Member Reviews

For those of you who have heard of the Slenderman stabbing, this is a fictionalized version of it. It started off strong, with two young girls walking along the side of the road, covered in blood and a knife in their backpack. There were many similar details to the real-life story, making this more unsettling by the page. Some things were a bit too much, my opinion, including the sexual aspects of twelve year old girls that I could have done without. That said, I devoured the first half between the story itself and its captivating writing. The second half was where I kind of felt my mind wandering a bit, aside from the actual attack, which was hard to swallow, knowing this was based on true events. The ending felt a little anticlimactic, and some things were unexplained. There was a certain character that had a kind of revelation about someone and left that revelation to herself, leaving the reader wondering. All in all, I enjoyed this to a point, and I believe if the last half were a bit stronger, I may have even loved it. Three Stars.

Thank you, Netgalley, and Thomas and Mercer for this ARC.

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*** Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc in exchange for an honest review. ***

I went into this book with the understanding that the story appeared to be based on the true crime case dubbed by the media as 'The Slender Man Stabbing'. I, as many others, followed the case as it unfolded and I was eager to see just how much of the real life case was injected into In A Dark Mirror. Overall I enjoyed the way the story was told and the different situations asked throughout the book that you the reader are forced to contemplate. I also really enjoyed the way the flashbacks were done and well it all flowed together. I did, unfortunately, find myself uncomfortable with some of the flashback content, especially during specific scenes that relate to puberty, body exploration, and other sexual content. Mostly just due to the way the story follows the real life case and minors involved. I also was left really wishing there was more happening with Maddie in the present timeline, just to really drive home a reason to really care what happens with her as a character.

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I was totally sucked in to this dark thriller - obviously highly inspired by the Slenderman case. It was powerful to have this story written from the POV of the children involved. The subject matter is disturbing and definitely not for everyone, but it was one I couldn't put down.

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Let’s Get Bookie With It….

It’s Sunday Funday, and the perfect day to snuggle up to book after book ♥️

In A Dark Mirror, is written by one of my new favorites, Kat Davis.

This book right here... bestseller!

I was hooked from page one.

I loved the writing style and the flow is executed perfectly. The character development is on point. The twists and buried secrets that reveal themselves throughout the book keep you begging for more.

The end ties everything together and has major shock value.

There was not one thing that I did not love about this book

Are you ready for this one folks? You do NOT want to miss this!

Check out this teaser :

A decade-old crime unites its devoted fans in a haunting novel about delusions in the dark and the dangerous games children play.

Twelve-year-old Maddie Thompson and her friend Lana share a love of horror stories and wild imaginings. But Lana insists they are too old for pretending. It’s time for a different game: serving Him, a figure she sees lurking in the dark, mysterious and demanding. According to Lana, she and Maddie must obey Him or else suffer the consequences. Maddie doesn’t want to lose her most important friendship, even if it means luring an innocent girl into the woods―as a sacrifice for Him.

Ten years later, Maddie is released from an institution and must reintegrate into society for the first time as an adult. While finding her first job and forming new friendships, Maddie struggles to determine what it means to forgive―or to trust―herself. Particularly when she discovers an online community that is not only eerily obsessed with her but committed to the cult of Him.

This is Maddie’s chance at absolution―to convince them not to follow in her violent footsteps. But the loyal devotees have a pull. And Maddie knows that these games often have deadly consequences.

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A haunting narrative that traverses the dark realms of childhood delusions and the enduring repercussions of a chilling decade-old crime, "The Shadows We Cast" delivers an enthralling read that showcases the dangerous games children play and their lingering impact.

Twelve-year-old Maddie and her friend Lana find themselves entangled in a web of haunting and mysterious imaginings, leading to a disturbing game where they are coerced to serve a mysterious figure, referred to as "Him." A decade later, we encounter Maddie struggling to reintegrate into society after a period of institutionalization, grappling with the weight of her past transgressions and the desperate need for absolution. As she delves into forming new connections and navigating the complexities of adult life, Maddie discovers an unsettling online community fervently fixated on her and devoted to the cult of "Him."

The author skillfully weaves a tale that is both palpably chilling and deeply introspective, delving into the intricacies of forgiving oneself and grappling with the consequences of one's actions. "In a Dark Mirror" delves into the unnerving impact of childhood experiences and the long echoes they cast throughout an individual's life, as Maddie strives to dissuade her followers from falling prey to the same dangerous pitfalls that once ensnared her. The novel effectively captures the relentless pull of adherence, while skillfully unraveling the complex web of loyalties, haunted by menacing consequences.

With a narrative that skillfully straddles the realms of psychological thriller and dark introspection, "In a Dark Mirror" is a riveting and thought-provoking journey into the depths of the human psyche, compelling readers to confront the eerie legacy of childhood games and the enduring struggle for redemption and absolution.

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I finished this book not even two weeks into the new year and frankly? I'll be surprised if any other book supplants this as my favorite book of the year.

When the Slenderman stabbing gripped the nation's attention, many people claimed they have no idea how two tweenage girls could go so awry. I think I speak for many women when I say that I had a pretty damn good idea how. There's a fervency and intensity to young teen's best friendships that I vividly remember experiencing. This novel faithfully captures the complexity, depth, and weirdness of the emotions of that age. Of course, at that age we don't possess the vocabulary to express the things we experience and may not even understand. Thankfully this author does. But this novel does not just focus on a salacious crime, it examines how we can understand our past selves and integrate that knowledge into a more promising future. Or not.

And the ENDING. Well, it's the perfect Aristotelian conclusion: surprising, but inevitable.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for

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I couldn't put this book down! I loved the writing and the prose it all flowed so seamlessly and I struggled to not read it in all one go, the shifting perspectives and timelines kept me so hooked.

I liked the unreliability of the narrator, a woman trying to atone for a crime she was too young to fully comprehend, and still can't take fully take responsibility for and wondering whether she's hiding things in her recollections. I particularly love books from the perspective of teenage girls as it's almost nostalgic reading and it was done so well.

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Being a fictionalized rendition of the slenderman killings originally grabbed my attention. i love true crime, and knew fairly well of the story, but this book did a fairly good job of keeping me entertained!

switching POVs from Maddie and Lana and eventually Sage was a good touch. I also really enjoyed the time jumps at the beginning of every section to what was currently happening with Maddie after early release.

After finishing the book, i still felt a want. although we don’t know exactly what happened in real life that caused the mental break for the kids, i wish we had received more closure with Maddie in the book. Still a quick and good read.

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"In a Dark Mirror" is a gripping and chilling tale that delves into the dark realms of delusion and the perilous games played by children. The story unfolds with the heinous crime that binds its ardent fans, drawing parallels to the real-life 'Slender Man Stabbing.' As a devoted fan of thrillers and true crime, I was instantly captivated by the premise, and the book did not disappoint.

From the outset, the toxic dynamic between twelve-year-old Maddie Thompson and her friend Lana sets a haunting tone. Their shared love for horror stories takes a sinister turn when Lana introduces the mysterious figure known as Him, demanding obedience with dire consequences. The narrative masterfully weaves between past and present, unveiling the aftermath of a shocking crime and Maddie's struggle for redemption.

The characters are skillfully developed, with Lana and Maddie's toxic friendship adding a layer of tension that keeps the reader on edge. Sweet Sage's innocence becomes a tragic casualty in the dangerous game they play. The story's morbid entertainment value is heightened by the author's adept storytelling, even for those familiar with the real-life events that inspired the narrative.

As the plot unfolds ten years after the crime, Maddie's journey to reintegrate into society, find forgiveness, and navigate the disturbing online community obsessed with her is both poignant and suspenseful. The author successfully keeps the reader engaged, offering a chance for absolution as Maddie strives to prevent others from following her violent path.

The strength of "In a Dark Mirror" lies not only in its gripping plot but also in its exploration of forgiveness, trust, and the consequences of dark impulses. The loyalty of the online devotees adds a sinister layer to the narrative, creating a tension that lingers until the final pages. Overall, this novel is a compelling and thrilling exploration of the human psyche, making it a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers and true crime enthusiasts alike.

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I received an ARC of this book and truly enjoyed it, though I would have loved more suspense and creepiness.

This is a storyline most of us are familiar with and the chance to dig into these fictional characters and their lives excited me. Unfortunately, I found myself wanting more as I read it. I never really connected with the main character or her motives, which made the book difficult.

The book is a quick read and worth your time if you love thrillers.

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Average thriller for middle age moms to freak out about for about a month before they move on to the next big thing. Takes to long to get to anything interesting and stays around too long to be considered quick.

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Upon reading the book’s synopsis, I felt an instant urge to dive into it. As a former Wisconsin resident, I’m well-acquainted with slender man stabbings, and this fictional perspective on the events is both engaging and skillfully distinct from reality. Despite my usual aversion to stories rooted in real-life crime, the author managed to present it uniquely, steering clear of the feeling of appropriating a narrative without adding a creative twist.

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This story is a fictionalized version of the real-life "Slender Man Stabbing" that occurred in Wisconsin back in 2014. That is what immediately drew me to this book. Thrillers and true crime have always been my genres of choice so this was right up my alley. And I wasn't disappointed.

I was deeply drawn into this story from the very beginning. Lana and Maddie's relationship was toxic. And sweet Sage only ever wanted to fit in. The way everything played out was morbidly entertaining. Given that this was based on an actual event, the author did a great job of keeping the story exciting and keeping me interested, even though I knew the outcome from the real event.

I will say, the ending still surprised me. It was an unexpected surprise. Kudos to Kat Davis!

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Thank you, NetGalley, for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review.

Personally, true crime is not a go to media format for me, but I was made aware of the Slenderman Stabbings case through a documentary on HBO; I'm not from the US, where the crime took place.

In a Dark Mirror follows Maddie, a twelve year old who alongside her best friend Lana decide to go through a sacrifice for Him, an entity Lana can see and communicate with. Although Maddie has her doubts about whether He is real or not, she has faith in Lana. Ten years later she is reentering society after doing time in a psychiatric unit.
We get to read from her perspective as a child, watching close as Maddie gets wrapped in a tale she's not even sure she believes in, as she deals with being an outcast and going through puberty and her parent's divorce. As an adult, Maddie is decided to make a difference, as she still considers herself a victim, when she discovers a website dedicated to Him and the crime she and Lana committed.

Kat Davis' writing is compelling and spot on, I was sucked into the novel even if I knew where it was headed. There are nicely crafted foreshadows and a well done character study on the three girls the novel focuses on. On the other hand, the story reads very similar to the original case, so as someone who was familiar with it, I didn't get much of the element of surprise.
With that being said, I would have liked to know more about Maddie on the 2017 timeline, as it was interesting to read about her way of dealing with the consequences of what she's done.
I was really invested in the turns around the end and wanted more on it. All in all, a satisfying read and one I would recommend to anyone who's interested.

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No no no. The storyline is too much like Slenderman. I was so confused at the beginning that I had to reread it. I wasn’t feeling it. However, giving a different plot line may have worked for me. Everything I expected to happen, did. It just wasn’t good.

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Really fascinating and intense type of dark thriller! It was a good page-turner and I loved the plotline.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I've definitely heard similar themes but I ended up really enjoying this one and I would definitely recommend it.

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(Round off rating - 4.5 stars). This was such a cleverly written thriller that touches on a lot of dark and heavy topics. The characters are complex, the plot makes you question a lot of things and the writing style is so easy to get into. I devoured this book in a single sitting. The characters in this book are so humane, one can't help but feel for them or relate at varying levels. A must read for die-hard thriller lovers.

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When she was 12 years old, Maddie and her best friend Lana committed an awful crime, believing that doing so would please a supernatural figure they called Him. After her release, Maddie tries to rebuild her life but discovers a message board where other people claim to have seen Him...and they're planning a crime of their own. I thought it would be a mystery or thriller, but it's just straight up fiction. I liked it fine, but I was expecting something a little different, which is probably on me. A real corker of a final chapter, though!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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I think we have all read or seen different versions of this storyline come out in past years, and I was mentally prepared for this book to be similar to the others, but I was pleasantly surprised. While it had all of the same elements as the others, it just had something extra (that I cannot explain) that made it better.

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