Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Random House for the eARC.
Wow, what a fabulous book, it blew my mind!
It had everything I want in a book: a great setting on a Greek island; the rich; con artists; lies; cheating; and mysterious secrets from the past.
We get two pov's: Gia's and Abby's, two best friends who are supposed to meet in Sweden. Abby plus Gia's brother Benny wait at a lush Swedish hotel for Gia, but she never shows. They rush back to Greece to search for her.
There are so many ways the story could go, and I loved every bit of it. Hope they make it into a movie!

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First of all, the author used masters suite instead of primary ( we aren’t doing that anymore Katherine) over and over again. I have never seen that word come up so much in a fiction novel. Hopefully, Katherine is listening and learning. Anyway, it’s a fairly enjoyable but fairly predictable tale as old as time…the rich behaving badly. I had a fairly good time but don’t know if I would recommend it. I wanted a little more depth. If this is your niche genre I would! Thanks to NetGalley for the preview of this novel.

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Wow!! Ate this up in 2 days. This thriller/mystery had it all - rich people, fabulous Greek island setting, lies, cheating, con artists, secrets, murders, and everything in between.

This was a bit of a slow/medium burn at first, which I actually enjoyed for once - I could read about rich people and their escapades in a fabulous villa in Greece all day. It really picks up towards the end and becomes more of a thriller. You get answers at the end but is also left a bit ambiguous which I surprisingly loved.

This book was fabulous, sexy, and a wild ride. Definitely recommend!!

Thank you @netgalley and Bantam for an advanced copy of this book. Definitely grab this one when it comes out on July 9!!

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This was a very engaging book and I could hardly put it down. But, oh those characters! I couldn't believe any of them, not even the ones who were supposed to be trustworthy. Everyone was shady, everyone told lies, everyone took relationships for granted. Even the one real good guy turned out to be (probably) fictitious. What a messed up bunch of people, but together they made for an interesting book.

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This started a little slow, but then i became so sucked in I could hardly put it down. Towards the end it got quite twisty and I imagined who I thought was the true villain. It would have been a perfect plot twist. Then it ended and it was such a let down. I sincerely hope the ending is tweaked a bit before publication. So much potential! But as the ARC stands I give it a 2.5 for the ending as I read it.

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An interesting story about friendships and betrayal. I read it one go and couldn't put it down. It had several twists and turns, but towards the end I believe there could have been one more twist that didn't come. The author chose to play safe.

Having said I enjoyed reading about the friendship between Gia and Abby. Gia was the popular, pretty, rich friend who befriended quiet and nerdy Abby who always felt she owed Gia her friendship and whatever she needed because Gia's dad was paying for Abby's education. The ramifications of following Gia blindly led Abby down a dark path.

Overall a fun thrilled I recommend to others.

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When Abby becomes friends with Gia she thinks she's found a friend forever. Gia comes from a wealthy family and Abbys mom works for Gia's family.
They spend their summers in Greece until one summer something happens that changes everything.

Now adults and with Gia's father passing away, he leaves the Greece home to her. She moves in with her husband to renovate and sell while she attempts to write a 2nd book.

But will all the secrets they buried stay to rest or will everything come to the surface? Are they truly friends?

A very intriguing story with two different POVs and stories for you to try and figure out which is true.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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I was SO EXCITED to get this as an Advanced Reader's Copy from NetGalley.

Ladykiller is a clever, slow-burn psychological thriller that had me questioning who to trust and what was real the entire time.

The imagery was as beautiful as the plot was twisty, set in the sun-drenched Greek isles and following estranged friends, Abby and Gia.

The girls were as close as sisters since childhood, but a traumatic event one summer when they were 18 changed everything and left one person dead.

In the aftermath, Abby poured her energy into her education and focused on her career. Gia wrote a memoir. They fell out after Gia impulsively married a man she had known a month and Abby warned her against it.

When Abby gets an invite from Gia to a luxury trip to Sweden along with Gia's brother, Benny, she is hesitant, but eventually decides to go as she knows this is an olive branch from her best friend.

But Gia never shows up.

Instead, Abby and Benny get a series of suspicious messages that kick off a frantic search to find Gia before it's too late.

Perfect for any reader who loves an unreliable narrator and a bit of escapism. It is a bit *spicy* so be aware if you are not interested in that!

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC! This book had me hooked from the first page. The story of 2 best friends with some serious trauma from the past. You’re not sure who you can trust. I raced through this book and loved her writing style. The ending did seem slightly rushed but I definitely wasn’t disappointed and I’ll read anything else by this author!

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Started off strong - I was hooked. It did tail off a little at the end and the jumps to the manuscript were confusing. Good ending though!

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This book has honestly just been a rollercoaster. The plot is completely unexpected, wild and made me feel a rush of anxiety and fear throughout. And one day I'll reread it all over again once enough time has passed.

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I found this book captivating. It had me hooked from the beginning with its dual perspective &timeline. With so many twists and turns I didn’t know what to believe.
My only complaint is the ending. I would have liked a more clear cut, climactic finale.

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Thank you Netgalley, Katherine Wood, and Bantam Publishing for this e-ARC.

I loved this book! It kept me guessing and flying through pages to see who was the villain. Throughout, I had no idea who to trust, but I did have an idea about one of the plot points, having to do w Noah and Abby.

The ending was sort of open ended, but I think the author alluded to what really happened.

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We've all met someone like Gia, a classic narcissist who uses people to get what she wants, a rich girl who has never worked a day in her life. But could she also be a murderer? Bored after some mild success with her first book, a tell-all semi-autobiographical tale, Gia invites her best friend Abby and her brother Benny, to celebrate her birthday in Sweden. But she doesn't show up.
She hasn't returned from Greece where she's renovating and prepping their house for sale after the death of her father. She's there with her new husband, and several recent friends. When Abby and Benny try to reach her multiple times without luck, they fear something has gone seriously wrong and fly to Greece to see what has transpired. When they get there, there is no husband or friends, but just a journal left behind, and a necklace with blood on it.

The story then goes back and forth between Gia's accounting of what is happening on the island, an event in Abby and Gia's past, and present day where Benny and Abby race to find clues as to Gia's whereabouts amid threatening emails and strange occurrences. They eventually find Gia but nothing adds up. Is her story a true account? Is she lying? Who can we believe? What happened to the husband and friends? None of these questions are answered so you have to draw your own conclusions, dear reader, based on what you've learned about Gia so far, which is not much.
This wasn't a bad book, or poorly written, but left so many loose ends hanging, you don't know who did what to whom. There are also multiple characters described in Gia's journal that do not exist in real life, so why invest in those storylines? At one point you don't care what happens to the key characters, but then wonder about the motive, which is never discussed or even alluded to. The ending alludes to certain people that might still be out there, but we're not given any definitive evidence to back it up. 
If you like books that leave a lot to the imagination, that are light on substance, this is for you.

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This book had me interested the whole way through. I do feel like parts of it were pretty predictable but there was also a lot to keep you thinking.
Abby grew up with Gia, they were best friends. Gia's family even paid for Abby to get a prestigious education and for her to go to college. Abby fells like she owes them so much. When Gia calls and asks to her meet her and her brother, Benny, in Sweden Abby reluctantly agrees. Gia never shows up in Sweden though, she has only sent cryptic messages to Abby and Benny before turning off her phone again. Benny and Abby immediately rush off to Greece where Gia has been living. They know Gia has secrets. They know her husband of three months has secrets. Abby's secrets are about to come out as well.
Thank you NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the ARC!

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When I initially started to read this book, I didn't think I was going to like it. I'm not sure where it drew me in, but after the first chapter, I could not put this book down! I was taken in by the characters, and the ending did take me by surprise. I would recommend this book for readers who enjoy mystery and intrigue! . #Ladykiller #NetGalley

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"Ladykiller" is one of those thrillers I read late into the night, knowing that I should sleep but couldn't resist "just one more page." It's the best recommendation for a book.

Gia and Abby used to be best friends. However, it was not a friendship of equals: Gia was born into a wealthy family, and her father decided to help Abby and her mother financially by sponsoring Abby's education. His intentions were altruistic, but it put Abby in a strange position, even knowing that Gia was a loyal friend protecting her. Now they are adults; Gia is about to sell her father's mansion on a Greek island and wants to get together with Abby, now an overworked lawyer.

"Ladykiller" mentions a famous book, "The Talented Mr. Ripley" by Patricia Highsmith, perhaps wanting to draw parallels. In "Ladykiller," things are also not what they seem to be. There is a murder, perhaps more than one – or is it just a disappearance? Is Gia's handsome husband a predator - a ladykiller - or a victim? Perhaps there is another meaning hidden in the thriller's title. Written from two POVs, as in Gia's manuscript and Abby's story, we have not one but two unreliable narrators. If you think you favor one person over the other, wait until you finish the book. You'll certainly reconsider.

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A little slow at times but it went one way and then another and I am still trying to work out what may or may not have happened.

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I enjoyed this book. It was a fast read and I enjoyed the plot. Had a bunch of twists and turns I did not see coming. I enjoyed the Abby chapters more than Gia though but all in all a great book. I would recommend. Will be a great summer read!

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The book starts off trying to tell you where it’s going with a quote from The Talented Mr. Ripley. It puts you on guard about who is telling you the truth and who are unreliable characters. We cycle through the privileged Gia whose father is super wealthy, has multiple wives and unfortunately, passes away leaving various properties to his current wife and children. Gia has met and quickly married Garrett, who her best friend from childhood, Abby, disapproved. They have a history where Gia saved Abby from Noah, who Gia believed was attacking her. They have a very complicated relationship to this day, but Abby appears to do anything to support Gia. The story is very layered with the various characters revealing their true natures. It is a page turner and not easily unraveled. I really enjoyed the nuances and intricacies of the story.

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