her descriptive worldbuilding, twisted intriguing plot, and amazing character development/growth! I was so taken with this page turner! Veyka is beyond fierce, stubborn and resilient. She has had every choice taken from her since birth and then becomes so depressed after Arthur’s death but in the end she still comes out on top **Get.It.Queen**. The morally gray Brutual Prince is swoony and is absolutely taking charge of this situation even if he must protect Vekya from herself. The banter and chemistry developing between Veyka and Arran is smoldering!!! Like YASS Please!!! The shady plot twists was a fast running roller coaster ride that I was totally here for. EMBERLY, HOW COULD YOU END IT LIKE THAT!!!!!! Thank the Stars I got approved for book 2 because I need to know what happens RN!!!

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I am a HUGE fan of anything to do with fae and royal courts and upon learning that this was a retelling of King Arthur with faeries, I had to read it! I really enjoyed the worldbuilding and getting to know all about the two different powers. The plot was nicely paced, the characters well fleshed out, and for the most part I really liked the writing! If you love: Enemies to lovers, fae, royalty/royal intrigue, Arthurian legends/retellings, magic/powers, then this book will be right up your alley!

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This was so good!! It is absolutely a retelling of King Arthur’s court. I love the fae spin on it. There’s enough of the myth in the story for you to understand what is going on, but it’s mostly original story. I hate the mom, but we are meant to, so fine. But Arran??? He’s my new book husband. 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ so good! I feel like it was all well timed and not over the top, but full details. No fade to black. Absolutely loved this book and cannot wait to dive into the next in the series.

I read this thanks to NetGalley as an advanced reader copy.

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This is the third Arthurian-inspired fae romantasy book I've read this year - and by far the best of the three. Crown of Earth and Sky follows the romance between two types of fae - some that have elemental magic (think air, water, fire, etc.) and others that seem to possess terrestrial magic (either green thumbs or shapeshifting abilities). In many ways this provides exactly what the cover and blurb suggest - a fun time and a bit of spice with a pretty predictable plot and (what every romantasy book seems to have nowadays) a whole cast of sassy side characters. I enjoyed my time reading this, but I won't continue with the series. When I read romantasy I mostly care about the two main leads getting together - afterwards, well, I'm just a lot less interested...

Thx to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC!

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Would give 3.75 stars if it was an option, but regardless such a fun read! For my taste, some of the descriptions came up too much (for example, her “soft stomach” or him always wearing terrestrial attire) when they weren’t needed, but the pace was good and the reimagining of the Knights was a lot of fun. Definitely wanting to read book 2!

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A Fae romance fantasy retelling of King Arthur that was so much fun to read!

We follow a dual perspective story following Veyka Pendragon, a princess who shouldn’t exist, and Arran Earthborn, the Brutal Prince whose past has earned him such a name. Both from different territories, and betrothed to one another to bring peace across the lands.

Enemies to lovers, messy politics, betrayals, magic and steamy scenes.

Thanks to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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*Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to review an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Veyka Pendragon never expected to become queen, now she has a land to rule and a betrothed that she never wanted. She also wants revenge more than anything, can she trust others with what she wants so desperately?

I loved this book! Veyka annoyed me a bit at the beginning of the story, but that almost made me like her so much more later in the book. I seemed to like her more and more when Arran did, which made it so much better. I enjoyed the world building and the characters themselves. I seriously cannot wait for the rest of this series to come out!

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4.5/5 ⭐️

I adore dual POV and I think this book utilizes it so well to help you understand the tension between the main characters as a result of their perceptions and what goes unsaid between them. This is the first King Arthur retelling I’ve ever read, and I loved the subtle integration in unexpected ways. The romance between the MCs is spicy and definitely a rollercoaster, but I think you’re sure to be rooting for them throughout. I started out unsure, but by the end I couldn’t wait to read the next book! The central mystery of this book is very captivating, although maybe a bit rushed in the end. Something felt a bit off with the pacing towards the end of the book, and that’s the reason for 4.5 instead of 5.

I was provided an eARC from netgalley to give my honest review of this book, and I highly recommend it! Thank you to Emberly Ash for giving me the chance to read it!

My review was posted on goodreads December 27th 2023.

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Romantasy is my new favorite genre and "Crown of Earth and Sky", the first in Emberly Ash's new series, Secrets of the Faerie Crown, is an excellent example of why. This book is the story of Veyka Pendragon's unwanted rise to power and her even more unwanted politically driven match with shifter Arran Earthborn. Arran ends up being the making of Veyka, as the duo's mutual loathing and lust grows into something more amongst a myriad of political machinations and threats. Ash does a good job with their world building, and the story has a number of elements I enjoy - dual POV, found family, steaminess galore, and a murder mystery amongst others. The book does end on a cliffhanger, which I know can be an issue for some readers.

4 solid stars. I am excited to read more as the series develops. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary ARC of this book. The opinions herein are my own.

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Exciting story with a lot of intrigue. This was a fascinating story with strong world building and interesting characters. The author kept me invested the entire book and I could not put it down. I jumped straight into the second book and now I just have to wait for the third one to come out.

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I am now obsessed with this series. Arthurian legend is one of my favorites, and weaving it into a world with fae and magic was so cool. There is everything you would expect from a King Arthur story - Arthur himself, Excaliber, Merlin, Guinevere, etc., but every one of those is presented in a unique and interesting way. The romance is steamy and I can tell it’s only going to get steamier. The side characters are just as interesting as the MCs. There are multiple potential villains. And the plot and world building is very well done. I have already started Book 2, and I don’t know how I’ll be able to wait for Book 3. If you’re looking for your next Fantasy Romance read, definitely check this series out!

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Story: 3.5
The lustiness took away from the plot a bit, and then it felt like the last 50 or so pages (and traitor reveal) were jam packed.
Readability : 4
Enjoyment: 3.75
Overall good story, easy read, had a lot of redeeming qualities, will read next installment.

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