Member Reviews

This book was enjoyable. The author put a surprise twist on the "con artist marries rich girl for her money" trope.

Gia, the impulsive rich party girl, was naive enough to marry Garrett after only knowing him a short period of time. I've read a few books with that premise and always felt frustrated with how much the mark was willing to put up with. Gia, however, was not a pushover. There was only so much she was willing to let slide and once she began standing her ground, things with Garrett went downhill fast. Her character almost felt contradictory at times: is she a rich, naive party girl or a conniving narcissist? Can she be both?

When Gia's brother, Benny, and best friend, Abby, can't reach her, they fear the worst has happened. They read Gia's manuscript for clues but realize not everything written is gospel. What happened in the month since Benny had last seen his sister?

There are two sides to every story, and then there's the truth. The ending does leave some things up to the imagination but in this case, the lack of tying everything up in a bow is satisfying.

Thank you for the advanced copy! Review posted to Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Instagram.

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I could not put this down. I would have read it in a day if I did not need sleep. The mystery was so good. The ending is left for the reader to decide what really happened which is driving me crazy.

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thank you netgalley for this ARC!!

ahhhhh this was so good.
i drank this UP.

"When an heiress goes missing, her best friend races to unravel the secrets behind her disappearance using clues left behind in an explosive manuscript…"

abby and gia are best friends, since forever. when they grow up and go their seperate ways, abby turns to studies and gia turns to writing about her fateful summer in her newest debut novel.

if you like white lotus, knives out, or anything tropical & murdeous, this is for you.

also giving desperate housewives energy.

the beginning of this book was a bit slow for me, but once it hit the middle it was a dash to the end.
i was so impressed with the author's ability to make me despise so many characters at once. each character had their own personality and once you think you had them figured out, you're wrong.

a classic whodunit, twisted with romance, lust, betrayal, and money money money.

i absolutely loved this and expect a book #2 from benny's POV.

if you liked nine perfect strangers, you'll LOVE this.

5 stars!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy. This was a decent summertime thriller. The twists were pretty obvious but I have read so many thrillers at this point that I may not be the best barometer. I will say I despised the ambiguous ending, but this is a personal preference. It was well-written, but that type of non-resolution drives me bonkers.

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This is my first Katherine Wood novel and it definitely won’t be my last! I was pulled in from page 1, so intrigued with Abby and Gia’s story and dynamic. I loved the back and forth between Gia’s manuscript (and the detail 10/10) and the present with Abby and the trip. Truthfully, I saw the twist coming from a mile away but loved confirming it. This was such a page turner, I stayed up too late to finish this because I could not put it down. The only reason this doesn’t get five stars from me is because I DESPISE ambiguous endings. I need my theories confirmed and not left up to interpretation (a personal bias). Other than that this would have been a five star read, I was hooked!

Thank you to Bantam Dell for an advanced readers copy of this title via NetGalley.

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I had a good time with this book and it was the perfect summertime thriller. I'm always going to enjoy a book that centers a female friendship and I think this one had the perfect balance of twists and turns. I was able to figure out where it was going fairly easily but the ride was still enjoyable all the same!

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Gia and Abby have been best friends since they were young girls. Abby's father worked as the chef for Gia's family. Years later, they had a falling out over Gia’s sudden marriage and then Gia goes missing. Abby and Gia’s brother, Benny, set off to find her. When they arrive in Greece, they find a manuscript detailing the dark truth behind Gia’s new marriage. Now Abby and Benny race to find Gia as tensions rise. Will they find her before it’s too late?

*Special thanks to NetGalley and Bantam for this e-arc.*

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Best friends Gia and Abby were everything to each other. But after tragedy struck years ago in Greece, they drifted a little. Now, Gia invites Abby on a vacation of a lifetime. But when Gia isn't where she's supposed to be, Abby and Gia's brother start to worry about the newlywed.

Wow! This was a twisty one. Here's What I loved:

The back and forth. This was told through the POV of Abby and an unfinished manuscript by Gia. Both of these worked really well together as Abby and Benny start looking for Gia. The book gives a little insight into what had been happening within Gia's marriage.

Abby. I really liked her character. She has some rough edges and painful moments she doesn't want to relive. But she still pushes through and tries to move on with her life. There is also a little romance between her and Benny that I loved the addition of.

The local. Between Greece and other exotic locations, you get some really cool settings that give the mystery and even deeper atmosphere.

All in all, this was a really good and twisty thriller!

Thank you to the author and publisher for the gifted copy!

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A fast paced, enjoyable summer thriller. I had my suspicions about this was going to play out and it was fun putting all the different puzzle pieces together. The setting is perfect for summer time and it goes quick and sucks you in.

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This is a twisted thriller featuring a missing heiress named Gia. The plot moves back and forth between Abby, Gia’s friend, who is searching for her and Gia’s manuscript that includes secrets that perhaps someone doesn’t want revealed. Abby teams up with Gia’s brother and chases clues to find her while we are led deeper into the mystery of what happened to Gia and why she is nowhere to be found and totally incommunicado. The mystery of her disappearance is compelling but all of the back and forth between characters is somewhat off-putting as I never got the the place where I could really relate to anything of the characters. Nor did I think that Gia was a very believable character since she seemed to be a rich girl with all of the trappings of wealth but not enough common sense to know not to threaten others who could possibly harm her. The story was moderately paced and kept my interest for most of the novel, but it really lost me with the open ending that was very disappointing. I wanted a real conclusion and was dismayed that I had to come up with how I thought it was going to end. I give the book 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 since it did keep me interested enough to read it but is not a book that I would want to read again, knowing how it ends (or doesn’t really) and how shallow the main characters are.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review, and all opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16th CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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I was not initially sure what to think about this book because it took me a little while to get into it. I just got to know the characters and some of their histories as events played out. And as I was reading I had to remind myself that any time I was reading Gia’s Manuscript, I had to consider that any of it might or might not be true. Gia was a complicated character. At times I liked her and, at others, I did not. I liked Abby and Benny and I definitely liked them together. There was definitely some good chemistry between them. I had to let go of any expectations and just wait for any secrets/information to be divulged, but as it was, I definitely got more engaged. I like how the author gave the reader little bits here and there that were intriguing, amping up the suspense. Overall, a good read and I look forward to more work from this author.

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I may be the outlier here, but other than a few components I did not enjoy this book 😬.
First the good ->
I love questionable characters, plot twists, spice, family drama, beach settings, and unique writing styles. This book had all of that and I will admit it kept me engaged, but I think the way it was executed as a whole was confusing and underwhelming.
I didn’t connect with the characters and honestly was so confused by the “twists” that it severely affected my rating. The book also left off open ended which was clever, but extremely frustrating at the same time 🤬.

Thank you NetGalley and Bantam for a #gifted eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Ladykiller is a fast paced thriller set on a Greek isle full of exuberant wealthy individuals, frenemies and romantic lust.

Abby and Gia have been friends forever but recently had a fulling out over Gia’s quick engagement and wedding to someone she just met. As an olive branch, Gia invites Abby to Sweden to see the northern lights and celebrate her birthday but Gia fails to turn up. Together with Gia’s younger brother, Abby travels to Greece to find Gia and the truth about what really happened.

I really liked the alternating chapters between Abby’s pov and the manuscript chapters written by Gia. The story moved quickly and all the characters were of questionable morals which made for an interesting story.

Thank you publishers and @netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Good, but not great, Ladykiller did a fab job at keeping me hooked even if the ending fell a bit flat. I know I generally don’t love things tied up in a perfect bow, but this didn’t even feel complete.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the free e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This is an atmospheric and picturesque mystery mostly set in the Greek Isles. Abby and Gia are childhood friends. Gia has recently married a man that Abby did not approve of and as a result, Abby did not attend the wedding. Despite their falling out, Gia invites Abby to her 30th birthday, just Gia, Abby and Benny, Gia's brother, that Abby has been secretly in love with for years. The birthday celebration is in a chalet in Sweden and when Benny and Abby arrive, Gia is missing. This story is told before and after the birthday trip, alternating from the POV of Abby and Gia's manuscript or memoire.

The book is well written and the author adeptly gives the reader the vivid descriptions of the gorgeous settings. I felt myself transported to the white sands of the Greek isles right along with the characters. Also, the build up of suspense and mystery was well done. I did not mind that the ending did not tie everything up as I think that added to the mystery.

Well done first novel!!!

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This book is such a crazy roller coaster of twists and turns!! Buckle in it’s a wild ride and such a fast paced read. Everyone has a version of their story but not all their facts are true and we are slowly unveiling little crumbs of truths as we read this book. Some of the story is told from Gia’s point of view via her manuscript and the other part from Abby’s point of view. I loved the mystery, suspense and the drama included in this book. I kept trying to guess where it was going or certain parts of the story but was constantly getting things wrong. The Greek Island setting sounded beautiful! The cover is stunning and the title is very fitting for this book. I’m still thinking about the ending.

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Best friends since childhood, Abby and Gia agree to reconnect after a falling out over Gia's hasty marriage to Garrett who Gia had only known for a few weeks. Gia asks Abby to join her and her brother Benny in Sweden to viewthe northern lights. Leading up to the trip, Gia and Garrett are enjoying an extended honeymoon on a Greek island where Gia is reluctantly being forced to sell her family's vacation home after her father’s death. When the couple befriend another couple supposedly stranded on the island, they invite them to stay and things begin to get out of hand. Gia also begins to suspect that Garrett is squandering what little money she has left and wonders if Abby was right to be concerned about her hasty marriage. The story alternates between the events unfolding on the island in the weeks leading up to the reunion trip and the current timeline as Abby and Benny arrive in Sweden and become concerned that Gia is no show. And Abby feels like her past secret is about to be revealed.
This is a really intriguing thriller that definitely leaves some questions unanswered. The Benny and Abby scenes are overshadowed by everything happening in Greece but Gia’s story is much more compelling. The romance between Abby and Benny was inevitable but did seem rushed at the end. I wouldn't say that there were major twists but the mystery and unfolding of the story didn't need anything extra. Fast paced and very entertaining! And the unanswered questions just add to the intrigue.

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I feel like I might have enjoyed this one more had I read it with a book club or even as a buddy read. Having someone else to bump theories off of would have been beneficial imo. As it stands, this one wasn’t for me. I personally am not a fan of ambiguous endings, I need a clear cut answers to as many of my lingering questions as possible.

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This was an awesome story to read. The author leaves readers guessing about the outcome at every turn. You will not be able to figure out what is truth from lies which just shows the writer’s mastery. The story is told in the voice of Abby and Gia in slightly alternate timelines. The men in the story play a supporting role that is integral to how the drama plays out. Readers will love the stunning setting and the sequence of events that lead to the dramatic finish.

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This one is a victim of my demand for a fast pace in these types of books - too long on the buildup for the turnout. If you enjoy a slow build, this is probably for you.

Thanks to Netgalley for the free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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