Member Reviews

I loved this book! It was the perfect balance of plot and steaminess. The magic system was unique, I liked that everything was supposed to have a cost. The characters were so easy to love. Good vibes all around - I picked up book 2 immediately.

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I genuinely enjoyed reading Crown of Earth and Sky. From the very start you are thrown into the plot- fast paced writing that doesn’t sacrifice world building, magic system development or storyline and still feels very immersive. Loose Arthurian retelling. I wasn’t exactly sure how it would work at first, but I really enjoyed how some of the more classic King Arthur aspects made their way into this story. I thought it was a unique concept and story in what seems to be sea of copy/paste “romantasies” at the moment. Dual POV with a strong, average sized, female main character who doesn’t feel the need to explain herself and 7ft tall main male character who doesn’t take any shit. Really enjoyed the main characters’ evolution, both individually and together, but the side characters were also top notch. Just the right amount of dark twists and spice to keep me hooked from start to finish! I am excited to pick up the next book in the series. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read!

If you’re searching for some tropes, this one has a lot of good ones
Badass FMC
Found Family
Touch Her and Die
Elemental magic
Enemies/hate to Love
Arranged Marriage
Fated Mates
Political Intrigue

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Veyka Pendragon is suddenly crowned Queen of the Elemental Fae but has only ever wished for freedom. Following a great betrayal, she is fueled only by her need for vengeance. But the peace of Annwyn hinges on her betrothal to the notorious and cruel Brutal Prince, the Terrestrial Fae heir.

In a realm where magic has a price and power reigns, Veyka must navigate the dangers of her court to uncover the truth behind the great betrayal while keeping her own dangerous secrets hidden.

👑 Dual POV
👑 Vengeful, stabby FMC
👑 Brooding MMC
👑 Arranged marriage
👑 Magic & prophecies
👑 Betrayal
👑 Grief & trauma
👑 “Who did this to you?”
🌶️: moderate to high

"I see you— all of you. And I am not afraid”
“I promise you. They will pay”
“Our bodies may burn for one another, but our souls sparked with loathing”

When we first meet Veyka Pendragon, she is grieving from loss and shrouds herself with apathy so that her despair does not completely consume her. Arran Earthborn, her betrothed, is a booming force- immensely powerful but has only been taught to fight and kill. While he is completely taken by Veyka, he loathes her indifference and lack of interest in her kingdom’s welfare.

Neither has asked for the crown yet they must fulfill their duties for the sake of their realms. We slowly learn of their vulnerabilities and motivations. As the book progresses, the dynamic of their relationship shifts from lust and loathing to something more.

Emberly does a phenomenal job portraying Veyka’s simmering rage and trauma and strikes a delicate balance of her and Arran’s loathing and desire for each other. The plot and their relationship is completely engrossing and the cliffhanger ending had me screaming!

Crown of Earth and Sky is a dark Arthurian retelling that’s brutal, seductive, and fun as hell. I cannot wait to read Throne of Air and Darkness!

**I received a free e-ARC and am voluntarily leaving my honest review. Thank you Emberly Ash and NetGalley for the opportunity!**

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This book was a page-turner; I could not put it down. It had everything I love: new adult, high fantasy, dual POV, found family, and a unique magic system. It takes on Arthurian legends but puts a unique spin on them by transporting them to a fae realm. The female protagonist finds herself adrift, struggling with her mental health and coping in the only way she knows how: self-sabotage. Then she meets her soon-to-be betrothed. He is known for his strength, but he only sees her weakness. A common interest brings the two of them together, uncovering who at court is responsible for betraying the crown. As destiny brings them together, they can no longer deny that their chemistry is more than just physical.

The only thing that stopped me from giving this book five stars was the lack of emotional connection between the main characters. Still, I know that the end of the book was right when they had finally fully admitted to themselves that they cared for each other (even though Veyka is determined not to love again). It just didn't feel like there had been enough conversation and understanding of each other to explain the love Aaran feels aside from the mate bond. So, hopefully, that gets flushed out more in the second book.

I am so glad the second book just came out because I could not wait to see what happens next. I need to see if the theories I have come true.

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I’m loving the increase in Arthurian retellings that we’re getting these days – they all produce a new twist and are so fascinating, and “Crown of Earth and Sky” was no exception! This was an interesting new dark fantasy romance retelling, with an arranged marriage and two strong and independent main characters. While I will admit that the retelling plot was on the lighter side, I enjoyed all Arthurian aspects, and the overarching plotline was strong enough to stand on its own nonetheless.

“I whispered against his skin.
‘I see you – all of you. And I am not afraid.'”

One of the central facets was certainly the romance – it was a little twisted and dark, but the two MCs were beautifully dedicated to one another. Our FMC had not led as easy life, and while I found myself highly frustrated by her at stages, I could understand her actions. I do have to say that I didn’t really connect with her though, or grow to love her as much as I wanted, but she certainly had a strong character that will leave a lasting impression. I also appreciated the rep with her being strong but not skinny.

“Don’t change a single thing about that gorgeous body. Ever.”

I don’t really have an opinion on the MMC – I think the reason for the 3 star rating is because I wasn’t particularly attached to either of the MCs, though I adored some of the side characters. It’s possible that this book was a little too dark for me – I really have to stop trying dark romances/fantasy books when it’s clear that they’re just not for me.

Nonetheless, this was an interesting and very captivating read, and I read it in a night! Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for the review copy provided.

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Veyka is a reluctant queen thrust into her position after the murder of her twin brother Arthur. She wasn't supposed to exist and kept mostly hidden by her mother during her childhood. She is traumatized and bitter and the only thing she wants is revenge.
Arran is the brutal prince chosen to wed Veyka suddenly after the kings death. While he lusts after Veyka at first sight he finds her be a spoiled selfish princess unsuited to her role.
I enjoyed the development of the characters and how they built their relationship from enemies to lovers. I felt their bond deepen when she shared her trauma with him and made him an ally to solving her brothers murder.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

Crown of Earth and Sky is and adult fantasy romance. It has lots of palace intrigue adventure, emotional trauma and of course spicy romance. I think fans of Acotar and FBAA would love this series. Thank you to netgalley for this arc.

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4,25/5 stars

First of all thanks to Net Galley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read an e-arc in exchange of an honest review.

I absolutely adore fantasy novels that put a fresh spin on the Arthurian myth, and this one didn’t dissapoint.The narrative weaves together faeries, mythology, and a generous dose of darkness and spice— a combo that I'm absolutely in love with.

While I hadn't delved into the author's previous works before, her writing style won me over, and I'm definitely on board for the rest of the series. The world-building was nothing short of spectacular; every place, creature, and story in the book had me completely captivated. Plus, the author kept the intrigue alive until the very last page, and that ending? Excuse me?

Veyka's character development was noticeable and well-executed. And can we talk about the sizzling chemistry between the female and male lead characters? Shout out to the dual POV—spice level: 10/10.

However, I couldn't help but wish for more substantial dialogues between the characters. It felt a bit rushed how, after a few hook-ups and hate-yous, the male lead was already in love.

To sum up, this book serves as a fantastic introduction to the series in every aspect. The ending has left me with so many questions that I'm definitely picking up the second book.

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Oh my gosh that ending?!?! Emberly! I am hooked and I am so glad I don’t have to wait to read the next book Throne of Air and Darkness.

In this King Arthur reimagining, we meet Veyka who, through unfortunate circumstances, is crowned the elemental Queen of Annwyn.

She is set to be betrothed to the Brutal Prince, Arran, the Terrestrial Fae heir. They must join together to unite peace between the two Fae races.

But the traitorous court of Annwyn has been plotting against Veyka and she is out for revenge. Arran thinks Veyka is a spoiled brat but can’t keep his eyes and other things off her 👀 As they come to an understanding, Arran learns that there is more to Veyka than meets the eye and begins working with her to exact her revenge. They cannot deny the pull they have to each other as much as they try.

But Veyka has another secret for the good of the kingdom she keeps hidden away and when she finally tells Arran it threatens everything they have been working towards.

As they get closer to the finding traitors, those closest to them are endangered and they journey to find the answers and expose the truth.

Will they find the traitors? Will Arran get past Veyka’s deception?

Read Crown of Earth and Sky to find out ☺️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

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I was hooked to this book from the first line, this book had all my favourite things, fae, shifters, enemies to lovers, spice and it was written so well.

I loved Vella the main female character, I loved how she was a little morally Grey at the start but was also the powerful heroin, I loved that she was curvy and also held herself with power and pride. Arran was a good leading male, I really liked him but I did not love how he went back and forth between hating her then loving her a second later.

The story was amazing, the world building was amazing, it was well written and kept me interested the whole way through. I cannot wait to dive into book 2.

Thank You NetGalley and Victory Editing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This felt eerily familiar to Queen of Roses series, which is also a fae retelling of the king arthur series where the nods to king arthur’s tale are just a big round table and some similar names. Truthfully, I feel like I could just copy and paste my review from Queen of Roses here as they are so similar in so many ways. (They’re also by the same publisher so I’m wondering if there’s more connection here that I just don’t know about?)

This isn’t anything groundbreaking, there’s plot holes everywhere, weird character development and questionable world building, cliches left and right, and our FMC Veyka is frustrating at best (she’s petty and selfish and I think it’s going to be difficult for her to really be a redeemable character). BUT, it is a light, easy, fun read that’s good when you don’t want to get into anything too epic or complex but just want to be lightly swept up in a magical world. This isn’t one to overthink, you just need to go with the flow of it and not question anything if you want to enjoy the read.

What I will say though, is the romance here is a million times better than Queen of Roses. Veyka and the Brutal Prince are a dreamy combo together! There’s actually some pretty steamy tension here, and while the sex scenes themselves are ‘meh’ the build up has been really well done.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an E-ARC

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Wow!! What can I say that others haven’t said in their reviews before me? This book was beautifully written, well thought out and absolutely brilliant. I was wary at first but not for very long as its words wound themselves around me and kept me hooked until the very end like the vines themselves that Arran controlled. With every page that I read I was transported to a beautiful realm with danger and secrets at every turn. A slow burn of lust and spice.
I have enjoyed reading Veyka’s journey from a trapped and tortured princess to the strong and powerful queen that she has become. Even though learning of her past and the pain that she has had to endure was hard to read at times it was hard to tear myself away from the book.
Congratulations to the incredible author Emberly Ash, I look forward to reading book two which I have already downloaded.

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I enjoyed most of this book and it has some really strong bonuses in my opinion starting with the trigger warning at the beginning. I am not usually bothered, but I know there are people who can get really hurt by them.
Other things I enjoyed:
-dual POV
-the magic system
Some of the plot twists were predictable, while others blew my mind and the ending left me really curious.
What could have been better in my opinion was the relationship between the main characters, the hate at the beginning felt a bit forced and it didn't make a lot of sense for me, it felt more like it was added just to have the enemies to lovers trope. Also, if they can't lie, why didn't she straight up asked every member about being the traitor? Or only royals couldn't lie? Maybe they just felt like they couldn't lie in that moment specifically.

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Vekya Pendragon suddenly finds herself Queen of the Elemental Fae after the murder of her brother and twin, Arthur. In order to secure peace between the Elemental and Terrestrial Fae, a marriage is arranged to the heir of the terrestrial kingdom. Arran Earthborn, nicknames the Brutal Prince, is one of the strongest terrestrial fae and spent his years honing his skills on the battlefield, not at court. Vekya does not wish to rule either. After her brother's death, she mourned him and passed her duties onto the royal council. Secluded for years from her family and the court, she still battles the trauma of her past while hiding a secret that can destroy her present. But can Vekya and Arran put their differences aside to rule the Fae in peace?

This was a unique take on the Arthurian Legend. It was well written and easy to follow. The pacing was good, and the plot had a good balance between the romantic elements and moving the story along. Vekya was an interesting character - she has strength in so many ways, but also has to battle her past trauma before she can really step into the role of Queen. Arran is portrayed as strong and protective, and wants to force Vekya to open her eyes to the challenges of ruling the kingdoms. While this seemed somewhat overdone to me at times, I think readers who enjoy dark romance will appreciate this relationship and how it developed.

This book does have some dark and difficult elements, so I encourage readers to review the content warnings at the beginning of the book. Thank you to the author, Emberly Ash, and the publisher, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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“I should have died in the womb”

I love when a book draws you in with an opening line. It was hard to put this book down once I started. I was totally engrossed in Veyka’s quest for revenge and learning the secret she’s been keeping to protect herself and the kingdom. I love a book with a strong, murderous, stabby FMC especially when it’s paired with a strong, “you’re mine” MMC who falls first! I’m so glad I didn’t have to wait for the 2nd book to find out what comes next for Veyka and her knights of the round table.

Thank you to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and Emberly Ash for the ARC

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Hooked. I was hooked from the dedication and the first line. I read this book so fast I almost forgot to feed my children! I knooowww how could it be this good. READ IT. Find out.
• Dual POVs
•Fae magic 💫
•Enemies to lovers 💞
• Found Family
•Stabby FMC
The Brutal Prince OMG 🥵
Emberly Ash has written a great King Arthur kind of retelling! I loved it who knew I needed it!
The dark romance elements and the complexity of the characters I loooved!
Also this books ends on a cliffhanger!
Can’t wait to read the next book!
Thank you Net Galley for the ARC 🫶🏼

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This dark, steamy fantasy reimagines the Arthurian legend with a fae twist. The story centers around Veyka Pendragon, who unexpectedly becomes queen after her brother's murder. I was captivated by the intricate political intrigue and the murder mystery at the heart of the plot. Veyka, a strong, physically imposing character, breaks the mold of traditional female leads, which I found refreshingly empowering. The spicy and frequent romance may not be for everyone, but I appreciated it. However, I struggled with Veyka's focus on revenge and her sometimes unlikable character. The book ends on a cliffhanger, but I'm intrigued to see what happens next.

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Crown of Earth and Sky is book 1 Secrets of the Faerie Crown series by Emberly Ash.
Such an amazing story. An enthralling steamy fantasy romance with dark elements made this book so compelling.
The world building was immersive & character dynamic was outstanding.
The creative magic system was engaging.
The characters' added an extra layer of intrigue. They possess both charm and complexity, making them incredibly engaging characters.
I was so impressed by the way Emberly weaves a story and I cannot wait to see where this story goes. Ready to jump into Throne of Air and Darkness.

Thank You NetGalley and Victory Editing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This book surprised me in a really good way, I never knew I needed a King Arthur retelling involving fae in my life. When it starts with “I should have died in the womb” you know it’s going to be a good story, I was hooked from that very first sentence.

Veyka Pendragon suddenly finds herself the new and unexpected queen to a kingdom she doesn’t want and a marriage alliance she didn’t ask for when her twin brother is murdered. Veyka only cares about one thing, getting revenge for her brother’s murder.

Whilst this is loosely based off a King Arthur retelling, the subtle nods are there and cleverly intertwined but it’s a completely different story. It was an enjoyable story which kept me engaged and guessing throughout. There were so many twists and turns and you’re never really sure who you can trust as it’s full of secrets, lies and betrayals. Sometimes I did find the story a little confusing as things weren’t fully explained and then never mentioned again.

Both Veyka and Arran are really well written and I enjoyed the romance and the dual POV as it gave great insight into the characters. Veyka is strong, independent and doesn’t need anyone to protect her. I thought her grief and trauma was realistic and enjoyed seeing her character growth as the story progressed. Like Veyka, Arran was never destined to rule but is determined to do his duty. He is the most powerful terrestrial fae and his strength and power is clear from the start. He is overprotective of Veyka which puts them at odds with each other.

This was a strong opening to a new series and I’m looking forward to seeing how the story continues. It does end on a brutal cliffhanger that I wasn’t expecting and the series isn’t complete yet so bear that in mind. However if you enjoyed ACOTAR or are a fan of enemies to lovers, forced proximity, fated mates, spice and political intrigue then this book is for you!

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Wow. This book blew me away. I have read more than a few fantasy and romantasy books and this book is the first in awhile to remind me why I love this genre.

I love a dual POV and with Veyka and Arran both are so well written. The author did an outstanding job of showing the motivations and complexities of both characters and seeing them grow and get to know each other made me even more invested in their story. I felt that the darker themes were handled so well, and although there is some miscommunication, but it's done so well and truly makes sense for the plot that it made me a convert of this trope.

The use of Arthurian fantasy in a fae world was done so well - the perfect amount of homage to the original with a new take to make it feel like a completely new story. I mean it's an Arthurian re-telling without an Arthur - that could have been awful but instead it was refreshing and new. This is what retellings should be.

This book feels so immersive. Between the location, atmosphere, world-building, and multiple plotlines it could have been overwhelming, but it instead balances out and kept me pulled through this book and I read it all in less than a day (and immediately needed to start the next one).

So excited to read what I have found is a new favorite series, I can't wait to see more.

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Wow, I truly could not put this book down! I devoured this book, like neglected-all-responsibilities-to-read-this-in-two-days devoured. I haven’t read a King Arthur retelling quite like this. I really liked the uniqueness of it.

The plot was really intriguing. The fae court can only have one heir, and as twins were birthed, and Veyka being second born and without powers, was locked away and tortured by her mother in hopes to instill powers in her. Once Arthur become king, he frees Veyka and locks mommy dearest away. That is until he dies and Veyka is betrothed to the Brutal Prince. I really enjoyed their chemistry, while I was a bit confused why Veyka hated Arran, I can chalk it up to her PTSD, hatred for being crowned Queen, and him being in closest proximity. Their enemies to lovers plot line was great.

Huge thank you to the author and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review

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