Member Reviews

This thriller left me guessing everything.

Did Gia have a mental break? Did Gia tell the truth? Who is the main character?

The author did a great job of weaving together Gia's manuscript and Abbys real life.

I kept guessing what was going on in the story, and nothing that I thought was going to happen, actually turned out.

I loved the writing and even in the end, I still have my doubts about what happened.

It was a great thriller book.

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Thank you for this advance copy. I really enjoyed this book. It kept me up all night reading, I just could not stop!

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Escape to Greece for a minute with an interesting cast of characters! This story is told in dual POV - real time from Abby, and about a month earlier with Gia (via her manuscript).

Abby and Gia have been friends for ages, bonded even more after a tragedy that happened in Greece when they were 18. Gia monetized her trauma while Abby immersed herself in trying to good in the world by becoming a lawyer. They have a bit of a falling out when Gia decides to marry Garrett after knowing him for a month, disregarding Abby's trepidation. When Gia extends an olive branch by inviting her brother Benny and Abby to see the northern lights in Sweden, everyone drops everything to join her.

But she doesn't show. Abby and Benny race to Greece to check up on her, where they find her manuscript. But how much of her manuscript is fabricated? Where is Gia? What happened to her husband, and the guests that were staying with them in Greece?

There were a number of times I thought I had this figured out..but I was pleasantly surprised with the constant twists. This is a an engaging summer read, definitely check it out.

Thank you Random House and NetGalley for the advanced copy!

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Ladykiller is a very cunning novel that keeps you on your toes. Not only is there an unreliable narrator, but what character can you believe? I would categorize this as a mystery mixed with thriller with a dash of self discovery.

This is a book about three people who were once close friends, coming together for a weekend in a beautiful hotel to see the northern lights. One of them does not show up, so it is up to the other two to figure out what happened to her. In the process they discover more about their relationship with each other and uncover secrets from the past that kept them apart for so long.

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★ ★ ★ ¾
I was beyond excited when I got the email to be an early reader for this book!! Lions Den and Katherine Wood are some of the best of the best!! This book had everything I love in a thriller: amazing location, moneyyyyy & such a good mystery! I was sucked in from the get go & was really unsure who to trust up until the very end…but sadly the ending fell a little flat for me. I am not sure I can put my finger on what specifically but it was just this incredible build up to a rushed & flat ending. Overall, I REALLY enjoyed this book but I wanted to be “wowed” the entire time but the last 20% or so was not my favorite!
Still so excited for this to come out and for everyone to get more from Katherine Wood!!

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This book captured me in the beginning! I love trying to guess what would happen and definitely some of the characters were predictable and frustratingly annoying about mid way. Then it started its twists and turns that I didn’t really see coming. The ending though, is where I was disappointed. I didn’t like it. I was left with more to be desired. I either needed more explanation or more of an “tied up in a little bow” ending, but you must read this to see what you prefer.

There’s always great story telling from the author!

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OMG!! This book was an easy 5 stars…..until the ending. My rating dropped to a 4. I hadn’t read anything by this author before, didn’t even request this book. BUT a publishing house sent me the ARC, based on my previous requests & I’m so glad she did! I could not put this book down! Our protagonist, Abby, was wonderfully relatable. A good person, yet flawed. Aren’t we all? Or at least we try to be, right? I raced through this book but just wasn’t a fan of the conclusion…..or lack thereof, actually. But again, otherwise this was def 5 stars, packed full of suspense! 💯loved!!

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This will be a great summer read for summer 2024 when this book is released! I think a lot of people will enjoy reading it by the lake or pool or specifically the beach.

This thriller took a moment to speed up but once it got going it was definitely a page turner!

On a personal note it has a bit to much smut in there that seemed unnecessary but it was sprinkled and not the main focus so can still be enjoyed by people even if romance isn’t your thing.

I loved multiple characters in this book and even tho it has a pretty cleaned up ending there was enough left I could definitely see the author doing a sequel and I think that would be awesome!

-Kat S

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Wow! This book was such a pleasant surprise! I was unsure how I would feel about this book but I had such a great time. I enjoyed the dual POVs and the setting was so fantastic. This will be a great thriller for the summer months. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of Elin Hilderbrand.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine/Bantam for the ARC! Got to love a book set in Greece. This twisty, turny tale had me guessing the entire time. It’s hard to say anything specific without giving a spoiler, but I recommend this book.

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I was really excited for this read - especially the title, cover, and synopsis, with a setting on a Greek island! Ah! It was a unique premise, something we don’t see often in the thriller community. I liked parts of this book but struggled with others. Let’s break it down. The mystery was interesting, but I felt like it lacked a lot here. The plot had an opportunity to take a twist or a turn, and trust the readers would’ve stayed with it! I think the characters were really not relatable - we have clueless Gia and realistic Abby - both of which were interesting characters. However, this was an ambiguous read - and I was really hoping we’d get more things tied up.

Special thank you to Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine and Netgalley for sharing this ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts!

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A quick and fun read. Loved the descriptions of the places and definitely felt the sunshine and heat descriptions while it's negative degrees outside in the midwest right now. It was a bit predictable and I felt there was no real end resolution, but I did enjoy the read. Definitely left me with some questions that make me think!

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We all have that friend. The one who worries that the guy you are dating , in this case set to marry, will not be good enough. Abby is that friend, she and Gia grew up together. Abby’s mom was the chef in house, Gia’s family embraced Abby, paid for schooling and gave her a chance at a future. Now a lawyer, Gia is set to marry a man perfect on paper, but is that enough, Abby thinks not. Gia begs her friend to come to share her joy in Sweden at a first class resort. Abby tries to use work to decline, but circumstances change her plans. The twists and turns in this book is well worth every word. Every major character has a subplot or thread that leads to a climax on an island paradise they shared as teenagers one life altering summer. Happy reading

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This was a dnf for me. I did get about 30% in, but the main character was so toxic and the discussions about sex really started to get to me. If you're a thriller fan and you don't mind those things, it will probably be a good fit--the writing kept me turning pages.

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Ok, very interesting book.

The first half of this book went a bit slow for me. It was Gia's telling of her summer in Greece with her new husband, with some Abby POV chapters that were basically filler. The second half is fast paced and is where things ramp up and we find out Gia has gone missing and Abby goes to Greece to find her. It's a very twisty book and you don't know who to trust, ever. The big twist absolutely shocked me and I still don't know what side I am on.

If you like rich people doing bad things vibes and a mystery so shocking you question everything, you'll love this.

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When Abby's wealthy best friend Gia calls to invite her to her wedding to a man she met only a month ago, Abby immediately tells her impulsive friend to slow down and wait but that's not Gia's style and the wedding takes place. But after a few months, Gia notices that Garrett has been helping himself to money from their joint bank account in addition to the "loans" she's given him to help get his shipping business back on track. Quickly approaching a half-million Euros, these loans and his roving eye have her funds manager, Leon, suspicious of her new husband. A back ground check reveals that Garrett is not who he says he is and neither are the couple he invited to stay with them at Gia's family villa. When Gia does not show up at a fancy Swiss resort where Abby and her brother, Benny are waiting for her, the two become suspicious and start an investigation of their own into Gia's disappearance.
With so many plot twists and red herrings to sort out as well as characters who may or may not be telling the truth, "Ladykiller" will make you drop everything in order to race to the end where we are led to believe we will find out the truth. Maybe we do, but maybe we don't! Highly entertaining.

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This is a twisty, turning, not sure what is around the corner kind of story. Two friends, Abby and Gia grew up together. Abby’s mother was the cook for Gia’s family and the two grew up together. Gia’s family even paid for schooling for Abby. Abby took vacations with Gia, living an upscale life. Until, one tragic night a horrible tragedy simmered the friendship.

Now adults, Gia and Abby are living very different lives. When Gia asks Abby to come celebrate her birthday with her and Gia’s brother Benny, things don’t go as planned. Gia never shows up and when Benny and Abby fly to Greece to find Gia, the mystery only deepens. Where is Gia, what happened to her husband, and what does a manuscript Gia is writing have to do with her disappearance.

The book starts off a bit slow, some of the characters are very narcissistic, but the story does capture your attention. When things start to unravel, the reader is not sure what is true, what isn’t true, and where the story is going to go from there. I liked this style of writing, found it to be engaging, liked the slow way a romance was revealed, overall just liked it. This is my first time reading Katherine Wood and I look forward to her next read.

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Such a good novel! This is one of those stories that is better the less you know going into it, so no spoilers here. But, there are enough twists and turns to keep you guessing throughout the entire book. Even the ending is ambiguous enough to leave you wanting more...

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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This thriller/mystery had it all - rich people, fabulous Greek island setting, lies, cheating, con artists, secrets, murders, and everything in between.
Abby and Gia have been friends ever since they were kids. Gia is newly married much to Abby’s dismay. Gia is renovating her Greek home left to her by her father. She is getting ready to sell it so that she will have some money after being left nothing when her father passed. Gia invites Abby and her brother to a mountain retreat and doesn’t show. Abby and Gias brother leave to look for Gia and find her house abandoned and they suspect foul play. There is so much history between these two.
You get answers at the end but is also left a bit ambiguous which I surprisingly loved.

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Gia and Abby went through something tragic in the past. Now in their thirties, Gia invites Abby to Sweden for her birthday. On the way to her Sweden, Abby receives a cryptic email about her and Gia's past, and then later when she arrives to her destination- Gia isn't there. Abby is on the hunt for answers as she tries to find out what happened to Gia.

Ladykiller was so suspenseful, I loved all the twists and turns and appreciated the unique storyline. I think the author did an excellent job writing this book and keeping it interesting from start to finish. 4/5 stars for me!

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