Member Reviews

What a fantastic read!! Steven Konkoly will make you want to finish the book in one sitting...I savored it for a few days/nights. Starting out in Minnesota(where I live) and ending in New Mexico, this book will keep you guessing. A serial killer is on the loose and a group of outcast FBI
agents have been on the hunt. Of course, there is always the corrupt government agency, doing what they want.
It's definitely a thrilling ride from start to finish and the author lays the groundwork for a follow up book. I TOTALLY recommend this book and pretty much anything he writes. Get on board for the 1st book, in this soon-to-be-series.
Thanks to Thomas & Mercer, NetGalley, and Steven Konkoly for the ARC.

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Thanks to Thomas & Mercer and Netgalley for providing this ARC. Of Steven Konkoly’s new series starter. This was a pretty good serial killer story enmeshed with the Mexican cartels and geopolitical issues. Mixing all that elevated what could have been a more run of the mill novel. Recommended for people who like action and/or serial killer hunting tales.

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WOW! This was a fast paced, action filled thriller that never slowed down.
Agent Mann is leading his team of agents, plus a few extras, on a hunt for one of the most gruesome serial killers ever. It's personal for him, as well as many on his team. The problem is that this serial killer is well protected, but by whom? And why? Uncovering those answers and finding and eliminating the killer, may be more than Mann and his team are prepared for.
I love all Steven Konkoly books, and this one did not disappoint at all. His writing makes the characters real and the action descriptive, without being over the top gory. A must read for fans of this genre.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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In "A Clean Kill," a specialized FBI task force uncovers a far-reaching conspiracy while pursuing a cartel-linked serial killer. True to its premise, the book is packed with high-stakes action from start to finish.

The author expertly builds suspense that will keep readers guessing right until the shocking reveal. Then, a cliffhanger ending sets the stage for what will surely be an equally exciting sequel.

Overall, this book is a must-read for fans of crime thrillers.

Thank you Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for sending me an advance copy of this book for review consideration.

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Steven Konkoly’s education at the USNA and ensuing service as a naval officer lend so much authenticity to the books he writes and bring a vividness and immediacy to the action in each. In A Clean Kill we a get a thriller that considers a timely and frightening prospect for the United States – how the Mexican cartels operate in our country and how much does our government know about and/or participate in these activities. The covert operation that pairs these two sides blows open when a cartel’s serial killer, under the protection of a special section of the CIA, is tracked and found by a rival investigative group of the FBI. The story pits these two government entities against each other in a shifting battle of right versus wrong, and good versus evil. Does each side know who they are fighting against? Not necessarily. Are there compelling reasons for the existence of these two government factions? Maybe. Do we have definitive answers at the end of the story? No. As the first book in a new series, it ends on a slight cliffhanger—the immediate threat has been contained, but the story is not resolved and more threats abound. There are times when Konkoly employs a lot of alphabet soup acronyms in his books and I wonder how important they are to the story, or is he using them in a way to further prove his well-earned, inside knowledge. I only mention this because, as a layperson, I sometimes lose track of the different organizations and tend to skim the passages where the acronyms are employed most heavily. I am not sure I miss much of the story this way, which can be a good or bad thing depending on the perspective. All in all, A Clean Kill is an engaging thriller and will appeal to fans of political intrigue and the pursuit of justice.

Thank you to NetGalley and publisher Thomas & Mercer for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow, this is not your run of the mill FBI task force. A Clean Kill by Steven Konkoly is the first book about Garrett Mann and his group of crime fighters, and fight the will. This is a no nonsense action and nobody is safe. I have been a fan of this author for some time and he doesn't let the reader down. If you like fast paced books this one is for you. I can't wait for the next one. I was first a little miffed that it wasn't one of his other series but since I liked them I thought how bad can it be, I can tell you that the only bad in this book are the crooks and they are BAD. On the other hand the task force is not playing by the book either. Maybe that is what it takes? I strongly recommend this brand new series by a great author. I must thank Thomas & Mercer and Netgalley for supplying me with this advance copy.

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I have found that I really have enjoyed the last several books and series that I have read from Mr. Konkoly. I was excited to see what was next with this new series.

We are introduced to Garrett Mann, who leads an FBI Taskforce called ARTEMIS. Apparently, this is where you go for your career to die within the FBI, or where you go when your superiors don't know what else to do with you. At least that is how it was supposed to be. ARTEMIS was tasked with finding and capturing prolific serial killers.

Quietly, Mr. Mann began accumulating a really great group of agents, women and men who had personal experiences with loved ones that were killed and were never solved. This gave them the added reasons to become extremely dedicated to what they were doing.

At the beginning of the book, they have been chasing this one killer for a year and a half. He is smart and careful. He has been killing a long time and is unfortunately very good at it. But, this last time, he makes a couple of mistakes.

Thus begins the story line. As they find themselves getting the closest that they have ever been, they also discover that they have kick over a hornet's nest. Apparently, this serial killer is not just a killer. There are people - WAY high up in the government - that are not only aware of what he does, but who actively cover up for him and support him.

The rest of the storyline revolves around the group that he is a part of. Who are they? What is going on? Who is covering them up? While we are given SOME information, we are not given ALL of the story. Little by little a picture starts becoming clear....but unfortunately, the book ends.

This is the first book in a series and it isn't that this book ends in a cliffhanger. It is more like the story just ends - almost like the end of a chapter.... a kind of "to be continued." I will admit, that was the thing that frustrated me. Just when I was thinking that I was going to get some answers, then I realized that I was going to have to wait. To be fair, enough information was given out near the end that I THINK I have a fairly good idea of what is happening, but we will see.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC. The opinions above are mine and mine alone.

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Another excellent book from Steve, all the accuracy and attention to detail you have come to expect, with even more twists and turns. Great characters, along with an amazing and captivating story. Hard to put down as always.

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Authentic! A Clean Kill oozes authenticity through its plot, characters, setting and prose. This is my first Steven Konkoly novel (definitely won't be my last), and he delivered the goods! The book takes you on an action-packed, thrilling roller coaster ride with twists and turns like the Dueling Dragons at Universal Studios. An edge of your seat, nail biting experience that compels you to keep reading, anxiously anticipating the clash at the end. Beginning with a slip up by a contracted serial killer, fortunately stumbled upon by the police, it then draws the attention of a team of misfit FBI agents. Led by team leader Garrett Mann, the team's moral compass and personal desire to avenge the murder of loved ones forces them to become renegades tracking down the killer. The powers that be pull out all the stops trying to prevent them from discovering the truth. The truth ultimately opens a pandora's box, leaving you with more questions than answers. Even though I realized this book is the first in a series, and character descriptions and development are handled expertly, I was not satisfied with the end. It felt much too incomplete. However, it doesn't diminish the greatness of the book. I highly recommend this book to all readers.

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher Thomas & Mercer for this ARC. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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"A Clean Kill" is the first book in the Garrett Mann series by Steven Konkoly. This gripping thriller follows former CIA operative Garrett Mann as he faces danger and intrigue in a world of espionage, betrayal, and high-stakes action. Set against the backdrop of a covert operation gone wrong, the novel masterfully blends heart-pounding suspense with intricate character development. Konkoly's meticulous attention to detail and expert storytelling make "A Clean Kill" a must-read for fans of espionage and thrillers.

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I have never read any of Steven Konkoly's novels prior to this one. I expected more murder mystery than thriller but was still happy with the book. Lots of characters built throughout that take necessary time in the first novel of a series.
I admit that I found the ending less than satisfactory, then learnt that it would be a series and am now looking forward to the next to read.
The writing for the scene in New Mexico is some of the best I have read. I found myself short of breath as they dealth with masks, stopping myself from jumping ahead to see what would happen. It was excellent and the best part of the book. More of that and I am hooked.

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A great way to start a new must-follow series for me. I found the book to be well-written, and I quickly became invested in the characters and could not put the book down as I was so eager to see where the story took the next. This was the first book by Steven Konkoly that I've read, but I will definitely be checking out some of his previous titles. Highly recommended.

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"A Clean Kill" by Steven Konkoly is a riveting thriller that takes readers on a relentless pursuit of a serial killer. Special Agent Garrett Mann, heading the ARTEMIS FBI task force, is familiar with cartel-related killings, but the discovery of five dismembered bodies along a rural roadside sets off a chain of events that lead him to a dangerous and complex conspiracy.

Konkoly's storytelling prowess shines in this well-paced narrative, keeping readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The characters are not only intriguing but also expertly crafted, drawing readers into their world and making it difficult to put the book down. The author's ability to weave together a gripping plot with unexpected twists and turns showcases his mastery of the thriller genre.

The crossover of characters from Konkoly's other series adds an extra layer of depth to the story, creating a cohesive and interconnected universe. "A Clean Kill" is a captivating addition to Konkoly's body of work, offering a thrilling experience for fans of suspenseful and well-crafted thrillers.

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I was first introduced to Steven Konkoly's work when Amazon offered book 1 in his Black Flagged series, Alpha, at a special price. His story is well paced and his characters are so intriguing that you can't put the book down. I quickly purchased the other books in the Black Flagged series. And I have read each of his Ryan Decker and Devin Gray series of books. Steven follows his great pace in each series and introduces a new set of characters that you quickly become invested in. But here is the icing on the cake. Steven also crosses over characters from his Black Flagged series to his other series and that just makes the story better. And with A Clean Kill, Steven does not disappoint. You meet Garrett Mann and his team and you immediately become immersed in their story. And a key character from Black Flagged also plays a significant role in this book. So it is a win-win. Since the publication of this story is targeted for this July it may be some time before book 2 is available. Hopefully I can review that one in advance as well.

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An FBI agent hunting a serial killer has to up his game when a trail of murders is not what it seems in A Clean Kill by Steven Konkoly.

I really wanted to like this book, but I felt it was just mediocre for me. I normally enjoy reading Steven Konkoly books, but A Clean Kill was hard to get into. It felt like the story's substance was lost in all the action scenes.

I am probably not the audience for this particular book.

#ACleanKill #NetGalley @AmazonPub

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You will not be disappointed in this book. It has a little bit of everything. drama, mystery, intrigue, .
You will not be able to put this one down it is full of action. I would have liked more of a story line.
Overall a winner for the author. Given arc by Net Galley and Thomas & Mercer for my voluntary review

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I prefer novels, even action-adventure novels, that at least pretend to have some substance. This one has none. It glues together several vastly over-extended action scenes, and hurtles toward... not a climax at all, but a nakedly commercial set up for the next book in the series that leaves the core of the narrative hanging.

Don't get me wrong. The action scenes are good action scenes, solidly written, but there's nothing else there. Reading this book is like watching a movie composed off nothing but several very long car chases. Come to think of it, there are quite a few of those around, so I guess there's an audience for narratives like this.

I appreciate the publisher's courtesy in providing me with the ARC, and I did enjoy the read, but I was simply disappointed that there was so little to the narrative but noise and gunfire. And I was really disappointed with the clumsy ending that turned the whole book into little more than an extended pitch to get us to read the next book in the series.

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The author continues his string of successful novels with a well-plotted mystery with authentic settings and characters as well..Just when the protagonist and the reader think they have solved the mysteries, things move in a different direction, and the guessing begins again.

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Oh man!! I was looking at that percentage on my Kindle and I just knew!!! A freaking cliffhanger!!! Ugh but a lot a stuff got cleared up! I know I can't wait for the next book! This book had everything!! It had high suspense, intrigue, action packed, big shoot outs, MPG, RPG, grenades, it was definitely like a big action movie!! The who done it is fantastic! The storyline was very interesting and had me glued to my Kindle! I highly recommend reading this book! It was well worth reading! I can't wait for more!! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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