Member Reviews

Thank you @netgalley for an advanced reader copy of this book. What a twisty thriller it turned out to be!

Ladykiller follows the story of two childhood best friends - Gia, a wealthy heiress whose father has just passed away and her best friend, Abby, who was the family’s chef’s daughter. The hierarchy of friendship never seemed to matter to either of them, until Gia is supposed to meet up with Abby and her brother for a vacation, and she never shows up. Did Gia’s new, relatively unknown husband have something to do with her disappearance?

Told from two POV’s - Abby’s fairly straightforward narrative and Gia’s manuscript of her memoir, this book really takes a stab at creating reader distrust of the narrator. Who is telling the truth? Who is making things up to protect themselves? I enjoyed how the perspective switches and the ending is makes for a great discussion, especially for a book club!

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This is a really good book!!! Lots of intrigue and suspense, and characters you don't know if you want to love or hate!! Great personality development, and I was hooked from the beginning. Ending does leave you a bit frustrated though, but fits in with the rest of the drama.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Bantam for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

2.5 Stars

Gia and Abby were unlikely best friends... Gia a wealthy heiress and Abby the daughter of the family's chef. Years later when Gia does not show up for a family reunion, Abby and Gia's brother, Benny race to her home in Greece but are shocked when all they find is Gia's manuscript and no sign of the heiress. In her unfinished writing Gia details a chilling mystery when her and her husband meet a strange couple. The story reveals the events leading up to her disappearance but what happened to Gia and where is she?

I was excited to read this novel based on the great cover, the description and the beautiful setting in Greece but the reality didn't hold up. The story is an incredibly slow burn, being told from Abby's POV and Gia's manuscript. I found Wood's writing style to be choppy and at times overly descriptive which disrupted the flow. It was also highly sexualized which seemed unnecessary for the story. While the plot was interesting and had moments of intrigue ultimately it left too many loose ends and no you will not find out who the lady killer is. Very unsatisfactory and I recommend grabbing a different poolside thriller.

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I liked the locations in the book--largely Greece but there was some jetsetting in there. Heiress, best friends, mystery--what isn't there to love? My big issue was how slow the book was to get going and then when we finally got to an exciting part it sort of fizzled quickly. I don't think this is the kind of book that should have an ambiguous ending. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the fun beach/vacation book I was hoping it would be.

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This book had me frantically reading to find the answers to the questions the author had placed in my mind. An excellent story line, the mysterious disappearance of Gia, is told from two different viewpoints. The manuscript of a book that Gia has left behind is all that holds the clues to help her best friend find Gia. As Abby and Gia's brother, Ben, begin their search for Gia they are astonished by events revealed in Gia's book. With so many twists and turns, will they ever find Gia? And did they ever really know the real Gia?

I was very impressed with the characters, story line, and the flow of the book. It held my interest until the very end of the book. The ending was not one that I expected, and I was disappointed that I did not feel closure at the end. But with that being said, it was still a very good read, and I would recommend it to others.

Thank you so much Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the opportunity to read and advance copy of this book.

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Thank you Random House and Netgalley for this eARC, these opinions are my own. I love a good mystery! Abby and Gia are best friends, and Abby is so close with Gia’s family that Gia’s dad even paid for her schooling. Gia invites her brother Benny and Abby to a getaway in Sweden, but when they arrive Gia is no where to be found. They head to Greece where she was but all they find is an unfinished manuscript that explains the events leading up to Gia’s disappearance. Can they find where Gia’s gone? Can they even trust what Gia wrote? Also Abby’s getting emails from someone who might know what she did. A lot of twists and turns in this one to keep me intrigued! And the places they travel are so well depicted and I just want to be there! Katherine Wood makes me not trust anyone and I consumed the book trying to figure out what was going on. Highly recommend!

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Didn’t love but also didn’t hate it. I enjoyed it! I loved how descriptive it was in the setting. I feel like I was left with more questions than answers at the end though. I don’t think we really knew what exactly happened? But I was engaged with the story the entire time.

Thank you netgally for my copy!

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Ladykiller by Katherine Wood was a good book to read if you like thrillers! When one girl disappears and her friend receives a manuscript, her friend must dig deep to discover what happened.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book early. P

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Thank you NetGalley for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review!

Anything that starts with: "an heiress goes missing" is right up my alley. I love nothing more than rich people gone bad, and in completely unordinary circumstances!
This story revolves around Gia and Abby, who have been best friends since they were young. Gia, the heiress and Abby is the daughter of Gia's family chef. The story meets the family twelve years after a tragedy for Gia's birthday bash, with all the usual rich suspects. Unfortunately, Gia never shows up. The race to find her after the crew, including Abby and Benny (Gia's brother) find a mysterious unfinished manuscript. Where is Gia? And will the manuscript bring truths to light?

There are two different POVs - Abby and Gia's manuscript. About midway through, I became slightly bored of the whole premise. I wanted more depth, more mysterious suspects, more glitz and glam, and yes, I predicted the ending, though I was bored with it.

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This is the story of the relationship between best friends, Gia and Abby, which began in childhood when Abby’s mother worked as a chef for Gia’s famous and fabulously wealthy father. Said father upon seeing the friendship, sponsored Abby financially with scholarships to private schools and college. The young women were forever bonded over a tragedy when Gia’s former boyfriend attacked Abby, which Gia worked into a successful non-fiction book. Upon Papa’s death, however, he decides to leave properties to his children, but not actual cash. Gia, by no means poor, needs to sell her property, a glorious Greek mansion, to maintain the lifestyle she enjoys. It also drives her to begin writing again, telling the story of her new and slowly disintegrating marriage. This twisty thriller is told alternately in the voice of Gia, in the form of a manuscript, and Abby, in the current time. While there are plot holes, this novel is fun escapism with gorgeous exotic backdrop, rich narcissistic characters, and shady situations. I was given an advance copy of this book for an honest review.

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This book had me hooked start to finish! Is this a book about the reconnecting of friends as they holiday in Eurpoe together or SO much more? I couldn't get enough of this mystery cleverly written by Katherine Wood. Won't be the last book I read by her! Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Bantam for a copy of this book for an honest review.

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Take yourself away to the wilds of Sweden and the beaches of Greece in “Ladykiller.”

Abby gets a last minute invite from her bf Gia to Sweden, but when she arrives Gia never does. And so begins the search for Gia. With a can it be true backstory, the life of ultra rich Gia may be more or less than she appears.

I found it very compelling, with a cast of characters that you love to hate.

Themes: 🇸🇪➡️🇬🇷🏛️🏺🔎👀🕵🏻‍♂️👯‍♀️

My thoughts: 📖🪱🙂🙃🤓🥸🫡🫢🤔🤫


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I have two words: Deliciously SALACIOUS.

Kat is the QUEEN of a scandalous, risqué plot with rich people behaving badly. One of my FAVORITE tropes, btw. And I LOVE her books for THAT reason. Bold and intoxicating, the secrets and scandalous behaviors are dripping. Her writing is so vivid I could practically smell the salty Cerulean Sea and taste the olive oil and tzatziki sauce.

Y’all…it’s S E X A A Y 🔥 BUT without being smutty or cringey (which I HIGHLY appreciate. 🫡) These characters made you want to slap them in more ways than one. 🤣 They’re so-called “friends” that may as well be enemies. And their antics made this story SO. DAMN. ENTERTAINING!! 👏🏽

If your GUILTY PLEASURE is an atmospheric, glamorous Mediterranean setting, the lifestyles of the privileged, filthy rich AND a little sex, drugs + murder, LADYKILLER is the book for you!

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Wow, what a remarkable story! Set on a secluded island in Greece, this is the kind of mystery you will want to savor! I could not tear myself away!

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Ladykiller by Katherine Wood sucked me in quickly. Wealth, lies, mystery and murder set in Greece, all great parts to keep you intrigued. Gia and Abby share a lifetime secret that rears its head again, when Gia goes missing and her manuscript is the only way to solve the mystery; but can you believe anything she writes.

The beginning was great, the story sucks you in trying to figure out what happened to Gia and who is to blame. Once, Abby and Benny (Gia’s brother) get the Greece to search for Gia, I feel it falls apart for me. With all the drama leading up to disappearance, the ending feels rushed. So much of the mystery is left open, which isn’t a bad thing, but I feel more could have been written to wrap up the disappearances of some many characters.

This is still a good read and would recommend it for a great beach day.

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What I DID like:
The two POVs and wondering what was true. This was probably the only thing that kept me reading because I wanted to see what was the truth.

What I DIDN'T like:
I wasn't prepared for the manuscript in question to be such a heavy part of the book, and I couldn't decide how I felt about that. But most of me wasn't that big of a fan.

I understand that sex is selling right now, but for some reason, the sex didn't really hit it for me in this book. It felt a little random? I guess I didn't feel like it was really moving the plot forward much. Just seemed like filler to me.

I was entertained, but it wasn't my favorite. Flat 3 stars.

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If I was only allowed to review books using one word, the word for Ladykiller would be:


This book!!! Katherine Wood knocked this out of the freaking ballpark. This had it all: intrigue, mystery, murder, suspicious behavior, love, lust, sexy undertones, exotic settings, rich people behaving badly and hottie Greek men wandering around.

This story was truly captivating. I could not set my kindle down, I had to get to the bottom of a decades old suspicious homicide, new con artists in town, a hot younger brother and best friend tension...ugh this had it ALL!!

I loved her book The Lions Den, enjoyed the Siren, The Vicious Circle wasn't my favorite, but it was ok. THIS? This is hands down her best. You can see the growth in her writing and the way she writes about exotic locales with wealthy people doing deplorable things? I can't get enough!

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Abby and Gia have been best friends since they were teenagers. When tragedy struck while they were both eighteen, it brought them closer than ever. Or did it?
Twelve years later, when Gia goes missing after her and her new husband invite strangers into their home, everyone is forced to confront their memories of the past.

The ambiguity of this book, paired with how awful all of the characters are…actually really worked for me.
Everyone is self destructive and self involved.
They are all unreliable narrators.
They all make questionable decisions.
And it all leads to a wonderfully open ended “finish.”

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I found it very difficult to relate to anyone in the story. Rich people breaking the rules with no consequences is as frustrating in a book as it is in real life.

That being said. The book is well written and has solid pacing. The dual POV is interesting and the added element of not being able to trust half the story was interesting.

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I like this book because of the mystery and I was on my toes guessing and trying to figure out what was going to happen next.
I love books about friendship and this was there.
However, it was a little slow at times and a few times I got bored.
Overall, it was worth it and the ending was great

Thank you!

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