Member Reviews

In the description of this book it says 'In a perfect marriage of science and magic, this steamy sci-fi romance uses threads of humor and heart to weave a story of soulmates, found family, and the beauty of forgiveness" and I h0nestly couldn't have said it better myself! Gemma and Becks kept my interest and I wanted to see what the outcome was going to be. I love a good witchy book and this one adding the element of space was very fun!

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I loved this book! It was so different than the usual witchy/fantasy stuff I read.

To avoid spoilers, I will keep my review vague.

I loved the sisters dynamic/relationship. I also loved how they had to travel into outer space, that was so cool and added another layer of intrigue.

The writing was easy to read but not enough that it caused me to read it in one sitting. But still the writing was very good and well paced.

The ending was alright, and I would’ve preferred a little more but that’s a personal thing.

The main character was so relatable and to be honest, I think this could be a series if it’s not already. I have recommended this to he one bookish friend I have and she added it to her TBR.

My rating is 3.75 but there’s no option for half stars so I selected 4 stars.

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Such a great book!

Gemma is running away from earth. She hasn't tell the real reason to her sister because that would mean revealing her most dangerous secret. Unfortunately, after a malfunction of the ship, Breck, the astroengineer witch, part of her sister's coven, realizes what is really happening and things get interesting. These two will fall in love but Gemma's secret can tear them apart in more than one way.

Please, red this book, if you want to know how this will end up.

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Gemma's spent most of her life suppressing her magic in fear of hurting someone. When she accidentally attacks her boss, she flees the planet on her sister's space ship. She didn't expect to meet Beck, a witch and engineer, who sees her in a very different version of her. Will Gemma's plan stand up to the future Beck wants to offer her?

An interesting blend of paranormal and sci-fi elements. In some ways, this felt like a second novel (so much history in the side characters), but it didn't impede the plot. Looking forward to the next installment.

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Even tho I'm not a scifi person... Loved the setting and the worldbuilding around it. I'm usually super picky with setting cause some authors tend
to be super exaustive and I get bored, but I really liked the writing and how this was developed.
Loved the cozy vibe and even tho this wont be a 5 star read for me, it is still a 4 star cause I had fun reading this.

Loved the witchy aesthetic! Loved how cute Becks was with her.

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Thanks to Netgalley for supplying me with an arc of this book!

This book follows Gemma, a reluctant witch who is going on board a space ship to travel to a new planet. She’s kept her magic a secret from her family, claiming it disappeared after their parents died, however she has just been repressing it ever since the accident since she believes she’s the one who caused it. That is until she meets Becks and her magic acts our in front of him revealing that she’s been keeping her magic a secret. He offers to help her control it so she won’t act out however the more time they spend together, the more they start to fall for one another.

Witchy rom-com set in space? I’m sold! This book was pretty fun. The magic system was interesting along with elements of the ship. I loved the crossover between fantasy and sci-fi, but at this books heart, it is a romance.

I loved Becks! I’m such a sucker for golden retriever love interests and I honestly need more of them. He was so sweet with Gemma from the beginning and I just loved his sweet personality. He was always so kind and gentle even if he didn’t understand where Gemma was coming from. In ways they were opposites yet they complimented one another so well.

The romance was pretty sweet too. I loved the development of their relationship and watching the two fall for each other over time. It was a romance I was rooting for and had me smiling.

I think where I struggled in this book was just the general meddling in Gemma’s life. I totally understood where she was coming from and why she had such a hatred with her magic and while I understand that it’s apart of her and she should love herself, I could also see her side of things and feel frustrated for her. Also just the meddling to get Gemma with Becks from her sister mainly but also others just kind of bothered me. It almost felt like a lot was being forced onto her and she was being told how to feel rather than growing and changing her perspective.

Overall, this book was super sweet and I had a great time reading it! I definitely plan to pick up more from Holly Rose in the future!

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In this captivating blend of sci-fi and fantasy, this story takes readers on an enthralling journey with astroengineer and witch Gemma Abadie. Amidst an urgent Earth evacuation, Gemma's battle with her hidden, destructive magic, which she blames for her parents' demise, is heart-wrenching. The narrative takes a twist when she encounters Beck Breaux, a fellow witch who believes in their fated connection. Their chemistry and Beck's determination to help Gemma embrace her powers is compelling. The novel shines with exceptional world-building, seamlessly integrating witchcraft into a sci-fi setting. While the initial pace is slow, the story's themes of self-acceptance, found family, and love soon captivate. The unique premise of using magic to power a spaceship is brilliantly executed. It is highly recommended for originality, character depth, and intriguing plot.

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This was overall an enjoyable read - I loved the unique plot of witches in space, but it just took me a bit of time to get into a it.

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Loved the concept. Witches in space? Count me in!

I thought the characters and the romance were great. I’m a fan of the fated mates trope so this combined with a bodyguard trope too was icing on the cake. I thought the romance was really romantic.

I think the writing was a little too descriptive for my taste. The beginning is a bit slow too. However, once the main event starts the book is very exciting.

Overall, this is a fun read with futuristic science fiction mixed with paranormal romance.

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Until the Stars Fall by Holly Rose 

tl;dr a witch tags along with her sister's coven for a last minute, 2-month interstellar road trip

this was a fun read for me because I rarely read sci-fi (but now I have to read more because I loved this)

the dialogue was silly and felt real, which made the book immersive and the characters really loveable, and the story was predictable but in the best, most heartwarming way

I want more Gemma and Beck 🫶🏼

things you'll find in this book:
🧙🏼‍♀️ fated mates
🧙🏼‍♀️ found family 
🧙🏼‍♀️ humor
🧙🏼‍♀️ slice of life storytelling 

and why do I always cry when the title makes an appearance in the book!!! 

"and if you could see the etheric cord you two share, you would know that man is yours until the stars fall"

read this if you love sci-fi romance, magic, a hint of spice 🌶️

Thank you NetGalley, City Owl Press, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and Holly Rose for the ARC! Keep an eye out for the release on January 16! 🧙🏼‍♀️

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Lovely story about accepting and loving yourself with romance and magic elements. The book was easy to read and fast paced with relatable characters. Seeing the characters explore the ideas of a fated reunion and fighting against their nature was interesting. If there is a sequel for this book will definitely pick it up.

Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Quick read. Magic, science, and romance all rolled into one. A lot of cool ideas although the balance of science vs. magic was a bit off for me. I do not believe their magicked spacecraft would have survived the journey.

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I liked the idea of witches in space, and the idea was executed pretty solidly for me the book just went at a slow pace for about 80% of it. The last 20% was pretty fast and felt like it went over really quick. It was just so weird for me. I did enjoy Beck and Gemmas character, and I love the way the author showed Gemma’s reluctance towards her magic. The romance was good, and the spicy scenes that were scattered were enjoyable!
Thank you to Netgalley and City Owl Press for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley and City Owl press for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

The concept of this story was good. However, the pacing was very slow and I find when the main character spend so long hiding everything from everyone that it actually becomes a hindrance to them in the end that it just starts frustrating me when it goes on for so long. Which unfortunately for me was the case in this book.

I think for fans of Sci fi this book would be great with the interstellar/spaceship setting. It was an entirely new setting for me, I haven't come across it in any of the other books I have previously read so that was refreshing and intriguing for me.

Unfortunately the pacing killed this one for me and I struggled to connect with th3 characters.

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Thank you NetGalley for profiling me the arc of this book. I’m leaving the feedback for it voluntarily.

The book has been very slow paced. I liked the overall idea of a mixture of witchcraft on a spaceship. I have maybe been awaiting more details about the travelling or anything happening on the way which would develop the plot. Untfoetunately it mostly didn’t.

Gemma was very shy and insecure, by hiding everything from everyone she was losing in the end.

Beck (MMC) had a golden retriever energy, he was very genuine, kind and polite.

Overall, it was a good sci fi romance however i didn’t like its slow pacing.

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Debut author, Holly Rose, has written a masterpiece. It did start a little slow but I actually enjoyed the pacing. I loved the characters and their development throughout the novel. I definitely will be reading more from this author!

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I’ll admit, I wasn’t sold on this at first. It felt a little slow getting started and there wasn’t much going on once the ship took off (apart from a couple of breakdowns), however the pace really picked up and flowed well after this point.
The characters are well developed in the duration of this book, there are magic developments also.
Beck is swoon-worthy. I warmed to Gemma approximately two-thirds into the book.
The idea behind magic sustaining the ship was great and felt fresh.
Outer space and witchcraft, what’s not to love?
I’d recommend this one!

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Holly Rose gives us a enjoyable action packed fast paced heated romance with bigger than life likeable character's each more unique than the next with captivating plot.

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Debut author Holly Rose has outdone herself! Gemma’s voice pulled me in from the very first page, and the incredible world building and spicy romance kept me intrigued throughout the story. Beck is the ultimate book boyfriend: a super hunk but with golden retriever energy, and, honestly, I’m so here for it. While this book is a science fantasy romance, I loved the serious undertones as well, which I felt gave the book such complexity. Found family, learning to love yourself despite your flaws, learning to trust—it was so refreshing to come out of a book feeling like I’d also learned something about myself, too! And the setting and magical aspects were also so fun! I mean…witches in space. C’mon, it doesn’t get better than that!! An absolute must read!

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